Liberal ‘Jewry’: A disgrace beyond words. Cowards, Idiots and Self-Haters

This essay – well it’s a book – in terms of style and reach I suppose is unprecedented at this blog. It is also incredibly lengthy as I hint at the outset, even by my standards. It is what it is, rambling and all over the place and a little stream of consciousness besides. It is a summation, a resignation, a despair – all in one. It is the Jew at the end of his tether. Yes I have said that before. It pulls no punches, on a scale and to a degree that probably surpasses anything I have written before. Note that this essay is also highly and harshly critical of Christianity, and for reasons that matter and are relevant to the current world crisis of ‘secular’ anti-Semitism, and the ‘secular’ Western surrender and capitulation to Islamist supremacy, Muslim/Islamist bigotry and Muslim grievance theater. However it is liberals, ‘Jewish’ liberals especially, that get the lion’s share of my wrath. As the title of this lengthy blog essay reveals. In and out of the genre community. There is also some repetition, not only within the essay but from previous blog postings, which is deliberate. Apologies on that front though for those who find it a little exasperating. You don’t have to read all this in a single sitting. In fact you can’t, it’s a book, more than a mere article/essay! Of course you don’t have to read it all. You can always just open up some imaginative fiction door-stopper instead. Word count is 50 811. In other words, approx. 100 pages in a regular book. Yeah you read that right. 

This essay was last updated in 2018 (after an update in mid 2017). The 2018 updates makes mention of the Leftist media, political parties, unions and NGOs crying and wailing over the deaths of approx. 50 Hamas terrorists on the day of the US Embassy move to Jerusalem in May 2018, re the Gaza jihadist riots on that day; and how it fits into my thesis (and others’) re the religious dynamics that underlie this ‘secular’ Jew hatred. Simply search for ‘2018 update’. I also make mention in my 2018 update of Obama speech writer David Litt and cartoonist Eli Valley, their Jewish self-loathing insanity just demanded their belated inclusion herein. re the 2017 update: aside from a few corrections of errors in syntax, typos etc., I have added mention of various personalities – in and out of the genre community – that I simply overlooked making mention of in the original essay. Some were rather glaring omissions, such as Richard Goldstone and Jonathan Greenblatt. I also edited a mention of Hannah Arendt, my original line or two on her, I felt a little wayward and melodramatic. I have also made mention of Barack Obama’s betrayal of Israel at the UN in his very last month in office (since I predicted it in the original body of my essay, published in May 2016. It didn’t take a genius).

השומר אחי אנוכי
Am I my brother’s keeper?

Genesis 4:9

I think: “There has been something staring me in the face, and still I do not see it.”

J. M. Coetzee
Waiting for the Barbarians


A theme which runs throughout this blog – aside from the Jew hatred of genre gentiles from the far Left and mainstream Left to the conservative side of the political spectrum – is the pathetic cowardice, blindness and self-loathing of liberal genre Jews in response and for that matter non-response to the new anti-Semitism (and there’s nothing truly new about it) in Western society, as anti-Israelism and anti-Zionism. In fact the spineless cowardice and worse is there even in response to plain old-fashioned extreme Jew hatred from genre personalities – no disingenuous anti-Zionist/anti-Israel disguises need apply. It’s not as if this theme/dynamic or leitmotif was planned ahead deliberately by me, the way a novelist writes up a story arc or synopsis before he begins actually writing up his novel; it just evolved that way spontaneously, as the self-loathing, obtuse and cowardly ‘Jewish’ Quislings came out of the woodwork. And it would not have been possible for them to out themselves so publicly and explicitly without the advent of Twitter, blogs and other Internet outlets such as web forums. So thanks to the Internet I suppose. It’s where the ugly truth is outed these days, along with everything else.

As I have pointed out elsewhere – so forgive the repetition – one would not expect genre Jewry to be any better than liberal Jewry as a whole; the latter equally pathetic, willfully ignorant, spineless and self-loathing Jews in Name Only. After all science fiction and imaginative fiction is a genre that on principle or at least in effect, in actuality, is about escapism and bubblegum entertainment. The problem with the SF genre community is that there even is a SF genre community. That may sound absurd coming from a blogger focusing on the politics and prejudices of that community, but that’s how it is. In other words, the SF and imaginative fiction genre doesn’t lend itself to serious philosophy, subversion and the like. Yes there is science fiction that does that, but how much? Very very little, and much of the SF that is passed off as serious and masterful is simply smart-alecky and smarmy. For every Stranger in a Strange Land, Solaris, The Man in the High Castle, A Canticle for Leibowitz, Miracle Visitors, Smile on the Void and The Starmaker (note how these books are decades old), there are thousands of Charles Strossish mediocre palubum novels. If anything we would expect genre Jewry, by the very fact that they read and write in a genre that for the most part makes Detective and Western genre fiction appear positively Dostoyevskian by comparison, to be even more obtuse, clueless and out of touch than the average dimwitted Jew in Name Only. And that’s saying a lot. In reality, liberal Jews who know as much about science fiction as most all of us know about Quantum Mechanics and the Mariana Trench, are not the tiniest little bit better than our spineless, cowardly and stupid stupid liberal genre Jewry. This is no cause for comfort.

Taking a gander at just how pathetic genre Jews actually are (yes a selective summation of this blogging enterprise), let’s also take a look at the macrocosm that is liberal Jewry today, because the former are inseparable from the latter’s zeitgeist – dumb dumb dumb and self-hating because to be a ‘liberal’ or left-winger is to be an Israel hater, a Jew hater in other words; and the Jewish Left is desperate to fit in and be accepted by the Western Left. And the need to hew to left-wing talking points and dogma is paramount. Liberal genre Jewry is not operating in a vacuum, there is no spontaneous generation here any more than there is in biology. Much has been written – although it’s never enough really – on just how pathetic, cowardly, stupid and masochistic liberal Jewry is. I mean there are book length critiques on self-hating Jews out there (never mind all the articles), on self-hating Jews ALONE. From playwright David Mamet’s Wicked Son to Harvard psychiatrist Ken Levin’s The Oslo Syndrome: Delusions of a People Under Siege, Paul Reitter’s scholarly On the Origins of Jewish Self-Hatred (2012), and Prof. Edward Alexander’s recent Jews against Themselves. Alvin Rosenfeld, the editor of Resurgent Antisemitism: Global Perspectives, exposes many self-hating Jews in that volume. In fact his online essay on “progressive” left-wing anti-Israel Jews is recommended. Prolific scholar Sander Gilman’s book Jewish Self-Hatred was published back in the 1980s and it’s not the first book on the topic of Jewish self-hatred to be published neither.

In fact any serious book critiquing contemporary anti-Semitism always has a fair bit to say about self-hating Jews, otherwise it’s not a serious book critiquing modern day anti-Semitism (as anti-Israelism). Alan Dershowitz’s The Case against Israel’s Enemies and Tuvia Tenenbom’s Catch the Jew! (if you read only one book on this depressing theme of fashionable Judenhass, Tenenbom’s is the masterpiece) feature scathing exposés of self-hating Jews (the latter Catch the Jew!, Jewish self-loathing in Israel notably). And the self-loathing among Jewry is so bad because Jew hatred among the gentile populace is so bad. It’s an internalization of the hatred directed their way (women, blacks, native Indians/aborigines, homosexuals also internalize the hatred directed their way. The dynamics with the latter groups are arguably different though. It’s a complex subject and beyond the scope of this essay and this blog. Indeed there is more to Jewish self-loathing than internalization of Gentile Jew hatred).

Jew hatred is a major pillar of Liberalism, that is Liberalism in the real world, not Liberalism in the fairyland of human make-believe, wishful thinking and theory. Such left-wing anti-Semitism is motivated in large part by the belief that corporate capitalism, corporate greed are distinctively Jewish, that banking is a Jewish ethos, the notion that too many capitalists are Jooooos in other words. There is much more to left-wing anti-Semitism than this of course and I will come to it further down (its dynamics are not really that different – though there are differences – to right-wing anti-Semitism. It’s why right-wing Jew haters cite the same sources on Israel). Along with Liberalism’s masochism and moral and cultural relativism (the latter inseparable from, indeed it is practically defined by the Left’s self-destructive Islamophilia), Jew hatred that disingenuously pretends it’s not is de rigueur among card carrying Leftists; be they trade union activists, university profs and students, diplomats, NGO staffers, writers, film-makers, liberal clergy, journalists, politicians, musicians, second-rate comedians etc.

You know even the most thoughtful and knowledgeable commentators on contemporary anti-Semitism do not appear (but I could easily have missed it) to point out explicitly – in a few sentences, rather than roundabout fashion – the essence that is the absurd Mad ‘Mind’ of the Jew-hating Leftist.

And the Absurd Mad Mindless Mind of the Jew-hating Left (and self-hating Jewish Left) is in its (simplified) essence, this:  if we give our support to the Muslim Jihad against a nation of working class Jews, even as that Jihad against the Jewish nation translates to nothing less than another Holocaust, capitalism and its excesses will disappear from the face of the earth. The inner city slums, their broken communities, broken homes, will melt away and be no more. The slums and ghettos and their gang warfare, alcoholism, drug abuse, domestic violence, corrupt police abuse of the poor; the obscene economic injustices of extreme poverty, homelessness and deprivation alongside the extreme and ostentatious wealth, from the USA, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina to South Africa and Asia, Europe and Britain – it will all be no more, fade away into the black Jewish hole which birthed all this evil, corruption and folly. Income inequality and socio-economic injustices will fade away, disappear from Mexico City to Buenos Aries and São Paulo to Chicago. The broken homes, the gangs, the inner city blight and grime, the bribed off politicians and police, the crimes of bankers and the multi-national corporations will melt away like snow in spring. And along with Capitalism and its excesses, the horror of the Muslim Jihad against the West, that cannot be named as such, will melt away too. The root of all this evil is Jewish after all.

Yes of course it is absurd nonsense, Jew-hate lies as big as any lies humanity ever swallowed, and largely if not entirely unconscious, so deeply are they held. But that is it. It is not consciously held, because as soon as brought to the surface, it is so easily rendered hollow and shrivels and dies, like a fish out of water. And it is as deranged and extreme in its prejudice as the Judenhass of the Nazis themselves. How is it not? I realize that few readers can appreciate these points. All lies (as opposed to harmless fairy-tales and folklore) by their nature are absurd monstrosities, these deeply held delusions about the Jews as absurd as any other madness people have entertained in every Age.

On the subject of human evil and the folly and madness of humanity, not even our most genius and gifted philosophers, writers, artists, poets and filmmakers – no Kafka, Ionesco, Tolstoy, Camus, Samuel Beckett, Solzhenitsyn, Elie Wiesel, William Burroughs, Cronenberg, Hieronymous Bosch, no Bob Dylan – can really get to the coal black heart of the human beast. That’s because the terrible truth of things is beyond us all. Narratives, poetry, straight and sober history, metaphors and symbolism can only take us so far, only hint at the broken Mad Mind of Man. The truth of Man’s Dead Heart and Dead Gibbering Mind is Terrifying and Mad Mad Mad beyond the ability of any mere mortal to articulate. And for most to even guess at. Even allusions by images and plaintive song, clashing drums and screeching, do not touch the malevolence that is the driving force of homo idioticus.

Even Israel’s brave and knowledgeable defenders for the most part do not all get it. I didn’t for years. Even as the genocidal Jew hatred of the mainstream Left – never mind far Left – stares us in the face. Now more than ever. But you probably ain’t seen nothing yet. And it is a genocidal Jew hatred because there is a support for policies in the West – sold, pushed and peddled by left-wing (and so-called conservative) Western governments, universities, churches, media, NGOs, trade unions – that would pave the way for the mass murder and maiming of Jewry, even another Holocaust of Jewry. There is inadvertent and unwitting support for another Holocaust of Jewry from the Jewish Left, and especially the American Jewish Left. Seriously. How so? Simple. The support for another Final Solution – the Two State Solution re the Israel-Palestinian conflict (more accurately the Muslim Jihad against the Jews conflict). Jews, not remotely suspicious of the words ‘solution’ and ‘Jews/Israel’ in the same slogan/phraseology. It should set alarm bells ringing. Um Final Solution anybody? The fact that American Jews overwhelmingly voted for a hardcore Jew-hating Democrat, Barack Obama, twice over, because Democrat and black – oooh it feels so good to vote for a black man, I’m not a racist see – is the proof in the pudding. The gods or humanity – if there is a difference between them – have a sick sense of humour. And they never see what stares them in the face. Maybe the gods do, but humanity for sure does not.

The Two State Solution to the Jewish (as Israel) Question is another plan for another Final Solution, part deux. How would the Jews surrendering their eastern buffer zone – the West Bank/Judea and Samaria – to Muslim Jihadists, and the PA/Fatah are every bit as extremist as what the PA’s Holocaust Denying ‘moderate jihadist’ president Mahmoud Abbas calls his “brothers in arms”, HAMAS namely, engender peace? Why are no other people other than the Jews expected to surrender a huge buffer zone to Muslim extremists? Why do you – liberals – expect and demand ever more shrilly that the Jews surrender their eastern buffer zone to jihadist terrorists whose religious culture is inherently extremist, even after Israel gave up Gaza, and the anti-Zionists HAMAS took over that (in 2005), and Israel gave up southern Lebanon (2000) and the anti-Zionist Hezbollah took over that, and Israel gave up long before that the Sinai to Egypt (1979), and anti-Zionist ISIS factions are fighting the Egyptian army and police and murdering people over there in the present day? Why do you liberals not call for any other ethnic, national or religious group of people to surrender territory to jihadists, not in the Middle-East, Africa, Asia etc? Why just the Jews?

Why ignore the fact that Muslim nations attempted to drive the Jews into the sea in ’48 and ’67, when the West Bank/J&S was under the control of Jordan? Why ignore the fact that hundreds of Jews were murdered and maimed in ‘Palestinian’ Fedayeen attacks from the West Bank and Jordan and Syria before 1967 – in the 1950s and early 60s alone? Why ignore the fact that the PLO Charter calls for the destruction of Israel, in 1964 (three years before the West Bank came under control of Israel, as a result of a war of attempted annihilation against the Jews launched by Muslim Arab states)? Nobody even pretends the ’73 Yom Kippur War in which Israel was almost overrun, and lost thousands of soldiers, was about recapturing the West Bank/Judea and Samaria or about Jewish settlements; it was about doing what Egypt, Syria and Jordan and allied Arab Muslims had failed to do in ’48 and ’67, destroy Israel. Why do you left-wingers ignore the meaning of one of the most deadly war Israel fought, the ’73 war, in historically recent times and in the lifetimes of many Gen Xers and all baby-boomers?

Why are you more upset about Jews building homes than you are the three thousand Palestinians killed in the Syrian civil war so far and counting, the Palestinians you pretend to care about but don’t? Never mind the other now way in excess of quarter million dead and counting in that war (latest figures up it to as many as four hundred thousand dead and counting). Why are you more upset with Israel for building homes than you are the Palestinian jihadist stabbers, shooters and car rammers of Jews? Than you are Muslims slaughtering their fellow Muslims (including Kurds) and Christians from Egypt to Libya, the Sudan and Nigeria to Iraq, Syria, Yemen and beyond? Is the latter jihad also caused by Christians building homes and uh Muslims building homes or is it caused by Jews building homes? How then do Jews building homes cause Jihad against the Jews? As Sunni and Shi’ite are massacring one another from Iraq to Syria to Yemen, even as they share the same Muslim faith, how are Jews culpable in the Jihad against the Jews, even as the Jews are not of the same faith as Muslims, even as the Jews are kaffurs/unbelievers?

Muslims, as with Christians, have been oppressing and slaughtering Jews for over a millenium. Was this also the fault of the Jews or is it only the fault of the Jews since 1967 or 1975 or 2000? To get straight to the point – taboo as it is – how are the Jews/Israel responsible for Palestinians taking the teachings and life example of their Jew-hating infidel hating mass murdering psychopath misogynist pedophile slave trafficking ‘prophet’ Muhammad (full name Muhammad ibn Abdullāh) seriously? Will Palestinians cease to take the life example and teachings of the founder of their Muslim faith seriously if Jews give up ever more territory to the Jordanians aka Palestinians? How does that work? Will Palestinians cease to carry out honour killings of women and girls, execute homosexuals and apostates, if the Jews appease them? Why are the latter hatreds and prejudices so different then? Why is it that the Left portray a mass murdering, Jew-hating, infidel hating, women-hating, pedophile rapist, slaver and psychopathic megalomaniac as a spiritual icon like the Buddha himself, or at the least Martin Luther King Jr. or Gandhi or avoid any mention of him all together? Doesn’t this make you fascists yourselves (I mean aside from being fucking morons)? How does it not?

Imagine if one were to say, the future must not belong to those who slander the father of Nazism, Adolf Hitler… Wouldn’t you be a Nazi for saying so? I say that because Barack Obama said the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. Hey here’s a question for all you moron liberal American Jews in Name Only: if David Duke got himself up in black face and ran as a presidential candidate for the Democratic Party, would you vote for him? Probably. I reckon so. It’s a fair question in light of you lot voting for this Jew-hating thug and narcissist in the White House. Two times over. You have no excuses. He was outed as attending the Jew-hating church of Jew-hater Jeremiah Wright back in early 2008, but you voted for him anyhow. What comes first you dumb-fuck American liberal Jews, your dumb fuck identity politics or your mental retardation? Or is it that they are inseparable, two sides of the same coin? Have you heard of the option: don’t vote? Wait don’t tell me, if you don’t vote, the milk will go sour in the udders of the cows, the sun won’t shine, there will be a terrible drought, crops will fail, truckers won’t get goods to the stores and markets on time, the moon will crash to earth, our engineers will forget how to build bridges and we will run out of oil, we will lose our erections and our women’s breasts will sag prematurely, and our dogs and cats will run away and go feral. Well if you believe the politicians, all paid off by the same corporations. And you do. That’s what makes you so dumb to begin with.

And this madness and idiocy, the know-nothingness of the Liberal American Jew is unending, they never learn no matter what; all inseparable from the madness and inanity of the Lying American Political Circus. The latter itself not only showing no end in sight but on the contrary, it continues to degenerate into farce and pseudo-theatrics.

We now of course have a two horse race for nomination of the Democratic Party presidential candidacy (okay at the time of publishing this online, it seems that Clinton has the nomination all sown up), the lying scandal plagued Jew-hater Hillary Clinton and the know-nothing doddering old socialist ideologue and self-hating Jew Bernie Sanders (and if anything he’s more of a Jew hater than Hillary! If that’s possible). Liberal American Jews are not troubled by this, they will and do vote for one Jew hater or another without a moment’s  pause, and that includes of course our liberal genre Jewish morons. I don’t expect them to vote for any Republican candidate, same old same old, with the spanner in the works that is Donald Trump. In some ways he appears a breath of fresh air with him being the ONLY candidate that dares expose (well depends on his mood, what he’s eaten for lunch and the weather perhaps) the Naked Emperor that is Political Correctness. But he does not understand it. And his motivation is not sincere. But this is the reason for his popularity among a Republican base sick to death of their sell-out politicians, no matter how vulgar and dishonest Trump otherwise is. And in every respect, his character is suspect and even odious. A bloviating narcissist (just like Obama), a man of the Establishment who pretends otherwise, a liar through and through, a man who does U-Turns on everything under the sun (from abortion to immigration to Israel) and hence cannot be trusted at all. He would probably end up doing nothing about immigration (legal or otherwise) from the Muslim world and Latin America respectively. He flip flops and flip flops and flip flops. A man lacking real seriousness, a performer, an actor. Sans principles and sans moorings. It’s always been about Trump for Trump, and it still is. Then again only an unserious man or woman could run for president, since the whole thing is a ridiculous and expensive circus in which no real issues can be debated at all, certainly not at length and certainly it is not permitted to cut to the chase. Ever. And one has to appeal to fools – on the Left and on the Right. The American merry-go-round political freak show is just that, and turns more serious figures into cartoons. It’s the nature of the game and you have to be a gullible fool not to see it. The American Political Circus deserves Hillary Clinton, Sanders and Donald Trump, it’s the nature of the beast. The corporations that run America and its servile, obedient paid off government class remains entrenched no matter which Republican or Democrat puppet fool is the president.

Let me not get off track here (although it’s all related), let me elucidate on the Jew hatred of Hillary and Bernie.

Of course American Jews don’t give a damn in that regard.

Aside from the very real scandal of Clinton’s misuse and transmission of highly classified e-mails from her private server, a felony which would get – and does get – any lesser mortal jail time, a lengthy jail time; but in America it’s one set of rules for the rich and powerful, and another for the proles… Notice how the Hillary Clinton fan club could care less about it. Aside from the Benghazi affair, and her – and the Obama White House – blaming a youtube video for the jihadist attack, and then lying about it and saying she never did so, notice same Clinton fan club could care less. Youtube video wot? Reminds me of liberal genre Jewry. Anti-Semitism among the Left?? Sorry I don’t understand English. Can you type that up in Mayan hieroglyphs rather, or can you just go away please. What’s relevant from the PoV of this blog is Hillary Clinton’s Jew hatred. Historian and former Israeli ambassador to the US, Michael Oren in his book Ally, demonstrates in detail Clinton’s (and the Obama administration’s) bullying, intimidation of Israel, while Hillary was Secretary of State. Oren doesn’t go far enough, he doesn’t call her a Jew hater – ever the diplomat Oren – but she clearly is one. Then there are her trusted Jew-hate advisors: Sid Blumenthal (yes self-hating Jew) and Huma Abedin, who has ties to the extremist Muslim Brotherhood. But why would liberal Jews care? For the most part they don’t know, they don’t want to know and they certainly don’t give a damn. If Israeli Jews are made to suffer, well that’s their problem. What do liberal Jews in NY and California care? They could care less.

Worth noting that Clinton called Max Blumenthal’s (son of Sydney B) take on Israel, “interesting reading” and “powerful and touching” and more in that praise-worthy vein. Max Blumenthal is a fever-brained Jew hater (Charles Stross’s Twitter pal in delusional and unhinged Israel hate). That’s Max Blumenthal who recently (2016) commended a massacre by Hamas as sending an “incredible message” and said that taking up arms should be “normal” for Palestinians. He compared Israel to the jihadist terrorist group in Syria and Iraq, ISIS/ISIL!! describing Israel as “the Jewish State of Israel and the Levant, Jsil”. See same link. Appalling and obscene but to be expected from Max Blumenthal. It’s typical of him. And Hillary’s love for Max (on Israel) tells us that she herself is an unhinged Jew hater, and an idiot besides. 

Yet I would be remiss to fail to add – as I do now in a later edit – that Hillary Clinton’s Judenhass was evidenced as much as anywhere else with her attendance at a talk given by Suha Arafat, the then living Yasser Arafat’s wife in Gaza in November 1999. Suha predictably launched into a Jew-hate rant, accusing the Joooos of poisoning the Palestinian water supply, to deliberately harm and kill Palestinian women and babes, and more in that vein. All Jew-hate lies. Through and through. Not only did Hillary have no problem with any of this, she occasionally nodded assent and warmly embraced Suha after her talk. And affectionately kissed her on the cheek. Shocka you didn’t read about it in The New York Times I know.

As far as Bernie Sanders’s Jewish self-loathing goes, it goes way back. It’s not just a 21st Century thing. Back in ’71 he opposed US military aid to Israel (“no guns for Israel” quoth the Sanders). This during the War of Attrition, initiated and perpetuated in every way by Israel’s neighbours, Arab Muslim nations proudly dedicated to Israel’s destruction. A mere two years later (1973) we had the Yom Kippur War, initiated by Syria and Egypt. Israel lost almost three thousand men and was almost overrun, Israel came very close to being annihilated, but hey so it goes. Sanders has never got upset about the US providing arms to Muslim fascist states such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Pakistan etc. Well that’s different of course.

What would the Jew-hating Left do in the 21st Century, if Israel had ceased to exist in late 1973? If there had actually been another Holocaust in late 1973 and the Jews driven into the sea? I reckon the Left would have to go back to hating Jews as Jews, they would have no choice; that is they could not hide behind transparent disguises that are not, that is anti-Zionism/anti-Israelism. Then again the mask is being discarded these days by the Jew-hating Left, increasingly so. I get to that further down…

Sanders in the early 1970s – who was on a kibbutz as a volunteer in 1963  – ironically mirrored the ‘let the Jews bleed’ attitude of a semi-Court Jew at the time, Henry Kissinger. Kissinger had fled the Nazis. For what it’s worth, Sanders’s kibbutz was a Stalinist one.

Sanders admits to getting his advice on Israel from the numero uno self-hating Jew organization that is the viciously anti-Israel J-Street and the anti-Semitic Arab America Institute headed by a notorious anti-Semite James Zogby. And the likes of Lawrence Wilkerson, who speculated that Israel was behind a Syrian chemical weapons attack and appears to have fever dreams of Israel’s elimination. Sanders congratulated Hamas and Hezbollah supporter Jeremy Corbyn on his win of the Labour leadership in the UK (that sees our genre self-hating Jews Farah Mendlesohn and Charles Stross go all orgasmic over, and naturally Jew-hater China Mieville likewise is an admirer of Corbyn). Of course liberal American Jews – and genre Jewry – who think themselves so smart and gag gag informed because they read The NY Times and The New Yorker and watch PBS, don’t have a clue about any of this, or what it tells us about Bernie. And more recently, at the time of the March AIPAC Conference that the Bernie did not attend (but lying Jew-hater Hilary Clinton did. Now that’s chutzpah), we heard a speech from the Bernmeister on Israel that was riddled through with egregious Israel hating Lies.

However it would be in an interview Sanders gave to the NY Daily News in April 2016, where Bernie Sanders accused Israel of killing “ten thousand innocents” during the Gaza War of 2014, that his ignorant modern-day Jew hatred would come to the fore in an unprecedented way. And indisputably so. This ‘ten thousand’ number is about four times higher than HAMAS’s own lying propaganda figures from that war!! And seven times the actual civilians figure!! Taking into account the fact that Hamas’s figures include combat/jihadist dead, and Hamas passed off its own dead combatants/terrorists as ‘innocent civilians’!

Get this straight: Bernie Sanders’s anti-Israel lying propaganda on the 2014 Gaza War, clearly made up on the fly, is way way worse than the genocidal Jew-hate jihadist terror group HAMAS’s own propaganda numbers against Israel. Several times over. 

That is hardcore Jew hatred from Sanders. There are no excuses. Sanders is running for the most powerful political office in the world and he is uh Jewish. Supposedly.

Such an outrageous and obscene lie (among other Israel hate lies and delusions from the Bern in that interview alone, such as his lie of Israel’s “indiscrimate” bombing), a slander on Israel even worse than Hamas’s own propaganda! (several times over) is Jew hatred on principle. Never mind that Hamas uses civilians as human shields, a war crime, and passed off many of the jihadist dead as “innocent civilians” and certainly killed and maimed many Palestinians with its own rockets and mortars – possibly hundreds of rockets and mortars – that fell short of Israel and landed in Gaza instead. Yes I know you didn’t hear about it from the BBC and CNN etc. Sanders is desperate to placate and appease his Jew-hate left-wing base. It’s pathetic. His cowardice and willful cluelessness in his reach for the White House is so extreme, that he sinks into extreme self-loathing and its twin, deliberate know-nothingness in the process. Sanders is incoherent, confused and contradictory on Israel. Deep down in some small part of the twisted psyche of Sanders, he appears to sense what all this anti-Israel sentiment is about, but his desire for attaining the POTUS means he has to pander to his Jew-hate left-wing base. He is actually hardly atypical of liberal Jewry. That is in terms of his ‘thought processes’ and stupidity and cowardice. And his self-loathing. He just wants to be loved by the liberal Jew-hating goyim. Don’t we all? Gag gag.

Sanders’s perception of the Muslims as the new Jews is not only predictable liberal palubum, it is simply sinister. It is Muslims who are maligning, physically threatening and attacking (and have even murdered) Jews from France through to Denmark, Sweden and the UK. It is why Jews are leaving, make that fleeing Paris, Marseilles, Lyons, Leeds, Malmö and Brussels. Muslims are perceived as the new Jews by liberals, as part and parcel of their Islamophilia, the flip side to their Jew hatred as Israel hatred. There is the autonomic association of the Muslim Ummah with the Palestinian Muslims, who are the new Jews (and thus so are the former), to liberals at least; ipso facto Israelis are the new Nazis. The latter obscene lie and moral inversion is always implicit with the ‘Muslims are the new Jews’ mantra, if not made explicit.

Sanders’s Jewish outreach director Simone Zimmerman is a surprise surprise Israel hating Jewess. Her subsequent clearly begrudging suspension by the Bernschlemiel was spun in a certain way, but the real sinister reason – her association with BDS – swept under the carpet. Daniel Sieradski runs uh ‘Jews for Bernie’. Sieradksi is a real Israel hater – who as Greenfield tells us at the link, ‘distributed a meme during the last war with Hamas which asserted that “That’s why Palestinians are fighting back.” Sieradski had claimed in the past that the real threat wasn’t Hamas whose leaders “just want to make life better for their people”, but Jewish “ethnic exclusivity”.’

The New York State Department Director for the Sanders campaign, Robert Becker, is a hardcore Israel hater, that is an anti-Semite. As Greenfield again relates:

Becker repeatedly attacked Israel for its campaign against Hamas during Operation Pillar of Defense retweeting #GazaUnderAttack hashtagged messages, including one in support of a propagandist for Hamas’ Al Aqsa TV. He retweeted a defense of Hamas and suggested that Israel had only won in the past because Arab countries were American “puppets”.  

Does the hatred for the Jewish State in the Sanders campaign in New York trickle down from the top?

Before Bernie, Robert Becker had trained members of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice party while working for the National Democratic Institute in Egypt and is the founder of the Tanzeem Group. In the aftermath of the coup against Mubarak, Becker had even ominously warned that there would be violence if the totalitarian Islamist thugs of the Muslim Brotherhood were not elected. 

The Jerusalem Post‘s Caroline Glick, in an article on Obama’s political legacy, shows how Obama’s Jew nation hatred has intensified and encouraged Jew hatred (as Israel hatred);  and Sanders and his campaign are the ones to carry that torch forward for the Democratic Party. As Glick relates in a very telling incident redolent with disturbing omens and inadvertent symbolism:

Sanders doesn’t have a problem telling bigots off. He did just that at another event when a questioner asked a question he deemed anti-Muslim. Sanders is an unstinting champion of gay rights and black rights. So if he wanted to tell off a Jew-hater, he could have done so easily. In the event, the questioner rose and said, “As you know, the Zionist Jews – and I don’t mean to offend anybody – they run the Federal Reserve, they run Wall Street, they run every campaign.”

Weathering a chorus of boos from his fellow audience members, the questioner then asked Sanders, “What is your affiliation to your Jewish community?” Sanders could have told the questioner to take a long walk off a short pier. He could have told him he’d rather win without the support of bigots.

He could have used it as a teaching moment and told his audience that millions of Jews have been murdered because of the lies the questioner just repeated.

Instead, he called him “Brother” and told he needed to hide his hatred better. “No, no, no, that’s not what you’re asking,” Sanders insisted. In other words, talking about Jewish bankers is not the way to go. Sanders said he is proud to be Jewish, got the applause, and then changed the subject from the socially acceptable Jewish bankers to the socially unacceptable Jewish Israelis.

Although the questioner was talking about Jews in America, Sanders said, apropos of nothing, “Talking about the Middle East and Israel, I am a strong defender of Israel, but I also believe that we have got to pay attention to the needs of the Palestinian people.”

If that wasn’t enough, Sanders’s staff reportedly approached the man and told him to meet with Sanders’s communication director after the event concluded. In other words, not only did he not stand up to the anti-Semite, Sanders went out of his way to make the Jew-hating bigot feel loved and respected.

It is such a reveal – in the face of the most extreme indisputable anti-Semitism, Sanders is all so soft and limpid. He changes the subject to talk about the uh… Israel-Palestinian conflict, and waxes indignant on the need for Palestinian dignity. Note how a Jew hater froths about the Jews at a Sanders rally, to Sanders personally, and Sanders then automatically switches to the Palestinian Victim Narrative. That’s because the Palestinian Victim Narrative is a Big Lie that goes hand in hand with Jew hatred. It’s usually the Palestinian Jesus People – suffering and innocent like Christ on the Cross – that is the focus of the Left, because got to keep up with the cover narrative. However when a Jew-hating Leftist lets down the mask, in fact doesn’t even pretend to have a mask up to disguise his unhinged Jew hatred in the first place – thanks it’s refreshingly honest – Sanders is desperate to put the mask back in place. Keep it about the Palestinian Fluffy Bunny Jesus People suffering at the hands of the Christ Killer Jews. Please I insist. I’m a self-hating Jew after all. This is what’s going on in the mind of Sanders. It’s subconscious of course. It’s autonomic. None of this is a deliberate or ‘aware’ tactic of course. It’s all off the cuff. That’s because Sanders is a moron, a typical brain-dead and brainwashed air-headed socialist self-hating Yid. And that’s how self-hating Jews behave. And give themselves away.

These paragraphs of mine above on Sanders and Clinton would read like – do read like – Mandarin Chinese to liberals, ‘Jews’ and Gentiles alike. My whole blog does. I’ve noticed that liberal genre folk, well liberals, and many of the ‘Jews’ among them, LITERALLY DO NOT UNDERSTAND A WORD I WRITE ABOUT ANTI-SEMITISM. Their ‘minds’ cannot take any of it in, they have a blocking filter. A filter that blocks out all allusions to the most in-your-face anti-Semitism that doesn’t concern the Nazis or Russian Cossacks. This blocking filter comes with all liberal software downloaded into the liberal ‘mind’. The liberal ‘mind’ reads it as malware and it is automatically rejected. See cognitive dissonance.

Point of fact is it’s way way worse than that.

They don’t get in-your-face Nazi anti-Semitism neither. See the archives of this blog re conservative Dave Truesdale’s Holocaust Revisionism and the brain dead knee-jerk zombie responses I have gotten to that series on Holocaust Denialism in the genre community (and knee-jerk responses to this blog for that matter at the same time that the Holocaust Denialism series was published at this blog), from so many self-hating liberal Jews and plain Jew-hating Gentile left-wingers; from Charles Stross and Felix Gilman to Nick Mamatas and Paul Graham Raven (the latter two are exposed in the links above, Graham Raven in the Stross centered blog posting). And others (such as notable self-hating ‘Jew’ genre fan Mark Pontin). As in plural. See No Jew Hatred Hear No Jew Hatred, even Hear No and See No Holocaust Denialism, is the glue that binds liberal genre Jewry together. And not just liberal genre Jewry. The result was that nearly three years after I had exposed Truesdale in 2011, the likes of Harlan Ellison, Robert Silverberg, Barry Malzberg, Harry Turtledove, Mike Resnick, Jack Dann, Paul Levinson and other genre Jewry signed this petition drawn up by Holocaust Denier Dave Truesdale. Black Comedy Gold. There are no excuses.

Imagine if I were a gay genre blogger and Truesdale had instead blamed HIV on the ‘fags’ themselves – God’s wrath and vengeance – or denied homosexuals were put in the Nazi concentration camps (hypothetically speaking), and I had exposed all that at this blog; do you not think gay genre writers, editors, fans would have discovered this in no time, spread the word among themselves very quickly? Do you think they would then have signed a Truesdale drawn up petition (even if they agreed with the sentiment of that petition) a couple of years later? Of course the fuck not. Do you think if I was an African-American/African blogger, and Truesdale had said that blacks are inferior to whites and maybe they should stop teaching the history of slavery in American schools because really, how bad was it? (hypothetically speaking) – and I had exposed Truesdale in this regard at a blog, how long do you think it would take for African-American genre fans and writers to cotton on to it? Five years? Ten years? More like a few days. At the most. Hey it’s five years and counting now with Truesdale exposed here as a Holocaust Revisionist. And not a boo. It’s way way way worse than that of course. There are no excuses. Liberal genre Jews panic panic panic at the slightest allusion to Jew hatred from their peers and colleagues. I mean they literally run and hide. Under their bed sheets which they’ve soiled in fright. And ask their mummies if the ten foot hairy bogey man troll has gone away and could mummy please switch on the lights and read them a nice bedtime story, one with a happy ending.

Cowards, wormy, gutless, spineless yellow-bellies and dumb-dumbs is what they are. One day I won’t hold back, and I’ll tell you what I really think about liberal genre Jews.

OMG Red Wolf is that not over-the-top and uh isn’t it even anti-Semitic of you to speak that way about uh Jews? No. Israel faces the risk of another Holocaust at the hands of the Left-Islam alliance – and liberal Jews are a part of that Western Left; and Western liberals are getting their own people killed in the West thanks to the Big Liberal (yes and conservative/neo-conservative) Welcome Mat for Islam. For decades now. The latter jihadist terror in the West follows inevitably and ineluctably. And as the tragic Karen Carpenter put it, and yes we’ve just begun.

In fact here is a very telling relatively recent pathetically tragic event that illustrates this phenomenon of Jewish cowardice so extreme it’s almost unbelievable. Except that it’s all too believable. It comes from Britain and it concerns the Rabbi Shmuely Boteach’s encounter with the King’s College Jewish Society, but it applies across the board with cowardly sniveling liberal Jewry in Name Only (including those in the genre community. Especially those in the genre community).

As Boteach relates:

I focused my remarks on Israeli democracy and the ways in which it could be a model for the autocratic Arab states of the region. Israel is the great hope for the spread of human rights throughout the Middle East.

As I spoke, I could see my hosts growing restless and the discomfiture on their faces surprised me. I was in for a bigger shock, however, when my hosts stopped me mid-lecture and said that they were opening the floor for questions. I am always happy to respond to questions, friendly or hostile, but I have rarely been interrupted so abruptly by the people who invited me to speak.

When I asked for an explanation, I was told by the president of the organization, a young man wearing a yarmulke, that the Jewish Society has a policy against speaking about Israel. The group, he said was non-political and focused on “Jewish subjects.”

Israel not a Jewish subject? I was dumbfounded. It was as if Israel had become the Voldemort of nations, the country that dare not be named.

Pathetic and it sums up liberal Jewry. In a nutshell. And our liberal genre Jews are no exception. That’s for sure!

And our sniveling stupid yellow-bellied Hear-no-Jew-Hatred-See-no-Jew-Hatred-Liberal-Jews-in-Name-Only in the genre community are the norm. And that’s the best of them! I’m not even talking the hardcore self-hating left-wing Jews here! Where and when do these Jews in Name Only bring up Israel? I mean they have plenty to say about the most inane political pap, and have no problem launching scathing ridicule and contempt the way of any Republican, Tory and conservative. The President of the Unites States is a hardcore Jew hater but because you know Democrat and African-American, it’s simply NO COMMENT. At best. The hardcore self-hating Jews such as Lavie Tidhar, Anna Tambour, Farah Mendlesohn, Felix Gilman and Charles Stross only bring up Israel to bash it, always dishonestly. The likes of Rose Fox, Laura Ann Gilman, Nir Yaniv are not any better. Abigail Nussbaum is likewise simply pathetic. And the less said about Scott ‘the brain’ Edelman the better. As for former SFWA president Steve Gould and his former deputy Rachel Swirsky, they are both about as authentically Jewish as bacon burgers. As in not. Same goes for Cory Doctorow.

And definitely definitely definitely Neil Gaiman coming to think of it. Gaiman a true expert on Myth and Fairy Tales, caught up in the anti-myth of Leftism/modern-day Liberalism. As with Gaiman, I agree that mythology and fairy tales are fundamental to human culture, vital to children and adults alike. Without them or with the wrong myths, the anti-myths such as Islam, we are barbarians. Even with myths that are profound, and taught to us, we can and do lose our way anyhow, for we do not get these myths into our bones and blood, and learn their meanings, embody their vitality and truths. Mistakenly they are dismissed, especially the fairy tales – and routinely bowdlerized – as entertainment for children. Gaiman is utterly delusional, as all Jews in thrall to Liberalism in the 21st Century are. He has written a fair few arts and culture pieces for the Guardian (and even at least one article on Syrian refugees in Jordan), the UK’s most hardcore Jew-hate rag. Gaiman is clearly utterly oblivious on this front. I very much doubt that Gaiman has read a single (legitimate and authentic) book on modern Israel, never mind the history of Jewry. He has read tons and tons of mythology, fairy tales, SF, imaginative fiction, comics; but Israel and the Jihad International, he doesn’t have a clue. He knows as much about Israel and the Jihad against it as the typical Englishman (and he is English-American, not authentically Jewish at all). That is less than nothing. And he doesn’t want to know.

Harlan Ellison is likewise a Jew in Name Only – a caricature of the smart-ass secular liberal, he does not have a clue. Out of touch and like so many genre Jewry, stuck in the 1960s.

Michael Burstein is equally typical of the miseducated American Liberal Jew, in fact I can’t even satirize or parody Burstein’s political stupidity. It speaks for itself. This genre writer, with a degree in physics from Harvard, is as near dumb a so-called Jew that ever walked the earth. Too harsh? Perhaps. But when you go all slushy and gooey over uh Hillary Clinton possibly being the next idiot President of the US because she’s a… woman (and a lying anti-Semitic power hungry witch but hey she’s a woman!), and still still! getting all sentimental and teary eyed over the historical precedent of a black man being president because he’s got a black skin (um like Idi Amin and Louis Farrakhan and Robert Mugabe and Boko Haram jihadists etc. etc.), well really what can I say? Obama’s Jew hatred, lying, thuggery, narcissism, know-nothingness, appeasement to Iran – say what?? Burstein begins his very stupid blog post recalling how his mom thought Franklin Roosevelt was the best, without any sense of irony or awareness. As his mother worshiped the Jew-hater Roosevelt who doomed the Jews of the St Louis to their deaths and shut America’s doors to European Jews desperate to flee the Nazis; so the son worships the useful idiot of the Iranian ayatollahs and jihadists everywhere, the Jew-hater Obama and shills likewise for that other Jew hater and idiot Hillary. But hey Obama’s black and Hillary has a vagina! These liberal American Jews never learn anything that matters. And they never will.

Then again when you are hypnotized by Leftism, there are no limits to the mind damage thus inflicted. Worse than electroshock therapy at high voltage. Burstein’s relevant blog entry typifies liberal American Jews.

And why American Jewry is doomed. To call these people mad is not fair on mad people institutionalized in asylums.

Then again I am letting many genre Jews in Name Only off the hook by not mentioning them here. And these names, if not the tip of the iceberg of the genre community’s Jews’ self-loathing and/or at best Jewish self-abnegation, are certainly only the chunk above the waterline.

There are reams and reams of political blog postings, forum postings and commentary and Tweets – over the years – from politically vocal liberal genre Jewry, from David Brin and Steve Silver to Adam-Troy Castro and Benjamin Rosenbaum; but Israel – which faces vicious attacks and slander from their fellow Leftists, and worse, the justifications and rationalizations for the Jihad against the Jews – is you know like Bhutan. Not worth a mention at all. Okay hardly. I mean if I have come across maybe one or two blog posts and/or Tweets in explicit unapologetic defense and support for Israel from all of liberal genre American Jewish writers over the last 5-10 years, it’s a lot. I for sure didn’t search everybody’s Twitter feed and blogs for the last decade (or however long Twitter has been around), that would not be possible if I wanted to. However that’s what I have noted personally. And really who would be surprised?

Certainly there is less and less support for Israel from liberal Jewry as a whole, with every passing year. As the Jew hatred of the Left gets worse and worse, as Muslim Jihadist terror gets worse and worse, as the threats to Israel grow and multiply (thanks in no small part to the Western Left). Liberal Jews feel it’s better to hide away, even make common cause with their fellow Leftists, the Jew-hating gentiles. Then they will be left alone, they will not be tainted with the bad name of the Jew Devil Nation. And you know maybe the silence of liberal genre ‘Jewry’ on Israel is for the best – because these Jews in Name Only don’t have a clue. And anything they were to write would smack of the most pathetic and wormy pandering to their Jew hate gentile colleagues and comrades and idiots on the Left, at best the most odious moral equivalence.

Oh please like us ashamed-of-Israel-liberal-progressive-Jews, gentile liberals, please please… Well then you better not bring up Israel then, ever. And if you do, only in a negative light. And you better go along with what the left-wing Israel hating media and NGOs say about Israel, which is all true anyhow because it’s left-wing. So it can’t possibly be biased against the Jews or anybody else. Okay we get the memo, we will behave ourselves oh fellow progressive liberals. We know the enemy is Bush-Trump-Cruz-Republicans-Beck-Limbaugh-Tories and um if it comes down to it, Likudniks and settlers. Oh please like us, we are liberals too! 

This is all unspoken, but it’s all too true and the reality is even more pathetic than this. And such a groveling cowardice and willful obscene denial of the obvious does not change the fact that liberals hate their fellow liberal Jews, because Jews. And they will hate Israel no matter what. No matter if the West Bank/Judea and Samaria were abandoned to Hamas and the jihadist PA, no matter there is not a single soldier or Jew living there – as with Gaza and Lebanon. They will hate Israel even more, they will sense even more Jewish blood to be spilled – and they would be right! Liberals – and I include not just the far Left, but the mainstream Left – will not rest, will not stop their relentless Judenhass, until Israel is no more. And even then they will not be placated. They will then turn on Diaspora Zionists aka Jewry, in alliance with the Muslim radicals. They are already doing so.

These sniveling and spineless liberal genre Jews (and just ordinary liberal Jews of course) don’t want to know about any Jew hatred out there, whether coming from genre liberals or genre conservatives (such as Truesdale), and not from the rest of the world neither (where it is everywhere). And so they don’t know about, want to know about or talk about the Season of the Red Wolf (you know the blogger exposing Jew hatred in the genre community, including the disingenuous anti-Israel kind of anti-Semitism). Not even among themselves. And so almost three years after I had exposed Truesdale as a Holocaust Denier (April 2011), they went ahead and signed a petition (early 2014) he drew up. They still don’t want to know, scared stiff. That’s because it would open up a huge can of worms, a Pandora’s Box… There is a domino effect, as I have said elsewhere on this blog. It means they would have to acknowledge anti-Semitism and its lame and weak disguises in this Day and Age, and that means facing up to the fact that their anti-Zionist Gentile buddies on the Left (and in former SFWA president Paul Levinson’s case, anti-Zionist Ron Paul worshiping buddies on the Right) are just a bunch of Jew haters. God Forbid. Instead all they have been harping on about this whole century so far can be summed up as: Neo-Cons George W Bush Cheney Rumsfeld Trump Cruz Republican gun nuts yap yap yap. They sound like a bunch of lobotomized chihuahuas brainwashed in the late (Jew-hater) Hugo Chavez’s left-wing fascist Venezuela.

Liberal American Jews don’t give a damn about left-wing anti-Semitism because they are left-wing themselves, unto Death or Senility. Then again they are not so far removed from the latter already. If at all. American Jews would rather give up their Jewishness – and they do – than give up their Leftism. Some of them fool themselves by pretending to still be Jewish culturally, reading Jewish books, fiction and non-fiction, immersing themselves in Jewish lore and history, and writing about Jewish themes, history, folklore, even keeping kashrut (kosher) – as I have written elsewhere – and so try to have it both ways. But it is a grand self/collective deception. A case in point among genre ‘Jewry’ is hardcore far Left self-hating Israeli ‘Jew’ Lavie Tidhar. His books and short stories are Jewish through and through. He obsesses about Jewish themes and history; even as he hates the living Jews in Israel, at least the ones who dare believe in defending the country, and not being ashamed of fighting, struggling every day to survive in the only civilized nation in the Middle-East – in other words, the authentic Jews that are the shock horror authentic Zionists – and calling the very real jihadist enemies of the Jews what they are. Even as Tidhar sympathizes with the Jews’ Muslim extremist enemies – protestations to the contrary – the Palestinians that is, the “true Jews” to Lavie Tidhar. Tidhar even published a Holocaust novel recently and that is obscene really. However his Jewish self-loathing is not that uncommon among the Jewish left-wing pseudo-intellectual um ‘intelligentsia’. His self-loathing is no worse than so many mainstream non-genre Jewish writers, editors, journalists, professors, students, judges, engineers, artists and film-makers. Singers and lawyers. In Israel and the Diaspora. No cause for comfort. It’s chilling is what it is.

Being a Leftist in the 21st Century means more than anything, simply paying lip service to minority rights and lip service to the plight of the poor (actually the Left can barely be bothered to even pretend to care about poverty these days, too busy capitulating and fawning before Islam), frothing and raging about uh transgenders and bathrooms along with other faux-outrage loony Left gibberish neologisms such as ‘safe spaces’ and ‘microaggressions’, all perceived as Matters of National Importance; along with hating on the Zionists/Jews and others perceived as representing the Establishment. I swear I can’t keep up with the madness of the Left – being a Leftist means as much as anything, turning the screws on the Jews. The screws on the Jew nation that is. The Jew nation is the safety valve, even Jews can join in on the fun of hating on the Jew nation. And then so the thinking goes, if you just stick it to the Jew nation and support the Jihad against it, or turn a blind eye to it; the Jew-hating Left will leave you dumb-fuck New York, Chicago, Californian, Canadian, British, Australian, South African and Latin American Jews alone. So the thinking goes. If we can call it thinking. Wishful thinking for sure. Such liberal delusions are not protecting French and Belgian Jews, whether they be authentic Zionists or self-loathing liberal scum, not from the Jihadists and not from the allies of the Jihadists – the Western Left (of course the Jihad supporting Left is not protected from the Jihad neither. Shocka). And time is running out for British and North American Jews and the rest. The latest wave of Muslim refugees to the West – Liberal Suicide in Action – will make sure of that, if the natives don’t.

If you think about it, the fact that the two candidates for POTUS who have emerged from the dank dark well that is the Democratic Party are both Jew haters, this alone is big horrifying news. It’s appalling. To most American Jews it’s about as fathomable as Quantum Mechanics. Even the online conservative pro-Israel media that pours scorn on the mainstream media for its apologetics for Islam/ism and its anti-Israelism, is too soft on Clinton and Sanders here. As a rule, with notable exceptions. They don’t seem to have clicked on to the fact, or rather the implications of the fact, that American Jews will once again gladly vote for Jew haters whose policies will threaten Israel’s very survival. As Obama’s policies in the Middle-East already do. Maybe its just such a given disgrace that it’s not worth remarking upon too much. And the Jewish vote is a small one, and increasingly so. It’s still scandalous though, even if predictable. Liberal American Jews don’t even read the pro-Israel media, that is pretty much marginalized to the Internet; they trust the Jew-hating MSNBC and CNN, BBC and the Jew-hating New York Times and Washington Post and LA Times instead. They are Liberal after all. And that’s what matters. Liberalism über alles.

Jew-hating Democrat Senator Pat Leahy and other anti-Semitic US liberal politicans threaten Israel over its uh killing and wounding of jihadist terrorists, but of the hundreds killed, maimed, abducted, tortured every week by jihadists themselves, from Nigeria, the Sudan, Kashmir, Iraq to Yemen, from Tanzania and Algeria to Somalia (and beyond), it’s a case of No Comment. Of the Jews including teenagers and pregnant women murdered and maimed by Palestinian terrorists during the latest ongoing intifada, that’s not a concern to Leahy. And his fellow liberal politicians. That’s because they are Jew haters. Only the lives of Palestinian terrorists are precious to the likes of them. Liberal American Jews are either oblivious to all this Jew baiting and out-and-out sympathy for Palestinian jihadist terrorists (because, not despite their targeting Jews for death) from notable Democratic Party politicians; or worse, liberal American Jews are on on board with it.

In fact so very telling is the recent case in April 2016, histrionic condemnation all over the world (and notably the Western Left and Muslim world) 0f an Israeli soldier executing a wounded Palestinian jihadist terrorist in Hebron; whilst its the usual silence and ho hum yawns on jihadist terror against Jewish civilians and the murder and maiming of thousands every week from around the war zones of the world, including the inner city war zones of Rio, Chicago, Johannesburg, Caracus, Mexico City and Honduras etc. etc., never mind the jihadist conflicts and hell zones! Many of those defending the soldier – not the pathetic Likud government, often indistinguishable from the idiot Left in Israel, all flowery tough talk is Netanyahu and then capitulation and appeasement, admittedly he’s in a very tough spot – defended him for the wrong reasons, namely the claim that the soldier thought the incapacitated terrorist had a suicide vest. This may or may not be true, but at a fundamental level such a defense of the soldier misses the point. The Jewish soldier killed a wounded Muslim extremist terrorist. What’s the problem? One is reminded of a similar case involving a British marine in Afghanistan some years ago. The self-same flagellation from the self-hating British. It is so pathetic. And if our laws for the IDF rules of engagement don’t allow for the execution of an (even seriously wounded) jihadist terrorist – because it’s so much better for excessively taxed Israeli citizens to pay for the prison upkeep of jihadist terrorists for decades, and even release him and other terrorists after a few years as a concession to the Muslim extremist jihadist entity that is the PA/Fatah openly and proudly dedicated to Israel’s destruction – well all the worse for our army related laws and rules of engagement which consider the lives of jihadist terrorists paramount. Vic Rosenthal put this case forward re the Hebron shooting in his article, ‘To defeat the jihad our moral code must evolve.’ 

These incidents and the shrill hysterical overreaction to them by the West’s media, NGOs and governments – we are talking about soldiers executing very real jihadists – tells one how dhimmified Israel and the West really are. There is an all-round pandering to Jew-hating Western governments, media, Churches, NGOs, the UN and Jew-hating Muslim states and entities by Israel that as a consequence, accommodates all this Judenhass, absorbing it, making it a part of us. I’m not even talking the cowardly leadership of Diaspora Jews, in every nation where Jews live in significant numbers, from America, Canada, the UK to Belgium, France, Australia to South Africa. What is the Jew without his self-flagellation before the Jew-hate barbarians of the world? All such appeasement before the Jew-hating world does, is encourage the Jew haters. They smell weakness for what it is.

Liberal genre Jewry is all too typical of Jewry as a whole. That however is not an excuse, it’s a harsh and pathetic and shameful scandal. That folk in the genre community don’t talk about it doesn’t change this shameful fact. And who would talk about it?

I want to get back to something re Israel and the relentless urgent demand of the Western Left for the Jew nation to surrender its huge eastern buffer zone that near cuts Israel in half to the jihadist Palestinian Authority, never mind HAMAS waiting in the wings. Nobody is calling for the Nigerian government, Cameroon, Mali, the Central African Republic, Uganda, Kenya, Iraq, Yemen, India and now the Congo etc. to surrender territory to jihadist groups that are waging relentless terror campaigns in these countries. Notice how the Left sans exceptions make a bigger fuss about Jews building homes in a place where Jews have had a presence on and off over the centuries for over two thousand years, than they do the thousands murdered, maimed, abducted in Africa alone every year by jihadist groups and other warring factions. From Nigeria, the Central African Republic, Sudan, Egypt, Somalia, Libya, Mali, Tunisia, Ivory Coast, Algeria, Uganda, the Congo and Tanzania. And beyond. And remember the horrors of the blood diamond wars of Sierra Leone and Liberia! I’m not even talking the refugees from these conflicts! The Left could care less about a homeland for the Kurds (who deserve one) and the Tamils in Sri Lanka (who were subjected to pogroms and bombings and killings of civilians by the Sinhalese during the Sri Lankan Civil War 1983-2009) really do arguably warrant their own sovereignty on the Jaffna Peninsula. Leftists pay no mind. However the Palestinians who are a fabricated nation (they – in the West Bank/J&S – are just Jordanians really, and from other regions across the old Ottoman Empire) and who were never clamouring for their own state when a part of Jordan (because um not a separate ethnic or religious group) and the Ottoman Empire before then, somehow warrant their own jihadist extremist state… Then again prior to the Israeli takeover (as a result of the 1967 Six Day War started by the Arabs; who are technically not Arabs, unlike the Persian Gulf Arabs, but that’s the identity the former call themselves, the identity the former – Egypt, Jordan, Syria, the ‘Palestinians’ included – have adopted) neither did the UN, the Muslim world and the West. Arab Muslims and ‘Palestinians’ in the Middle-East who shrilly screech for Israel’s destruction, routinely admit among themselves, that is among their fellow Muslims, that a Palestinian state is just a ruse/strategy to bring about the destruction of lsrael. Just check the massive archives of MEMRI translations from Arab Muslim media. And the Western Left responds – as one – you stubborn Jewish/Zionist Imperialists, surrender your eastern buffer to these Jihadist fluffy bunny Jesus people! That’s why the Left is a Jew-hating Left. The Left is guilty of a Jew hatred that is genocidal in effect. Even as the Left calls its genocidal Jew Hate nothing but Peace, Freedom, Justice and Anti-Prejudice. And any conservatives who fuss about Jews building homes like it’s a war crime and shill for Jewish capitulation and appeasement to the Muslim Jihad are every bit as guilty of Judenhass. But that means most Westerners are hardcore Jew haters. So it is. It’s not just ignorance, although it always is that too, it’s way more sinister than that.

How do you think genocide actually happens? Oh of course most think it’s the fault of a handful of tyrants and demagogues, rather than civil society, institutions and mass populations. How people love to believe that! You see it with the frothing about Hitler. To be expected of course. As if he was any worse than the people who voted for him. Historian Daniel Goldhagen writes a book Hitler’s Willing Executioners pointing out the obvious, namely that German society was as a whole virulently and genocidally anti-Semitic, and it’s considered controversial. Chilling. German society is still overwhelmingly, viciously anti-Semitic by the by. It’s the same pathetic Big Man Theory of History nonsense that shapes the blaming of Hendrik Verwoerd and a few cronies for apartheid in South Africa. Let’s blame one man and a few of his cronies and let the British Empire off the hook entirely. Talking about the British Bloody Empire, and I do mean bloody, given its theft of whole swaths of continents (and in the case of Australia a whole continent), massacres of Native Indians, Australian aborigines and Bantu, its bringing in slaves to the West Indies and the British colony in America, its war for opium, its exploitation of India, its destruction of the wilderness wholesale – people as a rule can’t give me the name of any murdering and ruthless greedy British tyrant who helped to carve out the British bloody Empire, enslave hundreds of thousands and destroy whole native cultures. I mean maybe Cecil John Rhodes, maybe a Clive of India, but otherwise it’s just a blank. Well history is written by the victors so there’s that. Such mass crimes by the British and their descendants in North America, Australia, New Zealand and Southern Africa are repressed, effectively denied and then bounce back, as they have to do (return of the repressed) onto the scapegoat that is the Jew. That is the Jew among the nations. So you see the Jew-hating British and their descendants in their former Empire accuse Israel of land theft, genocide, greed and pillage. Come again? Project much? Ditto the other European Empires – Dutch, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Belgian, German, Italian – and their descendants in Latin America and elsewhere.

As I write further up, it doesn’t appear to occur to most any conservative defender of Israel to make this point explicit: why get more upset, angry and spend more verbiage on Jews building apartments than you do the five million dead and counting in the Congolese civil wars since 1998 (stats come from the International Rescue Committee)? That’s because even Israel’s defenders don’t make connections or don’t make them explicit enough, and nobody gives a hoot about Africa. Conservatives included. However that’s just the point. It doesn’t just tell us that the Left is a Jew-hating Left, it shows up their anti-black racism too. Only Some Black Lives Matter. Certainly not the ones in Africa. Unless America invades the Congo you will continue to hear nothing much about it. And certainly no protests and marches in Europe and America’s streets and universities. Same goes for the bloodshed in Uganda, Burundi, Cameroon, Sudan, Mali, Nigeria, Libya, Kashmir, Pakistan, the Sinai, Yemen, even ISIS/Daesh mass atrocities etc. I’m talking the present day here, as I write this up. The only way the Left can answer their obsession with Jews – and no other people on earth – building homes in a place where Jews have actually had a physical presence since before the Roman Fucking Empire, and their non-concern about ethnocide from the Sudan to the Congo and west Africa and Syria and Iraq (the fate of the Kurds and Yazidi is not something the Left get too worked up about, if at all) to Pakistan and Bangladesh is by well not answering the question or just plain and brazen in-your-face lying. And lying is what they do, pretty much every time they open their mouths or thumb tack on Twitter or prattle on Facebook (which censors and shapes the news to conform to left-wing talking points).

Even as Iran is increasingly in violation of the capitulation that is the 2015 Vienna Agreement, with its firing off of missiles that can reach Israel (which Iran openly boasts about) and beyond; the White House and the Eurotrash do nothing. Mild, lukewarm, insincere, lame and reluctant protests from the White House are just that. Pathetic. As if the Iranian regime – a Muslim extremist regime that tortures and murders its own people – could ever be trusted on anything under the sun. Who would have expected an Iranian regime of Muslim extremists to violate an agreement it (never even) signed?! Who would have expected Hitler to violate the Munich Agreement? Who would expect the Sahara to be a desert? As if to add insult to injury, Obama is lying about US authorized bank dollar transactions with Iran, easing pressure off the Iranian government, again in apparent violation of the Vienna Protocol/Joint Plan of Action for Israel’s destruction. And shortly before publishing this essay online, Obama’s deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes’s interview with David Samuels in The NY Times Magazine was published. And it’s all about how Obama and Rhodes played the press, politicians and by implication, the public for suckers on the Iran Deal. And what shock waves that has unleashed. However who could be surprised except naive fools? Senator Tom Cotton on why the real chump is Ben Rhodes and other Obama Fan Boys, and how it is anything but a laughing matter. Commentary Magazine on this same Ben Rhodes affair.

Obama fawns, grovels and appeases the Iranian regime, the latter openly and proudly dedicated to another Holocaust of Jewry for Allah’s sake; whilst he simultaneously blasts Israel for the fact that it hasn’t made peace with its Muslim extremist Palestinian neighbours who reject Israel’s right to exist (Joe Biden blasted Israel for not making peace with its jihadist Palestinian enemies sworn to Israel’s destruction, a few hours after a Jerusalem bus was blown up by a jihadist!), and for building apartments in uh Jerusalem. And it’s a big yawn from Obama and Biden and the rest of that Jew-hating White House gang regarding inconvenient genocide of Christians by Muslims from Egypt to Sudan, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nigeria. And beyond. It must be the fault of Christians and Kurds building homes or churches or some-such, maybe it’s also the fault of the Jews, Obama and Biden ain’t saying. Actually Jew-hater John Kerry – as Secretary of State – has blamed the rise of ISIS/ISIL on uh Israel. No kidding. Hence the Jew hatred and there’s plenty more from Kerry. Such classic medieval Jew hatred there. So all you Obama voting Jewish liberal fucks, go to hell. You are a fucking disgrace. You make me sick. You are complicit in Obama’s crimes against Israel (and others), which are nothing less than the very real risk of another Holocaust. That’s what not merely appeasing Iran, but collaborating with Iran by covering up the latter’s crimes and boosting their Jihad financing economy to the tune of billions and billions of dollars, actually means. That’s what a nudge nudge wink wink to Iran’s nuclear program actually means. Obama’s crimes are way worse than Neville Chamberlain’s. The latter was an appeaser of Hitler; the former is a collaborator with the genocidal Muslim Jihadist Iranian regime openly dedicated to another Holocaust of Jewry, and with the means to do it – nuclear armed missiles duh; a Muslim Jihadist powerhouse than cannot be named as such.

Obama is uncannily symbolic and representative of the Muslim-Left alliance against the Jews and the West itself. I mean it’s uncanny that he grew up in Indonesia and that his father was a Muslim and that he clearly is so in love with Islam (albeit I see no smoking gun that he is Muslim himself. I admit he may well be a closet Muslim though. He doesn’t have to be, to be a Jew hater in love with Islam. He can just be a progressive Leftist. Even be a progressive left-wing Jew, look at Bernie Sanders after all). The Shahada, recited in the call to Muslim prayer by the muzzein, is one of the “prettiest sounds on earth at sunset”, pontificates Obama. Personally I find it irritating, grating and offensive. I prefer the sound of toilets flushing. I prefer death metal music. Pretty much anything, even jack hammers on a construction site, are more beautiful sounding than the Muslim call to prayer. Hey what do I know right?

At the same time, aside from the Muslim upbringing and paternal lineage, Obama is so much a part of the progressive Left, that’s where his worldview and zeitgeist were shaped and ‘matured’. That’s where the real brain-washing is. One looks at his mentors and inspiration, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Derrick Bell etc. Jew-hating progressive Islamophile moral and cultural relativists the lot of them. His fawning before Jew-hating demagogues as POTUS, from the far Left Chavez to Jew-hating Muslim fascist Saudi royalty; his soft spot for the right kind of tyrant – that is far-left fascists and far-right Islamists – tells one all one needs to know. What moron liberal Jews don’t get is that no matter who the prime minister of Israel is, no matter the ruling political party in the Jew among the nations, Obama would be turning the screws and venting his rage against the Jew nation and its government. It would be the case even if that twit Isaac Herzog of the misnamed Zionist Union was PM. Even if the far Left Meretz party was in office (in which case it really would be bye-bye Israel).

Obama hates Likud and Netanyahu not because the latter are ‘right-wing’ (which is a laugh actually, right-wing compared to communists maybe); after all Netanyahu has done nothing but appease and appease and bend before Obama (settlements construction freezes and freeing jihadist terrorist killers under pressure from the Jew-hating POTUS), even if he never quite broke before the Jew-hating president of the United States; but because Obama hates the Jews and hence the Jew nation. Yet Obama is never satisfied with the humiliation of the Jewish nation, it is never enough. It never will be. Hence the one sided masochistic relationship the White House has with Iran. That’s because it never is enough when it comes to bigotry. Bigotry is by its nature irrational, illogical and it feeds on itself. It gets worse over time, if it is not nipped in the bud and dealt with and exposed to the light. And defeated. And the consequences of this spiraling bigotry are the worst horrors and madness in human history. Genocide, slavery, destruction of whole cultures. Shared hatred/bigotry makes for strange alliances. The Islamist-Left Alliance being one of the strangest (motivated by shared Jew hate and the hatred of the West among other factors). However it should not surprise us (even though I admit I was taken by surprise). There is now no decent Left. None. And there hasn’t been throughout the 21st Century. It is a fascist political movement. It has always had strong fascist elements within it (the far Left has always been delusional, fascist, bigoted), but now the far Left has engulfed the mainstream. The Left cannot recover from this descent into an abyss, its embrace of Fascism and all that goes with Fascism. It cannot be revived, it is a corpse. A zombie. Yet like all zombies, it is dangerous and deadly, because Leftism is a delusional ideology and it is held to fanatically. A Living Dead Madness.

Perhaps the most notable and conspicuous manifestation of the many headed hydra that is the Left-Islam/ist alliance is the UN.

Consult The UN Gang: A Memoir of Incompetence, Corruption, Espionage, Anti-Semitism and Islamic Extremis at the UN Secretariat by Pedro Sanjuan and former Israel ambassador to the UN Dore Gold’s Tower of Babble for all that. And of course it goes on and on, unending.

Obama is in all likelihood going to stick it to the Jews at the UN, before he leaves his office, really turn the heat up on Israel and ram the Jew nation into a desperate corner; because Obama boosting Iran’s genocidal Jew-hate regime is just the contingency, the back-up plan. It is a two-pronged strategic approach by the Left, and that includes the Obama White House, to destroy Israel. This is way too little recognized even by sane Jews. The first prong or pincer is the planned destruction of Israel via the forced surrender of the West Bank/Judea and Samaria to the jihadist PA, and then of course it’s Hamas who take over (as with Gaza). They have the means and the popular support (Hamas won the 2006 Palestinian municipal elections). The uh legal agency for Israel’s destruction are notably the NGOs and the UN and the ICC (with the support of all liberal institutions, including governments, liberal Churches and media). The second prong or strategic approach to Israel’s destruction by the Western Left and the Obama White House included of course, is giving Iran all that it needs, carte blanche, to destroy Israel via a nuclear Jihad (even if delayed by several years) and conventional Jihad if need be (the latter boosted by the unfreezing of billions of dollars in sanctions).

Later edit – April 2017. So the above paragraph, published in my original essay May 2016 proved all too prophetic, in light of UN Resolution 2334 (adopted on 23rd December 2016 – ‘a Victory of Jihadism’ as historian Bat Ye’or rightly called it). It is a smoking gun confirmation – as if any was needed – evidencing Obama’s Jew hatred, aside from the usual gang of other two-faced liars, the British, French and Russian governments. There is so much to say here re the hypocrisy, Jew hatred, aiding and abetting the Muslim Jihad against the Jew Nation, that this disgusting UN Resolution represents; and thus how those who pushed for it, the two-faced Obama administration included, are nothing but a bunch of bullying Jew haters. I leave off, since it is said adequately and succinctly by others. End of April 2017 edit.

Of course – as with the Nazis – it won’t end with Israel… It never does just end with the Jews.

The Jew-hating Secretary General of the UN Ban Ki-moon is busy blaming the Joooos for the jihadist terror against these self-same Joooos – that’s what makes him such a Jew hater. And an ignoramus. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Naturally after Ban Ki-moon blamed the Jews for the murderous Jew hatred of Palestinian jihadists (no word from the UN Secretary General on whether Sunnis and Shi’ite slaughtering and torturing one another across the Middle East and Christians and Hindus and Buddhists for that matter is also the fault of the Jews, or the fault of the other infidels), a synagogue in New York invited Ki-moon to speak to its congregants, for a Holocaust Remembrance event. Obscene. Jewish self-loathing in action. Reminds me of Hillel, who just love to give a platform to lying Israel haters.

There is so much to say about the Jew-hating Left (and the Jew hating UN), and how they are far far more dangerous to Jews than neo-Nazi skinheads (and Ron Paul/Pat Buchanan conservatives) and at least as dangerous as the Left’s allies, the Sunni and Shi’ite Muslim jihadists from HAMAS, the Muslim Brotherhood to Hezbollah and Iran. The reason is that outside of Hungary, Poland and Russia, neo-Nazis are not the real major threat to Jews, not the Jews in Israel, not in North America and not France and not in Australia. Also the anti-Zionist neo-Nazis are honest about what they are, they admit to hating the Jews and hero worshiping Hitler and the Waffen SS. They are consistent. Whilst Hamas, Fatah, Iran, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood really do threaten the Jews with life and limb and jihadists and jihadist wannabes target Jews for death, often near every day in the Middle-East, during this third intifada. The jihadists, as with their fellow anti-Zionists the neo-Nazis, are honest about their Jew hatred, their agenda, their religiously motivated desire to make the world Judenrein. The Left as a rule lacks  this honesty, this admission of hating Jews. As a rule. They lie about their hardcore Jew-hate bigotry and call it human rights, peace, love and freedom. They have to so lie. Not only to fool the Jews in to letting their guard down and welcoming this Trojan Horse of ‘left-wing values’ into the Jewish fold – and have the Jews ever done so! – but the Left has to fool itself. And they have to fool themselves because they have to pretend themselves removed from fascism and bigotry, in order to differentiate themselves from… and feel so superior to… well fascists and Nazis.

Yet the Left’s Jew hatred is becoming increasingly unhinged and transparent, and the flimsy disguises and cover narrative of anti-Israelism/anti-Zionism are increasingly falling away. Thankfully. One sees this on both sides of the Atlantic.

A major case in point is the British Labour Party. In the news of late (early 2016), there has been a lot of attention, even in mainstream gentile circles and mainstream British and international media, of the pervasive and ever intensifying anti-Semitism among British Labour Party officials and supporters (as with the far Left that the mainstream Labour Party has usurped really, it’s a marriage of convenience between the loony Left and Muslim supremacists). Given how a hardcore Jew-hater Jeremy Corbyn (calling jihadist terrorist groups – Hamas and Hezbollah – that openly exhort for another Holocaust of Jewry for Allah’s sake, Britain’s “friends”, is indisputable evidence for Corbyn’s extreme Jew hatred. And that’s hardly all!) is now the leader of that party, that doesn’t come as a surprise. Even the former head of BBC TV, the left-wing Danny Cohen (whose wife is a far Left economist), says a Jew voting for Labour these days is like a Muslim voting for Trump. It’s black comedy seeing Corbyn – in response to even in-your-face genocidal Jew hatred from Labour Party officials, and Lord Levy’s remarks on the ingrained deep-seated anti-Semitism in Labour Party ranks – indignantly profess that “since I became leader I have absolutely condemned anti-semitism, I have condemned Islamophobia, I have condemned any form of racism anywhere within our society”. It’s worth remarking – something I left out when I first published this essay – that Corbyn is a big IRA supporter. For an Englishman to support the IRA, is indicative of deepseated self-loathing (if you don’t get why, I can’t help you out). Hence why the Jew hatred of the Left (and Corbyn in this instance) is indicative of a deeply rooted self-hatred, that is also exteriorized onto the traditional Jewish scapegoat.

Even the Jew-hating BBC and the Jew-hating the Guardian have run articles on the anti-Semitism problem in the Labour Party. The BBC and the Guardian don’t have a problem with the Jew hatred of the Labour Party and its officials, they merely have a problem with the refreshingly honest naked anti-Semitism (Vicki Kirby for example was reinstated into the Labour Party under Corbyn’s leadership after having been dismissed in 2014 for suggesting that Hitler was ‘the Zionist God‘ and ISIS should attack Israel!) of some of the Labour Party rank and file. The BBC, the Guardian (and other left-wing Jew-hate organs) insist that Jew hatred must take the form of Jew nation hatred, disguised by cover terms, namely anti-Israel and anti-Zionist mantras, narratives and slogans, lies about Israel, and apologetics, whitewashing, if not out-and-out support for Israel’s jihadist enemies (notably the ‘moderate’ Muslim extremists Fatah and the Palestinian Authority/PLO). Letting the cat out of the bag, and being honest about what all this anti-Israel and anti-Zionist sentiment is about, is not permitted, and not to be encouraged. Not among the Left. That’s because they are liberals and must pretend to themselves as much as the Jews, that they do not have an ounce of prejudice against Jewry. Self-hating liberal Jews are adamant, shrilly so, that the mad bad genie must be kept in the bottle, labeled anti-Zionism and post-Zionism. Otherwise they would have a mental breakdown, having to face up to what they truly are and what they have allied themselves with…

Notice how Jeremy Corbyn just has to throw in that ‘Islamophobia’ nonsense out there. His opposition – and that of the Labour Party – to ‘Islamophobia’ is foremost. Look who makes a fuss about those who express opposition and criticism of Muslim fanaticism, supremacism, bigotry and jihadist terror – i.e. those ‘guilty’ of the fabricated trumped up non-prejudice that is ‘Islamophobia’ – the caricature of a Jew-hating Leftist that is Jeremy Corbyn. The Hamas and Hezbollah sympathizer and BDS against Israel supporter Corbyn indignantly opposes all forms of anti-Semitism. You can’t parody or satirize this.

Even more recently, I swear it’s near every week now, there was the case of Naz Shah. This Labour Party MP (a Muslim Brit who won the Bradford seat from fellow Jew-hater ‘Gorgeous’ George Galloway) was suspended for Facebook posts she wrote. She had called for Israel to relocate to America. PM David Cameron called for her removal and Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn called her comments “offensive and unacceptable.” One wonders why Corbyn found her comments so offensive. He calls Hamas and Hezbollah Britain’s “friends” and has defended the likes of Raed Salah who says that Jews dine on the blood of Christian children, but that’s okay??! The Telegraph article on this Jew-hate blather from Labour Party ranks.

It gets worse, really it’s weekly, if not near daily now. So in response to the Naz Shah affair, former London mayor and Labour Party member Ken Livingstone had something to say. From the link:

The UK’s Labour Party suspended veteran member and former London mayor Ken Livingstone on Thursday after he was accused of anti-Semitism over remarks he made that Hitler had supported Zionism “before he went mad.”

“Ken Livingstone has been suspended by the Labor Party, pending an investigation, for bringing the Party into disrepute,” the British opposition party said in a statement

The former mayor of London accused the “Israel lobby” of executing a smear campaign against its critics by labeling them anti-Semitic, according to the Telegraph.

Livingstone, who served as London’s mayor from 2000 to 2008, made the comments during an interview on BBC one day after Labor MP Naz Shah was suspended by the political faction for posting anti-Semitic tropes on social media.

“As I’ve said, I’ve never heard anybody say anything anti-Semitic, but there’s been a very well-orchestrated campaign by the Israel lobby to smear anybody who criticizes Israeli policy as anti-Semitic,” Livingstone said. “I had to put up with 35 years of this,” he added.

I paste up a lot of that, because it’s so telling and iconic of the Jew-hate left-wing mind that pretends it’s not a Jew-hate mind at all. Note how Livingstone outs himself as a hardcore Jew hater with his warped, obscene and disgusting Hitler comments. Then he blathers on about how his and the Labour Party’s anti-Israelism has nothing to do with anti-Semitism – of course not! Actually given how Livingstone outs himself as a Jew hater, it gives the lie to the usual blathering denials of his – in the self-same interview! – and the Left in general, that his and the Left’s anti-Israelism does not have an ounce of anti-Semitic prejudice motivating it. Actually even without the moronic Hitler comments, the whole anti-Israel criticism thing is on its face, anti-Semitism. That is because it is inflexible, obsessive and relentless.

Where is the vocal, relentless, obsessive and inflexible anti-Congo, anti-Egypt, anti-Honduras, anti-Venezuela, anti-Pakistan, anti-Mexico, anti-Brazil, anti-Zimbabwe, anti-Sudan, anti-Burundi, anti-Nigeria, anti-Morocco, anti-Saudi, anti-Kuwait, anti-Qatar, anti-Algeria, anti-Malaysia, anti-Burma, anti-India sentiment from Livingstone and UK Labour? Exactly, hence you are all just a bunch of Jew haters. And no I am not drawing a moral equivalence between Israel and all the countries I mention (those nations just for starters). Israel is far superior to the above mentioned (for starters) in terms of human and civil rights and freedom of speech (and yes less government corruption) etc.

And since this anti-Israelism is just the flimsiest disguise to anti-Semitism, it follows that the anti-Israelism is itself riddled through with misrepresentations, distortions and Lies Lies and more Lies. Month in and month out. Year in and year out. And lying about Israel alone is what makes you Lefties such Jew haters. And all left-wing media, political parties, trade unions, NGOs, Churches etc. (not only in Britain) LIE about Israel all the time.

Also once again why would Labour feel the need to suspend Livingstone, since the former share in the latter’s Jew hatred? Oh yes you are not supposed to remove the mask. Improper and all that. Yes Corbyn the Hamas and Hezbollah supporter, all matey matey with notorious Jew haters such as George Galloway and ‘Jewish’ Holocaust Denier!! Paul Eisen on Israel related affairs, Corbyn the BDS supporter does not approve of removing the mask. Although frankly how calling jihadist terror groups openly dedicated to another Holocaust of Jewry, Britain’s “friends”, as Corbyn does – and these self-same jihadists openly celebrate the killing and maiming of Jewish men, women, children, babies, teenagers in jihad terror attacks – and being buddy buddy with so many genocidal Jew haters, could be said to still be keeping the mask on is beyond me. In fact Corbyn worked for Press TV, Iran’s propaganda arm in the English language world where he called the Israel hating BBC “Zionist liars”!!  He has also praised Palestinian jihadist mastermind Marwan Barghouti as an “iconic figure”, comparing him to Nelson Mandela.  

The Telegraph informs us – early May – that the Labour Party has now suspended about 50 members for anti-Semitic and racist comments! Yet only suspended and for how long? Yet um the Jew-hate head of the Jew-hate Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, remains unsuspended naturally enough. In fact in early May he adamantly refused to renounce contacts with HAMAS and Hezbollah. Hence how absurd and hypocritical all this is. Caroline Glick at the Jerusalem Post covers some of these self-same absurd themes re the Jew-hate Labour Party and why there cannot be any change there – not at all – in the foreseeable future. She also points out that there is nothing new to the Labour Party’s Jew hate, it’s just that the mask has slipped.

In Glick’s article, she does mention that Corbyn has appointed a self-hating Jew Prof. David Feldman of the anti-Zionist (and hence anti-Semitic) Independent Jewish Voices to head up a committee to supposedly rid the Labour Party rank and file of anti-Semitic sentiment and outpourings. To this end Corbyn will have the committee draw up a “code of conduct” that as Glick puts it, “will include guidance on ‘acceptable behavior and use of language.’ In other words, he wants to remind them to stick to the code – Zionists bad. Jews good.

And once Corbyn has the all clear, from a self-hating Jew who we all pretend is not a self-hating Jew, well all will just be hunky dory then!

And amidst all the attention on UK Labour, hardly anybody appears to point out – but what about the US Democratic Party (and Hillary, Obama, Kerry, Biden and Bernie for example) and other left-wing political parties and entities in the West, how are they one whit better than the British Labour Party? They just don’t drop the mask so easily?

Notorious radical Muslim preacher Anjem Choudary has likewise run to the defense of the Jew haters in Labour, with this telling remark (indistinguishable as it is from the kind of thing Jew-hating Leftists who pretend they are not say all the time):

“I think that the term anti-Semitism has been used as a tool to attack those who criticize Israel. And I think that’s become clear over the last few days.”

I wonder how our self-hating Jews in the genre community (and liberal Jews in general) are coping with all these revelations of honest Jew hatred emerging from Labour Party ranks? No doubts their minds – or what passes for their minds – are all twisted by the cognitive dissonance, and they themselves will emerge with their ‘minds’ ever more twisted in confusion and their ‘thought processes’ jellified and puréed ever further. Don’t expect them to learn anything from this. All this Jew hatred has nothing to do with Israel hatred and Palestinianism to the self-hating Jewish community – just ask the morons.

Yet this Jew hatred from UK Labour (and the British Left) is nothing new, it’s always been there. Labour has always been hostile to Israel, and that hostility has always been motivated by Jew hatred duh duh duh. In fact the recent former leader of Labour, Ed Miliband, is a self-hating JewIt’s why British Jews left Labour in droves, and this is before Corbyn’s win of the Labour leadership in the aftermath of Miliband’s resignation. Then again Ed Miliband and his brother David would have been indoctrinated in modern day Jew hatred (as Israel hatred) as youths, notably by their self-hating Jewish mother Marion Kozak (a Holocaust survivor, saved from the death camps by Polish nuns who hid her), a member of the Israel hating and delusional Jews for Justice for Palestinians.

As an aside, it’s worth taking note of the fact that the recent former leader of the UK Labour Party and the Jewish candidate – of the US Democratic Party – for president, Bernie Sanders, are both self-hating Jews. Only self-hating Court Jews can attain leadership positions on the Left on both sides of the Atlantic. Think about it. 

An infamous stand-out figure in this regard (that is a Jew-hating gentile British Labour Party politician, not Jewish) was the late Tony Benn. Naturally he sold himself as anti-Israel, not anti-Semitic. He was both. It’s always both.

Note the cowardice of the British Jewish leadership re failing to call out Corbyn for the Jew hater that he is. Then again who among the ‘leadership’ there called  out Miliband for the self-hating Jew that he is? Like the American Jewish ‘leadership’ that way re Obama. Ditto the cowardly Jewish leadership in Canada, Australia, France, Belgium, Holland etc. Like the Jewish professionals in the SF genre community, scared and stupid in equal measure. Similar psychological dynamics – yet having far far far less excuses – to the Jewish Councils aka the Judenrat under Nazi Germany; placate and appease, grovel and fawn before Jew hate Power. That’s always worked out well for Jewry. No not really.

Douglas Murray writing about the Jew-hate problem in the UK Labour Party says exactly that. Namely the perverse dark comedy show of the Labour Party’s Jew nation haters’ proposed efforts at “re-education” – perhaps violators need to be re-educated as simple Israel haters, keep it in bounds! – of the more honest Jew haters among party rank and file.

As Murray put it:

Perhaps after all it would be best if the Corbyn-ite element of the Labour party does not attempt this process of “re-education”? The path to wisdom must include some self-understanding. Yet the Labour party’s anti-Semitism problem comes from people who propel the very hatred they profess to despise. As such, they remain in no position to “re-educate” anyone, as they so stubbornly refuse to educate themselves.

Reminds me of our own genre field, where the late Holocaust Denier James Hogan and other Holocaust Deniers/Revisionists (yes that’s plural) such as Dave Truesdale (and editor Sam Hidaka for that matterfrothed indignant rage at ever being considered remotely anti-Semitic. And of course all our hardcore Jew-hating genre Leftists – from China Mieville to Nick Mamatas, Kathryn Cramer, Richard Morgan, Ken McLeod, Paul Graham Raven and Michael Bishop to the late Iain Banks and so many others (see this blog’s archives), why they don’t have a Jew-hating neuron in their tiny minds, between the lot of them. Just ask them. It seems almost unfair to single them out… I mean the genre community is a community of Jew haters – because Jew nation haters – because a community of Leftists for the most part. At least neo-Nazis and Muslim extremists are honest with themselves about how they hate, despise the Jews. Nowadays the Jew-hating Western Left – as riddled through with Jew hatred as the Nazi Party of Adolf Hitler’s – vehemently insist they are not anti-Semitic, it’s not even remotely possible. They are liberals after all, ipso facto they do not have a prejudicial bone in their Collective Body. Being liberals means automatically being beyond reproach, and Right about All Things of which they know nothing. In other words they are a lot like religious fanatics. They do not need to look into themselves, there is no need for self-knowledge, self-reproach or self-criticism for they know all that they need to know. They know all about what is Right and Wrong, who is of the elect (themselves, the Muslims, especially the precious Palestinians) and who is damned (the Jews oh uh the Zionists, European Americans, European Brits and European Europeans) and nothing in their ideology and worldview needs to be scrutinized with skepticism or doubt. They know all that matters.

As such, since the Left is in a de facto alliance with Muslim fanatics – notably HAMAS, the PLO/PA, Hezbollah and the Iranian regime – the Left is as evil as evil gets. It’s that simple. The Left as a whole is out-and-out Nazi but lacks the honesty of the latter. The Left is just playing the good cop to Iran/Hamas/PLO/Hezbollah bad cops. It’s bad theatre. It’s also a stone cold real world horror that hardly anybody recognizes for what it is. This is not an exaggeration nor is my assertion over-the-top. Just because liberals are not beating up Jews in the streets of San Francisco, London, Paris and Toronto does not mean they are not out-and-out Nazi in ‘spirit’, in the extremity and perverse irrationality of their Jew hatred. They don’t need to set fire to synagogues and trash Jewish museums and beat up Jews to death on the streets; the safety valve or outlet for their genocidal anti-Semitism is a relentless support for political and even economic policies (such as BDS, or the seemingly more benign – but not – economic aid to the jihadist Palestinian Authority and boost of billions USD to the Iranian regime) that are designed to bring the Jew among the nations to its knees, capitulate and fall to its all too real Muslim Jihadist Enemies, Sunni and Shi’ite alike. The Left is in alliance with Islam against Israel and the West itself. To be in an indisputable de facto alliance with the hardcore, psychopathic, murderous, bigoted and oppressive supra-fascist cult that is Islam, means one is cut from the same cloth. And if conservatives fawn and grovel before Islam, as many of them do, then they are no better neither.

How is support for policies that threaten the very survival of Israel, the only sovereign Jewish state, anything other than genocidally anti-Semitic? What is the Left’s inflexible, harsh and vocal policy positions on Mexico, Brazil, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Algeria, Somalia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, the Congo, Sudan, Uganda, Central America etc? Yeah I know Yawn. The proof in the pudding to the Left’s genocidal Jew hatred is the Left’s (the White House, the EU etc.) policy on Iran (see the Joint Plan of Action incorporated in Vienna 2015). Crony capitalism also plays a role in the Western nations’ desperate desire to do business with Iran, but it’s not only greed. It is a shared enemy, the Jew and the Jew nation alike, that motivates the West (and Russia) at an unconscious level to embolden Iran economically and thus militarily.

And look at how liberal Jews – being LIBERAL – are so desperate to fawn, placate, grovel and please the hardcore Jew-hating and Islamophile (and that means Muslim extremist loving) Left. And many conservative Jews likewise, in Israel too! So scared to offend the Jew-hating White House and the Jew-hating Eurotrash and Brits, in case they hate us and do something bad, like give a green light to Iran to move ahead on its plans for another Holocaust of Jewry, and do nothing to stop Iran’s violations of a deal Iran never had any intention of keeping. We wouldn’t want that now. Sigh. Yet it is the Jew-hating and Islam radical loving Left that defines the Western power structure, the Establishment (conservatives also have a serious anti-Semitism problem, but the Left is the most vicious, relentless and horrifying in its Jew hatred as Jew nation hatred). And the West’s governments, their media, their Churches, their NGOs that are wedded to the power structure. And their trade unions, the universities and schools. The civil society.

Everywhere one looks at Jewry in the arts and ‘culture’, entertainment, media, diplomacy, the universities etc. one sees fawning, grovelling, pathetic and please-like-me-oh-Jew-hating-goy-Leftist-I’m-not-like-those-barbarian-Israeli-soldiers-Likudniks-settlers-I-love-the-Palestinians self-loathing.

For example, Jon Stewart is all too typical of the smug liberal American Jewish idiot. The former The Daily Show host, third-rate comic and idiot political commentator made sure to brandish his self-hating Jew liberal credentials, pandering to his audience of trained liberal morons every chance he got. Naturally when he was called out on his self-hatred – his disdain and scorn for Israel when fighting its defensive wars against Hamas – he denied it. As if he would admit it! Even to himself. How liberals love him for his Jewish self-hatred. As they love all self-hating Jews. What would they do without them? Yet there is a paradox at work here, they love these Jews but being anti-Semitic, they still hate them. Then again don’t liberals just hate themselves?

How else to explain the Left’s deranged support for the West’s destruction via unfettered Muslim immigration. Since my last article detailing all that, it’s only gotten worse, with the New Year’s groping/sexual assault Jihad in Cologne and other European cities, attacks and rapes and attempted rapes even of children, boys and girls. Crime spiraling in Muslim refugee hot spots across France, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and elsewhere. And the Belgian jihadist terror bombings at the Brussels airport and metro. Gee Belgium supporting the Jihad against the Jews didn’t protect you from the Jihad. Who would have thunk it? And when even more Christians are murdered and maimed by a jihadist bombing (many of them children) in Lahore Pakistan a mere five days after the Brussels jihad bombings, the response in the West is way way more muted. Barely a blip on the radar. As it always is when some jihadist atrocity is visited on the Brown People. They are not part of the chosen European Race after all. My barbs here are directed primarily – albeit not solely – at liberals who are never ever racist nor prejudiced in the slightest way. Gag gag. Just ask them. Naturally it’s over their heads, as always.

The idiot Left in North America – and the Left rules the roost there, what with Obama and Trudeau Jr. their respective idiot ‘leadership’ – seeks to have their cities and towns subject to the same Islamist um culture of bigotry, repression, menace and violence as Sweden, Denmark, France, Belgium, Holland, Britain and Germany. So desperate for a Muslim influx to American and Canadian shores. And it’s happening. And the results are San Bernadino jihad terror, Fort Hood murders, Columbus Ohio restaurant attack, Boston Marathon bombing etc. etc. Most of them you never hear about, because the FBI and other security agencies, including Canadian military intelligence, stop them – arrest the wannabe jihadists – before they get to carry out their terrorist atrocities. A moronic defense by the self-hating Islamophile Left to all this, is that America is already a violent country, inner city gang warfare from Chicago, Detroit, California to Baltimore and D.C., mass shootings at schools, malls, cinemas etc. Serial killers. It sure is a violent country (although its murder rate per capita ranks it outside the top one hundred countries and territories in the world. Really. I know a surprise). So why make it worse with Muslim violence? Why add to it? Why add to the bigotry already there in America, with Muslim bigotry, the latter against all Jews, women and girls, gays, atheists, Buddhists, Hindus and all other infidels (that’s all you Europeans, Americans and Canadians btw). Worse, it leads to all kinds of absurd security theater motivated by PC madness, increasing numbers of Sharia friendly suburbs and neighbourhoods and a refusal to recognize the problem is actually Islam. In other words a deterioration in quality of life and civil society. If somebody is suffering from cancer, you don’t wish them Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s on top of their suffering and pain. Unless you are a Leftist. Then you do.

There is something little mentioned, about this self-inflicted Western Suicide via Muslim immigration into the West. It is inseparable from the West’s anti-Semitism as anti-Israelism. But even pro-Israel supporters and opponents to this Western mass harakiri movement of mass Muslim immigration tend not to see it. Here’s what I am getting at. Why do Western nations welcome Muslim barbarians and violent misogynists and violent homophobes at that, into their nations even as these self-same Muslims behave as barbarians in their own countries? (In fact it’s worth recognizing the root meaning of the word ‘barbarian’. It’s a give-away) Why does the West do it? It’s because – among other unconscious factors and variables relating to the suicide cult of Liberalism – the Western Left sees these people as innocent doe-eyed angels, as Christ-like. And they see them as such because – being Muslim – there is an automatic association with the Left’s precious doe-eyed innocent and yes Muslim angelic fluffy bunny Christ people, the so-called Palestinians (who are truly Jordanians and those in Gaza Egyptians). The Palestinians being at war with the devil Christ killer Jews are thus automatically assigned innocent Christ-like saint status. The Palestinians as the Jesus people, since at war with the Christ Killer Devils, the Jews. All this is held deeply and unconsciously. Hence the Christian blood libel at the heart of the ‘secular’ Left’s ideology, their real-world ideology not their theoretical lip service and empty slogans. The association – by the Western ‘secular’ Left – of the Muslim Ummah with the Palestinians is autonomic and unconscious. So when you believe that Muslim barbarians are – as a consequence of the Jew-hate Left’s love affair with the Palestinians – a hybrid of innocent blue Navi folk, Navajo Indians and fluffy bunnies; such a delusional belief is the necessary fertile ground to allow unfettered Muslim immigration into the West. Even as liberal delusion is confronted with the Muslim reality – as in sexually assaulted and raped women, sodomized children and blown up people waiting at airport check-ins and on trains and rock music concerts, the Left doubles down on the Islamophilia and the Jew hate. And with it the rush to commit civilizational suicide.

Let me stress it is not only the anti-Semitism of the Left per se that gives credence to the Left’s anti-Semitic roots being with the Churches (as Leftism is birthed amidst a culture of Christianity, Europe’s religious tradition)… It is the dynamics and tropes of the Left’s anti-Semitism as anti-Israelism, that follow Christian anti-Semitic dynamics and tropes. In every way. All the time.

Palestinians at security checkpoints are ‘Christ at the checkpoint’. The Left frothed and raged against Israel when the IDF dared to kill a high-ranking HAMAS figure, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin in 2004, the outrage and anger and condemnation came from all quarters of the Left and the UN (including then UN Secretary General Kofi Annan). The EU, the Vatican and the French Foreign Ministry among them all condemned Israel for the killing of this HAMAS jihadist mastermind. Among others, such as Jack Straw, then British Foreign Secretary who called it “unacceptable”. Compare and contrast with the reaction to the American killing of Osama Bin Laden. And other jihadists killed every week by Americans, Brits, Russians, Kurds, French, Iraqi army etc. Around the world. Think of the US drone strikes alone since 2004. You get the idea. I hope. The thing is with the killing of the Hamas arch-terrorist Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, his life is seen as precious, even a man for peace. There was an autonomic knee-jerk emotional reaction by the Jew-hating Left to portray the killing of a high ranking Hamas arch-terrorist mastermind figure as a war crime, “an extra-judicial killing”. This isn’t just extreme anti-Semitism, it begs the question of why the Left sees the life of a Hamas terrorist as so precious and valuable; but the lives of millions butchered, massacred, maimed, abducted, raped, forced to flee, over just the last few decades from Africa and Pakistan, India and other parts of Asia through to Latin America and Indonesia etc. as just a big Yawn of Whatever? It’s because the Left sees a Hamas terrorist as a humble and peaceful Jesus-like figure or personality – at a deeply unconscious level – because it sees Israeli Jewish soldiers as Christ Killers. Hence Hamas, Fatah, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah terrorists autonomically become like Christ on the Cross. Brazilian left-wing cartoonist Osmani Simanca drew a political cartoon of Yassin as Jesus crucified by IDF missiles on a cross. Hamas Sheikh Ahmed Yassin died for your sins. It seems as if this obscene Jew-hate cartoon has been wiped from the Internet. Hard to find. But I remember it well.

This is why the BBC, CNN, Sky News, the Guardian, The Melbourne Age, the Toronto Globe and Mail, the CBC, left-wing trade unions and NGOs etc. froth and cry their crocodile tears over every single IDF airstrike against any Hamas or Hezbollah rocket crew, munitions cache and command and control centre (think of all the wars initiated by Hezbollah and their fellow anti-Zionists Hamas during the 21st Century, notably the Gaza War of 2014). And largely deafening silence and/or very muted responses (at best) from these same folk when it comes to you know mass murdering regimes and political entities and warlords across Latin America, Africa, Asia. Mexican drug cartels, butchering jihadists from Algeria to Kashmir, Syria and Iraq, Nigeria, Somalia and the Central African Republic to the Philippines, Thailand and Chechnya; these mentioned are not fighting against Christ killers, hence not Christ-like. However because Hamas, Hezbollah and the PLO are fighting an unending Jihad against the Jews – the devil Christ Killers – the former automatically become Christ-like. Their lives precious, good and innocent. This is all deeply unconscious and knee-jerk. It has to be. A return of the repressed Jew hatred in medieval Christianity manifesting in liberal political ‘interpretations’ and commentary of the Jihad against the Jew among the nations conflicts.

2018 update: I just thought I would add (why not?) that the day of the US Embassy move to Jerusalem in May 2018 saw Hamas use that as a pretext to lauch a jihadist riot on the Gaza border with Israel. Several attempts were made to breach the border fence by armed Hamas terrorists, their goal of course the murder, maiming and abduction of Jews. They proudly admit as much. The West’s media, NGOs, liberal Churches and left-wing political leadership and parties passed off the deaths of no less than 50 Hamas terrorists as innocent civilians. The ongoing mayhem, murder, pillage in war and hell zones around the world at the same time, from Syria, Yemen, Libya, Nigeria through to Mexico and Venezuela and beyond, not worth a blip. It’s just the usual Yawn. From Muslims and their allies, the Western Left and their institutions. Yet the point I want to stress is how this fits into what I write above (from 2 years earlier), namely Hamas terrorists’ lives are misperceived as precious, they are ‘innocent civilians’. People being murdered, maimed, raped, from Caracus, Honduras, Peru, Mexico, through to the Congo, Nigeria unto the Sinai and Syria, from Kashmir and Bangladesh, not worth yesterday’s disposed coke bottles. The former Hamas terrorists, once again, are perceived as Christ like, because of who they are fighting. The latter victims of murder of Drug Cartels and related gangs (such as MS-13), and jihadists from Mali, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Nigeria unto Syria, Yemen and Pakistan and beyond are not Christ like, because these hell zones in which the mass murderers operate with relative ease and utter remorselessness, have nothing to do with the Christ Killer nation. And let me add, the Left’s Jew hatred as a consequence, continues to spiral out of control and ‘liberal’ ‘Jews’ continue to double down in denial and self-loathing. The Western Left’s media machine is simply the barometer to all this hypocrisy, absurdism and unvarnished Jew hatred. I predicted as much of course in the original body of this essay published in 2016. End of 2018 update.

It is the same with the Jew hatred of the American Left, manifested in the guise of ‘Israel Firsters’ rage. That is American Jewish Zionists and just plain Jewry (and their counterparts in Britain, Europe) are seen as above all loyal to Israel, and hence a danger or potentially traitorous to America. Potential if not actual betrayers. This is derived so clearly from the myth of Judas Iscariot, the betrayer of Christ. It’s not even a minor variation of it. Note how none of these Leftists making the charge of dual loyalty against the Jews have any problem with Muslim-Americans, despite the high fanaticism among the latter. That is Muslim-Americans often implicit if not explicit support for the Muslim Ummah, the Dar al Islam, Muslim Supremacism and Islam engendered bigotry (Sharia Law) against their own host nations/s, along with women and girls, homosexuals, apostates. That’s just fine to the Jew-hating Left. Then again it would be. As if its American, Canadian, British, Australian Jewish Zionists who you know gave us 9-11 and the 7/7 tube bombings, the Boston bombing and San Bernadino terror attacks, the Friday the 13th Paris jihad attacks etc. More to come. Of course Jew-hater Obama loves to go on about how Muslims have made great contributions to America. Although he doesn’t come up with any specifics. I mean sure they’ve changed the New York skyline forever and catalyzed the TSA security theater at American airports, but Obama oddly chooses not to mention any of that. Maybe not so oddly.

If I listed the real contributions Jews have made in the USA, Britain, France and Canada (and before they were exterminated, in all of continental Europe) alone (hint it’s not jihadist terror bombings and Sharia Law no-go zones); in the social sciences, the humanities, mathematics, the medical and biological sciences inclusive of genetics, ecology, physics and chemistry, astronomy, literature, comics, cinema, theater inclusive of musicals (American Jews own the 20th century Broadway musicals), painting, sculpture, popular music, classical music, dance, engineering and technology (inclusive of aviation and rocket science), computer tech, architecture, economics, fashion; well it would need a very big book. Make that an encyclopedia. Make that a set of encyclopedias.

Think of Jewish contributions to science fiction alone. I don’t think most gentiles realize how extensive it actually is, and influential, and not all Jewish genre fans neither. Unless they are cognoscenti.

The irony of the conspicuous Jewish presence in trade union movements, socialist and left-wing politics in general – inclusive of radical Left media and far Left political parties – in America, Canada, Australia, Britain, Latin America, South Africa, and continental Europe before the rise of the Nazis, is a very bitter one indeed. Yet liberals still hate Jews… because those Jews are all greedy capitalists. As Hitler could have told you all and did. When he and the John Bircher crowd weren’t berating Jews for all being a bunch of Bolsheviks.

It’s important not to miss the real unhinged bigotry in seeing loyalty or support for Israel from North American Jews as some how harmful to America and Canada etc. As if support for the only civilized nation in the Middle-East, the only nation an atheist, Christian, communist, homosexual and feminist could even live in (and for those far Left gender obsessive nutters, transgenders too), is somehow a danger to America. As if it somehow represents a threat to American values. Well if those values include Jew hatred… That’s because the ‘dual loyalty’ accusers somehow see the Jew nation as intrinsically nefarious, untrustworthy, intending harmful actions against the world and civilization. And America. They see the Jew among the nations as intrinsically evil; because at root, they see the Jew as a duplicitous traitor to the man-god Jesus Christ. In fact the Traitor to God himself, thus a Devil. The Devil personified as Jewry, the killers of the God. And so the Jew Nation is a Devil Nation, the Devil Nation, the Devil Traitor Nation. Hence any support for the Jew Devil Nation can only be a bad thing. A traitorous thing to support a traitorous Judas nation.

The infamous Dreyfus Affair in France, in its entirety – that whole hysterical Jew-hate affair – is predicated on the myth of the Jew as the Judas betrayer. The Israel Firsters-dual loyalists canard, launched by the Jew hating Left in America (with the support of anti-Semitic Muslim Americans), is just the latest incarnations of this Christian inspired anti-Semitic prejudice.

There is also an obvious relationship here to the replacement theology redolent among many of the Israel hating Christian Churches. In the modern day, the Jews – having lost the favour and blessing of God for killing Jesus, and made into outcasts, think the cursed Wandering Jew – are of course embodied in a sense by the Jew nation Israel. So Israel is seen as the outcast pariah nation, having lost God’s favour, it is thus intrinsically a pariah nation. The Palestinians then become the “true Jews” (as Lavie Tidhar reminds us, talk about a left-wing ‘secular’ Jew falling for a perverse anti-Semitic Christian mythos that is Christian replacement theology).

This obscene slur of defaming and demonizing Israel as an apartheid state by the Jew-hating Left, is entirely Christian in origin and in its dynamics. Apartheid South Africa: predicated on largely economic, but also related political, social and in consequence legal considerations and motivations – racist in character – formulated by the Afrikaner supported National Party which came to power in 1948, was preceded by (often de facto) economic, political and cultural racist laws and practices (including land grabs) in South Africa by the British and Dutch-Afrikaners going back into the first half of the 20th century and 19th Century (and before then). Hence apartheid’s roots go way back before 1948 and are crimes that the British and Dutch Empires are culpable in. Thing is apartheid has clear associations and historical links and precedents with the crimes of the European and the British Empires as a whole. And their descendants in the New World. That is the crimes of slavery in America, the West Indies, Brazil, the crimes of peonage in Latin America, the massacres and destruction of native Indians, of Aborigines, of the land dispossessions of the Maoris, of Jim Crow etc. Apartheid is a one word mantra, representative and associated with British and European colonialism. A one word mantra associated in a Pavlovian manner, automatically that is, with all these European inspired and originated horrors of Empire building and the destruction it wrought, and the policies it entailed. The sins of the Empire Builders of Britain, France, Holland, Germany (in South West Africa notably), Spain, Portugal, Belgium and Italy. These crimes – and apartheid is the quintessential bad word one word slogan, a free association with the murderous prejudicial crimes of Europeans and Brits and their descendants against the Native People of Africa, the Americas, Australasia, India – are then projected on to the oldest scapegoat that is Jewry. That is the crimes of Christian nations that are repressed and covered over by guilt and shame – just the last few centuries worth – are transferred onto the Jew among the nations. It is the same old same old, in a new garb. And paradoxically it is no new garb at all. It is essentially Christian because projecting the crimes of Christians onto the Jewish scapegoat, nowadays that means projection onto the Jewish nation. This transference of the political, economic, social, religious iniquities and follies of European Empires and their descendant nations onto the Jew nation in the late 20th and early 21st Century is a Christian pathology in both origin and dynamic.

As such it is obscene and delusional to call Israel an apartheid state. Israel is the only nation in the Middle-East of the near two dozen countries in the region, that is not a fascist state. All the other nations and territories of the Middle-East without exception are fascist and/or quasi-fascist (think among other things what Sharia law actually means. I realize if you are a liberal you have no idea in all likelihood). That includes Hamas ruled Gaza. When Muslim fanatics call Israel an apartheid state, even though they borrow this from the Jew-hating West, it is a transference of their own fascism onto Israel. Mahmoud “Allah loves the martyr” Abbas, president (for life it would appear) of the Palestinian Authority calls Israel an apartheid state. This is Abbas, with his history of Holocaust Denialism, his refusal to recognize Israel’s right to exist, his on again off again and on again and off again partnership with HAMAS (when it comes to partnering in Jew murder and pillaging from Aid agencies, the UN, and in the PA’s case the EU and the US State Department). Abbas heads a jihadist terrorist outfit that preaches murderous and genocidal Jew hatred from the PA/Fatah run mosques, schools, media. A jihadist terror gang that carries out jihadist terror – including suicide bombings, shootings, and even rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza on civilian targets – through its official armed wing the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades. It tells you all you need to know about those calling Israel an apartheid state, whether they be from the Ummah or the West, and the latter includes the self-hating liberal Jews in Name Only.

The blaming of the Jews for the wars, the economic chaos, famines, droughts, plague (including the worst of the Black Plague in the 14th Century) in Medieval and Renaissance Europe was par for the Christian course. The consequences were waves and waves of pogroms and expulsions of Jewry. The whole idea of Jews being well poisoners, the blood libel of Jews hunting down and murdering Christian children to make Passover matzoh, is inseparable from Christianity and Church inspired Jew hatred – the Jew as a malevolent and bloodlustful Devil. The Jew as Christ Killer, a demon in human guise. The scapegoat for all that goes wrong, for all Man’s wars, greed and destructiveness. In our day and age, that means blaming Israel, and if necessary just the Jews, for the wars and economic Depressions and Recessions of the present day. Given the advances in Western Science, Jews can no longer be blamed for droughts and crop failure, but even here it’s not so simple and clear-cut. However explaining why that is goes beyond the scope of this already massive essay, so I leave off. So when America and Britain go to war in Iraq, Israel gets the blame. And from plenty folk on the Left – and the White House joins in even if long after the fact – to the far Right.

In fact the Walt-Mearsheimer thesis (the Jew-hate left-wing academics Stephen Walt of Harvard and John Mearsheimer of Chicago University frothed about Israeli i.e. Jewish control of the American political machine and blame Israel for driving America into war in Iraq in their infamous 2007 book The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy) defines the left-wing elitist fascism and Jew hatred in the American Academy of the 21st Century.

The current economic crisis (the one begun with the economic meltdown of 2008), the Great Recession as it has been called, is blamed by many ‘secular’ Leftists on the Jews. A Jewish bank such as Goldman-Sachs gets excessive and near exclusive focus here. Whereas multiple non-Jewish WASP and Gentile banks in America (and beyond) are all but ignored, along with their roles in the economic meltdown. The culpability of incompetent and corrupt (non-Jewish) Western governments (and their central/reserve state banks) is a non-issue to these anti-Semitic ‘secular’ Leftists. The Rolling Stone magazine’s left-wing atheist journalist Matt Taibbi – who famously mocked 9-11 conspiracy theorists – effectively blamed Joooish bankers for the 2008 economic meltdown (and the Great Depression of the 1930s on top of that). In doing so, Taibbi outed himself as a man deeply and irrationally prejudiced in all too Christian way. And he was cheered on by many Jew-hating ‘secular’ left-wing readers at Rolling Stone, who will tell you they don’t have a Jew-hate bone in their bodies. This ‘secular’ blaming of the Jews – that is Israel – for America’s war in Iraq and the Jews for the 2008/2009 Economic Recession and the ongoing, unending economic crises and chaos, is an all too Christian ‘common sense’ prejudicial viewpoint. It is Christian in its germination and flowering.

When the left-wing British Baroness Jenny Tonge, a former health spokeswoman for the UK Liberal Democrats, went along with other Jew-hating Leftists and Islamists in falsely blaming Israel (via its team of aid workers) for harvesting the organs of poor Haitians in the aftermath of the Haitian earthquake in 2010; such deranged anti-Semitism – a libel invented it appears by a Jew-hating Leftist at the US left-wing HuffingtonPost – is in every way Christian. A blood libel wholly derived from the traditional Christian anti-Semitic blood libel, the Jews as a killer of gentile children, to use their blood to make the Passover meal.

The 9-11 conspiracy theorists on the Left and Right who blame the Mossad and world Jewry for that tragedy, that mass murder by Arab Muslim jihadists; this is all too Christian, blaming Jews for Jihad against Christians. This is so since evil is ultimately of the Devil and the Devil embodies Jewishness, for the crime of killing Jesus, the God-man. Yet even the mainstream Left and paleo-conservatives who are not 9-11 conspiracy theorists and dismiss it as nuttery are not far removed from the odiousness and extreme bigotry of 9-11 conspiracy theorists. I will explain why. The mainstream Left blames America’s so-called support for Israel as a major cause or contributing factor to 9-11 and/or why Muslims hate America. Jew-hating liberal genre writer Michael Bishop being a case in point. This is just a more sophisticated version of blaming the Jews directly via a Mossad planned attack on the Twin Towers.

Even the 9/11 Commission Report, formally named Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, the official report of the events leading up to 9/11 (published in 2004) is a censored report. The role of the Saudis was censored by the Bush administration and it remains censored by the Obama administration. The Saudis (and Jordanians) whose state religion motivated the attack in its entirety, are let off the hook. The fact that Islam aka the tautology that is radical Islam, is whitewashed in this report (and others) is not only to be expected, it is entirely predictable. In other words, the whole official report is not worth the paper it’s written on. Such pretense and cover-ups at the highest levels of government (Republican Party and Democratic Party are equally responsible) re the ugly reality of Islam all go hand in hand with excessive and obsessive Israel criticism, and criticism from thugs and crooks in high places in America, Europe etc. That would include the State Department and the CIA. This obsessive and relentless anti-Israelism, whether it comes from the State Department, CNN, the BBC, the British Foreign and CommonWealth Office and Amnesty International, is an anti-Semitism derived from the demonization of Jews as the source of evil, and that is all traceable to medieval Christianity.

It’s worth pointing out that the USA funds the jihadist PLO/PA and arms the Lebanese army, the latter effectively under Hezbollah control. The USA is the biggest funder of the world’s largest Jew-hate transnational Jihad enabling organization, the United Nations. All this just the rotten Jew-hate icing – from America with love – on the rotten Jew-hate cake. The USA (and its institutions) is a back-stabbing betrayer ‘ally’ (to Israel and America alike). Its successive American Republican and Democrat governments, US government institutions, the university campuses and media, are rife with Jew hate. Israel needs no honest enemies with dishonest Jew hating (and clearly America hating, that is self-hating) allies-that-are-not like the USA. In fact when Jew-hating Americans talk about Jews as betrayers and traitors, it’s just more transference really. Even America’s aid to Israel is only done – as with all ‘aid’ it is just the same scam, and what a scam, most people have no idea – to fatten the profits of American corporations. America’s defense contractors sell weapons to Israel’s very real enemies. It is the biggest supplier of arms to Persian Gulf states, Jordan and Egypt – all hostile to Israel. The USA arms Turkey to the teeth. Everybody has American weapons. ISIS gets theirs (including humvees) from retreating and fleeing Iraqi soldiers.

Understanding 9-11 and 7-7 and the Paris attacks and the Belgian bombings etc. is very simple: Jihad against the Infidel (all non-Muslim believers) and the Infidel Christian and Infidel Jew is fundamental to Islam. Jihad is a central pillar of Islam. Islam has been at war against Christians in North Africa and Europe for approx. fourteen hundred years. Since the 7th Century AD. That is the birth of Islam itself. Maybe that’s the fault of Israel. Likewise Islam has been at war with free thinkers, heretics, apostates and the female gender since the 7th Century AD. Maybe that’s also the fault of Israel. Somebody ought to query Michael Bishop on that front. And the usual suspects that are the Jew-Hating genre Leftists. And that’s just the genre community.

These moron Jew-hating liberals completely ignore the Muslim conquest of Spain and Portugal and the fact that the Muslim advance was only checked by the Franks under Charles Martel in the 8th Century – otherwise the Moorish hordes would have been pillaging and conquering into the very heart of Europe. Maybe liberals think these conquests are motivated by love and tolerance. More like ‘what conquests??’. This is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Muslim conquests (um when did the Byzantium Empire fall and to whom?), pillage, massacres, forced conversions. I’m not even talking the Muslim conquests in Asia. India notably witnessed the massacres of millions and millions of Hindus, by Muslim invaders, in the Middle-Ages alone. Sans modern weaponry. The Muslim Jihad in India and the Asian sub-continent has been relentless, and it is neverending. It encompasses Pakistan, Bangladesh (in fact it is the Muslim jihad against the Infidel Hindu that birthed the creation of both Pakistan and Bangladesh successively). Also the Caucasus, unto China, Burma, Thailand, the Philippines. These jihads and oppression, tyranny and mass murder of the Infidel in Asia and beyond are horrifying. It goes on in the present day. Any self-respecting liberal will tell you that the Spanish, Dutch, French, British, Portuguese conquests of the New World were brutal, murderous and rapacious. And not the fault of their victims. It’s why Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, USA, Canada, South Africa, the Philippines are majority Christian. True enough.

However ask them to explain or account for the Muslim imperialism and conquests from North Africa, West Africa, East Africa, to the Caucasus unto Asia and beyond (entailing the genocide over the centuries of tens of millions of Hindus, Buddhists, Animists etc.), and it’s as if you asked them to explain the philosophical implications of the experimental violations of Bell’s Inequality Theorem. Turkey alone is responsible for waves and waves of ethnic cleansing and mass murder of Greeks, Romanian and Hungarian Christians over the centuries. A nadir is surely the genocide of Armenians during World War 1. Girls were burnt alive and crucified, after being raped. And that’s just the Turks. Don’t know if all that genocidal hatred of infidel Christians was because of the Jews. Think not. Maybe Michael Bishop and his fellow Jew-hating Leftists could give us some coherent and consistent answers here. Then again I don’t think so. Since coherence and logic are not strong suits with left-wing Jew haters alone.

The Left cannot question its moral and cultural relativist and Jew-hate ideology, to do so is to admit to being not merely foolish and wrong but suicidally foolish, to having messed up in a very terrible way; culpable in Muslim terror in the West and against Israel (because you liberals insisted on letting jihadist terror within your borders via unending and even intensifying Muslim immigration! And your ‘moral’ and financial support for the Jihad aka Palestinianism against Israel has its very real world consequences). Having blood on their hands in other words. And so it’s Muslim immigration and the new religion of Palestinianism until death do them – the Left and the Ummah – part. And anybody who opposes the suicide of the West and Muslim terror in the West via Muslim immigration is dismissed as a Nazi. Worse prosecuted as a Nazi, prosecuted for “hate speech”. It’s happening in Germany, Holland, Canada, Austria, Britain. Expect it to pick up as the left-wing fascist Western establishment gets more desperate. Every month there are new events unfolding in this regard. It is hard to keep up. Likewise if you don’t support the Palestinian Jihad – the Left’s euphemism is usually ‘resistance’ – against the Jews you are a uh Nazi. Simple usual projection by the Left of course. For what it’s worth, Western Europe and Britain will either ultimately surrender to Muslim Supremacism, as the Leftist collaborators insist, or else there will be a bloody revolution by the disgruntled working class (perhaps a repeat of the 1848 uprisings. But of course history never repeats exactly even as it is always repeating). And a revolution will find scapegoats unfortunately. Either way the future is bleak bleak and nightmarish. I do not see a realistic third alternative. America, Canada, Australia are not removed from any of this, they wrestle or rather refuse to wrestle with these same nightmarish choices. Just further down the line.

Another way the West’s self-destructive unrequited one way love affair with Islam ties in with the West’s anti-Semitism is this: this latest Muslim refugee crisis (2015-2016) is of course not the first wave of Muslim immigration into Europe and to a large degree as well North America and Australia. It has been going on in a big way since the 1970s, along with deep and extensive economic ties with oil rich Muslim states. Bat Ye’or the Jewish historian has written the definitive overlooked history of all this, Eurabia and a follow-up Europe, Globalization, and the Coming of the Universal Caliphate. Self-inflicted suicide by Muslim immigration has been official policy in Sweden for example since 1975. Yet even though it has proved a disaster, and a disaster for the Jews of Britain, Sweden, Holland, Belgium, Denmark and France notably, and increasingly so, even as critics of this Muslim immigration (who – to repeat myself – in a case of projection by the Left are all dismissed as far right-wing Nazis) show up in detail how Jews are fleeing France, Belgium, Holland and Sweden; even the Islam-realist critics do not seem to realize something that is all too plausible…

It may appear that I now go out on a limb here, and I admit that what I suggest is speculative, however this is it: European nations such as Britain, France, Sweden, Holland, Belgium, Denmark have let in Muslims in such huge numbers over the decades not only because they seek to commit national suicide, and they clearly do so; but on top of that seek to make life unpleasant, dangerous and even deadly for their Jewish citizens (those left after the six million exterminated), via the Muslim influx in and of itself. Let me stress this is an unconscious process, as is the European march to European suicide. By letting their Muslim citizens in Paris, London, Marseilles, Lyons, Rotterdam, Brussels, Malmö and elsewhere harass and attack the Jews in these places, the authorities can then say: it’s not us, it’s the Muslims. But it’s the Muslim hordes the authorities allowed into their countries, legally, with open arms. The Muslims they actively encouraged to immigrate, with the co-operation of Muslim nations. It is the Eurabia project. The European authorities, the governments, the media, can claim a dubious plausible deniability; it’s not us, it’s the Muslims we welcomed with open arms and with our tax money. The Muslims who as with Europeans hate the Jews, as the roiling unending conflict with Israel by Middle-Eastern Muslim nations and entities attests to. A Jihad against the Jew nation conflict Europeans have always been well ‘aware’ of – obsessing over – even as they always lie about it, being Jew haters themselves.

The Europeans can then say as Jewish synagogues and schools and shops are attacked and defaced by Muslim mobs and Jewish citizens (especially school children in the public schools) physically attacked and bullied by Muslim yobs; it’s not us, it’s the Muslims we adore. Since the Holocaust, Europeans can no longer get away – in their own eyes – with attacking Jews directly and it would undermine their lying prattle about being non-racist and oh so liberal. So they now outsource their murderous intent and hate of Jews onto the Muslims, they get the Muslims to do their dirty work for them. In the same way that Western companies outsource to India and Mexico and Brazil to make more profits, so the European Left outsources its Jew hate and Jew murder to Muslim mobs in Europe itself. Hence the plausible deniability. Let me stress this is an unconscious process.

This is not as far-fetched as it may seem, especially when one takes into account just how filled with Jew hatred Europeans and Brits actually are (and Americans and Canadians); that is that they support policies that would bring about another Holocaust of Jewry – with respect to the Two State Final Solution and the Iran deal to boot. As far as Israel is concerned, the Europeans do already outsource their murderous Jew hatred to the murderous Jihad entity dedicated to another Holocaust of Jewry, the Palestinian Authority; and the Europeans have been doing so since Oslo. I mean by this that the EU and Scandinavia and the UK have given hundreds of millions of dollars to the Palestinian Authority/the PLO (actually billions of dollars in total), and continue to do so every year. The PA/Fatah then passes on this money to its jihadist wing the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and other PA entities (including even their own police force) which have carried out suicide bombings, rocket and mortar attacks, stabbings, shootings, bombings, car rammings – jihadist attacks in other words – against Jewish civilians, police and soldiers. The PA continues to promote and glorify the current intifada – via the official Facebook page of Fatah which praises the Palestinian stabbers, car rammers, shooters and bombers of Jews. In the present day. PA funded mosques, schools and kindergartens! continue to promote genocidal Jew hatred, Jihad and the call for Israel’s destruction. As does the PA media, newspapers, television and radio. They have streets named after jihadists, a sports tournament is named after a female jihadist terrorist – who with other terrorists – gunned down dozens of Jewish civilians (a jihadist terrorist bus attack in 1978, near Haifa. One of the worst in Israel’s history). In fact the self-same terrorist – Dalal Mughrabi – had a statue unveiled of her by the PA, and she is revered as a heroine by the PA and Palestinian civil society to this day. But of course. This kind of thing is routine. This is not HAMAS. This is the PLO/Fatah/PA. The PA gives annual ‘reward salaries’ to the families of jihadist terrorists, whose terrorist sons and terrorist brothers and terrorist fathers were either killed resisting the Jews arrogant pretense to life, or jailed in Israeli prisons. The EU funds all this (on top of the US and oil-rich Arab states). So the Europeans outsource their Jew hatred in this way, and hence have Jewish blood on their hands. As they have for centuries past. And by willfully censoring all this jihadist genocidal Jew hate by the PA, in the PA’s mosques, schools, media, civil society whilst frothing about apartments built by Jews, this is itself Jew hatred in practice. It is no different to whitewashing the crimes of the Waffen SS and the Nazis as a whole.

In the same way that African blood diamond buyers in Europe, Japan and North America have blood on their hands but pretend otherwise because they were not doing the killing in Sierra Leone with their own hands. Israel’s existence ironically allows for the Eurotrash to continue their Jew murder, they just literally pay others to do it for them. In the same way a mafia don gets his hit-men to do his killing for him, and the US government the CIA to do its dirty work for the former. The Palestinians in this case are the paid off assassins. As I mention further up, America is equally guilty. The US State Dept – i.e. US taxpayers – likewise funds the PA, and has been doing so since Oslo ’93. And thus the US is equally culpable in funding PA genocidal Jew hate and the murder and maiming of Jews in PA funded and inspired terror attacks. And yes that means the current intifada as well – late 2015 and 2016. That’s Israel’s so-called ally that is not. Yes I know you didn’t hear about it on CNN and read about it in The LA Times. Shocka.

The fact that Obama the Jew hater is desperate to welcome so-called Syrian refugees, real and imagined, to American shores is not a meaningless coincidence. It’s a tell.

The pertinent point is that the people and institutions who are most vocal in shrieking for Muslim refugees to be let into the West are usually, if not almost always, Jew haters themselves (self-hating Jews included). As in Jew nation haters. The EU is a case in point. The Swedes and Belgians are cases in point. The far Left Belgian Philippe Moureaux, member of the Socialist Party (Parti Socialiste), who was mayor of Molenbeek from 1992 until 2012, has effectively ensured that Brussels is now 25% Muslim. Moureaux pushed for Muslim immigration and settlement into Brussels as much as any Belgian with any clout, and he is a rabid Israel hater, that is a real plain Jew hater. He sticks it to the Jews of Brussels via the Muslim swamping of Brussels, but of course it’s not just the Jews who will pay the price. And have paid the terrible price. As we saw this March 22nd at the Brussels airport and metro. And Germany and Germany’s elected Angela Merkel are one big welcome mat to the Muslim refugees. Austria too has let in so many of the perversely misnamed ‘new Jews’. Germany and Austria are still nations of Jew haters. It’s worth repeating that point.

The people who are pushing for massive Muslim immigration and refugee settlement in Europe, Britain, North America and Australia are almost always Israel haters and/or pro-Palestinian. That is they are left-wing progressive clods. And naturally their number include so many self-hating American Jews and the organizations they front. I mean their fawning, cheery welcome to Syrian refugees is simply appalling, and indicative of deep-seated ignorance and masochism. Syria is and always has been one of Israel’s most powerful enemies, it has attempted to destroy Israel on several occasions. Syrians still have fever dreams about annihilating Israel. There is a pervasive and genocidal Jew-hatred in Syrian society, on a par with Nazi Germany. Liberal American Jews pay no mind. These groups – see linked article – include the likes of the Union for Reform Judaism, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, the National Council for Jewish Women, the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee.

Just look at the genre community alone. Who is pushing heavily for welcoming Muslim refugees by the hundreds of thousands, the millions, into the West? Hundreds of thousands at minimum. More truly millions of Muslim refugees. Jew-hater China Mieville. Jew-hater Charles Stross (just check the previous article to this one). And plenty of the other usual Jew-hating (as in Israel hating) left-wing suspects of course. As in the Jew-hating genre Left. Let me repeat – this stick it to the Jews by letting in Muslim hordes – even as we stick it to ourselves, is an unconscious process in the ‘minds’ of Leftists. Largely unconscious.

I also want to add something I completely overlooked when I first published this essay. And it is likewise an unconscious dynamic relating to the Jew-hating Left, and perhaps difficult to appreciate. The Western Left doesn’t just see – at an unconscious level – the Jew nation, Israel, as the Christ Killer Nation; the Western Left paradoxically also sees the Jew nation, at an unconscious level, as the Christ Nation, the Christ Nation that must be sacrificed – as Christ was on the Cross – for the sake and salvation of humanity. I realize this appears a contradiction, and it is, if not a paradox. But that is the contradiction at the heart of Christianity and the Passion Play; Jewry perceived as the Christ Killers and Christ simultaneously. So let me stress, Israel is thus the Christ Nation – even to the Jew-hating Left! – and must suffer the same fate as Jesus Christ. That is, as with Jesus, Israel must die, must be sacrificed, for humanity to be redeemed and saved. Hence all this pushing for Israel’s destruction by the Left, amidst all this shrill and relentless babble about human rights, peace and justice. That is the push for Israel’s death, that is ‘sacrifice’, in the name of truth and righteousness, in order for peace and harmony to prevail. Whilst no other nations around the globe caught up in horrific conflagrations, mass murder, ethnic cleansing, torture, mass rapes, tyranny and despotism etc. face any similar and shrill demand for their sacrifice; that is the call for any other nation to be immolated, whether at the hands of the Jihad or any other Evil, is simply non-existent. Then again, only Israel is the Christ Nation, and only Christ can give up his life, needs to surrender his life, so Humanity can atone for its Sins. And let me add further, if pro-Israel (allegedly) Christian conservatives see Israel as the Christ Nation, even if only subconsciously, then would they not too, likewise, demand the same sacrifice (even if only at a subconscious level) from the ‘Christ Nation’? This appears a contradiction, but it is no more contradictory or less so, than the roots of such ‘thinking’, that is the Christian Passion Play itself.

Getting back to prominent self-hating Jews… Mark Zuckerberg CEO of Facebook is another prominent case in point. Facebook faces a huge class action suit from Israelis because of all the glorification and praise of jihadists targeting Jews for death in Israel. On Fatah’s official Facebook page. That’s the uh moderate jihadist entity Fatah. A ‘Death to America and Israel’ Facebook page remains up (as of mid 2016). If you think this a freedom of speech issue, well how do you explain the anti-Islamist and/or anti-Arab pages that are taken down by Facebook staffers as violating their community standards? Routinely. And such Facebook posters and groups are banned. Facebook prattles it does not tolerate hate speech, it says it’s a “violation of community standards”. Well certainly Jew hate and anti-America hate speech for that matter doesn’t count. Not to Facebook and the buck stops at Zuckerberg. However as with all Leftists, calling out Muslim Jihadist terror for what it is qualifies as hate speech at Facebook. Once again the buck stops with Zuckerberg.

In fact Facebook tell us in 2016 that the blood libel of Jews killing gentile children to make matzah for Passover is not a violation of its community standards!! It’s not hate speech. The only hate speech to them is the faux nonsense of ‘Islamophobia’. Jew Hate Speech – even of the old-fashioned hardcore blood libel kind – is not hate speech. Not to the honchos calling the shots at Facebook. That’s just one example of Leftism – and a multi-billionaire and yes self-hating Jew is implicated since he is the head honcho of Facebook – in all its full-blown reality and ugliness. In fact such ugliness is so transparently reflected in the liberal genre community.

So it’s a case of the glorification, the explicit support for another genocide of Jewry is just fine and dandy to Facebook. Along with the most in-your-face Jew hate blood libels. Then again it’s just fine and dandy to the EU, the US State Department, and the UN. And the Left. And surprise surprise here is Mark Zuckerberg pronouncing his love for the Muslim community and his opposition to ‘Islamophobia’. It’s only one way Mark you dumb-fuck. Since we all know that after Muslim immigrants and refugees (fake refugees included) swamp the West and resist Western values in favour of their own far right-wing reactionary values, and blow up Westerners besides, it’s the violent ‘Islamophobic’ backlash that never comes, that is of concern to liberals and their Muslim allies alike. Zuckerberg promised cooperation re Facebook censorship on criticism of the Muslim refugees and migrants into Europe with the queen of Germany’s and Europe’s self-destruction in this regard, Angela Merkel. No such censorship of course with genocidal Jew hatred on Facebook. That’s different. Again it’s not a meaningless coincidence that Jew haters (self-hating Jews among them such as Mark Zuckerberg) also support mass Muslim immigration to the West. And Muslims from Muslim nations with a tradition and culture of sacrosanct hatreds and intolerance and fanaticism. There’s a reason their nations are on fire. Pay No Mind.

So why don’t you welcome the Muslim refugees to your mansion and neighbourhood Zuckerberg? Of course he is an all too typical Liberal American Jew (and liberal genre Jew at that) who knows NOTHING about WHAT REALLY MATTERS. A know-nothing Islamophile who puts emotional and sentimental feelgood slush (and Facebook profits in his case as well) ahead of both common sense and the most basic rudimentary knowledge of Islam, Israel, the Middle-East. His – and liberal Jewry’s – fancy so-called education is part of the problem. Most liberal Jews are like Zuckerberg. Miseducated and dumb about everything that matters. They may be genius computer and IT geeks like Zuckerberg, doctors, lawyers, engineers, writers, filmmakers, accountants, architects, actuaries, scientists of every stripe, publishers, psychiatrists, psychologists etc. But they know nothing about anything that matters. Israel is just another country to them. Like Bhutan, Switzerland or Lesotho. Islam (and Judaism for that matter) is just another religion to them. Like Buddhism, New Age Spiritualism and Aboriginal Animism.

Most liberal Jews are not as extreme in their Jewish self-loathing, going out of their way to hate hate hate Israel and support the Jihad against it. But plenty are. In Israel as well. Scores of them. Notorious examples of extreme and hardcore Jew-hating Jews: Noam Chomsky, his fellow avid Hezbollah supporter and buddy Norman Finkelstein, Glenn Greenwald, Amy Goodman, David Harris-Gershon, Sarah ShulmanRichard Falk the Israel hate gangster, formerly at the UN and 9-11 conspiracy theorist, Israeli songstress Achinoam Nini/Noa. From B’Tselem/Breaking the Silence and the perversely misnamed New Israel Fund (more accurately New Palestine/Hamas Fund) to Jewish Voices for Peace (as in Jewish Voices for Capitulation to the Jihad), Jews for Justice for Palestinians (JFJFP), Independent Jewish Voices and all the other Not in My Name self-loathing idiot ‘Jews’. In fact the ADL/Anti-Defamation League is now most definitely a self-hating ‘Jewish’ organization! since it is now headed by self-hating Jew Jonathan Greenblatt. And Greenblatt calls the shots. Revisionist ‘new’ historian Ilan Pappé and that other revisionist historian, the late Tony “Israel today is bad for the Jews” Judt, pseudo-scholar and self-admitted ex-Jew Shlomo Sand, the other lying Israeli pseudo-scholars such as Neve Gordon and Avi Shlaim. There is the notorious Uri Avnery (who authored Israel without Zionists back in the late 1960s, and is rightly called Israel’s Lord Haw-Haw by his critics), Charles Stross’s unhinged Jew-hate psychopath buddy Max Blumenthal (who Hillary Clinton appreciates and just adores – have I said that before?), Uli Adoni, Peter Beinart (who Bill Clinton just adores), Naomi ‘no logo no brain’ Klein, Philip Weiss of Mondoweiss (China Mieville has written for Mondoweiss), Judith Butler, the avid unquestioning idiot self-hating Jewish readership of the GuardianEzra Nawi (who like all self-hating Jews hates Palestinians as well, enough to have them murdered), Amiram Goldblum and Yariv Oppenheimer (Oppenheimer has since left the organization) of Peace Now aka Suicide Now in Israel. There is The New Yorker editor David Remnick, very much a self-hating Jew these days. The notorious Jeremy Ben-Ami of J Street, Jews for Justice for Palestinians aka Jews for Jew haters, Adam Shapiro co-founder of the International Solidarity Movement/ISM aka International Solidarity with the Jihad against the Jews, and also of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, and yes Zehava Gal-On of the far left-wing Israeli political party Meretz. In fact Ken Roth a co-founder of Human Rights Watch aka Jihad Rights Watch is a notorious self-hating Jew, since HRW is a propaganda organ of new anti-Semitism. The other co-founder of HRW, Robert Bernstein, left the organization because of its double standards re an obsessive anti-Israelism and whitewashing of the crimes of other Middle-East states. Richard Goldstone, the notorious South African Court Jew for the Jew-hate UN HRC Kangaroo Court, his Jew-hate lying UN Report on the Gaza War of 2008 being utterly discredited. But the damage has been done. There was the curious case of America’s most famous chess grandmaster, Bobby Fischer. Fischer’s Jew hatred (and hence self-hatred) was so extreme (along with his disgusting comments on 9-11), that they almost beggar belief. Fischer however was well known for having serious mental health issues, paranoid and delusional, possibly schizophrenic, so it may not be fair to class him with the others. So so so many self-hating Jewish professors, writers, actors, journalists and film-makers. In Israel and the Diaspora.

2018 update: Yes the Red Wolf is still in the land of the living! I thought why not add the odious case of David Litt, former Obama speech writer to the list, given how conspicuous his job made him. Also cartoonist Eli Valley, whose delusional Israel hate cartoons are something else.

The case of billionaire financier George Soros, is just bizarre. A notorious self-hating Jew, an ex-Jew really pretty much by his own admission.

In fact I just want to take the example of Israeli Yariv Oppenheimer of Peace Now aka Surrender Now to the Jihad, because it’s so telling and so extreme in its Jew hatred (and a recent example likewise). Although there are so many others I could have chosen. So anyhow here is what I want to relay…

Yariv Oppenheimer, when still with Peace Now/Shalom Achshav in March 2016, had this to say in response to a Jewish male civilian killing a Muslim Arab terrorist in a Tel Aviv suburb in self-defense:

Yariv Oppenheimer, leader of the Peace Now organization, condemned terror victim Yonatan Azarihab, who was wounded in a stabbing attack on Tuesday, for killing his assailant in the course of the attack.

Oppenheimer took to Twitter on Wednesday, blasting what he termed the “execution” of terrorists who were killed while carrying out violent attacks on Tuesday in Jaffa and Petach Tikva.

Oppenheimer’s comment referenced the attacks which left Taylor Force, an American tourist and US Army veteran dead and 10 others woundedin Jaffa, and the attack in Petach Tikva which left Azarihab, a haredi resident, seriously injured.

Azarihab was stabbed in the neck, but managed to remove the knifefrom his own body and use it to kill his attacker.

“This is how it goes from neutralizing terrorists to execution without trial”, Oppenheimer wrote about the incidents.

He blasted the media for ignoring what he describes as extra-judicial executions, saying “In the present atmosphere, no one in the media dares to report and deal with the issue.”

Yeah you read that right. The Jewish guy, the actual victim here! managed to get the knife out of his body, implanted there by the Arab terrorist! or as Yariv would tell us, freedom fighter one supposes, and stabbed the terrorist with his own knife. Well done to the Jewish man. To Oppenheimer it’s a cause of great shame. The only good Jew is a helpless victim who goes to his murder at the hands of the heroic Muslim Jihad Resistance quietly and without a cry or complaint. Perhaps even with gratitude to be singled out by the heroic innocent Jihadist Resistance Fighter. 

That’s the former head of the Israeli Peace Now.

Let me stress here that Jewish self-hatred – and Jew vs Jew civil strife – predates Israel’s founding as a modern state, not only by several centuries, but millenia. As Jewish history reveals. It is as old as the oldest hatred itself. Yet let me emphasize an important and tragic example from the nadir that was Nazi Germany.

As the excellent Jews Down Under blog relates:

In the Nazi era, some Jews tried to appease Hitler. Notable examples were the Association of German National Jews, founded by Max Naumann, whose goal was the total assimilation of Jews into the German Volksgemenschaft.

In 1934 the group made the following statement.

“We have always held the well-being of the German people and the fatherland, to which we feel inextricably linked, above our own well-being. Thus we greeted the results of January, 1933, even though it has brought hardship for us personally”.

A similar Jewish group in Germany was the German Vanguard, German-Jewish followers of Hitler also referred to as “Nazi Jews” – Association of German National Jews, who advocated loyalty to the Nazi programme, and allegedly ended their meetings by giving the Nazi saluteand shouting,

“Down With Us!”

The Vanguard were extremely patriotic Germans who wanted to be seen as a Jewish political movement within the revival of German nationalism. They looked down on Eastern European Jews, and opposed Zionism, because Zionists wanted to become a separate Jewish nation, while the Vanguard believed that German Jews belonged to the German nation, and were only different with regard to their religion… Vanguard members failed to understand that the Nazis hated Jews because of their race, and considered them to be non-Aryan, or non-German, to the core. They thought that Jews would eventually be allowed to integrate into the Third Reich.

And liberal Jews are their modern day successors. As such liberal Jews make me gag. Liberal Jewish writers make me gag. Nearly all of them. Okay liberal Jewish artistes and auteurs and actors and theater directors and musicians and professors infuriate me. Nearly all of them. Speaking of the liberal Jewish writers, editors, film directors and other contributors to arts and so-called culture… Michael Chabon, Amos Oz, Meir Shalev, Etgar Keret, Moris Farhi, the late Harold Pinter, Will Self, John Berger, the composer Daniel Barenboim, the playwrights Wallace Shawn, Tony Kushner: self-hating Jews, every last one of them. So many liberal Jewish filmmakers, from Eytan Fox (his Israeli film The Bubble/HaBua – among others defines left-wing Jewish self-hatred) to Woody Allen, Mike Leigh and Julian Schnabel to atheist far Left film-maker Todd Solondz: there is a streak of Jewish self-hatred (as in swallowing and parroting lies about Israel, and the associated moral and cultural relativism) in all of ’em. Some more than others. And air-headed liberal self-hating Jewish/part-‘Jewish’ actors are a dime a dozen. From the late Alan Rickman to Daniel Day Lewis, Ed Asner to more Israeli actors than I care to mention (perhaps it’s more about the paycheck with Israeli actors appearing in Israel hate films and TV shows than anything else, I would hope so. On the other hand…).

Steven Spielberg’s Holocaust film Schindler’s List is passable, it’s okay, nothing more than that. Sure one of his better films. I’ll give him that (on the other hand here is some pertinent criticism of that film as an essentially kitsch and false narrative). And Spielberg’s fawning before the Jew-hater Obama is disgraceful and pathetic and so symbolic of 21st Century Liberal Jewish Please-Like-Me Fawning before Jew-hating Power. Obama is a president at least as anti-Semitic as Jimmy Carter but far more dangerous; and Spielberg awarding him – from one ego to another – some meaningless and ridiculous award, is not merely misplaced and ill advised, it is grovelling before a man who wishes the Jewish state ill and has the means to achieve it. It is a denialism by a ‘Jew’ of extreme Jew hatred (Obama’s policies on Israel and the Middle-East) which is Jewish self-hatred in action. On principle. And Spielberg is a very famous Jew. And his fawning before a Jew-hating huckster who happens to be the President of the United States is barely remarked upon. The self-hating Jewish genre writers I mock are largely if not entirely just a bunch of nobodies, usually minor writers within the genre – Lavie “I don’t understand why saying Ashkenazi Jews like making money and gold is a ‘racist’ or anti-semitic thing to say” Tidhar for example – even as they may have a pathetic pretense to gravitas. But the banality of their and Spielberg’s self-flagellation follows the same or similar psychological dynamics.

Hollywood’s pusillanimous and cowardly self-hating Jews really are something else. Air-headed know-nothing actors, directors, agents, producers, writers, studio execs. There are probably all too few self-respecting authentic Jewish men and women in Hollywood really. None that really stand out and are vocal about what matters. Okay David Mamet. I’m willing to bet Woody Allen and the Coen brothers wouldn’t even blink an eye at the prospect of working with this Jew-hating left-wing Eurotrash Spanish movie star couple again. And the half-Jewish Oliver Stone is hardcore in his modern-day Judenhass and nobody has boo to say. Not publicly. Of course I may be wrong on the very rare occasion, but when it comes to liberal American Jews, do not give them the benefit of the doubt. Ever. Always assume the worst when it comes to liberal Jewry. And then some. Their cowardice is only matched by their know-nothingness. And both are bottomless black holes. And if anything, genre Jewry is even worse than run-of-the-mill dumb dumb liberal American Jews in Name Only. If that’s even possible. As the archives of this blog reveal. In ways I could never have even imagined when I first started blogging.

And let’s not forget Jewish liberal journalists, from Ha’aretz’s unhinged psychopathic Jew-hating Jew Gideon Levy, Seymour Hersh who blathers about how Jewish money controls the American political machine, The Washington Post‘s Richard “Israel itself is a mistake” CohenThe New York Times’s Thomas Friedman to The New York Times’s Roger Cohen to the uh New York Times’s Jodi Rudoren and Rob Eshman, editor of the uh Jewish Journal. And what of The Atlantic‘s Jeffrey Goldberg, routine apologist for Obama’s Israel hate (he’s not nearly as bad as many of the others but he’s still pathetic)? And then this happened, not that Goldberg has learned from it at all, nor has he recanted nor apologized for his previous Obama fawning on all things Israel related. And the ‘Jewish’ Daily Forward aka The Forward is largely a disgrace. There is the ‘Jewish’ editor Mary-Kay Wilmers of the vile anti-Semitic London Review of Books (certainly anti-Semitic under her editorship). There is the notorious far Left self-hating +972 Magazine (Lavie Tidhar is a big fan). Plenty more Israel hating Jews among the Fourth Estate. In fact I would be remiss to leave out Amos Schocken, the publisher (and inheritor of the German Jewish family owned publishing firm of that name, and still the majority owner of Ha’Aretz) – a real self-hating Jew if there was one. It is worth remarking that Ha’Aretz is now part owned by M. DuMont Schauberg which has acquired 25 percent ownership. The thing is DuMont Schauberg’s father, Kurt Neven DuMont, was a member of the German Nazi Party, while his publishing firm has promoted the Nazi ideology itself. How uncanny, ironic and yes appropriate. 

Antony Lerman writes an article much quoted by Jew haters, on Jewish self-hatred, dismissing it as a myth. In The Jewish Quarterly no less. In the process, and elsewhere such as his odious book, The Making and Unmaking of a Zionist, he outs himself as a self-hating Jew.

The gentile mainstream and alternative media in the West is always ready to actively employ and publicize self-hating Jewish journos, because then they say: how can we be anti-Semitic on Israel, if it is our Jewish journalists who say these things re Israel and the Middle-East? And ‘Jewish’ newspapers and periodicals – if left-wing – are not much better, if at all. There are plenty of self-hating rabbis, especially if they are of the Reform persuasion – because Reform is code for Liberalism (and for what it’s worth I am not remotely religious, I never go to synagogue). A notorious example here is American Rabbi Michael Lerner of Tikkun Magazine infamy.

I update this essay – 11th June – to remark that the mayor of Tel Aviv Ron Huldai is a self-hating Jew. The evidence was always there, but it is now indisputable, in the light of his disgusting remarks in the aftermath of the Sarona Market terrorist attack in Tel Aviv on the 8th June. 

Actually the list of hardcore Jew-hating Jews is a very very very long one. I can’t keep up. I would go as far as calling at least one of the former heads of Shin Bet!! a self-hating Jew. I’m serious. No joke. Namely Ami Ayalon. Surreal but true. Not that Ayalon for one will learn anything from the violent confrontation he faced when on a speaking tour in London. Hey Ayalon you moron, the viva Palestine crowd don’t care for bleeding heart self-hating liberal ‘Israel must mend its ways’ Jews like you. You and your ilk are just their useful idiots.

There are top ranking brass in the IDF who are self-hating Jews or prepared to pander to slander and lies about Israel to further their careers in a left-wing dominated (that is self-hating) political milieu – same thing at the end of the day. Just in early May (shortly before posting this online), in a speech delivered on a kibbutz on the eve of Holocaust Memorial Day (Yom Ha’Shoah), Deputy Chief of the IDF general Yair Golan outed himself as a self-hating Jew, or at best just an unthinking, stupid one. He remarked that he identifies processes in Israel today that are similar to those that took place in Gentile Europe prior to the Holocaust. Disgusting. He back-peddled when facing some predictable and critical backlash (not nearly enough, and he was even defended by those who should know better) and well just plain engaged in the most mealy-mouthed I-did-not-mean-what-I-said-and-my-comments-were-taken-out-of-context blather, but the damage had been done. Ruthie Blum’s take on this at Israel HaYom (Israel Today). And another article that gets to the heart of the matter here, Yishai Fleisher on the pathetic Jews – such as Golan – bedevilled by the absurd fear of the Inner Nazi.

How can Israel be defended with moral strength, courage, and the right tactics and strategy when too many of those we rely on to prevent another Holocaust, are simply stupid self-hating Jews? Never mind among Israel’s media elite and Court Justices, these self-hating or at best cretinous Jews are among the elite in Shin Bet and among the highest ranks of the IDF!! The answer is Israel cannot be defended with wisdom and moral strength, when too many of the brass at the top of the nation’s military are riddled through with stupidity and self-loathing. This is why I have come to recognize the truth of how Tuvia Tenenbom ends his masterpiece Catch the Jew! Israel will not hold out and survive against its enemies, not because of the strength of Israel’s enemies – the Muslim Jihad, the EU, the Jew-hating Americans, the UN – that is the world ‘civilization’ railed against the Jew among the nations; but because Israel is too riddled through with self-hatred – especially among the movers and shakers. And that will be and is our downfall. 

As such there are clearly not just tens of thousands of such self-loathing Jews, there must be at minimum hundreds of thousands of such Jews (in Israel and the Diaspora). Easily. Perhaps millions. And there are only approximately 14 million Jews in the world. In Israel, North America, Britain, France, Holland, Belgium, Australia, South Africa, Latin America and Brazil – there are no shortages of idiotic self-loathing Yids. It is the Ashkenazi Jews most of all, the European Jews, who are neurotic in this way. Almost wholly them (and Sephardic/Mizrachi Jews inspired and indoctrinated by the former). The Ashkenazi were the ones who were annihilated in the Holocaust. And the ones who built Israel. It is because of the Holocaust and not despite it, and it is paradoxically because these ‘Jews’ are so European, that there is so much self-hatred among them. You do not know black comedy until you really know and appreciate self-hating Jews, and I mean appreciate them as one appreciates five day old dog vomit that you discover in the yard and have to clean up. I say it is because of the Holocaust because if one researches this heavily or even superficially, one discovers that often enough the most gleeful self-hating Jews had family consumed in the Shoah, whether they survived or not, or had fled from the Nazis as refugees.

Norman ‘we are all Hezbollah now’ Finkelstein for example, and Marion Kozak a Holocaust survivor herself – who I mention further up – and her two sons the Court Jews Ed and David Miliband of UK Labour, Ilan Pappé’s parents are Holocaust survivors, Amos Elon fled Austria as a little boy with his family in 1933, Amos Schocken the publisher had his German Jewish family (of the Schocken publishing house) flee the Nazis. Israeli writer Etgar Keret’s parents survived the Holocaust; but really it almost seems unfair to single them out. There are so many like that – Israel hating Jews whose direct family line were victims of the Nazis (either in hiding, or in the Nazi camps, or forced to flee as refugees). A case in point is our own genre field… Israeli writer (technically Israeli-South African) and editor Lavie Tidhar and his Aussie ‘Jewish’ mate, the writer Anna Tambour, both had family perish in the death camps. And both of them are among two of the most notorious self-hating Jews in the genre community; even as there are a lot of self-hating Jews in the genre community, as in a LOT. Even by the standards of  Israel hating Jews, Tidhar and Tambour are keen to go as low as they can go, to win gold in this shameful competition. They go beyond Israel hating into unadorned rip the mask off Jew despising Jews. They let the cat out of the bag. That’s for sure. Tambour perhaps takes the cake. But Tidhar matches her every step of the way in Jewish self-abasement and shame. And Tambour’s reply to my exposé – because there is never anything to be ashamed about! – is itself almost unbelievable. Almost. It’s all about context apparently!

Tidhar has always grovelled and fawned before Jew-hating gentile far Lefties in the genre community, from Nick Mamatas and China Mieville to Paul Graham Raven and the late Iain Banks. Charles Stross and Farah Mendlesohn are at the same deep dark level of Jewish self-hatred. And the same goes for others such as Felix Gilman and Nir Yaniv (Tidhar’s Israeli buddy). This is anything but an exhaustive list. However let me not lose track of my argument, self-hating Jews and the Holocaust…

Tidhar has – as I allude to further up – even written a (probably) third-rate novel about the Holocaust called A Man Lies Dreaming. Incidentally – for what it’s worth the NY Times dismissed his novel as second-rateIt’s obscene that a self-hating Jew writes a novel about the Holocaust, but this is all so banal, as madness and irony and even black comedy tends to be. As with evil. Hannah Arendt knew what she was talking about, despite flaws in her argument – and I personally believe perhaps too critical of the Judenrat who were in an impossible position – and the fact that she remains almost willfully misunderstood. She hit such a nerve, that the controversial aftershocks reverberate to this day. The truth is too terrible to face. However the subject of Arendt is such a vast and difficult one, that I leave off. This is not the place for it so much.

Holocaust novels (by non-survivors) in the 21st century are kind of chic you know, and mostly mediocre or worse. I’m obviously not talking about the memoirs and novels based on personal experiences by survivors: Elie Wiesel, Alexander Donat, Primo Levi, Leon Wells, Chaim Kaplan, H. G. Adler – among so many others – and even Jerzy Kosinski here whose controversial (fiction not fact as he initially claimed) The Painted Bird is a masterpiece. And such mediocre and even atrocious Holocaust fiction fare is very safe and doesn’t rock any boats. Oooh the Nazis were evil. Yeah even Jew-hating Islamist and backdoor funder of ISIS/Daesh Recep Erdoğan will tell you that much. And Erdogan’s fellow Jew-hate mate (at least in the past) Barack Obama says the same thing about the Holocaust. Yawn. Yeah so? And no doubt the entire US Congress and Senate (filled to the gills with Jew haters), the Jew-hating EU and of course the hardcore Jew-hating (as in Israel hating) communists and socialists (at least those who are not Holocaust Deniers) across the Western world prattle the same hypocritical mantra: the Nazis were evil and the Jews suffered terribly and unjustly. Let’s all focus on the indisputable evil of the Nazis, so we don’t have to focus on the Jihad International that threatens to finish off where the Nazis left off, and wipe out another six million Jews. And how the Jihad International is being enabled by Jew-hating Western governments, left-wing NGOs, the left-wing Israel hating media, liberal Christian Churches and the UN. I mean that would take too much moral courage from Jewry. And that would anger and upset the anti-Semitic West – its anti-Semitic institutions and civil society – way too much. So let’s not go there now!

Taking a deeper look-in at our genre community of Israel hating Jews, and the particular cases of Lavie Tidhar and Anna Tambour… Their having lost family in the Holocaust is pivotal to some important points I want to stress. In Tidhar’s case, as with Tambour and other Jews who hate the Jewish state and feel sympathy for a society of Jew-hating jihadists and Muslim fanatics, protestations and denials to the contrary – and that is Palestinian society in a nutshell; the annihilation of their families by the Nazi murderers plays its perverse role in these cases of Jewish self-hatred. It appears a contradiction, but on closer inspection it is not. The likes of Tidhar and Tambour so identify with the helpless victims of the Shoah, unarmed, helpless before the Waffen SS, the Einsatzgruppen and the camp kommandos, the latter armed to the teeth. The Nazis’ sadistic total control over their victims and every aspect of the Jews’ tortured lives and miserable deaths still remains, in the Jewish consciousness, a mind numbing terror beyond even an Elie Wiesel to articulate – as with all genocide. Hitler’s huge armies, that is a cruel power backed by infantry, artillery, tanks and bombers, and isolated and unarmed urban and rural Jewish people translated to Jewish powerlessness in the face of the most extreme evil of any war machine in history. The good Jews are the helpless victims, the bad people here are the young fit German and Axis soldiers and guards, heavily armed. The identification is naturally emotional and traumatic. The Jews of Israel are no longer helpless, they have machine guns (even the women), artillery, tanks, fighter jets. The Palestinian jihadists and jihadist wannabes who are at war with the Jews don’t have such weapons, sure they have rockets, even mortars, machine guns, RPGs (in Gaza notably) but they can’t match the Jews for firepower, and certainly not in the West Bank/Judea and Samaria. And Palestinian civilians lining up at a security checkpoint are not armed (well for the most part, they are not supposed to be!) unlike the Jewish soldiers. Palestinian civilians unarmed just like Jews being sent to the gas. Jewish soldiers armed, like the Waffen SS and Einzatsgruppen. The good Jews in the death camps, unarmed and powerless, hence the only good Jews are unarmed and powerless. Jews who do not and cannot fight back, even as their women and girls are raped en masse, their children murdered. These are the only good Jews. Perverse, False and Obscene Analogies of course, but such is the nature of raw emotionalism and an emotionalism hijacked by the moral and cultural relativism of Leftism; and trauma does not in and of itself lend itself to reason and thoughtfulness.

This is not all that’s going on, or even most of what’s going on. It is the poisoned cherry on the poisoned cake of Jewish self-hatred. The cake is Liberalism (or what passes for it), and these Jews are very liberal, left-wing that is. The reality, the truth of the matter is that unlike Jews being led to the gas, the Palestinians openly seek to emulate the Nazis who they openly admire (Hitler is a hero to them. Truly); and the Jews with guns and rifles and tanks have guns, rifles and tanks for that reason, they are there to prevent the mass murder, maiming, rape, abductions of – the very destruction of – Jewry. The IDF and Israeli border police are all that stands between the Jews of Israel, mass terror and even Nothing Less than Another Holocaust. The lesson of the Holocaust is that Jews need to be well armed in a Jew-hating world. To the self-hating Jew, the lesson of the Holocaust is to press the repeat button.

It is no exaggeration to say that the IDF is all that stands between the mass murder and mass rape of Jews in the thousands every day. I mean look what Muslim fanatics do to their fellow Muslims and Christians in the Midddle-East. And beyond. Every single day. In Syria. In Iraq. In Yemen. In Egypt and Libya. The Sudan and Somalia. In Pakistan and Afghanistan. In Nigeria and Mali and even the Congo. And beyond. The Israeli Jewish armies and air force have prevented another Holocaust of Jewry no less than three times since Europeans finished their mass exterminations of Jewry in mid-’45. In 1948, ’67 and ’73. They prevent jihadist terrorism against Jews every single day, that is 24/7. And this is why the IDF is so hated, by neo-Nazis, Muslim fanatics (I include the uh ‘moderate’ fanatics and friends to fanatics such as Mahmoud Abbas, Tariq Ramadan, Tariq Ali and pals in CAIR in the United States, Erdogan in Turkey and the newly elected Muslim mayor of London – how appropriate and symbolic! – Sadiq Khan) and Western liberals. And plenty conservatives too. That is the Jew haters among the conservative ranks.

And the more ‘liberal’, as in communist/anarchist/socialist, the more they hate the very notion of a Jewish army and air force. The Western liberal media, NGOs, diplomatic corp etc. literally fumes at the IDF stopping terrorism, catching their precious Palestinians with guns, knives, explosives of all kinds and uncovering Hamas tunnels dug into Israel, when not ignoring that all entirely. And that’s most often enough the case. For sure. The liberal Western media, liberal politicians and the other usual suspects of Jew-hating Leftists fume even more when Jews kill HAMAS terrorists and  target HAMAS rocket crews, munition depots, HAMAS artillery and HAMAS command and control centers etc. And they fume and get enraged at Jews for building security barrier/s to prevent Jews from getting blown up. They have no such problem with all the other security barriers around the world, from Iraq-Kuwait, the Western Sahara, China-North Korea to the DMZ barriers between the two Koreas and Cyprus. And beyond. Hence the transparent Jew hatred on show here.

On daily and weekly brutal murders from Caracas to Mexico City, Yemen to India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Libya, Uganda, Somalia, the Congo, South Africa to Honduras, Guatemala, Peru, Ecuador and Venezuela, it’s all a big Yawn. As for the horrific civil wars in Syria and Iraq that embroil America and Russia and entail mass murder of civilians, rape and torture and destruction of antiquities etc, and the Russia-Chechen horrors and so much else besides; the victims (of the Syrian and Iraqi civil war/s notably) are seen in the same way as victims of an earthquake, a tsunami, a hurricane. It’s just one of those things that happens, kind of like the victims of Nature’s whims and fury. It’s certainly no sound and fury protests and rage on a scale at which the Left froths about Jews building homes (in a place where Jews have actually had a presence on and off for centuries for over two and a half thousand years. Yes I repeat myself because this important point is routinely ignored and lied about) and fight wars of self-defense – doing more to avoid civilian casualties than any other armed forces in the world – against jihadist terrorists no different in motivation, goals and character to ISIS/Daesh. As for Europeans and their descendants building millions and millions of houses, apartments, office blocks, factories, industrial parks, highways, roads, cities and towns in other words, farms and ranches in America, Canada, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil to South Africa, Australia and New Zealand… on stolen land… What’s that? Yawn. The latter stolen continents are just hunky dory or just so yesterday’s news that we don’t talk about it. Just repress the guilt and bounce it back on to the tiny Jew among the nations.

When talking about Jewish self-hatred, I’m not even talking about run-of-the-mill moronic Obama voting Jews, and self-same run-of-the-mill liberal Jews in Name Only voting for the Democratic Party candidates, the Jew hater Hillary or the self-hating Jew Bernie Sanders. Sanders comes across as even worse than Hillary! If that’s possible. Self-hating liberal Jews are always the worst anti-Semites among the Left. Such ‘Jews’ go out of their way to pander to the Jew-hate liberal goyim, so the former always go overboard. Their loyalty is always questionable because they are of the Judas Christ Betrayer people, always suspect in other words, and so their Israel hatred has to be constant and relentless. As for run-of-the-mill Jewish liberal Americans, they could care less about Israel and its fate, they are more preoccupied with the Super Bowl, the latest Apps, their hairstyles and weight and their sex lives. And the intermarriage among the non-Orthodox US Jews now in excess of 70%, so they truly don’t care (yes with some exceptions). Their children are not and will not for the most part identify as Jewish nor give a flying fig for Israel. Maybe it’s a case of farewell and good riddance.

And if we are talking about liberal Jews who vote without hesitation for Jew-hating Democratic Party candidates (Kerry really outed himself when serving under the Obama administration, Obama himself and now Hillary and Sanders), then we are talking the majority of American Jews! It’s shocking, even as it’s considered so meh. These are not even – for the most part – the hardcore ‘Jewish’ Israel haters, who go out of their way to lie and slander the Jew among the nations, and show gleeful support for its jihadist enemies, who such ‘Jews’ obscenely call moderates or Israel’s peace partners. However with that said, the lines are blurred between self-hating Jews and plain dumb dumb liberal Jews (the latter being the majority of Jews in America and elsewhere). Where and how does indifference and apathy to the fate of another six million Jews (in the Middle-East) and could care less about the Jihad willful blindness – that is the majority of American Jews for sure – cross over into vicious contempt for Israel and parroting Hamas and PA jihadist propaganda as God’s own Truth (the hardcore self-hating Jews)? The lines are blurred.

In other words, why should one let dumb Obama (and voting in perpetuity for the increasingly unhinged Jew hating as Israel hating Democratic Party) voting American Jews who call themselves supportive of Israel or lukewarm, or even plain indifferent to Israel, off the hook? I mean by that just calling them dumb and apathetic, rather than self-hating? Ignorance and prejudice are two sides of the same coin. And that means self-hating prejudice too. If you think about it, Jews that voted for Obama twice over (and I’m just focusing thus on American Jews here) – a Jew hater whose policies threaten Israel with annihilation in the name of friendship and the most pro-Israel White House evah! – are on principle self-hating Jews. With a fair number of exceptions here and there of course – know-nothing callow youngsters especially are going to be know-nothing callow youngsters, and others just oblivious for whatever psychological reasons. There are no excuses for older and more worldly-wise Jewry, unless you have been living in the wilderness for years. If you look at characters like Alan Dershowitz, Ron Rosenbaum, the writer Erica Jong and others who supported Obama and/or so-called liberal principles (in reality Leftism) and proclaim support for Israel at the same time, against all the lies and distortions and demonizations from their fellow Leftists, i.e. the Jew-hating Left; well the former contradict themselves and contort themselves into human pretzels. One sees this routinely with left-wing Jews who sincerely support Israel and come to clash with the Jew-hating Left, they contradict themselves routinely and often in the same sentence. One sees this most obviously with Obama voting and Israel supporting Jews attempt – and fail miserably – to reconcile their support for Israel with their support for the Obama White House. It’s even given a name – Dershowitz syndrome. Obviously when speaking of Jews suffering from Dershowitz syndrome, I don’t mean the anti-Israel left-wing Jews who call themselves pro-Israel (such as the J Street aka Jew-hate Street and Jewish Voices for Peace aka Jewish Voices for Surrender crowd, real self-hating Jews). This can get confusing, one really needs a deep knowledge of the ins and outs of modern day anti-Semitism.

The point is such Jewish characters as Dershowitz, Ron Rosenbaum, the writer Howard Jacobson, and the famed British lawyer Anthony Julius, cannot be truly pro-Israel when they hold dear to Leftism as if its their religion. Which it is. That’s because Leftism in reality, in practice, has Jew hatred built into its DNA. And that’s because Leftism is the daughter of its mother Christianity. The point is one cannot at a fundamental level be pro-Israel and a Leftist. It’s just not possible with all but a handful of exceptions – if that – here and there. I mean being a left-winger and truly supportive of Israel against the Jihad (and the Jew-hating Left! and Jew-hating conservatives) is very very very rare rare rare. As rare as decency and moral courage in politics and ethics in business. And because it thus means being critical of anti-Semitic Leftists (their fellow liberals), liberal pro-Israel folk bend and contort themselves like Plastic Man, contradicting themselves left right and center.

A case in point, a very revealing one, is the British journalist Nick Cohen. Actually despite his name, he is not Jewish (just a Jewish paternal grandfather). Cohen is well-known in British political circles as a brave and ‘decent’ Leftist speaking out against the moral relativism, anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism of the British Left. In fact his book What’s Left?: How the Left Lost its Way is a critique of all that’s wrong with the British Left; its apologetics and worse for Muslim radicalism, anti-Semitism as excessive, inflexible, obsessive and dishonest anti-Israelism, and unhinged and ridiculous anti-Americanism. Cohen finally decided he had enough of the Left’s fascism, and officially left the Left in September 2015. However Cohen has always been and still is a know-nothing Leftist in many respects, in the worst way. Like many ‘decent Leftists’ he pretends Muslim extremism has nothing to do with mainstream Islam, its central dogmas, the life and teaching of the uh prophet Muhammad. Cohen clearly knows nothing of Islam, and his writings here are consistently confused and contradictory. All the while he gets raves from the so-called Islamist realists.

The thing is Cohen hit a real nadir, and showed himself indistinguishable from the Jew-hating far Left he professes such contempt for. Apparently. In his case simple blindness rather than anti-Semitism. In an article for the British Spectator from March 2015 (and available in full – sans subscription – only from his own website), Cohen writes in praise of Swedish foreign minister Margot Wallström, and her vocal opposition to the subjugation of women and girls in Saudi Arabia. That’s not the problem. However here is the crux of the matter. In that article he writes (bold emphasis is mine):

She is foreign minister in Sweden’s weak coalition of Social Democrats and Greens, and took office promising a feminist foreign policy. She recognised Palestine in October last year — and, no, the Arab League and Organisation of Islamic Co-operation and Gulf Co-operation Council did not condemn her ‘unacceptable interference in the internal affairs of Israel’. I confess that her gesture struck me as counterproductive at the time. But after Benjamin Netanyahu ruled out a Palestinian state as he used every dirty trick he could think of to secure his re-election, she can claim with justice that history has vindicated her.

Thing is Wallström would a mere eight months later (November 2015) out herself as a typical unhinged Jew-hating Leftist in the aftermath of the Paris jihadist terror attacks. Here is what she said and what went down:

Friday’s terror attacks in Paris that killed 129 people were rooted in the frustration of Muslims in the Middle East, including that of Palestinians, Sweden’s foreign minister said this week in a television interview.

“To counteract the radicalization we must go back to the situation such as the one in the Middle East of which not the least the Palestinians see that there is no future: we must either accept a desperate situation or resort to violence,” Margot Wallström told Swedish television network SVT2T (link in Swedish) a short while after the November 13 attacks, which were claimed by the Islamic State terrorist organization.

Jerusalem reacted angrily to Wallström’s statement. “It would seem that the Swedish foreign minister is afflicted with total political blindness,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Emmanuel Nahshon told The Times of Israel on Monday. “This blindness may lead to tragedy.”

The Swedish minister’s controversial statement was first reported by David Metzler, an American-born Swede living in Israel, who called it “foolish and irresponsible at best,” in a Times of Israel blog post.

Oops I guess Cohen screwed up there.

No word from Wallström on whether the subjugation of women and girls in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Gaza, Egypt, Somalia, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Mali, Qatar, the UAE, Kuwait etc. is also Israel’s fault.

Yeah history does indeed judge, in retrospect Mr. Nick Cohen.

Thing is it judges in favour of Netanyahu and against Wallström. That’s what it means when your ‘truth-teller’ outs herself as just another Jew-hating far Leftist, the kind Cohen routinely derides and criticizes. The thing is there is no excuse for Cohen (and no he has never admitted to blundering here. Of course not). There is no excuse because Wallström was a part of, is a part of, a Jew-hating Swedish Leftist government. So really what to expect? How is what Wallström says remotely surprising? It may be shocking, but unexpected it ain’t. Even more disturbing is how Cohen goes along with this recognition of a Jihadist Terrorist Entity (Palestinian state) that cuts Israel near in two as some kind of religious imperative, and to the Left it is just that of course. Nick Cohen included. All this despite Palestinian rejectionism of Israel’s right to exist and a pervasive Muslim extremism in its civil society and institutions, and a leadership that in every way reflects this. Never mind HAMAS which Cohen just blanks out. This is a so-called decent Leftist btw. He isn’t decent and I have just explained why. That’s why all the Left is lost beyond any recovery and all hope. The Left is fascist and delusional through and through and universally riddled with extreme Judenhass, in concert with a (Leftist) denialism of pervasive and deep-seated Palestinian Muslim extremism that begs several questions. None of them flattering to the Left, the so-called decent-Left-that-is-not included.

The likes of Booker Prize winning writer Howard Jacobson and the lawyer Anthony Julius (both well-known British Jews. Julius is in some ways the UK’s equivalent of Dershowitz), who are so highly praised for their speaking out against contemporary anti-Semitism, are equally confused and contradictory. They don’t get ‘new’ anti-Semitism, they don’t get that the Left as a whole seeks another Holocaust, they don’t seem to have much of a clue about Islam, they froth about Jews building homes as if it’s a war crime (as does Nick Cohen), and as such these two characters (as notable examples) don’t have too much insight here. However compared to our mega-dumb, willfully blind and spineless spineless spineless liberal genre Jews, Jacobson and Julius are courageous lions.

Changing the subject a little (but not really)… The Israeli Left runs the show in Israel, not just the TV News, many of the newspapers and the Israeli film industry, but also the theater, the literature. They run the schools and the universities. They run the security and military intelligence establishment! They run the Supreme Court and the High Court of ‘Justice’. The Israeli Cabinet and Knesset dances to the tune of the Courts. It doesn’t matter who the government is. And this is more frightening than anything else. The results have been disastrous in every way, and at every level of Israeli society.

After all my knocking of left-wing American Jews (and the rest of left-wing Diaspora Jewry is almost as pathetic as American Jews. Actually they are as pathetic), I thus reluctantly and grudgingly admit that Israeli ‘liberal’ Jews are not much better, if at all. The universities in Israel have a serious anti-Semitism problem, among their humanities faculties (TA University is probably the worst here, but Ben-Gurion and even the Hebrew University in Jerusalem are infected with anti-Semitism) and among a fair number of their students as a consequence. I’m not even talking the Arab students here and their Arab professors, I’m just talking the Jews. Ha’Aretz, the ‘Tel Aviv paper of record’ (Israel’s equivalent of The NY Times or the Toronto Globe and Mail) is an anti-Semitic paper. I’m serious. It’s atrocious. Its late editor David Landau once infamously remarked to US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice of the G W Bush administration that the lsraeli government “wanted to be raped” by America, and it would give him much satisfaction to see this happen. Talk about the suicide cult that is left-wing Jewry. That’s it in a nutshell. Talk about self-loathing. Well he got his wish. Israel is being raped by America on a scale and to a degree even Landau could not have hoped for in his fevered self-loathing imagination. Hope Landau is happy now. Even as he’s now dead. And people in Tel Aviv read Ha’Aretz in their cafes and offices. It still holds to the same worldview. It’s appalling. Herzl is rolling in his grave.

In fact the Tel Aviv based newspaper is so hardcore in its Jew hatred circa 2016, that the very centrist Yair Lapid of the Yesh Atid party made no bones about it – “We’re talking about a paper filled with the self-hatred of the radical left, and this article – like many others – is the paper’s way of legitimizing terrorism.” 

You may wonder, how does this happen? I mean Israeli Jews are not American nor British Jews, internalizing the hatred of the goyim/gentiles around them. They are Israelis, they are the ones suffering often enough daily jihadist terror against them, nobody in Israel is safe. They speak Hebrew, they go to school there, their fathers – they themselves if they are old enough  – fought in ’67 and ’73 blah blah.

The answer that I and others propose is a dark comedic one, it is a grim one. It can only be so. They fled Europe (at least the Ashkenazi Jews who call the shots in Israel fled Europe, and they call the shots because they are the most uh ‘educated’ of Jewry, and occupy the upper strata of Israel’s socio-economic pile and built the country’s economy and industrial and agricultural base, as well as the Israeli Defense Force) but they never rejected Europe and Europe’s demons. You can take the Jew out of Europe but you cannot take Europe out of the Jew. Israel’s cities and cafés and universities are modeled on European cities, and even the bus lines are designed on the British style. Israel’s science, architecture, engineering, medicine, agriculture; it is of course a European heritage of which Jews were an important part. Until the Holocaust. Jews held on to all that. They had to if Israel was to even come into its own and survive, never mind thrive. That’s not the problem. The problem is they held on to the bad along with the good. European ideologies, and that includes Liberalism, are the bad. And Liberalism means among other delusions, Jew hatred. Jew hatred not in theory (of course not!), but in practice, in reality. In the real world. Now there is no way Liberalism and its Jew hatred could triumph in Israel of course unless that Jew hatred disguised itself, metamorphosized, changed its garb. And its disguises are of course anti-Israelism, anti-Zionism, post-Zionism and the lying narratives that go along with all that. Now these anti-Semitic as anti-Israel disguises are pathetic and untenable. A disguise that does not so much hide, as expose. As all masks do. Inadvertently or otherwise. These masks and cover terms don’t stand up to the tiniest scrutiny, the most obvious questions (hence why hardly anybody asks them really). The mask reveals as it hides. As if anti-Israelism/anti-Zionism and yes post-Zionism are anything other than Jew hatred. As if the Nazis were not anti-Zionist, as if every last jihadist on earth, from HAMAS to Daesh/ISIS, Hezbollah to Boko Haram (now the Islamic State of West Africa), the Iranian regime to Al-Qeada and the Taliban and the Sudanese Janjaweed is not an anti-Zionist. As if neo-Nazis are not anti-Israel and proudly anti-Zionist. As if all neo-Nazis and all Muslim fanatics are not seeking a Middle-East that is post-Zionist. And non-Zionist.

Yes it’s a constant struggle to see the obvious. I know. I am not being facetious neither.

It’s especially difficult to see the obvious when you are an ideologue. And being a liberal/Leftist/socialist/communist is being an ideologue. I don’t leave conservative ideologies out of that charge neither. So it really does not occur to Israeli liberal Jews – never mind liberal Jews from the Diaspora – that anti-Israelism coming from a continent, a culture and a people (and their descendents in the New World) who exterminated six million Jews not that long ago is anti-Semitism, an anti-Israelism motivated by and rooted in anti-Semitism and reinforcing it. And of course it’s coming from a continent, a culture whose murderous Jew hatred is over a millenium old. Endless wave of pogroms and expulsions, brutal oppression and humiliation from England to France, Spain, Italy, Austria, Germany, Hungary, Poland and Russia. Let’s pretend that it’s all water under the bridge and is no longer relevant. Thinks the liberal Jewish idiot. If he or she could be said to think at all. I sometimes wonder how many of them really know that much about Europe’s dark history when it comes to Jewry. A fair number of them do actually (the late Israeli self-hating Jewish academic and writer Amos Elon comes to mind for example). However they definitely cannot put two and two together. It is beyond the Liberal Jewish ‘Mind’. As William Faulkner put it, “the past is never dead. It’s not even past”.

It’s not even past.

This is something that the fathers and pioneers of Zionism, all of them, could never have appreciated nor reckoned on. Not Hertzl, Jabotinsky, Moshe Hess, Montefiore, Gordon Green, Pinsker, Aaronsohn. None of them in all likelihood. Namely the European Jewish refugee to the Promised Land would take his Jewish self-loathing with him. Trickster Coyote always has the last laugh. He created the world after all.

Getting back to the contemporary political stupidity in Israel…

The lame and willful ignorance and massive self-deception of the Israeli Left is disastrous and chilling because they occupy positions of power everywhere in Israel. That’s how the Oslo Accords of 1993 happened, which saw Israel surrender territory and security operations to the jihadist terrorists of the PLO who Israel agreed to arm, and allow the EU and the USA to fund and train. The Oslo accord was a deal made with Yasser Arafat, who was an unrepentant jihadist, dedicated to another Holocaust of Jewry long before Oslo (only three years prior he had given his support to Saddam Hussein during the Gulf War of ’90/’91 and before that of course he was a fan of the Iranian ayatollahs). And he remained an unrepentant jihadist dedicated to another Holocaust of Jewry after Oslo. Unto the day he died. Shimon Peres was the Jewish arch-architect of Oslo, far more so than the PM at the time, Yitzhak Rabin. For this crime, this terrible unprecedented blunder, Peres should have been ostracized, there should have been a high-level investigation, heads should have rolled. Peres himself should have been hounded out of office and regarded as persona non grata. Instead he was later made president of the country. It’s worth remarking – as an aside – that Peres’s father was burnt alive by the Nazis. Here is a recent interview with Yair Hirschfeld, one of the architects of the Oslo Accord at the Jewish online magazine, Fathom. Hirschfeld is delusional but you have to be a non-Leftist who gets Islam, the Middle-East, the PLO and the International Left, to see it.

Oslo involved three parties in the slow-motion destruction plan of Israel. The Jew-hating Europeans and especially Scandinavian Leftists (it’s not called the Oslo Accords for nothing), with support from the Clinton White House and the American Left, the Jew-hating Palestinian jihadists headed by Arafat, and the Israeli Left represented by Peres, then the head of the Foreign Ministry and a former Prime Minister. Oslo gave the green light for the European and American governments to finance Palestinian jihadist terror against Jewry – which is clearly what they always wanted to do, otherwise why do it? This was not mere naivite, after all they continue to fund the PA to this day, the self-same PA which openly promotes and espouses and carries out jihad against Jewry. And openly calls for Israel’s destruction. To this day. And that green light – to the anti-Semitic Europeans and Americans – could not have been given without the go ahead from the Israeli Left, and Shimon Peres is the stand-out figure here. This financing of Palestinian terror – via the funds given to the Muslim extremist and jihadist Palestinian Authority/PLO – by the West, including the Obama administration, continues during this weekly stab-car ram-shoot-a-Jew and now bus bombing jihad terror 3rd intifada campaign. And it can all be traced to Oslo, and Oslo can be traced to Leftism and the Left’s cooperation with the Jihad. And Liberal Ideology can be traced to…

Now here we don’t reach so much a brick wall, we are not talking the Origin of Life quagmire which stymies biochemists, geneticists and philosophers, but a pervasive and willful – what can I say here? – Denialism perhaps. A willful blindness. The root of Liberalism is (in a big way, not entirely) Christianity, notably the Christian Passion Play. This I realize is a controversial notion. Many even otherwise sympathetic readers will scoff and think I have lost my noggin’. And of  course I have lost my Christian conservative readership right there, although surely further up as well. Firstly this assertion is hardly original to me, but it’s a taboo to point out, so that’s why it’s probably news to you dear reader (surely most all of you). Secondly who is going to point this out? Not liberals/socialists/communists and the rest of that lot since they are what they are, that is they are the deluded Leftists to begin with, and certainly not conservatives who are either Christian or else Jewish conservatives desperate to curry favour with conservative Christians. Conservative Jews such as Dennis Prager, ex left-wing radical David Horowitz of the conservative FrontPage, Jamie Glazov, the admirable British Jewess and former Guardian journalist Melanie Phillips, Pamela Geller, Jonah Goldberg and Commentary‘s Norman Podhoretz etc.; all blabbering about the West’s Judeo-Christian heritage and the need to harness that heritage to combat both Muslim radicalism and Political Correctness… Is that the Judeo-Judeo hate heritage then? It’s just an oxymoron really, this talk of Judeo-Christian values and heritage. The reality of the history and culture of Christian attitudes to Jewry and Judaism is contradictory, confused, complex and multi-layered. Schizoidal and thus bamboozling. However at a fundamental level speaking of Judeo-Christian culture, tradition and values is like speaking of Military Intelligence without any sense of irony or eye-rolling.

There is only one Abrahamic faith, the Jewish faith. Christianity and Islam are both intrinsically anti-Abrahamic (that is anti-Semitic/anti-Jewish), whatever the protestations to the contrary.

Yet who can appreciate this: Liberalism’s roots in Christianity? A few atheist and non-Christian conservatives who are not anti-Semitic really and a few Jews who otherwise tend to censor themselves on this front or are tempted to do so. Most even pro-Israel Jews are willfully oblivious or in denial in this regard. And atheist/non-Christian conservatives tend to see Liberalism as being rooted in Christianity because of Liberalism’s principle of universality and its outreach in this regard. And they see Liberalism’s universal outreach, its urgent internationalism, as being rooted in the inevitable evangelism of a fundamentalist-riddled-through-with-holes – and thus insecure – religion that is Christianity. I do agree with such conservatives that Liberalism is indeed the daughter of its mother, Christianity. Yet not solely for that reason, that is an emotional and evangelical universal outreach – Liberalism’s Internationalism/Universalism. And certainly it is not the predominant reason. At least I would argue it is not.

Liberalism suckled at Christianity’s breast and was grown and nourished in Christianity’s womb.

As if any new Idea or Belief is birthed and nourished in a vacuum. Liberalism was birthed in the turmoil of Christian Europe (Catholic France notably), not China nor among the pagan Vikings. And it did not come from a meteorite in space. The reality of Liberalism – its pervasive and deep masochism, its sadism, its anti-Semitism, its dogmatic fundamentalism and self-righteousness, its utopianism – is I would argue, rooted in Christianity. In essence Jesus suffering on his cross, the sadistic and masochistic symbol at the heart of Christianity. Jesus in anguish on the cross, dying on the cross, for the sake of humanity. Jesus suffering on his cross, and the necessity of it according to Christian dogma. The very necessity of this crucifixion is sadistic, the necessary violence of the crucifixion and simultaneously masochistic – given the identification with the suffering and tortured Christ. And as has been pointed out by more than a few scholars, the Christian Passion Play and the relevant commentary in the New Testament Gospels, is virulently anti-Semitic. Implicitly and explicitly so. And such virulent anti-Semitism, a divinely sanctioned anti-Semitism, ipso facto a Church approved and commanded Jew hatred, has paved the way for the mass murder, oppression and tyrannization of Jewry in Christian Europe. Even the Christian James Carroll acknowledges as much in his excellent book in this regard, Constantine’s Sword. That is the Jew as Christ Killer. The Jew as devil for killing the man-god. So to the extent that you are a Liberal, you are a Christian. And when I say Liberal, I mean it in the broad sense, the loose sense of the term. I include thus communists, socialists, anarchists. Obviously not everything in these ideologies is rooted in Christianity, but in socio-economic conditions and associated injustices. The history of Europe, its cities, its alienating economic activity, its politics and the mechanization/s and depersonalization wrought by the Industrial Revolution; European Empires and all their associations, their bloodiness and conquests and all its aftermaths, slums and mansions, seizure of land and the reverence for private property (only after it had been stolen en masse from the Natives of course).

In fact much of the masochism, the self-loathing in Liberalism is almost certainly rooted in Europe and the West’s psychological responses to the horrors of the two World Wars. The rise and fall of the Nazis, the genocide unleashed. The moral collapse of Europe and the West more broadly, as it twice descended into brute madness and terrifying evil and a seemingly willful annihilationism and nihilism. And the horrors, the deaths of millions, still weighs heavily on the European psyche. Europe has not recovered mentally, emotionally, from the two World Wars. Not to this day. It may never do so. So the post-World War 2 Western Left, whose psyche is warped by the dark first half of the 20th Century, is riddled through with a self-contempt as a consequence. Further, the self-abasement leads to an indulging of, apologetics and whitewashing for other non-European and non-Western cultures, including the Muslim ‘civilization’. Hence the whitewashing and excuses for Muslim Jihad. And yes this has nothing to do with Christianity. Albeit it was Christian countries who went to war on such a scale in the first place…

Yet I do want to stress here that the internalized anti-Semitism of self-hating Jewry, manifesting notably but not limited to anti-Israelism, is fundamentally a Christian anti-Semitism. Christian because it is a Jew hatred originated from and relentlessly pushed and proselytized by a Christian culture and civilization, and then internalized by an obtuse Jewry. And so such Jews are very Christian themselves. Now that’s irony. What would the Jew-hating Gentile ‘secular’ anti-Christian Christian Left do without their self-hating anti-Christian Christian Jews to give the former credibility? No really what would they do? I realize a lot of Jewish scholars of anti-Semitism would add that it’s not so simple. Sure there is more to it than that. However I stand by this assertion, for what it’s worth.

The Jews for Jesus crews are not the only Christian Jews…

Some readers may object: but how is Israeli Jewish self-loathing an internalization derived from an anti-Semitic Christian culture, if the former are in Israel, not Europe or North America or Australia? Yes but such Israeli Jews are hypnotized by Leftism as I have already mentioned, which is in every way European. Such ‘Jews’ have an attachment to European ideology and worldviews. And anti-Semitism is a central pillar of the real world Western Left. And if that is the price the Israeli Jewish Left has to pay – hating themselves and their own people – to belong to the International Left (even as that self-same International Left actually rejects all Jews anyhow), then so be it.

Scary thing is what I write about the Christian derived Jew hatred of the ‘secular’ Left is considered so subversive. And it is. Even as it’s as obvious as all taboos. To those who have eyes to see. Christians, and I include those who are not anti-Semitic really or fervently so, and Jew-hating ‘secular’ Leftists, and  that means Jew-hating ‘secular’ left-wing Jews, on principle cannot comprehend this.

Even those causes of left-wing anti-Semitism that on the surface seem to have nothing to do with the Christian Churches, well it ain’t necessarily so, when one looks deeper…

So the central pillar to the ‘secular’ Left’s anti-Semitism: the belief that capitalism is all too Jewish and Jews are all greedy bankers, and the parasitic exploiters of the working class… Even here this has Christian roots: Judas the Jew, the purse keeper, the money man in the New Testament. That’s the Judas, Judas Iscariot the Jewish betrayer of Christ. So it resonates. And culminated in forcing Jews to be usurers and money lenders in Medieval and Renaissance Europe by a cynical and manipulative anti-Semitic Christian aristocracy. There is also a transference of the greed of Christian nations, you know their mass pillage of whole cultures, theft of whole continents, enslavement of millions for centuries, the ongoing greed of Western governments and corporations onto the scapegoat that is the Jew. Think Shylock. Shakespeare was giving the audience what they wanted to hear. There were no Jews in England in Elizabethan times. They had been expelled centuries before and they were yet to return (it was Cromwell who allowed them to  return). But the Christian rooted myth of the Greedy Parasite Jew lived on.

Another recognized secular cause of Judenhass as anti-Israelism comes from Holocaust guilt. The palpable desperation by Europeans and Westerners to believe the worst about Israel and the best about Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah – the so-called Palestinians – so the Eurotrash especially don’t have to feel so bad about murdering Jews en masse. In the millions. Yet no Holocaust guilt without the Holocaust. And what paved the way to the Holocaust? There are of course several factors that paved the way, and it still inspires heated debate to this day. Naturally. One notable factor was Social Darwinism and the related eugenics movement. Yet at a fundamental level, it is the Christian Churches that paved the way to the Shoah. The sacred hatred at the heart of the Christian Passion Play has weaved its malevolent spell for over a millenium. Its disastrous consequences for Jewry on a massive and unprecedented scale in the Alienated Age of the Industrial Machine and the Industrial War Machine; an Age in which the oldest hatred, that is the need for scapegoating, was more urgent and pressing than ever before. The terrible guilt and shame over the Great War of 1914-1918 and the subsequent economic collapse made sure of that. And such urgent scapegoating is all too alive and well in the present day.

I just mention here as an aside, that as Holocaust writer Saul Friedländer insisted, there is something about the cold mathematical and economic efficiency of the mass exterminations – turning dead Jewish bodies into soap and lampshades – that puts it outside the normal run of even the brutal and mad barbaric history of Mankind, the usual run of pogroms and ethnic cleansing. It is something more than Christianity and even social Darwinism can account for. That is the management of the mass exterminations, the mad science of it. The Muslim Jihad – which is equally evil and mad – likewise lacks this economic and ‘scientific’ rationale and oversight. However it is the nature of the Nazis’ evil, their cold calculated efficiency at genocide, that arguably sets them apart. It cannot even be articulated because it cannot be comprehended.

Much of the ‘secular’ Jew hatred of the Western Left (in particular communists and socialists) is also derived from the murderous anti-Israelism that came from the USSR during the Cold War (culminating in the Soviet arming of Arab states – and Kremlin directed strategic and tactical decision making – against Israel. The nadir was surely the Yom Kippur War of ’73 when Brezhnev threatened to send in Soviet airborne divisions after the IDF cut off an Egyptian army). Yet even here we have to beg the question: where did the murderous and unhinged anti-Israel propaganda and worse, genocidal Jew hatred at a very real world level, from the ‘secular’ USSR originate? The irony of the Kremlin’s anti-Semitism at the height of the Cold War (and their related support for the Arab Muslim states against Israel) and the anti-Semitism of the paranoid Stalin and his always fearful inner circle of purgerers and murderers, is that it was a continuation of the old and murderous anti-Semitism of Russia under the brutal rule of the Czars and their enforcers such as the Okhrana. The self-same anti-Semitism that gave us waves and waves of anti-Semitic pogroms and brutal oppression of Jewry in Czarist Russia, that resulted in Jewry fleeing to America, Canada, Britain, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico; this very irrational prejudice and its unique characteristics would continue to pass from generation to generation, long after the 1917 Revolution. And the anti-Semitism of Russia under its Czars was in its entirety, in its origins and dynamics shaped by the Eastern Orthodox Church. Hence the Christian dynamics that underlay much of the USSR’s policies against its own persecuted Jewry and its foreign policy of Arabism and anti-Israelism. Of course other strategic factors were involved as well, of course! but one overlooks the Christian originated anti-Semitism determining the policies of the ‘godless’ USSR and its Eastern European satellites at the risk of not fully comprehending such policies at all.

With that said, Israel does have sincere Christian supporters, decent genuinely humble people, genuinely religious, considerate and kind. People who see the Jihad – against the Jews and the West – for what it is. In this sense, these Christian folk are more Jewish than the majority of Jews in the Diaspora, and American Jews in particular. I intend that as a compliment. John Hagee is more of a Jew than most any secular liberal Jew I’ve ever known. And plenty Christians from North Carolina, Texas, Georgia, the mid-west, Canada, from various parts of Africa and Australia and New Zealand likewise. Whereas our ‘secular’ liberal Jews in America, Britain, Israel and elsewhere are all too Christian. I’m on the level here. You think you get irony? Ha.

The liberal Jew, a smart aleck, a know-it-all-know-nothing, smug, living in a bubble in all likelihood, in Tel Aviv, New York, London, California. Thinks he’s smart because he’s read a few books, and convinced of his moral superiority because he’s a liberal! A coward at heart, well being a liberal in this day and age is the most transparent conformity and delusional group think around. He is desperate to be liked by the liberal gentile, in case I hadn’t said that before. As with the liberal gentile, he supports destructive Muslim immigration policies, because it is destructive and will pave the way for the International Brotherhood And Sisterhood of the Socialist-Islamist Utopia. And like the liberal gentile he is partial to Jew Hate as Jew Nation Hate – whilst pretending otherwise – because that’s Liberalism. And that’s Liberalism for the reasons I relate in this essay. And in the process our Jewish liberal, and especially our Jewish communist/socialist, outs himself as a Christian. Christian in the worst sense. All Western liberal gentiles, to the extent that they are anti-Semitic (that is anti-Israel and anti-Zionist or just plain anti-Jewish), are so very Christian in the worst way.

Famous anti-Christian far Left “intellectuals” such as Gore Vidal and Jean-Luc Godard, their ‘Jewish’ comrades in Liberal Thoughtlessness, from Bernie Sanders to Noam Chomsky and the so-called Jewish folk in Peace Now and Breaking the Silence, all so very Christian in their anti-Semitism. The very dynamics of their anti-Semitism. The late famous intellectual atheist Christopher Hitchens was all too Christian. The famous left-wing ‘secular’ spy novelist John le Carré (as Daniel Johnson puts it in the article, someone should tell le Carré that anti-Semitism is the hatred that has come in from the cold), Christian through and through. The same can be said for former Pink Floyd musician, the BDS supporter Roger Waters. And other Jew-hating musos from Brian Eno to the ex Talking Heads David Byrne, Peter Gabriel and Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder. All so fanatically Christian, in the very worst way. In the way of the worst Popes and Inquisitors and conquistadores and ruthless ‘no Jews in our country clubs’ WASP elites. The British Socialist Workers Party and the American Communist Party, so very Christian. European, American, Canadian, Latin American and Australian socialist and left-wing trade unions and far Left political parties for the workers’ struggle blah blah, Christian down to the bone. Political print and Internet news outlets and publications such as the Nation, counterpunch and Salon, the HuffingtonPost and Daily Kos, The San Francisco Chronicle and The LA Times and The Independent, all too Christian. In the worst way. The Communist Parties of Latin America, the USSR itself, Pravda at the height of the Cold War, the BBC and the Guardian and the ‘Jewish’ New York Times, the foundational zeitgeist of all these entities is Christian. Their modus operandi is Christian. In the worst way. Even as this is very little recognized and acknowledged. The dark side of Christianity.

The figure of Johan Galtung is a fascinating and iconic one, to what I am getting at. His Wiki entry tells us that Galtung “is a Norwegian sociologist, mathematician, and the principal founder of the discipline of peace and conflict studies.

“He was the main founder of the Peace Research Institute Oslo in 1959 and served as its first director until 1970. He also established the Journal of Peace Research in 1964. In 1969 he was appointed to the world’s first chair in peace and conflict studies, at the University of Oslo.” 

Galtung has made contributions to sociology, political science, economics, history, anthropology. Wiki again: “He has developed several influential theories, such as the distinction between positive and negative peace, structural violence, theories on conflict and conflict resolution, the concept of peacebuilding, the structural theory of imperialism, and the theory of the United States as simultaneously a republic and an empire. He has often been critical of western countries in their attitude to the Global South. Galtung has been a major intellectual figure of the New Left since the 1950s.

My point about Galtung is that not only is he an influential Leftist in Scandinavia, the West, in academia and political circles – which is why I mention him – he is a hardcore Jew hater. Naturally his predictable left-wing anti-Israel ranting – over the years and decades – he and his supporters have always professed as Truth Telling, and had and has nothing to do with Jew hatred. Naturally enough. Thing is Galtung outed himself as such an unvarnished Jew hater, in a way that is quite startling and shocking, even by the standards of the Israel hating radical Left, back in 2012. According to Galtung, 6 Jewish companies own 96% of world media! He even gives credence to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion! And the psychopath Norwegian killer Anders Breivik – who gunned down all those Norwegian left-wing youth on a remote island back in 2011 – was perhaps sent by the Mossad! More in that vein. That is not only has Galtung outed himself as a real hardcore Jew-hater, his Jew hatred is so clearly Christian in origin and dynamic. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion – the fevered hate dream of Jew-hate Russians, justifying and promoting pogroms against Jewry; the conspiracy paranoia and fear of Jewish control, powerlust, avarice and manipulation of all Christian institutions and Christian civil society, undermining and destroying Christian society – is inseparable in both its origin and popularity in the Christian world, from the Christian inspired myth of Jewry as nefarious, greedy, iniquitous, demonic. And being demons, very powerful and often invisible in their reach and control and manipulations. Supernaturally so. Seeing Jewish evil everywhere, including as the driving force of the psychopath mass killer, Anders Breivik, Galtung’s fellow blonde Scandinavian, is all too Christian. A Christian inspired mythos modified and evolved to fit a paranoid radical Left agenda.

This notion of the secular Left’s anti-Semitism being rooted in the Christian Churches is not original to me of course! It has been pointed out by a number of Jewish scholars and commentators. And not just Jewish scholars and atheists. A fair few Christians too. It’s just still a taboo to mention. Even the former Chief Rabbi of Britain, Jonathan Sacks, rightly called one of Britain’s most famous atheists, the scientist Richard Dawkins, a “Christian atheist”. Sacks did so in a BBC Talk debate a while back. And he meant what I mean by it. And pro-Israel Jewish conservatives will tend to censor this, won’t they?

Don’t want to offend the Ann ‘f—ing Jews’ Coulters of the world I guess. And the Mel Gibson fans who think The Passion of the Christ is history and biography, rather than a self-evident sadistic, masochistic and perverse Jew-hate myth-making. Hey that’s Christianity!

I just want to mention something pertinent re Coulter’s pathetic lashing out at Jews (that naturally everybody misses): she is blaming the Jews for the obsession that American gentiles have over Jews, the Jew Nation that is. As if it’s the fault of the Jews rather than the Jew Nation obsessives. Yet that obsession is there because Christianity obsesses over the Jews, given Christian myth and myth-making. And Coulter does not begin to recognize that, illogically and irrationally blaming the Jews for the Christian gentile obsession with Israel – the Jew among the nations – is an obsession in every way derived from and shaped by Christianity. She is incapable of seeing this because she is a true Christian Believer herself. And her frothing is very much of a Christian type of anti-Semitism: blaming the Jews for the Jew (among the nations) obsession (in this particular case) that Christians harbour because they are Christian!

Moving onto Mad Mel Gibson… In fact only True Believers who see that truly Christian film of Mel Gibson’s as confirming their own conditioning, and round and round in circles we go, would think that film as anything other than a good case for: why not to be a Christian. In fact that film should be trumped up by anti-Christian rhetoricians as exhibit A in any lecture, article, book, documentary on Why Christianity is a Disastrous Blunder for Humanity. That film was largely criticized for all the wrong reasons, ooh who crucified Jesus, how were the Jews culpable, what about the Romans blah blah wincing miss-the-point-by-five-light-years blather. Who crucified the Tooth Fairy and slew the Golden Unicorn? Was it the Jews or the Romans or the troll hordes from Narnia? Is everybody so stupid? That’s a rhetorical question of course. Millions of Jews have been butchered, starved, gassed, burnt alive, tortured, expelled, dispossessed of life, limb and property by Christians for over a thousand years as a direct consequence of the Christian Passion Play. Because the Jews are uh devils for playing their necessary and vital role in a myth making fiction. As fictitious as 2001 A Space Odyssey and Carlos Castaneda’s apprenticeship to Don Juan (that’s an allusion for all you aging hippies out there). The Passion Play doesn’t even stand up as metaphor (unlike Castaneda’s early fiction at least). The villains such as Judas Iscariot and the Jewish mob are actually the true heroes of the Passion Play, if you think about it for about ten seconds. Heroes according to mainstream Christian religious ‘thinking’: Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox etc. Judas Iscariot is the true martyr. Think about it… So why are they the villains again? This hole of absurd ILLOGIC is what the Passion Play and all mainstream Christianity is built upon. And thus much of European history and the history of much of the New World. What a shrieking horror. The Absurdist Hole of Illogic and Incoherence at the foundation of the Christian Passion Play would see the whole thing collapse back into the abyss of Madness which birthed it, if people just gave it all ten seconds thought, just a little thought… However that is beyond most everybody. Quite incredible really.

In other words: talk about inadvertently giving the game away Mel. Letting the cat out of the bag. For which we should all be grateful. Gibson reminds us what the Christian Passion Play is all about. He didn’t misrepresent it. He nailed it (pun intended). South Park nailed Gibson and his psychopathology, but naturally hold back, as if Christianity is somehow being misrepresented by Gibson and the Jew-hating Churches. Mel Gibson, the Jew-hating Churches, in the past and the present day (as Israel hating), whether Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran, Methodist, Anglican etc. are just being true to the ‘spirit’, the central meaning of Christianity, its major pillar that is the Passion Play. And it is uncanny how Gibson has since exposed himself as a hardcore Jew hater – the Jews to blame for all the wars in the world (in vino veritas), and his Holocaust Denialism, something he shares with his own father. Gibson’s Jew-hate ranting inclusive of his Holocaust Denialism is not removed from his faith, his Christian Catholic fanaticism, his belief in the Passion Play as the central pivot around which human faith and meaning revolve. It all follows ineluctably.

As with the Jew-hating mosques, the Jew-hating imams and their congregants, they are only being true to the ‘spirit’ and dogma of Islam. Muhammad’s Islam. Hence what the idiot Pope Francis means – without knowing what he means – when he praises Iran’s president Muslim extremist Rouhani, of their respective religions’ “shared values”. Shared values of Jew hatred, sadism and masochism. Of course Pope Francis doesn’t know that he means that, but that is the ugly terrible truth of it. By the very fact that the Pontiff is praising Rouhani, who doesn’t hide his disdain for Jews and his disdain for Israel’s very existence, that is the tell to the Pope’s delusional remarks.

There are plenty of Christians and Muslims – as in millions and millions – who don’t have a Jew-hating bone in their bodies (unlike so many Jews!); yet that doesn’t change the fact that these two faiths are intrinsically anti-Semitic. Human culture and society, history and psychology, are replete with ironies and absurdities that no writer, poet, artist, singer and film-maker can even begin to capture.

And the Pope fawning before, quite literally washing the feet of Muslim refugees, is in fact appropriate to his Office. He is all too vocal in his support for the destruction of the West via Muslim immigration. And he is also the useful idiot of genocidal Jew-hating Muslims. He is being consistent to the masochism, the self-destructiveness at the heart of Christianity. The masochism at the heart of Christianity’s daughter, Liberalism. Liberal Christianity is not an oxymoron as conservative Christians are desperate to believe. Liberal Christianity is a tautology.

So we have a few sincere decent Christians who authentically support Israel and in this sense are more Jewish – by a long shot – than the self-hating liberal ‘secular’ Jews in Name Only who in the process out themselves as very Christian. Not only Christian because they are anti-Semitic; but the tropes, the dynamics of their anti-Semitism (as anti-Israelism) follow Christian tropes. In every way. The tropes, the motifs, the dynamics of the contemporary secular Left’s anti-Semitism as Israel hatred follow Christian anti-Semitic tropes and motifs. In every way. The Jew nation as Christ Killer Nation.

In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was Irony.

And these progressive so-called secular liberals think they get irony. Not in a million years.

Karl Marx, in his Jew hatred, a Christian fanatic. He was not technically Jewish as many believe. He actually was baptized a Lutheran as a little boy, when his parents converted to Christianity, as did many German Jews at the time. Living in a hostile anti-Semitic environment in 19th Century Germany (can’t blame it on Hitler now can we?), it was a way out of social and economic ostracization and marginalization. Karl Marx never left the Church. He kept its prejudices and even its eschatology, its utopianism. T S Eliot and Ezra Pound for that matter, Christian zealots. George Galloway, Ken Livingstone, Julian Assange, Jeremy Corbyn, Christian to the core. The same can be said for Seamus Milne a former editor at the Guardian, who unsurprisingly really, has outed himself as a staunch Hamas supporter. Among our genre people, far Left anti-Christian anti-Semitic atheists such as Nick Mamatas, Richard K Morgan, Hal Duncan and China Mieville, deeply Christian in the worst way. The Corbynistas such as the ‘Jewish’ Charles Stross and the ‘Jewish’ Farah Mendlesohn, Christian in the worst way. The ‘Jewish’ Leftists Lavie Tidhar, Anna Tambour, Felix Gilman, Rose Fox, Laura Anne Gilman and Nir Yaniv, and many many many more, hypnotized by Christian mythology dressed in Liberal garb, and then internalized.

Most all communist, socialists and liberal atheists, at least those who hate Israel and pretend to love the Palestinians, even as these left-wingers are destructively prejudiced against the Palestinians because they deny them personal responsibility, they are all too religious, and fanatically religious at that. That is even as these left-wing atheists – communists, anarchists and socialists from the Americas to Europe, Britain and Australia – mock Christianity as destructive superstition, they are Christian down to the marrow of their mindless liberal/left-wing minds.

The Native Americans understood that Trickster Coyote created the world. The Cosmos itself. They are right. They were right. The true sophisticates. The pseudo-sophisticated pseudo-intellectual twits in the Ivy League and Oxford and Cambridge, who largely dismiss in their patronizing way, the profound myths of Aboriginal Peoples (at best they misunderstand them); these Western elites wouldn’t get irony and truth if their lives depended on it. And they do. Our lives all depend on it. We are all going down together.

That reminds me…

The insanity – in Israel I am talking about – of the Israeli Left is something to behold. A lesson for those studying abnormal psychology. And so they are no better than those dumb fuck Diasopra  liberal ‘Jews’. Their fellow Christians.

The Israeli mainstream Left (not just the far Left) is like a babe in the woods. They understand nothing of Islam/ism and nothing of the Western Left’s Jew hatred of which they are largely oblivious (as long as it remains within the rules and discourse of anti-Israelism/anti-Zionism) and even accommodating of. To the clarion call of the Western Left: die Israel die, die Jew die, dressed up and disguised (and revealed) by the obsessive Two State Solution (to the Muslim Jihad) lie, and having fevered meltdowns over Jewish building plans; the solution to the Jihad is to surrender territory to the Jihad, but only for the Jews; the Israeli mainstream Left responds with – at best! – ‘well now is not the time’. ‘In the future instead’. ‘It would be a better time for another Jewish Holocaust if we postpone it for a few years. Maybe a decade or two. We will see’. This is the meaning of the Israeli mainstream Left’s cant and rhetoric, its mantras circa 2016. At best.

The Israeli Left just wants to be loved by the Jew-hating West, they want to be accepted by those who despise them. They suffer from battered wives syndrome. They are Israel’s ‘intellectuals’, the writers, the film-makers, the actors, the professors, and they are delusional idiots. Almost every last one of them. So it would appear. This is the mainstream Left and far Left. As for the far Left, they are in every way the useful idiots of the Jihad, and they are thus as guilty. And they sit around in their offices, their apartments in Tel Aviv and Herzliyah and Ra’anana, they sip cappuccinos on Rothschild Boulevard and Dizengoff Street and they are the useful idiots of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the jihadist Palestinian Authority and the Jew-hating EU and US State Department and the current incumbent of the White House. And such useful idiocy to jihadist barbarity is to be complicit in the latter’s genocidal Jew hatred. I do not make such a charge lightly. Perhaps the very trauma of all the wars against Israel and the jihadist terror (ongoing of course) is at the root of much of the self-loathing of Jewish Israeli Leftists. And what of the self-hatred of the Diaspora Jewish Left, those disgusting and cowardly American and British Jews? Yet it is everywhere in the Diaspora, from Brazil, Australia, Belgium, France, South Africa. Is it just their allegiance to Leftism then, this alien and evil ideology that as all Evil does, labels itself Truth and Goodness and Justice? Is it that simple? Leftism the alien ideology cooked up, a real witches’ brew, by gentile Christian Europeans in Europe’s stormy revolutions and conflicts and class struggles, coming to the boil in the cauldron of the French Revolution. A Revolution whose lessons are not understood by neither Left nor Right (where the very terms political Left and Right were originated). Because to understand the lessons of the French Revolution is to be free of Left and Right, and their shared proneness to madness, cruelty and murder. And we cannot have that now. For to abandon ideology is to abandon a large part of our madness and all that goes with it. God forbid.

I do not pretend to know the true name of the primal root at the root of human madness, the folly of self-destructiveness and its twin evil. You will find plenty of fools who lie and tell you they know – they are the priests of all religions, they are New Age gurus and hucksters, they are politicians and in the Age of the Machine, they are increasingly scientists. Explaining everything away. Nobody is more fooled by scientists and their scientism and scientese than most science fiction writers and idiot fandom. Hardly any of them know any real science after all. You do not know what idiocy, transparent and desperate loneliness and neurosis is until you have stepped into a SF Con and nowadays Comic Cons and Gamer Cons. Well I reckon so. Yeah I speculate here, but really it’s kind of obvious. At least I assert as much. SF Cons are at least as pathetic and ridiculous as any political rally or church and temple affair, and almost as depressing as a crack house or meth den. They are all looking for that same phantom to fill the holes in their souls. Maybe better the superheroes, those Jewish superheroes as it turns out, and alien gods than heroin or meth or Jesus or the latest huckster messiah politician, liberal or conservative…

So increasingly in an Age of increasing Chaos, rampant murder, grime and crime, economic decline and feared collapse, impoverishment and obscene wealth, decaying infrastructure, a poisoned shrinking wilderness and poisoned seas, political corruption on a massive scale, pollution, overpopulation and ramped up jihadist terror everywhere including in the West, the desperate need for a scapegoat grows ever greater. Every passing year. Wonder who that scapegoat is going to be? In nations where the scapegoat has traditionally been – because the religious cultural history and background is Christian – the Jew. Gee I wonder and wonder…

The West pretends it’s innocent in the decades old bloody Muslim Jihad against the Jew among the Nations; it’s not us, it’s the jihadists we give billions to (directly and indirectly), so they can kill Jews (and others) even as we lie and pretend otherwise. Even as we call it foreign aid and human rights and peace and justice. And well business is business. Money is money. Never mind the blow-back. We can blame the blow-back on the Jews. Never mind we oppose Israel holding on to land in wars it won, wars initiated in every way by the Muslim nations surrounding Israel. We could care less about who took what land anywhere else in the world really, and don’t we know why ha ha ha – but Israel is different. We oppose Israel destroying its jihadist enemies and killing enemy jihadists and annexing the Golan (even though if it were now under Syrian control! it would be a hell zone of ISIS jihadists and Syrian regime forces annihilating one another and any and all civilians caught in the way). Nothing to do with Jew hatred because we lie and say it has nothing to do with Jew hatred.

So we see – to repeat – the two-pronged approach by the Europeans, Brits and North Americans, and notably the Leftists among them to destroy Israel (aside from aiding and abetting in many ways the Muslim terror against Jews in the Diaspora). The two-pronged approach is this: firstly an obsessive and relentless support for the Two State Final Solution to the Jewish Question whilst the world burns from Latin America to Africa, the Persian Gulf, Syria, Iraq and Asia. And secondly if the Jews won’t budge there and surrender their Eastern buffer zone to the moderate peace loving jihadists, like the Zionist warmongers they are, we Liberal Westerners give a nudge nudge wink wink to Iran, to do what it must do… And make a few insincere mutterings in protest at Iran’s entirely predictable violations of the Vienna Protocol of 2015, even as Iran is doing what we the West has given the Iranians a green light to do. Most every Jewish and Gentile liberal reading this will not understand it or want to. It will read like Nordic runes or Sumerian cuneiform script to them. Anything telling the truth about Islam aka radical Islam and Liberalism’s joint de facto alliance against the Jews always does.

The telling evidence for this (among so so many other things!), is how the Western Left and many on the Jewish Left, oppose any and all security checkpoints by the IDF and the security barrier in the West Bank/J&S. I mean they save Jewish lives! That’s why they are there. Hamas and Fatah and neo-Nazis also oppose these checkpoint and security barrier and duh it’s because it all saves Jewish lives. To the Palestinians anything that saves Jews from being murdered and maimed is oppressive, that’s because the Palestinians and other Muslim fanatics equate freedom with the destruction of Israel, the killing of Jews. This is as plain as day – it’s why the Charter of the PLO/Palestinian Liberation Organization calls for the destruction of Israel. Liberation = mass killing of Jewry. It’s there on the PLO Charter. From 1964 (when the West Bank was part of Jordan). Hence the corollary of equating oppression with saving Jewish lives. And then the Western Left just echos and parrots the Palestinians here. That’s what makes the Western Left obtuse and Jew hating.

It’s even worse than this. The Western Left (and plenty conservatives, including American neo-cons) has the blood of 9-11 and London, Madrid, Paris and Brussels attacks and bombings on their hands. The French and Belgians are among the biggest anti-Zionists you will find – i.e. among the worst Jew haters – but it didn’t protect them from terrible terrorist attacks from their fellow anti-Zionists, homegrown Muslim jihadists. In fact the Western Left’s support for the Muslim Jihad against Israel only encourages Muslim Jihad against the West itself. This is utterly lost on the West for the most part. Unintended blow-back. Note how it’s hardly pointed out – even by the pro-Israel crowd – that all these jihadists, all these Muslim extremists, from the homegrown jihadists in Belgium, France, England, Canada, USA, Holland, Scandinavia, to the Taliban and Daesh/ISIS/Islamic State, Hezbollah, Hamas, Al-Shabaab, the Iranian ayatollahs, the jihadis in Chechnya, Sudan, Thailand and beyond, each and every one of them is on principle an anti-Zionist. All jihadists are anti-Zionists. Along with neo-Nazis. Too obvious to point out I guess. The whole house of cards of Leftist-Jew-hate-Lies-that-pretends-it’s-not-Jew-Hatred (their anti-Zionist Complex) collapses with that acknowledgement of the obvious. 

So white supremacists and liberals alike (along with disaffected Muslims, the allies of Leftists everywhere) blame the Jew, the Yid, the one with the kippah and his black garbedine, and the secular Jew in his suit and tie, the Jewish teacher, engineer, doctor, lawyer and accountant, the Jewish banker shrieeeeeeek, the Jewish psychologist and chef, the Jewish dish washer and the Jewish garbage collector, the rabbi and the Jewish scientist, the Jewish student, athlete and the Jewish publisher and the Jewish musician, the Jewish mother, feminist or traditionalist, and her raven haired daughters. Blame ’em all. Or as they say nowadays blame the Zionists, blame the Jew among the nations. It’s the same thing you lying Jew-hating Leftists. Most of all rage against the Jewish soldier, whether he be from a kibbutz or Bat Yam, a lone soldier from Chicago or Australia, religious or secular, Ashkenazi or Mizrachi; rage against him because he is all that stands between the Jews and another Holocaust. This is why the liberals rage against the Jewish chayaal (soldier). It is the same reason that the authentic middle-Eastern Muslim and traditional Christian – Coptic, Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Armenian, Anglican and Protestant – rage against the Jewish soldier. And neo-Nazis too. In case you forget or failed to notice. And who are you to argue what is authentic Islam and traditional Christianity Red Wolf? Hey it’s my blog. You don’t like what I say, don’t read it. Go back to reading The New York Times and other offal.

The truth of things is more taboo than ever. 100 years ago there was possibly more honesty about the Church and Christianity’s intrinsic Jew hatred than now. And this is after the Holocaust. The truth about Islam’s inherent fanaticism and bigotry was once common knowledge in the academy, now the academy propagandizes for Islamists and serve as the useful idiots of HAMAS, the Muslim Brotherhood and their fellow jihadists. Such willful blindness is why every major and even minor breaking news item is always filtered through lies and deception by the mainstream media (liberal and conservative), and always misses the point. From the Syrian Civil War to the violent gang crimes in Latin America and the war zones of Africa (which nobody really cares about, liberals and Black Lives Matter as little as any other folk). And every single jihadist terror attack in the West, from 9-11 to the London tube bombings, Paris terror and Brussels bombings. And into the future. From the idiotic pontificating from the latest idiot Pontiff to the unfunny joke that is the American political circus ‘democracy’ to the superficial pap about economic growth and GDPs. It’s why our films and so-called literature are fluff and nonsense. C grade garbage. Hollywood and Harry Potter (unprecedented bestsellers among adults!) and 50 Shades of Shit and Batman vs Predator and the Hulk’s Origins and X Men vs Superman. Yeah Yeah Whatever. The West is increasingly juvenile and desperate to crave the most idiotic escapism. Even our better films and literature are for the most part light-weight and fluff. I mean by this pleasant and amusing romantic comedies and thrillers and dramas are fine as far as it goes – but subversive they are not. Dostoyevskian (sure Dostoyevsky was an anti-Semite I know, but he was serious!) and Socratic they are not.

When last did you see a truly subversive film? Of course one man’s subversiveness is another man’s unspeakable heresy. But then it would be, otherwise it wouldn’t be subversion. I cannot think – offhand – of a single serious feature film that challenges and exposes contemporary left-wing fascism in the West, inclusive of anti-Semitism as anti-Israelism. I don’t mean a documentary here. One of the only truly subversive feature films I can recall, from the last decade is this one. No-holds-barred in its treatment of early Christianity. Bravo to those who got this film made. However that’s not a film dealing with present-day left-wing fascism of course. As far as any feature film exposing left-wing fascism is concerned, I mean by that the Left’s love affair with Islam, and by that I mean radical Islam, and the Left’s Jew hatred; I don’t think such a film could ever be made in today’s cultural climate. To repeat, I obviously don’t refer to documentaries. There was one comedy feature film made by the Jewish (that’s authentically Jewish) David Zucker of Airplane! and Naked Gun fame. Namely the commercial failure that was An American Carol, released in 2008. It’s a film whose themes are tangential in this respect. And naturally the liberal critics hated it. Even though it’s the best film, despite its significant flaws – and surely the only important film – that Zucker has made. By a long shot. In at least one way it was downright prophetic and in some parts, real funny satire. Although no masterpiece at all, it’s the only film I can think of in this regard! Hollywood is riddled through with self-hating and cowardly Jews (as with the Jewish arts, theater and literature crowd itself and the SF genre community likewise), desperate to please their largely anti-Semitic audience and anti-Semitic Gentile colleagues (and shareholders, readership, patrons respectively). And this was always the case in the American movie world, even in the days of the Jewish moguls, when the Jews really did own the studios that they started, days long since over.

Actually as far as TV is concerned, the acclaimed TV series Homeland did feature an episode in which the truth about radical Islam was explicitly outed! That is radical Islam is simply the Islam of the Koran. ISIS/Daesh is just being true to mainstream dogmatic Islam. I’m amazed, well done to them. How did that get past the broadcast executives?!

As for truly subversive science fiction/speculative fiction from the 21st Century? Dan Simmons’s Flashback. Guillaume Faye’s uncannily, even eerily prophetic ArcheoFuturism (actually published originally in French in 1998) and his fellow Frenchman, Michel Houellebecq’s Submission, uncannily and yes eerily (again) published the day of the Charlie Hebdo massacre in January 2015. The latter two writers are not perceived as SF and speculative fiction writers of course. Others I may have missed but they are very very few and far between. I mean literary speculative fiction here, not B grade ‘boys adventure’ stuff, with comic book dialogue. Actually the brave Bosch Fawstin’s (an ex-Muslim apostate) comics here do rate and if you read comics, he needs to go to the head of your list. Note they are all Gentiles (one an ex-Muslim), not Jewish writers. Naturally. Our Jewish SF writers are concentrating their powers on exposing the evil of corporations and neo-cons and George W Trump or some-such and the sun (sorry I mean climate change) is going to cause the polar bears to drown, and the cities and our holiday getaways on Nantucket, Nova Scotia and California are going to go under the waves. And that’s where the hysterical attention will be when Islamic State nukes Barcelona or blows up an airport in Chicago or Toronto, and marathon runners in London or Paris, and Iran – God forbid – nukes Tel Aviv. Wonder what the response from our idiot Leftist genre writers will be to that?

Over here, I speculate that the Left will rewrite history and pretend they always resisted and opposed the Jihad and supported Israel, rather than allied themselves with the Jihadists against Israel, and the West – that is themselves – for that matter. We’ve always been at war with Eastasia. I add here in this essay that some of the more honest Jew-hating Leftists will double down: those Jews who got nuked or driven into the sea got what they deserved and the Jihadists are our own fault and if they nuke us or bomb us, it’s our own fault. Liberals hate themselves as much as they hate the Jews. To repeat myself. It’s worth repeating. They want to see the West go down in flames. This truth has never been more obvious than now, with the welcome mat to hostile Muslim ‘refugees’, the telling madness über alles to the Western suicide cult that is Liberalism. Liberals (and neo-cons) are every bit as responsible for 9-11, Madrid, London, Paris and Brussels attacks as the jihadists who carried out the attacks themselves. The Left loves to blame the neo-cons for Muslims being true to their faith (that is blowing up the infidels). The irony is that the Left is uh right but for all the wrong reasons, and not for the right reasons. Got that? The West welcomed the Muslim fanatics in. Liberals and yes most so-called conservatives it would appear. Certainly the neo-cons and Blair’s New Labour. It has largely been a legal mass immigration of Muslims into the West.

The Western universities are left-wing fascist institutions, the faculty and student bodies (and many student unions) from Cornell to Berkeley, Oxford to Oberlin and Harvard, riddled through with Jew hatred and a Stockholm Syndrome unrequited love for Islam/ism. The BDS Movement among the Western universities – pushed heavily by far left-wing students and student unions, liberal faculty and their Muslim allies – is simply the latest incarnation of the Nazi Brownshirts, who likewise pushed for boycotts of Jewish stores, academic boycotts of Jewish professors and the like. It’s appropriate that in April 2016 a Jew-hating female Muslim that refused to condemn ISIS, since it would pander to ‘Islamophobia’!!, was elected president of the British National Union of Students/NUS. Appropriate because Britain and its universities are drowning in left-wing fascism.

Just look at the Jew hatred of our own genre Leftist profs and academics. Namely Prof. China Mieville, Prof. Farah Mendlesohn, academic Paul Graham Raven (see this blog’s archives). The latest student protests in the USA, from 2015 notably, are surely the most ridiculous in the history of the American universities, even the universities of the West. I mean at least during the Vietnam War and Paris ’68 they were demonstrating against something worth demonstrating against. Now what on earth?? Safe spaces and microaggressions. What does that gibberish even mean? And I swear I don’t even want to know about how America will plunge into collapse and be rent apart because of transgenders and bathrooms??!! If these kids are our future God help us. They are our future, they are the present. And their parents, teachers, professors, the media, the popular entertainment – civil society – made them that way. The Big Lies we pushed on them.

And don’t think conservative youth are the answer – reactionaries never are the answer with their reactionary blather. I’m generalizing here, not all conservatives are reactionary. Most of them are though. I cannot think of a single mainstream conservative British or American newspaper, journal – print and/or online – that is not at least somewhat reactionary (when it comes to reporting on economic affairs this is always the case). On principle conservatives do not change, that’s what it means to be conservative.

The Roman Empire in its decline and fall – of which of course much has been written – could not have been filled with more corruption, stupidity, apathy, self-destructiveness and barbarity. And this is why America and the West faces another mad collapse at every level, of the like unseen since the World Wars. All the signs are there. Most liberals and conservatives even shake their heads in agreement. But they do not understand it because they filter it through their lying ideologies. People who will end up voting for Trump the flip flopping lying narcissist or Hillary Clinton, the stereotype of a political incompetent, a Jew hater and a Malevolent Liar who ought to be indicted for her actual felonies. Bernie Sanders, a Jewish Obama, that is viciously anti-Semitic himself and clueless clueless clueless is surely out of the race. And yet it’s scary that he was even taken seriously. Yet Clinton is not one whit better. And as such they all don’t have a clue. Liberal and conservative alike. Your political system is a farce and your democracy a sham. This is considered subversive to say, when it’s so obvious. Probably the last people to recognize this are the miseducated university grads from the middle-class, the upper-middle class and the rich. The more so-called educated, with exceptions, the more stupid, the more removed from real life and real world concerns, the more caught up in idiotic abstractions. This is why many of our science fiction writers, editors, agents, publishers, are fucking morons. Like the editors at The New York Times, the New Yorker and the LA Times, the BBC board, the Guardian and Congress. Schooling and universities have become sacred cows, a sacrosanct ritual and rite of passage. To hell. To the pedants – I don’t mean all of it, physics, astronomy, engineering, computer science. I mean as a generalization. And when it comes to what matters, ethics and critical thinking – they are AWOL. As Paul Simon sang, when I look back on all the crap I learned in high school, it’s a wonder I can think at all.   

In fact I just want to briefly mention something relevant re this whole Left vs Right nonsense. It is just that – nonsense. A great delusion. Is the Western mainstream media for the most part truly left-wing, are most mainstream political parties in the West actually liberal/left-wing? As folk like myself insist? Yes in terms of the mainstream media’s political ‘news’ coverage and pseudo-analysis, in terms of most all mainstream Western political parties’ foreign policy/international relations follies. In terms of economics, the self-same liberal mainstream media tends to be conservative (who owns the corporate media? The rich duh), as are most mainstream liberal political parties in the West. It is actually confusing and more multi-layered…

Take the cases of George W Bush and Barack Obama. The standard rant about Bush is that he was a conservative/reactionary president. The neo-con pawn of Cheney Rumsfeld blah blah. Certainly Bush was and is a conservative when it comes to his economic policies, and Christian friendly cultural policies. However on foreign policy he was very much a Leftist. Yes really. That is his love affair with Islam, the “religion of peace” as he called it, that has been hijacked by a tiny minority of extremists who do not understand the tenets of their religion, unlike George W Bush the great scholar of Islam. Bush had buddy buddy ties with Saudi Arabian Muslim extremist royalty, he called for Israel (on his last visit to the Middle-East) to surrender its eastern buffer zone to jihadist terrorists so the latter could have their own jihadist terror state. After 9-11, he let more and more Muslims into America (as students, workers and immigrants), including from the fundamentalist hot-spots of the Middle-East. He gave us the PC security theater that is the TSA because Islam is the Religion of Peace. How then is his foreign policy any different from say, uh Barack Obama’s? Seriously how is it? Obama is just more willfully perverse and malevolent. Bush was and is just a know-nothing aw shucks good ol’ boy. On economic policy Obama is so easily subsumed by the great American capitalist machine, and he doesn’t even know it nor care. Distract the proles by going along with every non-story or puffed up nonsense in the media. And sticking it to the Jews oh I mean the Jew Nation. Obama must be a Leftist then – sticking it to Israel and kowtowing to Islam proves it – which means he supports the working class and the poor against the Parasitic Capitalist Elite now! This is a president who appears on Pimp with a Limp, the show of a an idiot second-rate comic, namely Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show, and then almost as bad, there was the POTUS meeting with uh GloZell, the uh youtube starlet who eats fruitloop cereals in a bathtub of milk.

You keep the office of the United States presidency classy now Obumbler.

There is more to say here, but I leave off as this essay is very very long as it is.

I digress again, but I don’t.

All my moron critics, including those defending Holocaust Deniers, inadvertently and otherwise (see archives of this blog) and the Holocaust Deniers themselves, graduated from high school and I’m sure many of them, possibly most of them, went onto university. In fact look at our self-hating Jews. Those in the genre community, and the majority of them – at least the liberals among them – are self-hating and/or spineless cowards and/or morons; and those outside of the genre community. These Lefty self-haters and cowards are as a rule the most ‘highly educated’ among Jewry. Whereas the Jewish working class, whatever their Jewish ethnicity – in Israel and the Diaspora – is far far far less prone to self-hatred, Palestinianism/Palestinian Victim Narrative, adopting the Jew-hate narrative of moral inversion and lies on Israel pushed on them by Jew-hating Europeans, Brits and Americans. The more ‘educated’, the less common sense really. The more stupid. Look at genre Jewry alone. Paul Levinson, a prof at Fordham and former president of the SFWA is a fan of that delusional anti-Semite Ron Paul. So when a reference was made to my blog – and the allusion to its exposé of anti-Semitism in the genre community – in a comment at his blog way back in 2011, it shouldn’t surprise us that Levinson deleted that comment quickly enough. You’ll have to take my word on it. So three years later in 2014, it shouldn’t surprise us that he signed a petition drawn up by Holocaust Denier/Revisionist Dave Truesdale, because he didn’t want to know about the blog that exposed Truesdale as a Holocaust Revisionist years before. In 2011.

And look at all the other Jews who signed that petition – Brin, Turtledove, Ellison, Dann, Silverberg, Malzberg, Resnick and others. They didn’t want to know. They still don’t want to know. Maybe they just don’t care. Mike Resnick wrote something up at Tangent as recently as January 2015. There are no excuses here. I have already related – and do so again! – how if say some other well-known genre personality (and Truesdale is well-known and controversial), an editor, critic or writer, had outed himself as say considering black people inherently inferior to white people, or homosexuality as terribly immoral, and then some African or gay blogger had exposed this genre personality – with all the smoking guns – at a blog with the express purpose of exposing anti-black or anti-gay prejudice; do you think it wouldn’t have made news respectively among African-Americans and gay/bi people in the genre community? Hardly. It’s why all genre gay folk know what Vox Day, John C Wright and Orson Scott Card think about gays. And black/African-American genre fans and writers all know about so-called racefail. That was huge. Or as Trump would put it, yuuuuuge. Jews are different, they are overwhelmingly liberal (Levinson is the exception that proves the rule. Ron Paul is as much of an anti-Semite as Barack Obama and Hillary and Bernie Sanders. Easily). And being liberal, overwhelmingly yellow-bellied and spineless and thick as planks and prone to self-hatred. And desperate to make common cause with the Jew-hating gentile Left. They are all Lefties after all. Their Jewishness and Israel itself is less of a concern. In fact Israel’s survival – the survival of another six million Jews from all backgrounds – rates less of a concern than the lawn grass that needs to be mowed, and new washers for the shower, the latest shows on HBO. They are in other words, like all liberal Jewish writers, editors, Hollywood Jews and theater Jews and Jewish journalists and liberal Jewish profs and teachers. Like all Liberal Jews. A disgrace.

I’m not being too hard on genre Jewry (and liberal Jewry). I have been too soft on them. Truesdale came to defend himself on Adam-Troy Castro’s place on the web back in late 2012 (I have mentioned this before. Pardon the repetition), the Holocaust Revisionist is the innocent one, I’m the loon. Liberal Jew Chuck Rothman set the bar real low there, actually coming to Truesdale’s defense – at Castro’s place on the Web, as did Truesdale!! (same link) – but it’s hardly unprecedented. I mean Truesdale being defended by a liberal Jew (self-hating Jew Felix Gilman was just oblivious) that is, his Holocaust Denialism itself denied or neurotically and stubbornly refused recognition by uh liberal genre Jews (Mark Pontin, Tim Lieder). That’s Jews plural. Argentus‘s Steve Silver got so panicky when Truesdale showed up, he quickly changed the subject – attack a Republican attack!! – and A-Troy Castro and pals quickly jumped on board. Whew that was a close shave. This after Castro let us know, he’ll call out anti-Semitism among genre pros when he sees it! Then he and pals jumped ship when a conservative Holocaust Denier showed up! Maybe Castro meant all forms of anti-Semitism except Holocaust Denialism. And let me add – and at this point in time it’s very much superfluous – all forms of anti-Semitism except vicious anti-Israelism.

So you know it was all quickly buried and forgotten about. Silver, Castro and crew made sure to follow the Jewish liberal modus operandi. Namely Never Ever Ever Bring Up Any Actual Cases of Anti-Semitism in the Genre Community. And the real world for that matter. Not Ever. Not on a public forum and not behind the scenes neither. No other genre Jews must know about it! Who knows where it will lead? And if some goy Jew hater shows up – a near-colleague no less – change the subject! Quickly!

And then we have the consequence of this timidity and denialism of extreme, hardcore anti-Semitism.

That is all those heavyweight Jewish genre writers (and the lightweight Jewish writers) signed the Truesdale petition some years later. Oblivious.

This is what I mean by no excuses.

This will only occur to some of my readership, those who are in all likelihood Jewish (albeit not necessarily): the signing of the Truesdale Petition in 2014 by Jewish writers is one of the biggest scandals in the politics of American science fiction (the fact that all these major and minor Jewish genre writers obliviously signed a petition drawn up by a Holocaust Denier, who was exposed as such years before on this very blog; a blog that liberal genre Jewry is scared stiff of). The fact that nobody talks about it – unlike Harlan grabbing Connie’s breast and Sad Puppies Sad Puppies Sad Puppies Vox Day Vox Day Vox Day – is evidence of the very taboo that gave rise to the scandal in the first place. Even an alleged sexual harassment – not rape – incident from Readercon in 2012, in which the alleged guilty party is otherwise totally anonymous, is huge news. All over genre social media. And genre Jewry get caught up in the fuss likewise – should go without saying.

The SF genre community takes escapism and political idiocy to levels undreamed of in decades past. One wouldn’t have even thought it possible decades back. Then again, what is science fiction really about? Escapism Escapism Escapism with very rare exceptions. And it’s never been worse. The idiotic escapism as political gravitas and the woeful literary genre standards respectively I mean.

It’s worth remarking that liberal Jewish American writer Michael Chabon – Neil Gaiman’s good buddy – is a prominent self-hating Jew (heavily involved with the American Peace Now/Suicide Now). I say worthwhile mentioning it because he authored a work that qualifies as imaginative fiction/alternative history, The Yiddish Policeman’s Union. And it is a novel redolent with Jewish self-loathing. In fact quite recently, Chabon was on the requisite Breaking the Silence Jew Hate tour of the West Bank along with some other novelists (or Hebron at least). He parrots the requisite clueless Israel hating cant in consequence. Chabon is a caricature of the self-hating Jew. The liberal ‘intelligentsia’ fawn all over Chabon, not despite his Jewish self-loathing but because of it. It’s the cherry on the cake. He is not an outsider among Jewish ‘intelligentsia’, he would not be an outlier among Jewish genre folk. Not at all. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders’s ‘new’ anti-Semitism wouldn’t bother him at all, when it comes to voting for the DP candidate. He was a big supporter of the Jew-hater Obama after all. It’s a bonus if anything. Features not bugs. And American Jews like him are as mushrooms in Oregon and Washington State after the rains. Ubiquitous.

Let me sashay into talking about Britain once again, moving back across the Atlantic Pond. That’s because along with the USA, it’s the UK that is naturally most notable and influential in genre fiction, genre TV, genre films, genre theater. It’s the UK (and France) where genre fiction was birthed, matured, and truly came of age in the 1960s and early 1970s with the advent of the ‘New Wave’. Britain’s influence in genre fiction, in the arts and culture as a whole, is at least on a par with the US. The British Isles – to get straight to the point – is a fascist Jew-hate Islamophile nation. It’s like Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway and Germany. The British are lost to the irony of the Second World War and fascism, still going on about how they defeated the Nazi menace (actually dear British folk, no you didn’t. The Soviets did most of the fighting, then the Americans – that’s why Eisenhower was supreme commander in the Western European Theater of War and not Montgomery, and then you lot in a distant third. And you also falsely take credit for the fighting on the air, sea and ground of Commonwealth airmen, sailors and soldiers. I cannot stand those deluded Brits – not all of them – with their Union Jacks so far up their asses). I have never come across a people so convinced they get irony  – ooooh we’re British, we get irony. We practically invented it. Yet in the real world they are oblivious to in-your-face ironies they are drowning in. Multiple ironies as wide and deep as the Loch Ness. Wider and Deeper. The British upper crust public school (that’s private school to the rest of you) miseducated toffs, mistake their pseudo-intellectualism for intelligence and their sarcasm for humour. As for irony Gaaawd. It’s lost on the progressive Brit liberals with their fashionable Israel hatred and Islamophilia – see the left-wing BBC, the left-wing the Guardian and the Independent and the UK Labour Party as stand-out and influential agencies – that they are actually just a bunch of Jew-hating fascists. You know just like the Nazis and neo-Nazi white supremacists, that these left-wing fascist progressive communists/socialists and liberals look down on so much as paragons of evil and madness. This irony is not even remotely subtle. I mean it has its subtle aspects, but it is really for the most part blinding and in-your-face. And the audio volume here is full blast not Sotto voce, it’s at death metal/punk rock concert blow your eardrums level of volume.

As William Burroughs put it in his novel The Place of Dead Roads, “The English have gone soft in the outhouse. England is like some stricken beast too stupid to know it is dead. Ingloriously foundering in its own waste products, the backlash and bad karma of empire.

Then again thanks to the Brits and Americans and Canadians, South Africans and Australians, New Zealand (and the Jew hatred in the colonies did not come from Native Americans, Aborigines and Zulu warriors), hundreds of thousands of Jews perished in the Holocaust. But history is written by the victors so let’s hush that up. And then when a nascent Israel was fighting for its life, in its very birth trauma, a mere two and three years after the last exterminations of European Jewry in ’45, the British armed the Arabs in their jihad war (often dismissed as simply Arab nationalism) against the Jews. And America said we will sit idly by and do nothing for anybody, sure to enforce an arms embargo on both sides. And the Jews smuggled in World War 2 arms and weapons, from Czechoslovakia in the main. If not for Czechoslovakia there could have been another Holocaust of Jewry, thanks to the uh extreme apathy and worse of Allied nations a mere three years – and less – after the mass extermination of Jewry by the Nazis had come to its close. The Allies hated the Jews as much as the Germans and Austrians. No Difference. No the former did not put the Jews in death camps. They didn’t have to. The Germans were killing enough of those ‘Yids’ for you know the whole of Western ‘civilization’. And the Germans had the greater need for a scapegoat, to pay for the guilt and anguish of the German psyche, the terrible loss of the Great War, the chaos and confusion and collapse – economic, political, social – of postwar Germany; far more so than the the Brits and their former colonists, who emerged ‘victorious’ from the Great War.

Those loyal Jewish Germans and Jewish Austrians going to fight for their German ‘civilization’ in the trenches of the Great War, as German as the Germans, the same German civilization that always despised them and treated them accordingly. For centuries and centuries. Since the very Christianization of German provinces. Such loyalty, unto death and maiming, did not protect German Jews from being marched to the gas. And such fawning, appeasing before Jew haters now in the corridors of White Hall and Washington D.C. and the Élysée is not going to protect American, British and French Jews now. It never has and never will.

You start to understand Philip K Dick’s paranoia and worldview – after being exposed for years to moronic left-wing fascism – people surely cannot be this lacking in self-awareness! They must be putting you on. They must be kidding. There is some deliberate farce going on here. I keep waiting for the Trickster Creator behind the curtain to show his face and say, à la The Truman Show‘s Ed Harris character when addressing Jim Carey’s Truman – when the game is up – with words to the effect of ‘Okay it’s a show and you are an actor in it. You didn’t know until now. Don’t be too pissed off. The gods need their entertainment. The liberals were part of the performance. Unlike you they were knowing actors, playing their designated roles. They didn’t really mean it. We wanted to see how you would respond. It was for your own good. To see what you were made of. Of course nobody is that incredibly dumb and lacking in self-awareness as 21st Century liberals pretend to be, en masse.’

I would be mad myself if I embraced such paranoid P K Dickian fantasies, such solipsism. Yet for the sake of liberals themselves, I wish it were a paranoid fantasy that was true. Sadly no it is not so. The truth of things is as it appears to be.

It’s beyond the mental capacity of Jewish liberal ‘intelligentsia’ that the role of the Western media, high-brow or other, is to tell the readership and viewers what they want to read and hear and see. Since their readership/viewership is anti-Semitic in the main, being from a Christian gentile background and culture, the media reflects that. Giving the audience what it wants. This is beyond the ability of our Jewish liberals to appreciate. It’s beyond their ability to appreciate that a liberal Western media that obsesses about Israel is obsessing about Jews, whilst it’s a big yawn to ethnocide, war, torture, oppression, abductions, rape, tyranny and kleptocracy from Mexico to Nigeria, Mali, Libya, Egypt, Somalia, Pakistan to the Sudan, Peru to Yemen and Syria. Where the Syrian/Iraqi Civil War is covered, it is so in terms of the victims of some inchoate evil force that cannot be properly named and thus it is not recognized for what it is. And it’s as if the victims are caught up in some kind of a natural catastrophe, a tsunami, an earthquake, a hurricane or a volcanic eruption. It’s not as if they are victims of Muslim Jihadist Terror and post-Baathist Terror. Perish the Thought. So the Thought Perishes. Why are those Sudanese and Somalian refugees fleeing to Israel again? Must be because Israel’s an apartheid state I guess.

What goes on in India alone every year! The world’s second most populous nation. In terms of brutal neo-feudal exploitation, destruction of wilderness, Muslim jihad and associated tyranny, brutal and cynical Brahmin enforced Hindu caste (and class) divisions, there is a communist insurgency there. The Western Left Yawns.

You know it really does take two seconds to expose Leftists as Jew haters. In so many ways. Here’s another. Why do you liberals and communists and socialists criticize Israel but do not have anything to say about the genocidal anti-Semitism of the UN (that’s what it means to condemn Israel more than all the countries of the world put together. See the misnamed UN Human Rights Council), and no call for an abolition of murderous, oppressive and yes evil Sharia Law from Nigeria to north Africa, the Sudan, East Africa and the Persian Gulf to Pakistan? That affects in the most oppressive way the lives of tens and tens of millions – if not hundreds of millions – on several continents. There is no way to answer this question honestly and coherently, without admitting the obvious: yes the Left is a Jew-hating Left. From the BBC to the White House, the Washington Post to the State Department. UK Labour to the Democratic Party to the Greens, the EU to the European and American and Australian labour unions and all left-wing media. And all left-wing NGOs.

Lillian Pinkus, the head of AIPAC, the American-Israel Lobby group that neo-Nazis, Muslim fanatics (moderate Muslim fanatics included) and liberals think controls Congress and the Senate, is not a self-hating Jew at all, but she is certainly a cowardly one. She goes out of her way to grovel before the Jew-hater Obama and gives a free pass to his former Secretary of State, the anti-Semite Hilary Clinton. Because otherwise something bad might happen. Obama and Hilary may give a green light for Iran to get nukes and give ’em billions of dollars through unfrozen sanctions and ignore Iran’s brazen violations of a Munich ‘Peace in our Time’ Accord. And remember this is the president of AIPAC. She’s one of the better ones! At least in theory. And that is why there is no hope for American Jews. They are finished. AIPAC doesn’t care about Israel, only their own asses, only AIPAC. That may appear excessively harsh, but we are all living on the edge of an abyss, and we can no longer mince our words. We never should have done so to begin with.

It’s hard to know were Jewish cowardice ends and self-loathing begins with this lot. The lines are blurred. Cowardice is a type of self-loathing perhaps. The one shades into the other.

Hardcore Jew-hater China Mieville writes a predictable left-wing fascist screed ‘On social sadism‘, published in December 2015, over at the new far Left communist (as in fascist) magazine Salvage (of which he is one of the editors). The G of SALVAGE is adorned with the hammer and sickle. His article gets to the essence of the Mieville zeitgeist and that of the far Left. Capitalism is sadistic, wantonly cruel. Communism and its crimes, the mass murder of millions, gulags, reeducation camps, man-made famines resulting in the mass starvation of millions, show trials, firing squads, secret police, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Tse Tsung, Ceaușescu, Hoxha, the Stasi: say what? Nada on that front from Mieville. But of course. It’s not that Mieville rationalizes such murderous crimes and oppression that have destroyed the lives of countless millions. It’s that such crimes don’t exist in the ‘mind’ of Mieville. They are not even vaguely acknowledged nor recognized. Not a sentence on them. In a lengthy article on All that is Wrong with the World. What else to expect from a communist? However plenty rage directed against the Jews. Jew haters gonna Jew hate. Oh I mean rage against Israel. ‘Cause the rage against the only nation in the Middle-East that happens to be the Jew nation – that an atheist communist could even live in – has nothing to do with Jew hatred. Just ask Mieville. Even as many of the influential fathers/philosophers of communism, anarchism and socialism were riddled through with anti-Semitism (Marx, Proudhon, Chirac, Leroux, Bakunin, Hyndman etc.) and couldn’t even pretend to hide behind anti-Israelism since there was yet to be a modern Jewish state in the 19th Century.

Mieville’s screed on Israel is all lies and skewed misrepresentations. It can only be so. Mieville is clearly more upset (like the self-hating Jew he relies on) at Jews having checkpoints to stop terrorists from smuggling weapons and explosives, to kill and maim Jews, than he is you know the jihadists plotting to carry out mass murder, torture, maiming and abductions themselves, from Hamas to Hezbollah to jihadists in Africa, Pakistan, Thailand, the Persian Gulf and um planet earth. Why would he be upset and rage at the latter? He has campaigned for a political party (George Galloway’s Respect Party) that has supported Hamas and the Jihad International, and that political party through Galloway, has proudly and openly raised funds for Hamas. And liberal genre folk gush over China Mieville, can’t get enough of him. Not one single Jewish genre pro of note can publicly call out Mieville – who is a best-selling and award winning writer – for the Jew hater that he is. The reality is even way worse than that.

In light of my explicit notion that the Jew hatred among the Left is rooted in Christianity, it’s worth mentioning Mieville’s frothy raging against Israel, when IDF commandos dared to kill wannabe jihadists on the Mavi Marmara, in self-defense mind you. Mieville used/misused that incident as a pretext to support BDS against Israel. His seeing those Turkish Muslim extremist wannabe jihadist Hamas supporters as innocent “peace activists” (Mieville’s choice of words), fits with the conception that at an unconscious level Mieville – and those of his ilk – sees these violent Muslim extremists as a collective Jesus Christ on the Cross, as they are killed by the Christ Killer IDF commandos. In other words, the identical dynamics with the ‘secular’ Left’s frothing and raging after the IDF killing of the high ranking Hamas leader Sheikh Yassin.

The new political party China Mieville has joined and co-founded in fact, Left Unity, is made up of um Jew haters. Duh. In other news, Antarctica discovered to be real cold. Especially in winter. Mieville left the Jew-hating Socialist Workers Party (SWP) over some rape scandal that was never resolved adequately, or covered up or some-such. Left Unity is the same old Jew hate and Jihad loving as the SWP. Just a new name. And some new faces I suppose.

In fact there has been some support for ISIS/Daesh at Left Unity!! There was a motion that was debated by Left Unity to back ISIS in 2014 (yes Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, not the Egyptian goddess) as a “stabilizing force” with “progressive potential”. The motion did not pass, but the fact that it was even debated!!!! I am not making this up. This is not satire. This is not parody. No really I am not making this up. Check for yourselves. That’s China Mieville’s political party. Mieville is one of the principal founding members of Left Unity! along with the likes of Michael Rosen, Jew-hating film director Ken Loach, Kate Hudson (no not the actress) and others. And where is the outrage from the uh anti-fascist genre Left to all this? I mean Mieville is a founding member of Left Unity. Crickets. Nada. Rien. Zilch. Sounds of Silence. But Trump Trump George W Rumsfeld Cheney Sad Bad Puuuuuuuupies Vox Day! I mean if you think about it, this hardcore extreme left-wing Nazism (beyond mere fascism) from Left Unity deserves its own article at this blog, given that Mieville is a founding member of that party…   

Well when you have supported the Jihad against the Jews for so long, as the far Left has done, it becomes second nature to support it even against Arabs and Kurds. And the West. And oneself in other words. And – repetition ahead because I like to hammer home this point – given the Left’s support for wave after wave of Muslim immigration into the West, decade after decade, including the latest Muslim refugees that have really opened the floodgates and perhaps (perhaps!) signal the end of Europe as we know it; they really do hate themselves. They really want to lose everything, even their limbs and lives if it comes down to it. And to see their children grow up under siege. And worse. They hate themselves as much as they hate the Jews. Unto death. This is easy to miss. Or at least it was easy to miss before the latest refugee crisis got underway. Now it as transparent as can be.

In this the Left, that is the liberal fascists, have so much in common with Jew haters of other stripes, namely neo-Nazis and Muslim fanatics. Neo-Nazis really hate themselves, the Nazis hated themselves, hated Germany so much, they catalyzed its destruction via World War 2. Hitler hated himself. This is not amateur psychology, it is apparent from even a superficial look-in at his life. His alleged masochistic sexual life with his cousin – if true – reveals so much. Yet there is so much else… If you look at the fascist skinheads in America, Canada, Britain, France, Russia and their admiration for the Nazis, that was the same Nazis their own countrymen were at war with, and sacrificed so much blood to defeat. So they spit on their own countrymen, their own nations’ sacrifices and loss. The destructive behaviour of far right-wing fascist skinheads and white supremacists is self-destructive. It is a self-hatred. A self-hatred that is projected onto scapegoats, such as Jews and blacks/Africans. And again with Muslim extremists. They don’t just hate the Jews, they hate themselves. As is evidenced by how they love to oppress themselves via Sharia Law, their wives, daughters and sisters. And deny themselves healthy loving sex lives. And tenderness, compassion and affection. Since these emotions are effectively banned by Islam’s innate supremacism, bigotry and associated Sharia Law. It is evidenced with how they will go to war and sow terror against their fellow Muslim faithful at the drop of a hat. It is evidenced with the fear of free thinking, of free association, of freedom of speech, a contempt for the Feminine and thus Nature herself. It is evidenced in masochistic and sadistic rituals such as the Matam and Tatbir practiced by many a Shi’ite on the Day of Ashura (admittedly it is condemned by some Shi’ite authorities). This sadomasochism and self-loathing is exteriorized as well, it can only be so, onto scapegoats such as the Jews, and all infidels and the dreaded and feared (ex)Muslim apostate. It’s one reason why apostates must be killed. Islam cannot stand the slightest scrutiny because its dogma is riddled through and through with gaping holes. Hence all the Muslim violence. As cause and effect.

So this common dynamic of ideological/religious self-hatred and its exteriorization onto a shared scapegoat drives the liberals and their anti-Israel allies, the Muslim fanatics. And the same self-loathing dynamic and its transference is at work with neo-Nazis. Perverse. Yet reality has always been stranger than fiction. Science Fiction included. Because you can’t make up the ugly evil reality of the Left-radical Islam alliance if you tried. That’s why it is beyond satire and parody.

And getting back to Mieville… That’s why it was something of a surprise that Mieville’s article in Salvage actually criticizes Islamic State! I mean why would he? He has praised jihadists as “peace activists” after all. And others in his Left Unity party considers ISIS to be a potential “stabilizing force “with “progressive potential”. Then again this is typical of the Left and even Islamists. To condemn Muslim terror in one breath and praise it in another, even simultaneously. The jihadist PA president Mahmoud Abbas condemns jihadist terror in Paris for example, when it suits him. Yet he is a life-long jihadist. Arafat was the same. Obama, Kerry, Hillary Clinton all condemn Jihadist Terror, whilst enabling it. Their good cop bad cop relationship with the Muslim extremist Iranian regime and the jihadist Palestinian Authority being cases in point. For starters. Along with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the Muslim extremist CAIR/Muslim Brotherhood in the United States (our very own Corey Doctorow is one of their useful idiots). Recep Erdoğan condemned the Turkish suicide bombing attack that killed several Israelis a few days before the Brussels bombings in early 2016, but Erdogan is himself an Islamist and as Obama reminds us, his closest confidant in the Middle-East. Once upon a time. Erdogan just didn’t care for the blow-back to his own stoking the fires of Jihad. Like a liberal Westerner that way.

Mieville’s hypocritical and clearly reluctant, grudging criticisms of Islamic State/Daesh need to be seen in the same way. He is only critical of them in the abstract and he gets it all wrong of course. He cannot understand what motivates Islamic State, he is too deep in bed with Islamism for one. He is more critical of Israel – and naturally it’s all slander and Big Lies – and Britain and the USA for that matter, than he is his (one paragraph) criticism of Islamic State, all very vague in the latter case. You wouldn’t know what Islamic State is *actually doing* – the actual massacres, rapes, torture, beheadings, pillage, destruction, kidnappings, extortion, floggings, maimings, suppression of all liberties sans exception, murderous misogyny and murderous homophobia etc. – going by Mieville’s foggy and muddle-headed critique of his fellow anti-Zionists, Daesh/Islamic State. Mieville the Christian fanatic. Along with his fellow ‘secular’ Jew-hating Leftists.

Note how the victims of the Muslim Jihad in black Africa, from Nigeria, South Sudan, Somalia, Egypt, Uganda, Mali to Kenya, Congo and Tanzania, is all just a big yawn – say wot? – to the PC militant Leftists of the Black Lives Matter (but not in Africa nor American’s inner cities where they are murdered by gangsters ‘n the hood) crowd. Naturally they make common cause with Jew-hating Islamists, because they have a common enemy, the Jews. Even as Muslim fanatics are carrying out genocide against African Christians and Animists. But there you go. That’s where Jew hatred leads. You get deep in bed with those who will oppress and kill you when they get the chance (hint it’s not the Jooooos).

And so? What now? What is the future? For the Jews, the self-hating Jews among them too, the latter the enablers of both Western and Muslim anti-Semites.

None of us know or can really even guess the particulars. Nobody knows the future. Not even next week or month. If civilization or what passes for it is to survive in some continuous form (as it did after World Wars 1 and 2) or another, I predict the usual whitewashing and the selling of Big Lies. As Always. Lies will be passed off as history. As they always are. It’s why we are in this mess to begin with. The truth about Islam, about the prophet Muhammad and his teachings and life example, will never really out itself beyond the margins, as in the past and present. People have been prosecuted for ‘hate speech’ for telling the truth, the academic facts, about Islam and the uh prophet Muhammad. Geert Wilders in Holland and Austria’s Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff are (in)famous examples here. As is Thilo Sarrazin in Germany. Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant in Canada have been hounded and persecuted via modern-day misnamed and utterly Orwellian ‘human rights’ courts for their um ‘Islamophobia’; that is their truth telling on Islam and its radicalism in the West.

And if the courageous authentic freedom fighter Tommy Robinson’s trumped up imprisonment in Britain, and his unending persecution at the hands of the authorities – where he risks death at the hands of Muslim radicals, that’s the idea! – doesn’t prove to you the fact that the UK is officially a hardcore fascist oppressive state in service to Muslim radicalism, nothing will. British and British based genre Leftists Mieville, Stross, Graham Raven, Ken McLeod, Hal Duncan, Lavie Tidhar, Felix Gilman, Geoff Ryman, Farah Mendlesohn and the rest of ’em could not be reached for comment. Tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Lennon), does he play for Tottenham or Man United as a winger or what? That’s perhaps the least offensive thing any of these liberal twits with their heads so far up their own asses, would probably say about it.

Others have been murdered, in the West I mean and in modern times, for daring to affront and insult Islam and the prophet Muhammad (according to Muhammad’s own instructions and life example. He had his critics murdered). From Dutch film-maker Theo van Gogh (murdered in 2004 for his film Submission, revealing how Islam treats women and girls) to a Japanese translator of The Satanic Verses Hitoshi Igarashi (murdered in 1991) to the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists and writers. And look at how Salman Rushdie lives! And the Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard likewise (who was almost killed by a would-be-assassin for Allah, who was armed with an axe and a knife; and another attempt was made on Westergaard’s life coming to think of it). I can never see it becoming simple common sense in the West to reject Islam in toto. Even if Europe and Britain are reduced to out-and-out civil war with their own radical Muslim populations. As with Christianity and its absurd blood libel fairy tale, at the very heart of the Christian faith, the truth never outs in a general or universal way. Even after centuries of harsh criticism and erosion of all the Churches’ credibility. The rejection of Christianity in the West, among village atheists and the secular atheist/agnostic even New Age Left notably, is only superficial, emotional; it is no real or deep rejection at all. A rejection of the Churches (and all organized religion) merely for their corruption and hypocrisy is no deep rejection of the Churches at all. Christianity has internalized itself into the very bedrock of Liberalism, and so it thrives. And it thrives amidst the very (superficial) opposition to Christianity – it thrives among communists and socialists especially. Not only the Christian derived anti-Semitism, but also the Christian derived masochism and utopianism, even the Christian derived universalism.

So the Big Lie of Liberalism and its Christian Roots – its Roots in the dynamics of the Christian Passion Play, which has its own deeper roots! – remain little recognized. On principle they cannot be acknowledged by Christian conservatives and their grovelling conservative Jewish allies (conservative pro-Israel Jews are so afraid of having no friends at all. Newsflash we have no friends, we are like the Kurds that way. At least the Kurds don’t tend to kid themselves). So we have all these taboos everywhere, as much as we ever did in the Middle Ages. If anything the delusions have multiplied. The Dark Age of the Twenty-First Century is unsurpassed in human history. Surely. One of several ironies here is that the taboo facts that shall not be named nor acknowledged are a mere computer button push away. All you need is an Internet connection. And a laptop, a tablet, heck a smartphone! In the comfort of your home, office or coffee shop. It’s all there to hand. But thoughtfulness and discretion need to come first. As it always must. And as our society is more dumbed down than ever before, well there is the rub…

I speculate that even if the West (and the Western Left) survives its self inflicted calamities, the Left’s suicidal betrayal of the West and alliance with Islam to destroy Israel and its own culture/civilization will be forgotten, misrepresented, skimmed over. The role of a legion of self-hating useful idiot know-nothing liberal Jews in Israel and the Diaspora to urge Israel on to its own destruction – whether it happens or not – will be glossed over. As if it never was. If Israel is destroyed God forbid – one way or another – by the anti-Zionist Islamists and their very vocal and relentless de facto liberal allies in the West and Israel itself; if there are any surviving Jews in the decades to come, they will not know for the most part how the Left – the Jewish Left included – played their role in another Holocaust of Jewry. It will be covered up. As was American Jewish cowardice in the 1930s as European Jews faced extinction, as is Franklin D Roosevelt’s anti-Semitism. As is Allied complicity – via apathy, indifference and their own anti-Semitism – to the exterminations of Jewry during World War 2. And it will be covered up for the same reason the really important history (and hence what they don’t teach in high school and increasingly not in the universities neither that’s for sure) is always covered up. Out of guilt and shame and a deep seated largely subconscious fear that one’s own worldview/ideology and/or religion and patriotism may be called into question. And brought crashing down and sink into the depths. A pro-Israel Jewish (and even gentile) reader of this blog may disagree and think the role of the Left in pushing for another Holocaust of Jewry is way too big to be covered up. But it’s already covered up! And you need to take the long view here.

I speculate (as do others) if the Muslim fanatics succeed in destroying Israel, that many Leftists, especially the far Left, will say that Israel got what it deserved. If there is another Holocaust of Jewry, elements on the Left will say Israel had it coming. It was all Israel’s own fault. Such ideological obscenity would be no further into the mire of Hate than they already are. However as a whole, I tentatively predict and speculate that the Left will engage in a combination of whitewash and Orwellian historical revisionism.

The ugly truth of the Left-Islamist Alliance against the Jew among the nations will become an esoteric knowledge, that is largely among scholars, historians and ethical journalists. And authentic and knowledgeable Zionist Jews. And surely a fair number of straight shooting Christian and non-Christian conservatives. It will not ever become ‘common wisdom’. Certainly not among cowardly liberal Jewry, they will be the first to attempt a cover-up and engage in historical revisionism and denialism. They already do! That is assuming Western civilization even survives in some continuous form.

Tomorrow is tomorrow. Today but Worse. In all likelihood. Lies rule supreme everywhere, in the schools and universities, among the media and NGOs, among the religious priesthoods, in the diplomatic corps and governments of the West. Our society is built on lies. The bigger the lie, the more the lie is itself lied about and the more sacred it becomes. Lies built on lies. A Many-Headed Hydra that is Human ‘Culture’ and Society. Now more than ever. Hardly a Jew will be any wiser. Only a very few. And that’s because there are hardly any authentic Jews, there are fewer now than ever before. That’s my prediction.

This is a SF centered blog, so predictions, however frightening, are in order.

In an essay at the online Jewish magazine Tablet, Liel Leibowitz gets to the crux of the matter. Something cowardly and obtuse liberal Jews are incapable of.  ‘Anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. Get over it’.

Leibowitz writes there:

“… it’s time to do away with the anti-Zionism/anti-Semitism debate. Whatever its intellectual merits are, or were, it’s largely irrelevant in an environment scorched by the flames of prejudice masquerading as thought. To ponder minute differences when students are fulsomely supporting the sort of stuff that would’ve made Henry Ford blush is like debating nautical safety long after the iceberg has been introduced to the Titanic’s hull.”

That whole essay is a must-read. Leibowitz focuses on what has recently gone on at Stanford and Oberlin College, but it applies universally. He points out that the Jew hatred of the Left has gotten so frenzied and unhinged and unapologetic, that the flimsy masks of anti-Israelism and anti-Zionism have all but been ripped off. Self-hating Jews who disguise their self-loathing through anti-Israel sloganese and mantras – seeing the naked Jew hatred of their fellow left-wing gentile peers – now double down! These self-hating Jews who pretend and protest that of course they are not self-hating Jews, just proud anti-Zionists/post-Zionists, now call the naked unashamed Jew hatred of their gentile peers – now free of all anti-Zionist disguises and cover terminology – nothing of the kind! Such brazenly honest and self-admitted Jew hatred from gentile Leftists, sans all the cover slogans, is merely a criticism of the oppressive Western power structure, which just happens to be Jewish! Read the whole thing. Surreal but surreal is the new reality.

We have seen the same thing happen in the genre community. When self-hating Jewess Anna Tambour – to repeat myself – ripped off the mask and revealed an unhinged and extreme Judenhass (okay she’s not a gentile, but still…), Lavie Tidhar her anti-Israel ‘Jewish’ comrade and buddy, doubled down and literally called her anti-Semitism – seemingly out of the blue and context free, apropos of nothing – nothing of the kind.

Perhaps we will have a future scenario – God forbid – where Tel Aviv getting nuked by Iran will be perceived by such far Left Jewry and their fellow gentile anti-Zionist Leftists as not an anti-Semitic act at all, just anti-Israel and anti-Zionist, an act of ‘resistance’ against the criminal Zionist Colonial Enterprise. An understandable reaction against evil apartheid Israel and its colonialist crime of daring to exist. I don’t quite know if they will dance in the streets in celebration, as many of their Islamist allies surely will and promise to do. However I certainly wouldn’t put it past many Leftists to do so.

The Future is the Past. With Shinier Weapons. And WiFi. And an associated largely mindless Internet Social Media commentary.

And a brain-dead moronism, a zombification, a literal suicide of reason, possibly unsurpassed for sheer surreal absurdity, by the self-appointed Western elite; the left-wing fascist “intellectuals” and their mobs.

In other words more of the same.

Only louder.

On an ever downward spiral.

Into Hell.

The Future, as Lenny Cohen put it, is Murder.

They are the typical product of the structure of the German Lager: if one offers a position of privilege to a few individuals in a state of slavery, exacting in exchange the betrayal of a natural solidarity with their comrades, there will certainly be someone who will accept. He will be withdrawn from the common law and will become untouchable; the more power that he is given, the more he will be consequently hateful and hated. When he is given the command of a group of unfortunates, with the right of life or death over them, he will be cruel and tyrannical, because he will understand that if he is not sufficiently so, someone else, judged more suitable, will take over his post. Moreover, his capacity for hatred, unfulfilled in the direction of the oppressors, will double back, beyond all reason, on the oppressed; and he will only be satisfied when he has unloaded onto his underlings the injury received from above. 

Primo Levi
If This Is a Man
Translated from the Italian by Stuart Woolf

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Jihadist terror from Paris to Israel, Sinai to Mali. Refugees swamp Europe. Politically vocal liberal genre folk froth about climate change and the Islamophobia of eeeeeevil right-wingers

Note before reading this article: The uh tech ‘geniuses’ (cough cough) at WordPress who once gave a good product but are determined to emulate Microsoft and Yahoo, in giving their customers/users ‘upgrades’ and ‘improvements’, to our blog platform in this case, that we didn’t ask for and in fact are big time stupidities beyond my ability to articulate, and so they have just made things so much more inferior and deleterious. Here is the rub – We can no longer link (without it taking me hours) to internal content/articles at our blogs, although we could do it before very easily. Not any more. And readers of my blog know I do it all the time. So I don’t do it in this article because the ‘upgrade’ means I can’t. Hence why I now write things like: ‘check the archives of this blog’ or leave it implicit that the reader can do so, if he or she is curious, instead of giving an internal link (which I can also no longer tag like before). Geniuses, no?

This is also a very long article. Word count is 12 598.


That the plague was not what is commonly called contagious, like the scarlet fever, or extinct small-pox, was proved. It was called an epidemic. But the grand question was still unsettled of how this epidemic was generated and increased. If infection depended upon the air, the air was subject to infection. As for instance, a typhus fever has been brought by ships to one sea-port town; yet the very people who brought it there, were incapable of communicating it in a town more fortunately situated. But how are we to judge of airs, and pronounce–in such a city plague will die unproductive; in such another, nature has provided for it a plentiful harvest? In the same way, individuals may escape ninety-nine times, and receive the death-blow at the hundredth; because bodies are sometimes in a state to reject the infection of malady, and at others, thirsty to imbibe it. These reflections made our legislators pause, before they could decide on the laws to be put in force. The evil was so wide-spreading, so violent and immedicable, that no care, no prevention could be judged superfluous, which even added a chance to our escape.  

These were questions of prudence; there was no immediate necessity for an earnest caution. England was still secure. France, Germany, Italy and Spain, were interposed, walls yet without a breach, between us and the plague.

The Last Man (1826)                                                                                                                               Mary Shelley


As the jihadist terrorism around the world picks up and intensifies – a downed commercial Russian jet, massacres continuing apace in Iraq, Syria and Nigeria, Egypt and elsewhere, the terrorist atrocities in Paris on Friday the 13th November, the hotel killings in Mali, the persistence of the third jihadist intifada in Israel and the West Bank/Judea and Samaria every single day and the relentless refugee crisis in Europe, the worst refugee crisis that Europe has seen since the end of the second World War transforming the social, political and economic landscape across the continent and beyond – our ‘forward thinking’ (no not really) ‘politically aware’ (no not really) liberal (yes unfortunately, or more accurately left-wing unfortunately) ‘Jewish’ (in name only) and non-Jewish genre intellectuals (as in pseudo-intellectuals) know the score (no not really).

Where to begin?

Why not with David Brin, a caricature of an out of touch rather dim-witted liberal babyboomer Jew in Name Only, who I have already exposed as having zero political credibility and nous (see archives of this blog), froths three days (16th November) post the Friday the 13th Paris massacre – and his first post after the Paris atrocities – about…

Drum Roll…

Climate Change.

He would admittedly get to blog on Paris two days after the Climate Change post of his, in an entry from the 18th November. But his priorities are a bit warped, even though he had clearly written up the climate change post probably some days, even a week perhaps before he had posted it and thus before the Paris attacks. Why not just delay its blog publication, until after his blog post about Paris, instead of before? What difference does another few days or a week make? I am not being petty, I think it telling. I mean where is his ‘mind’ at? Then again where is the Western ‘Mind’ at? I think it telling that Paris is where jihadists commit mass murder just recently, upsetting the left-wing narrative of climate change hysteria über alles. Such hysteria reaches its culmination in the same city (for now) a mere 17 days after the massacre. (the day I post this article up) Yet the True Believers, untroubled by tiresome bothers like jihadist bloodbaths in their neighbourhoods and anywhere else for that matter, quickly get back on course to their real passion, their fanatical cause of Climate Change. When not frothing about supposedly evil Jews. I mean the evil Jew nation. What can possibly go wrong?

On the Paris blog entry of Brin’s, I do need to make some mention of course. Let me get it out of the way…

The Paris Muslim terrorist atrocities are filtered through the Brin security state obsessiveness and his own love of neologisms associated with the security state in the Age of the Internet, satellites and twenty-first century terrorism blah blah. I mean it’s neither here nor there really. There are some things he writes there that make me wince, but you know I can’t be bothered… What’s revealing about his blog entry here though is that you wouldn’t know by it the first thing about Muslim extremism and jihadism, its dogma, its history, its prevalence etc. And the European master race has been hit by jihadist terror, and that’s the only time it makes real news (I mean by this the ‘master race’ of Europeans and their cousins in North America, Australasia). Maybe the brown people in Nigeria (twenty thousand victims of Boko Haram which has sworn allegiance to IS and counting) and the Jews in Israel are you know lesser mortals than the European master race. Africa is just a big yawn and the Jews bring the jihad on themselves. As Europeans and their liberal cousins in North America will tell you. Liberal Jewry follows suit or pays no mind. From Brin’s entry on the Paris massacres you would never know the first thing about Muslim extremism and jihad. And the daily and ongoing third Intifada against the Jews (but not the Jews relatively safely ensconced in North America, so what does Brin and his fellow American liberal ‘Jews’ care…) and the left-wing media’s daily lies about it all. Yeah I said that before and I say it again. Then again Brin doesn’t know and doesn’t want to know the first thing about the roots of Muslim jihadism anymore than he wants to know anything about Jew-hatred in this Day and Age. That’s why he ignores this blog for one along with his fellow liberal ‘Jew’ travelers, and this is the consequence of such a pathetic burying one’s head in the sand. To put it another way Brin is a typical Western ‘Jewish’ liberal in the twenty-first century.

Getting back to Brin’s and the Left’s climate change dragon… And the whole ridiculous Meeting of the Faithful in Paris that begins the day I post this up. So it’s very much front and centre in the public unconscious.

You know I have avoided this subject of the climate change ghost dragon at this blog because I cannot write an encyclopedia on everything that is rotten and stark raving insane in the house that the Left built, and nobody is paying me a dime for any of this (well it’s a blog); but the bugaboo that is ‘climate change’ is a whole big rampart and tower in the castle in the sky that the Left built, in the candy floss clouds. This is a whole other pseudo-scientific thing, a new religious myth in the Age of so-called Science (oh the ironies of the ‘secular’ Left) and it is pointed out as such by a number of prominent and experienced scientists on both sides of the Atlantic, for decades now. Scientists who have a background in climatology, geophysics, oceanography, solar physics, atmospheric physics, environmental science; and they have published extensively in their relevant fields. From Europe, North America, the UK, Australia. They include the crème de la crème in their respective disciplines. Although you wouldn’t know it going by the lying media from the BBC to MSNBC, The LA Times to The Guardian and The New York Times, Salon to National Geographic. The blind moron media and status quo bureaucratic ‘science’ leading the blind public. The egomaniacal scientific illiterate politicians caught up in group think and public hysteria – the numero uno global warming/climate change messiah Al Gore is the stand-out figure here – fan the flames. There is a mountain of information out there: articles, scientific papers, informed bloggers and books (and at least one excellent documentary) showing up the climate change bugaboo (previously known as Anthropogenic Global Warming, such a disingenuous name change is fundamental to the bait and switch shell game) for what it is – a delusional myth that distracts from real problems, not least of which is the SIXTH EXTINCTION. That is just the point… So I’m not going to repeat any of that here really (on the other hand I do go on about it quite a bit, given it is a theme central to this blog article). If you seek ye shall find, if you don’t want to know, you are not going to know. It’s also an utter waste of time arguing with the brainwashed in a religious cult that calls itself scientific. It’s like arguing with Jesus Freaks. It’s like arguing with liberals about Islam or Israel. This blog is written for those who are not brainwashed by the ideological blinders.

I do however need to just bring up a few things re the whole climate change hysteria from the PoV of David Brin, because he does go on about it so. Endlessly. Relentlessly. Like a religious fanatic. Which is what he is. And he calls himself a scientist, well he calls himself a Jew too. Actually David Brin is like most scientists or people with a scientific background, very very mediocre. As is his fiction. Mediocre. In fact I don’t know of any contributions Brin has made as a scientist (and I searched I did), although apparently he’s been paid as a consultant. Brin contributes his fair share of baloney to the dark dank well of madness that is the house of Leftism though, and one of its pillars in this Day and Age: global warming the-polar-bears-are-drowning madness.

The Climate Change debate, which is a misnomer btw, it is more truly the Anthropogenic Global Warming – henceforth AGW – debate (and the True Believers pretend there is nothing to debate, as is the case with all witch-hunters and Inquisitors), generally runs along political lines and divisions. The Left are deep in, and have staked their credibility, seemingly their very lives, on the belief that we are all going to reap a Climate Apocalypse thanks to our burning of Satanic Fossil Fuels (henceforth SFF). Conservatives, at the risk of a false generalization, are more skeptical, not of climate change (hence the misnomer) but of man-made global warming (see the difference, it’s significant).

Their reasons for this skepticism vary. For many of us it is scientific. However for the run-of-the-mill political conservative who doesn’t know the science and doesn’t care to, never mind the cultural and sociological factors that feed into AGW hysterics, it is simply political opportunism and convenience that weights such skepticism. I will clarify this point. The latter, the cheering conservative peanut gallery one supposes, just jump onto the bandwagon that is scientific skepticism of AGW, that is the scientific skepticism that is coming from – believe it or not – real scientists. Yes liberal liars and David Brin, that’s real scientists. And the peanut gallery do so because for one they don’t care to be on the same page as liberals on pretty much any Big Thing under the Sun. And for another more pertinent reason, they don’t care for the Big Government and transnational government interference, control and mega-bureaucracy that is implicit and explicit in the hard sell of ‘climate change’. Its strangling of business and industry grates conservatives and rubs them up the wrong way. Whilst all this is true of the AGW hard sell and indeed one of its motivations, the  strangling of business in favour of governmental bureaucracy, control and oversight and world government oversight (read the UN), it is just one small piece in the mess and morass of AGW madness.

In other words, the run-of-the-mill political conservative is opposed to the AGW cult for ideological reasons, rather than scientific ones. Although they do admittedly cite scientific evidence in their favour, at least the more knowledgeable conservatives do. Because the science is on their side. (censorship by media, the corrupt Big Science establishment, government bureaucracies, the UN IPCC, prevents this science being widely known about. To put it mildly) Even if conservatives are right not for all the right reasons, or rather only relatively minor reasons. That is many conservative AGW skeptics do not understand the deeper and more fundamental motivations of AGW and they don’t want to, even though they happen to be right.

These more fundamental reasons include among them and predominantly so, the evasion of the Sixth Extinction; because you know the destruction of the world’s forests, tropical, taiga, Temperate Deciduous, Coniferous, the wilderness in general and ipso facto bird life, the poisoning of the oceans, the destruction of fish life, coral reefs, overpopulation, the threats to the world’s fresh water reservoirs, the poisoning of rivers and lakes, is not something the Left want to look at too deeply. And the resultant die off of animal life, predicated as it on plant life and habitat. And the indigence, indigence related diseases inclusive of malnutrition and undernutrition (and Neglected Tropical Diseases), overcrowding, are inseparably associated with the former tragedy of the sixth extinction. There is a term we use, it’s called a PPE spiral (PovertyPopulationEnvironment Spiral). And we all contribute to it. Rich, middle-class and poor. And the corrupt, nasty regimes and governments across Africa, Asia, Latin America, Indonesia, along with the richer Europeans, North Americans and Asians. It cannot all be laid at the door of the corporations, the Republicans, the CIA, the Tories, Christians and Israel for that matter, so it’s a case of Pay No Mind.

There is a war against Nature, a mistrust of Nature, a desire to conquer Nature, to subdue it, which makes about as much sense as conquering one’s body through smoking, drinking vodka and bad diet. And the former war against forests, wildlife, insects and fish, lakes and rivers, is not unrelated to the latter, the self-destructiveness of an unhealthy lifestyle. The complex sociological/cultural, political, economic, ideological and ‘religious’ war against Nature is beyond this already very long article. So this brief allusion to it will have to suffice.

The Sixth Extinction is in reality one of the biggest disasters in the world today, that’s the real word, planet earth, third rock from the sun. Not the fairyland planet of ImagineWeAreNarniaorsomesuch that the Left inhabit. It’s one of the biggest horror stories in the world, one of the biggest tragedies in human history. Indisputably. In fact alongside the dark tragedy of Islam, it is one of the biggest REAL TRUE TRAGEDIES in the word TODAY (inseparable from another big story the Left ignore – human overpopulation). And that’s why the Left don’t want to know.

Because you know it’s true and the truth of the Sixth Extinction doesn’t fit the Kumbaya  left-wing narrative of evil white men and SOLELY corporations and Jooos oh I mean Israel destroying the planet. Now the astute non-ideological reader may object, but conservatives don’t give a hoot about the Sixth Extinction neither. I know. That’s what I mean by my remark that conservatives, to generalize, oppose AGW bugaboo without getting to grips with its real unconscious motivations. They are right but not for all the right reasons.

Briefly let me touch on the other unconscious motivations (and they are almost entirely unconscious) for climate change histrionics, aside from the evasion of the real ecological catastrophe – the elephant in the room – that I mention above.

The anti-technology strain that runs deep in far Left circles, but has penetrated the mainstream Left (as with Jew-hatred coming to think of it) is another factor. The anti-technology (and science) get back to nature movement among the Left is or has been somewhat well intentioned but misguided. It has equated technology with crony capitalism and mistakenly thrown out the baby with the bathwater. Of course the Left don’t really reject technology, they all make use of it like the rest of us, and increasingly so in the age of the computer and smart phone. It’s an unconsicous thing. It’s a rejection of the technology associated with the mind numbing depersonalization of the big factory, the assembly line, the mass produced automobile, the efficient killing machines of modern warfare, of modern agri-chemical farming, of the disastrous and dubious GMOs. Technology associated with pollution, depersonalisation and killing. Of course this technology and its intertwining in our lives in good and bad ways is as poorly thought out and reasoned as everything else the Left believes. In fact it isn’t truly articulated at all. Then again what is by ideologues, Left and Right?

Also worth adding that this reveals a further irony at play, that there is also an agenda here by the nuclear power lobby and those partial to it, to push AGW histrionics. Nuclear power generation does not emit greenhouse gases, and so is a viable alternative to coal power (whatever other considerable controversies there are with nuclear power). Hence why Margaret Thatcher’s government in the 1980s did much to promote AGW thinking, since her Tory management of Britain coincided with the crushing of the coal miners strikes, that has left a bitter aftertaste among the British working class. To this day. The strengthening of  nuclear power at the expense of coal is just what her government desired and needed. AGW fears thus played and play into the hands of the nuclear power industry and both AGW and nuclear power were pushed by Thatcher’s administration. So we have a double irony of the back to nature anti-tech or renewable energy liberal hippie types buying into an agenda pushed heavily by a nuclear lobby they otherwise despise and fear; the further irony is that it was also an agenda pushed and heavily promoted by Thatcher’s science and industry movers and shakers. That’s the same Thatcher government these Lefty AGW hysterics loathed to the hilt.

A further factor to AGW histrionics is ironically religious. Namely the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse Now fever that has swept the world. AGW plays to a deeply held and ancient religious apocalypse (think of Revelations in the New Testament) zeitgeist that courses through the social unconscious, the fear of famine, war and death, the End Times. The seas will rise and flood our cities, the crops will fail, frazzled in the heat, mass famine will result, we will all die in fear and terror. The irony of the secular so-called scientifically aware Left falling for a religious apocalypse fever nightmare masquerading as science parallels the irony of the ‘secular’ Left’s Jew-hatred, its roots and dynamics entirely medieval Christian. Of course we really are threatened with Apocalypse Now, namely via nuclear bombs falling into the hands of Muslim fanatics, the Iranian mullahs notably. Never mind the threat of the conventional global Jihad. But the Left is simply apathetic to all that of course. At best. At best. That’s all different. Jihad Schmihad. That’s not a phantom sky dragon, that’s just Muslim fanatics getting nuclear bombs so they can nuke millions of Jews (ignoring the conventional jihadist terrorism). So it’s okay (see my own relevant recent blog articles in this regard). And it will end there. Uh then again maybe not… Getting back to the phantom sky dragon made up of Satanic Fossil Fuels…

It’s not a meaningless coincidence that the Pontiff is obsessed about fighting the sun and its cycles aka climate change. Of course he is. AGW is a religious myth, inseparable from Catholic mythology, eschatology and imagery.

There is also a neurotic evasion from other real problems that the Left denies. None more so than Muslim fundamentalism, which the Left is desperate to whitewash and indulge with the most obscene rationalizations, and just brazen lying about Muslim radicalism is routinely both the first and last resort employed by the masochistic Left. If you cry about globalwarmingglaciersaremelting, where in your ‘mind’ is there room to concern yourself with the Jihad, and little girls getting genitally mutilated and their bodies cloaked in burqas, indoctrination of another generation of children in the madrasas and radical mosques, taught to kill and hate all infidels, heretics, apostates, the female sex, homosexuals? Well there isn’t. Priorities are with phantom sky demons, not facing facts about the ever escalating horror of Muslim radicalism.

As I write further up, this isn’t the place to write up a massive article on the pseudo-scientific cult that is AGW hysterics, and merely repeat what is out there in far greater detail and depth – just a click away on the Internet. Never mind a number of books from an AGW skeptic perspective. If you are serious, you can search it out for yourselves. If you don’t want to know, you don’t want to know. Liberals, the useful idiots of the Global Warming ‘Science’ Mafia and their propaganda circus, and the pseudo-scientific mafia themselves, can’t begin to get to grips with the real facts on the discredited AGW hypothesis. All they can usually throw at AGW skeptics are personal attacks, threats, bullying inclusive of litigation, lying, misrepresentations, lying, misrepresentations, lying and the usual censorship. Cognitive dissonance rules supreme. True Believers with more in common with religious fanatics than they could possibly know. And they ‘think’ they get irony. These people wouldn’t get irony if their lives depended on it.

However with that said, it’s worth just taking a gander at David Brin here. That is as far as his hysterics on AGW/so-called climate change are concerned (so I do go on about AGW mythology just a little more anyhow). The reason being it’s David Brin, and he is well-known and a best selling author in the genre community. He also goes on about AGW more than I swear anybody else in the genre comunity, so it appears. Just check the archives of his blog. He is also a caricature of a liberal baby boomer American ‘Jew’. His pathetic groupthink liberal politics narrative: the villains are all evil conservatives and Republicans, never Jew-hating Leftists (none that he names at least), his fellow Leftists after all. Like all liberal American Jews he is stuck in the distant past. You know before you were born dear reader unless you are Brian Aldiss (hello Brian if you are out there!). You know the Age before cellphones, never mind smart phones, Twitter and facebook. The Age before VHS, never mind DVD. The Age before Duran Duran and Van Halen, never mind Lady Gaga, Rihanna and Taylor Swift. The Age before Indiana Jones and E.T., never mind Pulp Fiction and The Titanic.

Brin is guilty of fawning before Jew-hating liberal genre writers such as the late Iain Banks and Charles Stross, whilst frothing about the critic of the Jew-hating Occupy Wall Street movement, comic book writer Frank Miller (see this blog’s archives).

It’s also so easy to show up Brin as a dunderhead and utterly witless when he tries to sell AGW like the evangelist that he is, as the Left all are on AGW. It’s the nature of the religious cult that is globular worming (intentional spelling ok). In any argument political/religious and/or scientific, on any scientific controversy for that matter, always look at who is engaging in the whitewash, in the censorship. In the reams of posts that Brin has put up at his blog over the years on AGW, nowhere and I mean nowhere does he mention that that the skepticism on AGW is being driven by, rooted in the skepticism from SCIENTISTS THEMSELVES, and scientists who have the background in the relevant disciplines. You know climatology, atmospheric physics, oceanography, solar physics, geophysics etc. As I write further up re the AGW cult as a whole. To Brin, it’s just your “crazy uncle”, Rush Limbaugh and reactionary Republican politicians. Such transparent and oblivious non-disclosures of the heavyweight dissenters on AGW and *what they are actually saying* is why Brin and his fellow cultists are an unfunny joke.

This is typical of Brin, from his latest Climate Change harangue (pasted below), bamboozling only his fellow AGW fanatics/acolytes:

These days I always finish my climate jeremiads with a simple chant: 

Ocean acidification,  ocean acidification,  ocean acidification,  ocean acidification,  ocean acidification...

Brin and his fellow AGW evangelicals, engage in routine and oblivious censorship and the like, when it comes to silencing dissent on the so-called climate change religion. To repeat myself somewhat: you wouldn’t know who these scientists and investigators dissenting on the AGW status quo are, over the last few decades, going by Brin’s venting. You wouldn’t know they are scientists! You wouldn’t know their names, their qualifications, their experience, their specialities, their postings at universities and research institututes (from Harvard and MIT to the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, the NOAA itself and universities across the globe) and their accreditations. Never mind what they are actually saying, in their own words – going by Brin’s take my word on it Climate Change histrionic blather. Fred Singer, Richard Lindzen senior meteorologist at MIT, Vincent Gray, John Daly, Robert Balling Jr, John Christy, Roy Spencer, David Legates, Willie Soon, Sallie Baliunas,  Zbigniew Jaworowski, Theodor Landscheidt, Anthony Watts, Patrick Michaels, Tim Patterson, Tim Ball, Paul Copper, James O’Brien, Ian Clark, Tad Murty, Fred Michel, Ian Plimer, Roger Peilke, Gary D. Sharp, George Taylor, Sherwood Idso, Chris de Freitas, Petr Chylek, Hugh W. Ellsaesser, Paal Brekke, Philip Stott, Jan Veizer. And many more. Of course these names don’t mean anything to Brin and the rest of the like-mindless know-nothing acolytes of the AGW cult. Nor do their qualifications, their experience, their extensive publications/papers, lectures and their postings and positions within the scientific establishment itself.

That’s why one can’t take Brin and his ilk seriously here. Of course Brin’s censorship in this regard, his non-disclosure of this inconvenient truth (yes that’s the real irony) is in all likelihood an oblivious one, as I imply above. That is Brin probably, in all likelihood, isn’t even aware of the scientists who dissent from AGW. Brin probably can’t even name any of them at all. Never mind tell us what they are saying *in their own words*. That is quote them accurately. On ice cores, land surface/ocean buoy/weather balloon temperature records, climate change the last century, the last few thousand years, the last few million years, MSU data (that’s satellites), ocean circulations, methane breakdowns, the Mann hockey stick, computer models, natural climate cycles of natural warming and natural cooling aka Climate Change duh, Climategate scandal of 2009/2010 etc. Brin doesn’t have a clue.

The Climategate scandal (one of the biggest scandals in science in the twenty-first century despite the Left’s pathetic attempts to sweep it all under the carpet with out-and-out lying, misrepresentations and denials) is not something you are going to see Brin mentioning (except to pretend a huge scandal is nothing of the sort. The Guardian and The NY Times says it’s much ado about nothing, so there). And not the Mann Hockey Stick fraud (which even the IPCC has abandoned now, and that tells you a lot), and not the economic extortion – see UN IPCC Reports, Special Report on “Technical Transfer” is the smoking gun – by corrupt Third World regimes that drives a big agenda of global warming hooey (and a lot else besides); not any more than  you would hear from Brin the first FACTUAL and TRUE thing about Muslim extremism and jihad and the apologetics and even out-and-out support for the Jihad from influential Western left-wing quarters. You will no more be clued up on the Medieval Warm period and the Little Ice Age and what it means to those selling the AGW cult at Brin’s blog, than the predictions made by the AGW priesthood in decades past (the late twentieth century) of soaring temperatures and we are all going to fry histrionics in the early Twenty First Century, and how they have fallen way short of the reality when the doomsday Time has arrived. And past. AGW has been falsified by its own doomsday predictions from decades back, that have failed to materialize. But pay no mind to easy to come by facts that disappear down the memory hole. True Believers never do.

Just like you wouldn’t know the first thing about the vicious anti-Semitism coming from the Obama White House and the State Dept and the Democrats and UK Labour and Greenpeace and the BBC and the NY Times and Amnesty International and Fatah for that matter; not from the politically vocal ‘Jewish’ David Brin and his fellow liberal ‘Jewish’ genre travelers, and the mass of non-genre Liberal American Jewish zombies for that matter. Not ever. Brin is waiting till the mullahs nuke Tel Aviv (enabled by the Obama White House and the EU), but the day that happens – God Forbid – Brin will be blogging on ClimateChaaaaaaange, and repeating his sacerdotal death song “ocean acidification, ocean acidification”. While Kurdish and Yazidi girls are sold into sex slavery in Iraq, and Jews are attacked with knives or guns or cars every single day in the Middle-East and increasingly terrorized in France and Belgium, and Islamic State churns up the terror, while millions starve thanks to corruption, incompetence and greed the world over; Brin will be chanting – well he is chanting – like the priest or acolyte that he is (well both really), his mantra “ocean acidification, ocean acidification”. When the last free lions (less than eighteen thousand in the wild from half a million circa 1970) and free tigers (less than three thousand in the wild) thanks to habitat loss, slash & burn, poaching, are no more and are kept only in zoos and special breeding programs, Brin will still be droning his lament of  “ocean acidification, ocean acidification, ocean acidification”. Tell it to the lions, rhinos and antelope, tell it to the fish and the cetaceans, the panda and the leopard.

These non-disclosures, on the AGW debate and vicious Jew-hatred respectively, from Brin and his fellow Leftists, are not unrelated. The worse the Jihad International gets, the more it grows like a metastizing cancer, the more Brin wants to fight the phantom sky dragons of Anthropogenic Global Warming. And Rush Limbaugh. And Republicans. Brin and his like mindless baby boomer generation of liberal cretins and the cretinous liberal millenials they have indoctrinated. Is that toooooo harsh? Heck it’s not harsh enough. In fact just recently moron Democratic Party candidate and Jew in Name Only Bernie Sanders blamed climate change for Jihad and even climate change is the number one threat facing the United States. Golly Gee remember that a year from now five years from now ten years from now. And what actually happens. If you survive your flooded city. And the Left’s response to Sanders’s cretinism is deafening silence ’cause they are all on board the Zombie Global Warming Express to Nutsville. Prince Charles, a loopy airhead if there was one, likewise blamed climate change for the Syrian Civil War. I kid you not. Just recently. And again Barack Obama, who as recently as November 24th, offered us this ‘gem’. As Scott Johnson writes (video at link and emphasis in bold mine):

Yesterday he [Obama] deepened his hold on the laughingstock element of his performance in office. How to combine suffocating arrogance with gut-busting stupidity? See the man doing his thing side by side with President Hollande, who was looking for something better than thisBartlett’s-worthy laugh line (video below): “[N]ext week, I will be joining President Hollande and world leaders in Paris for the Global Climate Conference. What a powerful rebuke to the terrorists it will be, when the world stands as one and shows that we will not be deterred from building a better future for our children.”

Yes the Ecumenical Council uh Climate Conference will show ISIS and Hamas, Al-Shabaab and Omar al-Bashir, the Taliban and Al-Qaeda etc. that Obama means business. I’m sure they are all shaking now.

And inevitably one supposes, Ban Ki-moon the Secretary General of the world’s largest transnational anti-Semitic organization, the UN, gave us these words of ‘wisdom’ (also at the end of November):

“When we do not address climate change properly it may also affect many people who are frustrated and who are impacted and there is some possibility that these young people who [are] jobless and frustrated may join these foreign terrorist fighters.”

As Robert Spencer puts it, at above link: “Christians in Syria and Iraq have been violently persecuted, driven from their homes, massacred. They are, no doubt, way beyond “frustrated.” Why haven’t they formed any terror groups? Do they have a different climate from Muslims in Syria and Iraq?”

One could add so much more of course. Jihadists pillaging, massacring, raping, enslaving, destroying the lives of millions, whole cultures, during the Middle Ages and beyond that, and in the 15th, 16th,17th, 18th, 19th centuries, from the Middle-East to Asia and Africa, Europe itself, were driven to ‘frustration’ by Climate Change. As with the jihad coming from Hamas and Hezbollah, and Palestinians stabbing and car ramming Jews. And jihadists flying planes into skyscrapers, the frustration brought on by um droughts or something. And likewise the uh motivation behind the beheading of Yazidis and foreign journalists by Islamic State. And maybe viking bezerkers plundering was brought on by the frustration of the Medieval Warm Period.

Why not go the whole hog? Joooos building homes causes Climate Change which causes Jihad. At an unconscious level the Left have already descended to these depths of depraved insanity. Clearly. As the comments and attitudes of the leader (from behind) of the ‘Free World’ and the Secretary General of the UN already confirm, and both of them – and their kind – froth about Joooos building homes as a cause of Jihad (that cannot be named as such). Along with the weather oh I mean the climate oh I mean climate change as the biggest threat we face today and a cause of Jihad (that cannot be named as such). So then if Joooos building homes and climate change are both the biggest threats we face today/cause of Jihad (that cannot be named as such)… Simple deductive logic (well left-wing logic) to conflate them together. Science fiction alien worlds and fantasy universes have nothing on the surreal reality of our times. Nightmare horror fiction and films have nothing on the absurdist horror reality of Progressive Leftism.

It is all beyond Onion level of satire and parody. Then again the Left is beyond satire and parody and increasingly so. Expect reality to overtake parody and satire yet again in the course of and in the aftermath of the latest Climate Conference of Fools in Paris. Who knows what the next year holds in store? Well of two things we can be certain. More jihad, more bloody jihad and more species facing extinction (having nothing to do with AGW). 100% sure of this. Also sure that the ice caps and ice sheets in the Arctic, Greenland and Antarctica will still be there, and sea levels will not have risen to swamp coastal cities and plains. 100% sure of this. And 100% sure of this in five years time and in ten years time and in twenty years time. To the know-nothings, that’s called making a prediction and standing by it. It’s called falsifiability. Unlike Brin and his fellow priests, us AGW skeptics make falsifiable claims and stand by them. Brin and his ilk make and have made eschatological religious claims that are falsified in the course of time by what actually happens i.e. science – and they have been – but go on believing anyhow. In other words Brin and his kind are True Believers untroubled by easy to come by facts.

Getting back to the reality of the global warming religion surpassing parody… If man-made Climate Change causes Jihad, maybe it caused the Nazis too. In fact yes the Nazis were once blamed on the weather, oh sorry climate! For real. Steven Hayward (citing Goddard at Real Science) writes:

Good news for John Kerry and Bernie Sanders. It turns out that global warming caused Hitler and Nazism! Since I’ve already done my “Hitler Learns About. . .” video for this month, I’ll just have to throw to Steven Goddard’s Real Science, which dug up this gem from the Mason City Gazette in 1941:


Hitler Climate copy

Goddard has more at the link above, including how the CIA in the 1970s said global cooling would also destabilize the world.


The sun’s radiation is not constant. On a related note, that is sun related, why do we have seasons? I want to tell you something based on personal experience: a lot of people don’t know. No really. I know this because I ask people, you know ‘educated’ people, and they tend not to know. They have a vague idea or notion. But they don’t for the most part know technically speaking why we have seasons. They do not know about the obliquity of the ecliptic. And this is why when people are told things like the sun (the real driver of climate change and the friggin’ climate itself and climate change is intrinsic to climate) is the biggest threat we face today, the biggest threat to our security, and that is what we are truly being told when the subject of climate change comes up, they believe it. Then again the Left believes that Islam (I’m supposed to say Muslim extremism here) is caused by poverty, the CIA, the Joooooos, George W Bush, the invasion of Iraq and um the sun (because climate change causes Jihad).

All this hysteria, pseudo-science and idiocy re the climate is inseparable to the build up to the Climate Conference beginning in Paris November 3oth. The day I post this article up. That’s where the Western ‘Mind’ is at. As Joel Kotkin puts it:

The Paris Climate Conference, convening this week, takes place in the very place where, arguably, the most dangerous exemplar of hysteria, the Islamic jihadi movement, has left its bloody mark. Yet the think tank mavens, academics, corporate shills and endless processions of bureaucrats gather in the City of Light not to confront the immediate deadly threat, but to ramp up their own grisly scenarios and Draconian solutions.

More worth reading at the link. And expect nothing but wall to wall coverage of the histrionics of the faithful zealots at the Ecumenical Council in Paris by the puppet media morons, all passed off as science naturally, over the next two weeks and beyond. And moronic pronouncements by the West’s rudderless, blind and mega-corrupt political leadership. And the End is Nigh frothing and lamentations from David Brin. While Jihad and deforestation rolls on.

The Left is zombie zombie zombie (The Cranberries’ song in my head now). There is something about the popularity of zombie films, books, comic books in the twenty-first century that is very telling. That’s a whole other thing.

These kind of idiocies are inevitable and easy to see in hindsight. What I mean is when the Left explain away and apologize for and whitewash Muslim extremism and jihad (that is pure Islam), and at the same time are caught up in the delusional religious cult that is anthropogenic global warming; the two are inevitably going to be conflated, combined, intertwined in the unconscious of the liberal zombie ‘mind’. The results are the ‘genius’ of Sanders and Prince Charles blaming a central pillar of Islam and the life example and teachings of the um prophet Muhammed on uh climate change. And Obama telling us that a religious/pseudo-scientific cult conference is going to stick it to Islamic State/DAESH. And the sun’s cycles – without which there is no life as we know it with all its complexity, variety, adaptability and beauty – the central foundation or pillar for that thing we call Climate Change, is the biggest threat facing the United States and the world today. Can’t make this up. And it’s why I make mention of the AGW cult in this post. It is a central pillar to Left-wing madness in an Age of Unsurpassed Insanity. And I could no longer ignore it. And I have studied the subject of AGW very seriously. For years. That’s not a bluff. Studied, not swallowed pseudo-scientific hysterical and corrupt lying propaganda. See David Brin for that.

A further irony re Brin is that Brin’s relative fame rests on his mediocre science fiction/science fantasy novels. And yet he is caught up in a very destructive science fantasy that he thinks science. It’s an irony of course that embraces in all likelihood the majority of the SFF community, writers, editors, publishers, agents, fans, the entire left-wing genre community for sure. So it appears at any rate. Fighting satanic gases such as carbon dioxide and methane, while people starve in the millions and hundreds of millions eke out a marginal existence in the slums of Latin America, Asia and Africa. As their governments steal and plunder billions of dollars annually, while forests and wilderness are destroyed, bye bye bird life, fish stocks are wiped out, the honeybees die off thanks to the real problem of disastrous poisonous pesticides (other factors – NONE relate to AGW), the rhino going going near gone, the big cats are almost extinct in the wild. And jihadists murder, rape, pillage and kidnap and enslave the innocent. On an increasing scale. Tens of millions of Leftists (and not just Leftists), if not hundreds of millions of them, are simply Stark Raving Nuts. The whole world, the society of humankind, is off its rocker. That’s a truism of course. The thing is Brin and his fellow travelers are lost in a particular way, according to a peculiar liberal zeitgeist in this Day and Age. A zeitgeist that is very little understood and very little recognized for what it is, and I mean even by those of us who are not dippy Leftists. Well when so-called academia, NGOs and the media are caught up in the Madness, heck they are the Madness…

And like most all the lost, make that Lost, even LOST, Brin doesn’t know it. He thinks he’s so clued up, a genius in his own mind. A know-it-all-know-nothing if there was one.

The dark humour of Brin’s AGW obsessiveness is that the week of the Paris terror attacks coincided with a planned ego fest aka “Live Earth” climate change webcast fronted by Al Gore the messiah in the same city. It was thus suspended after the jihadist terror reality overtook the fantasy and wishful thinking of AGW (and yes there is a lot of masochsitic wishful thinking here). But the madness goes on of course. As I allude to further up re Obama. That Guardian linked article – ‘the madness goes on of course’ – really takes the cake: “Earth’s temperature is heading towards its highest for three million years. We must move to zero emissions – and it can be done without closing down our economy”. Talk about the Denial of what Really Matters. You know Jihad (then again the Guardian supports, rationalizes, justifies and whitewashes the Jihad, against the Jews at least – see the archives of this blog for my Guardian themed article) and the Sixth Extinction. Chicago and Moscow will get nuked by Islamic State and the Guardian will be leading that day with “highest temperatures on  earth since the dinosaurs and the unicorns and centaurs walked the planet in the Triassic. We must reduce emissions to less than zero by next Tuesday. Hopefully the aliens from the Sirius star system will help us and save us from ourselves with their advanced negative emission technology”. I mean it would be no more outrageous than what they are already saying.

So at the risk of being repetitive (hey it’s my blog I can write what I like) – David Brin, as with the know-nothing airhead Gore, was blabbing about AGW in the wake of the Paris massacre. Before he admittedly got round to mentioning Paris in his distinct asinine way. Still No Word on the daily Third ‘Stab-Shoot-and-Car-Ram-the-Jew’ Intifada in Israel from the ‘Jewish’ Brin. Ever. And naturally he’s a fairly typical example of the liberal genre ‘Jew’. In case I hadn’t mentioned that before. There are sky dragons to fight and Rush Limbaugh and Republicans.

No surprise really – given his fondness for the Jew-hating Obama administration – that Brin has contributed a blog column over the years (2012 to 2013 as far as I know) to the US left-wing political website Daily Kos. Brin’s usual blathering, smug and harebrained palaver over there.

Daily Kos is horribly anti-Semitic. As I have pointed out at this blog previously in another, albeit similar context. I mean hardcore Jew-hatred at this progressive ‘news’ source.

Also – For a thorough exposé of the anti-Semitism at Daily Kos, Salon and HuffPo.

And over here for even more horrific Jew-hate stuff (‘Israel is the new Nazi Germany’) from DK, and this from years before Brin was blogging at the Daily Kos. So it’s not as if the Jew-hatred at the Kos is something new. It’s always been there since its inception.

Brin blogging for the Jew-hate Daily Kos is entirely consistent with everything else about him. To call David Brin oblivious and clueless is the kindest thing I can honestly say about him. 

Leaving Brin behind and tackling others re the Paris fallout…

There has been a predictably sinister, deeply odious brain-dead knee-jerk reaction by the Left as a whole, including the odious Barack Obama, to the Paris attacks. Namely the real problem re Paris is not Muslim fanaticism, but right-wing (real and/or imagined) Westerners who don’t want the problem of far right-wing Muslim fanaticism in the West to get any worse than it already has. In other words, the problem is not uh Muslim extremism aka Islam and the jihadist terror it leaves in its wake; the problem is supposedly the claptrap of ‘Islamophobia’ (a big lie I have addressed in some detail in one of my early articles from way back when) from conservatives or anybody really, even a liberal, who is remotely critical of Islam and the West’s suicidal policies re the Muslim world. That is the open doors to everybody under the Sun, the letting in ever more Muslim refugees, who are overwhelmingly young Muslim men, and who come from societies in the Middle-East which are Muslim extremist to a significant degree; as is evidenced by the ‘Arab Spring’, the extremism of their mosques, media, schools, civil society and their regimes. And their facebook pages and Twitter accounts. Throughout the Middle-East, North Africa, the Persian Gulf. Now of course that makes me an Islamophobe (whatever that means). Go figure.

John Scalzi former president of the SFWA, a caricature (okay they are all caricatures) of the idiot Islamophile Westerner, beholden and hypnotized by every moral relativist canard sold to us by the progressive army of Social Justice Warrior Zombies, is predictably obtuse and sinister when it comes to his take on the Paris bloodbath.

Some choice samples:

If you believe that every Muslim supports ISIS and groups like it, then you should also believe that all Christians support the Ku Klux Klan and the Westboro Baptist Church and Scott Lively. You should believe that all white people support actions like the Charleston Shooting. You should believe every man celebrates the anniversary of the École Polytechnique Massacre. And so on, across any group or affiliation you might be able to name.

Don’t do what ISIS wants you to do. Don’t be who ISIS wants you to be, and to be to Muslims. Be smarter than they want you to be. All it takes is for you to imagine the average Muslim to be like you, than to be like ISIS. If you can do that, you make a better world, and a more difficult one for groups like ISIS to exist in.

If you can’t do that, consider that perhaps you are more like ISIS than the average Muslim.

Many (not all) of the tons of comments accompanying that blog post are naturally as moronic. One ‘Dave’ gives us this gem:

My thoughts: Wanna get back at ISIS? Go find a muslim and give em a big ol’ hug

Scalzi’s (and many of his echo chamber of morons) blog drivel is the kind of ‘anti-bigoted’ bigoted rubbish one could see coming ten miles off. Once you know the political breed, you know what they are going to say to every Muslim jihadist atrocity that gets the press’s and the West’s attention. To every Muslim atrocity that occurs daily from Africa to Asia to the Persian Gulf and the Middle-East that does not get the media’s and the UN and Western politicians’ attention, including the stabbing and car ramming of the Jews, well it don’t get Scalzi and his fellow Islamophile but America hating progressives’ attention neither.

In fact writer Ed Trimnell does a fisking of Scalzi’s preposterous and morally warped Paris blog posting. It’s entitled ‘Paris, and the cowardly (and predictable) John Scalzi‘. So he saves me the bother (although I do add my thoughts anyhow below). As Trimnell writes:

Most of Scalzi’s remarks are by now predictable, and trite–as John Scalzi usually is. We learn, among other things, that John Scalzi has “many Muslim friends”. (Please don’t leave his blog without patting him on the back for this, if you will.)

But Scalzi wants you to refrain from generalizing. That would be a noble principle, I suppose, if he practiced it a bit less selectively himself.

When a lone crazy named Dylann Roof went on a killing spree in Charleston earlier this year, Scalzi wrote:

“this country is still racist as hell, and especially toward black people.”

More at the link. Also see Trimnell’s posting on genre hack (and anti-Semite for that matter, see archives of this blog. Although I have just barely bothered with Ahmed) Saladin Ahmed from November 15th. ‘Paris and the plot against Saladin Ahmed’, this for Ahmed’s disgusting but entirely predictable and dishonest Muslim victim narrative. It’s always that way with him after every Muslim jihad atrocity in the West, and in the non-West – the daily jihadist atrocities in Africa, Asia, Syria, Persian Gulf etc. – it’s just predictable silence. Coming to think of it, how is that any different to Western liberals’ respective responses?

I just want to add a few things to Trimnell’s pithy observations and take-down of Scalzi. Even as Trimnell destroys Scalzi there. Before I do, just a few words on the reams of comments to Scalzi’s relevant blog entry. Scalzi makes it clear at that very blog posting of his, that he is not going to tolerate any ‘Islamophobic’ commentary in the comments. In other words the usual censorship, because to Scalzi and his ilk there is a conflation (disingenuous or not) of the ‘nuke the ragheads’ bigotry with informed criticism of Islam the religion and the uncomfortable (to Progressives) fact that many of Islam’s followers take its strict and bigoted and murderous instructions and teachings very seriously. Yet a very few people do manage to get some criticisms and barbs in of ‘certain strains of Islam’ and the whitewashing of many Muslims’ actual extremism, on Scalzi’s relevant blog entry. But naturally this is all too few and far between. And for the most part it’s the usual Pavlovian liberal gibberish, evasions, straw men, misrepresentations and denials (the Bible is bad too, Christians are bad too, George Bush was bad, the invasion of Iraq was bad, plenty Muslims condemned the Paris attacks – talk about naive etc, etc.) and it reminds me – as if I needed reminding – of why the West is not waking up and in all likelihood never will wake up to the reality of Islam. If anything there is a doubling down, and the scapegoating of the Jews will continue apace.

Anyhow in his relevant Paris blog posting, Scalzi babbles:

Don’t do what ISIS wants you to do. Don’t be who ISIS wants you to be, and to be to Muslims. Be smarter than they want you to be. All it takes is for you to imagine the average Muslim to be like you, than to be like ISIS. If you can do that, you make a better world, and a more difficult one for groups like ISIS to exist in.

If you can’t do that, consider that perhaps you are more like ISIS than the average Muslim.

Scalzi has no problem comparing anybody critical of the EU’s (and the rest of the West’s) suicidal welcome to hundreds of thousands refugees of whom we know very little – and who the authorities themselves admit cannot be properly vetted, and among whom are IS and other jihad sympathizers, and most of whom do not come from Syria even – to Islamic State/DAESH themselves.

In fact since the Paris terror itself on November 13th, and since Scalzi’s blathering on that front in its immediate aftermath, it turns out that several um Muslims in this current refugee wave/crisis in Europe were involved in the jihadist group that organized and orchestrated the Paris massacre and planned more. Oops.  

Such obscene pratfalls are par for the course among progressives. One hears these same Islamist-apologist-and-only-far-right-wingers-aka-Nazis-don’t-want-the-refugees-in-the-West mantras from Obama, the EU elite, idiot liberal Jews, Jew-hating communists and university profs, Jew-hating and infidel hating Muslims (they do exist) in the West (idiot liberal Jews don’t connect the dots, constitutionally incapable of it). So of course Scalzi is going to say it. In other words, people like me are no better than IS, and therefore no better than all Muslim extremists everywhere, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Iranian mullahs and Boko Haram included. As such, since Scalzi is calling anti-dhimmis like myself the moral equivalent of Islamic State and thus basically Nazis with a capital N, that is as evil and depraved as it gets, I will say this…

You are projecting Scalzi, you and your ilk.

Now you may object that I make the same mistake that Scalzi makes, basically falling into the error of Godwin’s Law (as Scalzi does) or a tu quoque error. But it’s not an error when one’s opponents are, if not virulenty fascist, definitely leaning in that direction. Any more than a literal ‘have you stopped beating your wife?’ question is unfair if you are asking it of a known wife beater. And Scalzi is in bed, deep in, with the left-wing fascist genre folk. It’s hard to say whether his going on board with the moronic witch-hunt against Rasnick and Malzberg is his nadir (see relevant article at this blog) because there is so much cretinism-fascism-fashionable-prejudice in Scalzi’s political blathering really (see Scalzi’s political entries at his blog and Trimnell’s and James May’s fisking of Scalzi’s fashionable prejudices). Scalzi once called me a “total asshole” btw (see relevant article at this blog); coming from such a twit, I consider it a compliment.

Relevant to Scalzi and his ilk’s Pavlovian knee-jerk claptrap re the Paris atrocities, the Muslim jihad is not occurring in a vacuum. It is proceeding on two legs, as ex-Muslim apostate Ali Sina tell us, the one leg is the jihadist, the other leg is the jihadist apologist and whitewasher (i.e. Scalzi and his kind). And Progressives and Buchanan/Ron Paul conservatives are nothing but Jihad apologists and Islam white-washers and thus Jihad enablers. Their position on the refugee crisis lacks reason, sobered consideration and seriousness (and calling their opponents Nazis is just one small part of the problem), along with any requisite knowledge; and it follows in the train of a suicidal immigration policy by the West that is decades old now. A policy that has seen the growing number of Muslims in the West, in Europe and the UK establish no-go zones. They are there across France (including St Denis Paris where the police and jihadists fought it out post Paris massacre), Belgium and Holland and Scandinavia; and there is a Muslim engendered intensified hostility against what’s left of Europe’s Jewish populations in France, England, Holland, Belgium and Scandinavia. And against the native European gay community likewise.

And even the ‘ungrateful’ native communities who are their hosts. That’s what’s meant by no-go zones in France and Scandinavia, Holland and Belgium, and Belgian cities on lock down, Londoners blown up on the tube, and Malmo and Oslo the rape capitals of Europe and cartoonists and writers in hiding. Or dead. And cancelled sports events, concerts as panicky authorities don’t know where and when the jihadists will strike next. Well their hosts are kaffurs (that’s infidels Scalzi). So there you go.

So if you would prefer it if these kind of horrors were not happening in Europe – and they are a major impetus behind the French and Belgian Jewish immigration to Israel and Canada – and don’t happen in Chicago and Toronto and Sydney (well it may be too late there anyhow, but why make it worse? Oh wait worse is what the Left wants. Faster Faster), you are a fascist                                                                                                                                                      a Nazi                                                                                                                                                         and an IS/DAESH enabler.


Obama and Scalzi say so. Well that’s that then.

I mean between the narcissist Jew-hater-in-chief and a second-rate hack tiresome pastiche SF writer… That’s why Scalzi gets a megabucks book contract. In our dumbed down culture, dumbed down is big bucks. As Stephenie Meyer and E. L. James can tell you. And Roland Emmerich and Michael Bay. And John Scalzi.

Brit Doug Murray is one of the most sensible and knowledgeable political commentators out there re Islam and the West’s self-loathing, blindness and masochism in that regard. And its anti-Semitism. For the kind of thing that Scalzi would never allow to be written up at his blog – it would quickly be deleted – here is Murray on the Paris attacks. Of course to progressive Islamophiles (and Jew-haters) Murray is a far right-wing bigot. I also recommend his writings on the refugee crisis, a tonic to Scalzi’s and fellow zombie ideologues’ masochism and blindness.

That’s enough of Scalzi.

Charles Stross who I have thoroughly exposed as an extreme Jew-hating ‘Jew’, a caricature (there we go again) of the hardcore left-wing fascist (several articles on Stross at this very blog, the one where he engages in friendly anti-Israel Twitter banter with the notorious anti-Semite Max Blumenthal is most pertinent and all the evidence you need for Stross’s anti-Semitism. Although it’s hardly the only relevant article – see the previous article to this one), is predictable in his Twit Tweeting after the Paris attacks.

Here are typical and entirely predictable examples:

Charlie Stross Retweeted
UndesirableInRussia ‏@swimlittlefish Nov 14
This cartoon sums up so much. Please, please can the #ParisAttacks not slam the door in the faces of the desperate.

Freedom For Refugees, UN Refugee Agency, Refugee Council and Bianca Jagger 

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Charlie Stross Retweeted
Jack Kimble ‏@RepJackKimble Nov 14
ISIS has a symbiotic relationship with right wing politicians. When RWers attack innocent Muslims, ISIS gets recruits and pols get votes.


Naturally there is similar sentiment from genre Leftists and well non-genre Leftists of course, including the genre Left’s self-hating Jews (aside from Stross, Laura Anne Gilman [see my blog archives] and others).

The truth of things is far more nuanced and complex than the likes of Stross with his inflexible far Left ideology would have it. As the ElderofZiyon blog put it:

The EU flung open the doors of Europe and both Germany and Sweden went entirely supine… for awhile.  The European response was motivated largely by compassion.  There is no doubt, however, that when the historians dig into this vital moment they will uncover who benefited financially and who benefited politically.  Nonetheless, it is only the crassest of cynics who would refuse to acknowledge the humanitarianism behind the willingness to take in so many Arab immigrants.  Yet, the recent influx of millions of Arab and African Muslims into Europe is going to have long lasting effects on the nature of European culture and society.

As the immigrant population increases, and flexes its political muscle, there will be a decline in the rights and well-being of women, a decline in the rights and well-being of Gay people, and a decline in the rights and well-being of Jews.   Concurrently there will be an increase in crime and an increase in terrorist activity, as we just saw in Paris.

Saying so should not be controversial, but acknowledged as obvious.


Stross’s filter however – and the rest of his group think loony Left ideologues – on the Jihadist Threat vs the West is stuck on Stupid. That is it’s always filtered through his moral relativist left-wing prism. So his TwitterFeed has been filled with the predictable masochistic suicidal impulse of the Left – more more Muslim refugees from Syria and other trouble spots please. Faster Faster. Just can’t get enough of Jihadist Terror in the West. Because 9-11, Boston bombing (which Stross blamed on the Tea Party the day it happened – see blog archives), Fort Hood ‘workplace violence’, the Madrid Bombings, the London 7-7 bombings, killings of cartoonists, and the Paris massacre are not enough. And murders, attempted murders, beatings of Jews and gays from Paris to London to Oslo and Malmo by reactionary and bigoted young Muslim men and teenage thugs. Not enough of it. And the mass rapes of young girls from Rotherham to the wilding rapes of same in Scandinavia by the usual suspects that we cannot name for fear of being labeled Islamophobic, not enough of that neither. And all those dozens upon dozens of thwarted jihad attacks – thwarted by the FBI, MI5 etc. across the West – and their theological roots and dynamics, you don’t read about in the NY Times and the Guardian. Not enough of that neither. Not enough thwarted attacks and not enough real ones neither.

Stross, Scalzi, Laura Anne Gilman and their fellow Social Justice Progressives should put their money where the mouths are, and move into a refugee resettlement centre or camp somewhere in Western Europe or the UK. Pleeeeeeeeeeaaaase. But of course our Social Justice Warriors are nowhere near these places. And these refugees. Not refugees and Muslims for that matter, in any significant numbers. For now. You know the refugee camps and resettlement buildings and housing zones in Calais and Austria, Germany, Sweden, Italy and its islands, Macedonia, Slovenia, Greece and Lesbos. The stories of rape, beatings and even murder of Christian refugees by the Muslim refugees, violence against Kurdish refugees and the nascent serious crime wave in the areas where the refugees have been housed or camped is not something you will hear from the bleeding heart liberals hellbent on seeing their nations slowly or not so slowly destroyed. Not from Stross, not Scalzi and the rest of the idiot genre Left. And well the Left as a whole of course.

To the anti-Semite Stross and his fellow bleeding heart Jew in Name only Laura Anne Gilman (I just take these two as examples), as with Scalzi; the villains are people like me, so-called reactionary and bigoted right-wingers (I’m not even conservative) who have hearts of stone, and want to see these people massacred or starving in their native lands. The refugees are compared to Jews fleeing the Nazis or the Russian czars before then. Stross predictably does this (as do pretty much all the loony Left of course). These people are like Pavlov’s dogs on crack. And lobotomized.

But you will be searching Stross and his ilk’s Twitter Feeds till doomsday (which coming to think of it may not be far off) for you know actual mention of the reactionary theocratic bent and very real murderous bigotry of many (of course not all) of the young twenty and thirty something male Muslim refugees. And most of these refugees are young men. Overwhelmingly so.

For facts like these (pasted below, from the article):

A 2007 poll showed that 77% of Syrians supported financing Islamic terrorists including Hamas and the Iraqi fighters who evolved into ISIS. Less than 10% of Syrians opposed their terrorism.

A poll this summer found that 1 in 5 Syrians supports ISIS.  A third of Syrians support the Al Nusra Front, which is affiliated with Al Qaeda. Since Sunnis are 3/4rs of the population and Shiites and Christians aren’t likely to support either group, this really means that Sunni Muslim support for both terror groups is even higher than these numbers make it seem.

And even though Christians and Yazidis are the ones who actually face ISIS genocide, Obama has chosen to take in few Christians and Yazidis. Instead 98.6% of Obama’s Syrian refugees are Sunni Muslims.

This is also the population most likely to support ISIS and Al Qaeda.


And I guess pointing this out makes the messenger of bad tidings – Daniel Greenfield in this case – a far right-wing bigot. It does to the bigoted Left, even as the author of that article cites comprehensive surveys from Syria itself (on the widespread far right-wing Muslim extremism there). The Western Islamophile Left reminds me of the woman beaten black and blue every week by her abusive alcoholic bully partner, but keeps going back to him and declaring her love for him through it all. ‘But he loves me!’ And his beating her black and blue is what proves it. Similar dynamic at work. Stockholm Syndrome infects most of the West. And liberal Jews especially.

People like myself are maligned as bigots and even compared to Nazis, fascists and Islamic State (see Scalzi) because we dare point out that the overwhelmingly Muslim refugees (but not Christian nor Yazidi) that are coming into the West in the hundreds of thousands cannot be compared to the Jewish refugee crisis spawned by the Nazis and the czars before them. For one the Jews were fleeing non-Jewish Jew-haters, persecutors and murderers; and Jews did not seek and do not seek to bomb, rape and carry out holy war terror in the countries they were desperate to escape to. And execute homosexuals, and honour kill their own daughters for not respecting religious edicts and customs, and set up sharia law courts and no-go zones. The Muslim refugees are fleeing their fellow Muslims (read that again), and the nightmare horrors of ethnic cleansing and impoverishment associated with and inseparable from Islam itself, the religion, its dogma, its tenets, its hatreds, its past and its present and future (which is its past which is never past). Jews were not fleeing Judaism, the rabbis and Jewish um jihadists. More than I can say for Muslims, Christians, Kurds fleeing from Muslim jihadists and the imams, sheikhs, madrasas and tyrants who inspire and motivate them.

And as alluded to explicitly above, many of these real or not so real refugees fleeing the conflict zones or just depressed economies in their nations, have jihadist sympathies themselves. And the Paris mass murder is the proof in the pudding. And it’s only just begun.

Thirdly the plight of the Jews fleeing the Nazis was largely ignored and Jews were actually prevented, blocked from entering America, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand and yes British mandated Palestine in any significant numbers. And the motivation here was indifference and anti-Semitism. This is what idiot progressive left-wingers supportive of flooding the West with these refugees are saying of course. Yet these Muslim refugees in the present day don’t just come from Syria and Iraq, many are coming from Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Kashmir, Pakistan, West Africa, escaping the poverty and blight in these places. Not all or even most are fleeing from genocide. Here is the rub though: unlike the Jews running from the Nazis and Russian pogroms before then, the Muslim refugees who make up the big block of refugee demographics and who are overwhelmingly young men, are to a significant degree unassimilable into Western countries and cultures (not all of them of course). An unassimilablity because they take Islam – that is Muslim fundamentalism – very seriously. America and Britain got Einstein, Niels Bohr, Otto Loewi, Billy Wilder, Kurt Weill, Karl Popper, Herbert Marcuse, Sigmund Freud, Elias Canetti, Arthur Koestler and Fritz Lang with the Jewish and part Jewish refugees fleeing the Nazis. Among others. Let’s see what the West gets with the latest Muslim wave, on top of all the Muslim waves of immigrants before then… Well for starters we have the Paris atrocities. Oh Red Wolf you are such an Islamophobe. And a “total asshole” as Scalzi puts it.

There is something sinister in the subtext here that even most critics of the Left’s Islamophile insanity don’t see. Namely we are being told that the Muslim refugees are the new Jews. Indeed many liberal Jews insist on this analogy. Passing off Muslims as the new Jews is what the Left have done wrt the Palestinians. According to this narrative, Palestinians, who are majority Muslim extremists, are the new Jews persecuted by the new Nazis the Israeli Jews, the latter as a consequence have abandoned their Jewishness and their humanity. Of course the Nazis did not see the Jews as being human neither, but the coincidence here is lost on the idiot bigoted fascist Left. Everything is inverted: day is night and light is darkness. Lies are truths and truths are lies. Fascism is freedom and freedom is fascism. Hatred is compassion and love. In fact self-hating Israeli ‘Jew’, far Left genre writer, editor and BDS supporter Lavie Tidhar calls the Palestinians “the true Jews” (see blog archives). Hence the self-hatred. It is the self-hatred. That’s how it flows.

Here is an article by Paul Mirengoff in response to Josh Zeitz’s asinine “Yes, it’s Fair to Compare the Plight of the Syrians to the Plight of the Jews. Here’s Why.” Mirengoff’s article is entitled “The specious comparison between Syrians and World War 11 European Jews”. It is well worth reading.

Naturally Scalzi, Stross are all too typical among the genre Left when it comes to their love affair with those who wish them ill (many, not all Muslim refugees); and the formers’ associated impulsive or is that obsessive-compulsive death wish for Western civilization (and the liberties of Jews and gays for that matter) via unfettered and unvetted Muslim immigration. And Brin’s ‘scientific case’ for AGW would naturally be trumpeted by the scientifically illiterate genre Left. I just focus on these three individuals precisely because they are all too representative of the zombie liberal genre community. And whole swaths of the wider Western world.

Scary I know.

Future guesswork on the meaning of the Muslim refugee crisis in the West ain’t so much guesswork, any more than autumn and winter following summer is guesswork. It’s common sense that it’s going to be a disaster. And as such the Left don’t see it coming. Because common sense and the Left occupy different galaxies if not different dimensions in the cosmos. The precedent here is the growing Muslim population already in Europe and North America, where they have not assimilated for the most part and where support for fascist Sharia Law and Jihad runs high. Belgium, France, Holland, England, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark remain hotbeds for Muslim radicals. And the joint alliance between the Europeans/Western Left and the Islamist community (I do not mean moderate Muslims here, I mean Muslim radicals) in their joint political and economic war against Israel is – surprise surprise – not protecting Europeans and the West from these Islamist threats. The Europeans may believe that the enemy of their shared Jewish enemy is their friend (along with Obama and most it would appear among the North American Left), but that’s not how the Muslim radicals see it. As Friday the 13th in Paris’s very liberal 11th arrondissement tells us.

The bleeding heart self-hating Left ‘thinks’ the lesson from the Nazis and the plight of the Jews is to commit national suicide by letting in far right-wing Jew hating and infidel hating Muslim fanatics, and these fanatics make up high numbers among the refugees themselves. Denials and lying by the Left here is just that.

A good general guiding principle on the rights and wrongs of the refugee crisis is to ask, what does Obama want to do? Well of course – as I write further up – he wants to bring more of them into America to transform the place beyond recognition. Make it more Muslim. Since it’s not Muslim enough, as in not Muslim radical enough, unlike say Belgium, Holland, Britain, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Norway and yes France. So if Obama, the big pal of Iranian mullahs and Turkey’s reactionary Islamist Erdogan wants that, if the Israel hater Obama wants that, it helps one come to a recognition of what the right decision is here. I am not saying no refugees should be let in, not at all. I am not saying no Kurds should be let in, or no Christians. Just not to let in the wrong ones, you know the ones liberals looooooove to death, their own death if it comes down to it (and yours and mine), the refugees the liberals and Obama love most of all. Well the only ones they appear to care about. That is the Jew-hating gay hating infidel hating misogynist ones who take Islam – that is fundamentalist Islam in principle – very seriously. Now liberals froth and fume and pretend otherwise, but by the very fact that they call Islam the Religion of Peace and as moronic Jew-hater John Kerry puts it, the Paris terror has nothing to do with Islam, no Muslim jihadist terror attack ever does have anything to do with Islam (talk about protesting too much); the Left is as a consequence letting us know that they have no problem with those Muslim faithful who take pure Islam, the prophet Mohammed’s Islam, very seriously. In other words Muslim fanaticism very seriously, because that is pure Islam.

It’s hard for me to decide whether liberals hate the Jews more than they hate themselves… I think it’s a dead heat, they hate the Jews as much as they hate themselves, the West and everything worth saving there. That’s not much cause for comfort. After all, it’s not just the liberal Islamophiles, plainly self-hating queers and plainly self-hating feminists among them, and self-hating Jewish queer feminists to boot, who will suffer the consequences.

So will the rest of us.

And our children.

In closing:

Repeat after bishop David Brin, dressed up in black robes, carrying an incense burning thurible and pronouncing in solemn tones – perhaps in Latin to give it greater gravitas – ‘Ocean acidification,  ocean acidification,  ocean acidification,  ocean acidification,  ocean acidification...

A Canticle for David Brin.

And remember one Dave’s advice (from John Scalzi’s blog, pasted further up) when the next Jihad attack/bombing/massacre/gang rape/stabbing/car ramming/machine gunning happens at a restaurant/theatre/concert hall/cinema/stadium/mall/airport/bus/college/school/kindergarden near you…

Hug a Muslim. That’ll show the jihadists.

And perhaps as many a Social Justice Warrior would add, kick an Islamophobe in the nuts.

That will make the Jihad go away.

No not really.


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Obama White House doubles down on the Jew Hate in the aftermath of the Vienna Deal sell-out to Iran. Liberal genre ‘Jewry’ silent. Of course. Charles Stross and Farah Mendlesohn go gaga over the rise of Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn, Hamas and Hezbollah fan.

I have edited this article in an update to take into account an error I made re Jeremy Corbyn. He is not a 9-11 conspiracy theorist who believes the Jews had a hand in it, as I first wrote. He has just defended and admired in the past one Stephen Sizer who believes all that. I have now edited that error of mine out. Corbyn is still a Jew hater of course.

In the time since my last blog post detailing the nightmare of the Vienna Deal (and it’s way way worse than I let on in that blog posting of mine) that witnessed the Jew-hating Obama administration give the green light to Iran to go ahead and develop nuclear bombs so they can nuke the Jews and also provide – via the unfreezing of 150 billion USD in sanctions – ever more funding and arms to Hamas and Hezbollah and other jihadist groups (and the deafening silence in this regard – and I do mean TOTAL SILENCE – from genre liberal ‘Jews’), the Obama administration has only doubled down in its delusional lying and Jew hatred. The White House has painted critics of the deal as well financed lobbying groups and war-mongers, the same folk who got America into war in Iraq. At the same time Obama and his gangster administration says that only Israel and its supporters oppose the deal (actually that’s a lie. Canada and Gulf Arab states, the latter no friends of Israel, oppose the deal likewise. And even if only Israel opposed the deal, all that would tell us is that nobody cares about the Jews, as if that were news). You put two and two together, you get four. In other words, the administration is saying the Jews – that is Israel – got America into war in Iraq, is serviced by an all-powerful and nefarious lobbying group, and are just a bunch of warmongers besides. This Jew-hate derangement by the White House in the aftermath of the Vienna Deal, as the White House attempts to sell the deal to the American people, is the Jew-hate proof in the Jew-hate pudding. That is: why respond with such Jew-hate claptrap in trying to promote and push the Vienna Deal, unless the deal is riddled through with Jew hatred, in intent and effect, in the first place?

The response to the Jew-hate lying in this regard – that is the indefensible defense of the Vienna sell-out to Iran – by the Obama administration, from Jewry as a whole, even in Israel, has been pathetic and craven. For the most part. Even as it’s a huge huge scandal. I mean this is more of a sell-out than Chamberlain’s Munich Agreement. Chamberlain never gave the green light for Hitler to acquire nuclear bombs! Chamberlain appeased Hitler. Obama and cronies are doing worse. They are actively collaborating with Iran. To get nuclear bombs. And to finance the Jihad International. So then it should go without saying, that liberal genre ‘Jewry’ continue to say nothing. At all. Ever. But Vox Day Vox Day Vox Day!!! Puppies, Sad and Rabid Puppies Puppies Puppies!!! Trump Trump Trump!! It’s not like these liberal ‘Jews’ never comment on politics or refrain from bashing Republicans and conservatives! And I’m willing to bet they never ever will criticize the Jew-hater Obama and his administration (who they voted for of course or supported if not American) for the unhinged Jew hatred (with very real and sinister consequences) coming from these quarters. No Matter What.

Obama and his cronies could start calling for the Zionists in America to be made to wear yellow stars, sell F-16s to Iran (well the reality is far far worse than that!), call Hamas “freedom fighters”, and I would bet that liberal genre Jewry would just say nothing, and continue to bash Republicans/conservatives. I’m not joking. If anybody can find any criticisms in this regard from the usual pathetic bunch of know-nothing caricatures that is liberal genre ‘Jewry’, out of touch and even out to lunch, let me know, because I couldn’t find anything. At all. Of course I didn’t expect to. I mean who would? I wouldn’t bet against some of them even supporting the deal that gives Iran a green light to pursue its Jihad, nuclear and conventional. The way their fellow liberal American Hollywood airhead Jews did. Well a number of them at any rate (ninety-eight of them to be exact. At least 98 Quislings on the record). Obama fan and political idiot Steven Spielberg could not be reached for comment.

As if  to parallel the Jew hatred of the Obama administration as manifest in the Vienna Deal ALONE; Jeremy Corbyn, a far Leftist loon, ends up winning the leadership of the British Labour Party. And there is no difference between Corbyn and the likes of say George Galloway and the British SWP. None. Except one of personal style, not substance.

Corbyn calls Hamas and Hezbollah Britain’s “friends” (yes really that’s an accurate quote). In fact this is what he says about HAMAS:

“The idea that an organisation that is dedicated towards the good of the Palestinian people, and bringing about long-term peace and social justice and political justice in the whole region, should be labelled as a terrorist organisation by the British government, is really a big, big historical mistake.” 


Corbyn has defended Jew-hating BDS supporting Anglican cleric Stephen Sizer as no Jew hater at all, even as Sizer would then out himself with 9-11 conspiracy blather that says the Jooos had a hand in it. Corbyn has shared the anti-Israel stage with the likes of James Thring (a 9-11 conspiracy theorist and Jew hater who believes Jews control the financial markets and has earned praise from former KKK wizard David Duke, and so much more of course) and Charles Stross’s Jew-hate buddy Max Blumenthal (at an anti-Israel event at the British Parliament sponsored by Corbyn himself, in 2014). Corbyn has called the killing of Osama Bin Laden a “tragedy”, and more along those lines. In fact he has supported BDS against Israel. And the BDS against Israel (but not Syria, Egypt, Sudan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran etc.) movement is hardcore extreme Jew hatred, as I have made clear in some detail at this very blog over the years.  

In other words, Corbyn is a caricature of the Jew-hate Jihad loving far Leftist. Notice how what happened in Britain re the lurch of the Labour Party to the far Left, and all the Jew hatred and love affair with the Muslim Jihad that goes with that, so mirrors the unabashed Jew hatred of the very left-wing White House and how that Jew hatred has reached a nadir with the Vienna Deal (so far!). Depressing and pathetic that just during the last two months, there is an increasingly fevered Jew hatred on the American and British Left; as evidenced by the Israel-hatred from the White House re the Vienna Deal (a collaboration with Iran that almost beggars belief) and its ongoing aftermath, and the Corbyn win of the Labour leadership in Britain. This bodes very ill for Jews in America and Britain, never mind Israel! It isn’t difficult to connect the dots (although it’s hardly been done, in any urgent sense, even by pro-Israel Jewry) re incensed Jew hatred as Israel hatred from the mainstream American Left (Democratic Party) and the mainstream British Left (UK Labour). So you can forget about our liberal-could-care-less-about-Israel Jewry, and liberal genre so-called Jewry from the PoV of this blog, even beginning to comprehend any of this. Even in outline. Not even vaguely. Worth remarking that the difference between Obama and Corbyn, is that Corbyn is thankfully honest in his anti-Semitism, in his proud and open support for the Jihad. Corbyn doesn’t disguise his love affair for the Muslim jihad against the Jews and other infidels coming to think of it. Obama just lies routinely and shamelessly and calls his hatred of Israel (that is the Jews) friendship and concern. Yet Obama gives a huge economic boost to Iran (Iran has gotten more money from this single deal than Israel has gotten from America since its modern founding in 1948); a boost that will see Hamas and Hezbollah flush with arms from Iran, so the former can rain death and destruction on Israel, sooner or later. It’s not as if Iran has changed its tune or its goals. Any more than Hamas and Hezbollah have. And that’s aside from the nuclear issue! In fact since the Vienna Deal was signed, the Jew-hate histrionics of the Iranian regime has only picked up. No you didn’t hear about it from the BBC or CNN and the rest of the Jew-hate left-wing media.

Naturally a hardcore anti-Semite if there was one, genre writer Charles Stross, anti-Semitic like many far Left ‘Jews’, is delighted and ecstatic at the election of Jew hater and Jihad International supporter Jeremy Corbyn. In fact it’s clear as day that Stross is a STAUNCH DEFENDER AND SUPPORTER OF JEREMY CORBYN, THE HAMAS AND HEZBOLLAH FAN. Here are just some of the pertinent Tweets from Charles Stross. They will only shock if you don’t know Stross’s far Left loony politics and if you don’t share them of course (detailed at this blog).  Tweets pasted below from most recent in time to less so.

From September 15th:

Charlie Stross retweeted

  1. Please spread the truth about the people’s enemy J. Corbyn.

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Get that? Stross is clearly being facetious, with that retweeted straw man rubbish from the ‘Ministry of Truth’. Irony meter explodes. When it comes to the Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth’, Corbyn could serve as its director. To call Stross shamelessly stupid is unfair on the shamelessly stupid. He is beyond all that. To Stross fascism is liberty and hatred is compassion. Words fail me really.

Some more Charlie Stross Tweets (from September 14th):


  1. Just imagine UK media headlines if Russian President called a leading opposition party threat to national security?

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    Sep 14 

    Wrt. last retweet: It’s a sad reflection on British politics when VLADIMIR PUTIN’s people sound saner than the British Prime Minister … 

    One can criticize Cameron and Tories on a number of things re his and their clashes with Labour, without being accused of being a far Left fascist defender of a far Left fascist such as Corbyn; BUT sticking up for a Jihad (as in Hamas and Hezbollah) supporter that is Jeremy Corbyn, in the face of legitimate criticism in this regard from anybody – Cameron or the local fish & chip shop worker – is an unambiguous defense of a far left-wing fascist Jihad supporting Jew-hate loon. This ain’t rocket science. So now in the world according to Stross, critics of a left-wing fascist Jew hater and Jihad lover are automatically akin to supporters of an ex-KGB thug, wannabe imperialist and tyrant, because they are. So says Stross.

    Earlier Tweets as well from Stross (September 13th and 12th):

    Charlie Stross @cstrossSep 13 

    Labour Party acquires new leader with moral integrity: NO WONDER the plutocracy hate him:

    Charlie Stross @cstrossSep 12 

    This week’s UK news: (1) Jeremy Corbyn elected Labour leader by landslide, (2) Billionaire-owned press wigs out because OH NOES SOCIALISM.

Yeah it’s just the rich capitalists (read rich Joooo capitalists to the far Left and the mainstream Left really) who don’t like Corbyn, hey Stross? Corbyn’s unambiguous, indisputable and proud sympathy for Hamas and Hezbollah and Jew-hate paranoia in general, has nothing to do with anything.

Another Tweet from Stross on September 12th:

Charlie Stross @cstross Sep 12 

Wow! The UK appears to have a national-level political opposition party again for the first time in about 30 years.

Yeah the UK does indeed now have an overtly fascist political opposition party that is desperate – as with the Left as a whole – to scapegoat the Jooos for the crimes and excesses of global capitalism, and that autonomically and unconsciously means the Jew among the nations. Yeah that’s going to help the poor of Britain and the Third World, sticking it to the working class Jew nation by supporting the Jihad against it. What could go wrong? Don’t worry liberal readership of this blog. You won’t understand the first two sentences of this paragraph. It will read like advanced nuclear physics or Mayan hieroglyphs. Don’t worry your tiny tiny tiny ‘minds’ over it.

None of this from Charlie Stross surprises in the least. Stross is consistent. He luuuuvs Jew-hating Leftists (Jew-hating Jews especially), from Chomsky to Juan Cole and Naomi Klein. And what about Max Blumethal? ‘Cause Stross is one deranged anti-Semite himself. For newcomers to this blog, here is Stross blaming the Tea Party for the Boston marathon bombing the day it happened.

I wonder how Stross’s fellow anti-Semitic genre Brit Leftists (Jewish anti-Semites among them) feel about Corbyn’s rise? I include anti-Semite Ken MacLeod, Farah Mendlesohn who was desperate for Israel to lose a war against HAMAS (for real, just check the link for the smoking gun), Richard Morgan (whose numero uno “hero” is Jew-hate journalist John Pilger, who calls Hezbollah his “heroes”), anti-Semite Paul Graham Raven (buddy buddy with Stross and Morgan. Both Stross and Graham Raven dismissed my series on Holocaust Revisionism from within the genre community as loony paranoia without reading a single word therein. Check the Paul Graham Raven linked article above for the details), anti-Semite Hal Duncan and of course hardcore Jew hater China Mieville. Among so many others, including the British based Israeli SF writer and anti-Semitic ‘Jew’ Lavie Tidhar and British expat NY based Felix Gilman, another anti-Semitic ‘Jew’ if there was one (actually I noticed one or two Tweets from Gilman on Corbyn’s win, just remarking on it without criticism or praise. Hard to tell though what he really feels, holding his cards close to his chest. So far…).

Actually Farah Mendlesohn is ecstatic with Corbyn’s triumph as this Tweet (and others from Sept 12th) tell us:

Farah Mendlesohn ‏@effjayem Sep 12
Break out the red rosettes!!!! Back to wearing my heart on my sleeve. #labourleadership

What else to expect from such an anti-Semitic far Left ‘Jew’? She and Stross are two peas in a pod.

Mieville may have mixed feelings because there is now no way to distinguish the Jihad supporting Labour Party leadership from the Jihad supporting George Galloway far Left, the latter is where Mieville is firmly and proudly ensconced. So maybe something of a power struggle there. That’s a whole other thing that just bores me really.

Of course the answer is this… Liberal genre folk and especially ‘Jewish’ liberal genre folk (British, North American etc.) don’t have one bad word to say about Corbyn’s rise in the UK Labour Party. Even if they don’t say anything good about it neither. I can’t find anything. And I searched. Nothing on the record (read Twitter). If not getting aroused with giddy excitement over it the way Stross and Mendlesohn have predictably done, liberal genre Jewry are just deafening in their silence. In fact the latter tactic appears to be the rule among liberal Jewish genre writers, editors, publishers, fans… But Trump Trump, Republicans, Vox Day, Puppies!!!

Of course Stross and Farah M are not the only genre Leftists pleased as punch that UK Labour has gone full left-wing fascist. They just stick out. Jew hater and American communist genre writer and editor Nick Mamatas (who I have personally clashed with. This is such a reveal. As is his blog meltdown in response – link is my reply to his lying meltdown – to my exposé of his oblivious anti-Semitism) has puffed out a few Tweets on Corbyn a couple of days ago. Not as obviously delighted as Stross and Mendlesohn are, but he seems pleased enough with Corbyn’s win. Clearly not unhappy about it. That’s for sure. Oh yeah that’s Nick ‘Butt-fucking is just mentorship between a man and a child’ Mamatas.

PS As far as the Noah Ward thing at the Hugos goes, at this point I am so past even pretending to pretend to give a damn one way or the other. Priorities and Perspective people.

Comments are Open

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As Obama gives the green light for Iran’s nukes in farcical Vienna talks so the mullahs can engender a nuclear Holocaust of Jewry, politically vocal liberal ‘Jewish’ genre folk babble on about anything else

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah   5:20

There has been and there is much written on many Israel and pro-Israel (or at least not death to Israel) focused blogs, news websites, journals/periodicals, even the lamestream media on the ridiculous and farcical negotiations between the US, the Europeans and Iran on Iran’s nuclear enrichment program and its nuclear weaponization plans, the Iranian regime’s genocidal Jew -hatred, and Israel’s protests against Iran and its dream of the annihilation of another few million Jews via the destruction of Israel, Hiroshima and Nagasaki style, along with the West’s and in particular US government appeasement and fawning before Iran; that nothing I can say here will add anything new to the mix.

And at the very time this gets published at my blog, July 14th, it has reached it would appear a nadir. A deal appears to be signed. A deal with the Devil. Although who knows what the future holds in store…

So I’m not going to add my tiny voice to any of that here, when there are specialist blogs and websites and the like where knowledgeable scholars, historians, and the better journalists and bloggers discuss all this. If the reader is not interested, or doesn’t know nor care, well I can’t compel such interest then. If the reader is concerned about the appeasement of Iran by the Obama administration and what it means, then you already know the main points, if not all the finer details, in all its farcical black comedy.

The point of this article is to give all that a spin from the PoV of the brain-dead genre community, and especially the disgustingly stupid, obscenely craven liberal genre Jewry. A mirror of liberal Jewry as a whole.

Let me just say a few things re the whole Iran fiasco: the only debatable point is whether the Obama administration is incompetent and stupid beyond words in bumbling its way, fawning and appeasing the anti-Zionist Iranian mullahs, who of course torture and oppress and murder their own people, and thus can’t be trusted on anything, least of all any word they give on their nuclear program; or whether the Obama administration is willfully malicious and sinister, seeking to empower Iran, if only to hold Israel to a genocidal ransom (and whatever nuclear arms race is catalyzed in the Middle-East is simply the price to be paid), and make the nightmare fear of another Holocaust of Jewry all too real and palpable. Or is it a combination of the two factors? I would argue it is both.

When even the Israeli Left blasts this farcical ‘historical deal’ that imperils not just Israel, but the Middle-East as a whole and the world at large, that tells you something.

The talks and the deal worked out are farcical and absurd from the outset because the Iranian government lies on principle. It has been caught lying on its nuclear program all the time, Western military intelligence has uncovered several installations and processing and enrichment plants and facilities that they hid from the IAEA. All governments lie, but what we are supposed to trust Iran?

A second point that is often missed even by Obama and his fellow Jew-hater Kerry’s biggest critics, and is all the evidence you need of their Jew hatred (although there is so much)… The US acts as if it has the best interest of Israel at heart, even as its bumbling negotiators who follow the Chamberlain playbook through and through, gamble on nothing less than the lives of another six million Jews (and approx. two million Arabs btw). The US government doesn’t seek to hide its contempt and dismissiveness of Israel’s protests and concerns at any deal that gives Iran the momentum and the economic boost to achieve the goal of nuclear arms and ipso facto eventually another holocaust of Jewry (and also it is made far far easier for Iran to give conventional arms support to the likes of Hamas and Hezbollah, with the unfreezing of a hundred and fifty billion dollars in sanctions, and the eventual dissolution of the arms embargo against Iran!). And such a deal is not only on the cards, it is – it would appear as I publish this online – sealed, signed and delivered. This is revealing of not just the Obama administration’s condescension to Israel, its callousness and obtuseness; worse it is evidence of base and extreme Jew hatred from the US government. And the liberals worldwide who endorse it, celebrate it and cheer on this sinister capitulation. The Iranian regime is ecstatic likewise. How to account for that coincidence? HuffPo liberals and Iranian regime supporters – all delighted and triumphant. It’s hard to say who is celebrating more… 

As if it’s for incompetent and know-nothing appeasers to decide on the fate of a whole nation, that just happens to be the Jew nation. And damn any protest from those uppity Jews.

There are so many chilling parallels to the 1930s, including an uncanny coincidence that Jew-hater John Kerry has been staying at Vienna’s Imperial Hotel, where Hitler himself has been a guest.

Another shameful parallel is the behavior of American Jewry. In the 1930s American Jews stayed largely silent, including their cowardly leadership in the face of the rise of the Nazis, and Roosevelt and the State Department’s utter indifference to the plight of European Jewry. Roosevelt closed the doors on European Jews desperate to get out, making it clear it wasn’t America’s problem. A telling tragedy would be made most visible by the voyage of the damned ship the St. Louis. America, like Canada, Britain, Australia, South Africa, did not lift a finger to help Jews desperate to escape the Nazi menace. During the war itself, despite calls from exiled European Jewish leadership, the Americans and British refused to bomb Auschwitz, although they would have no such problem bombing German run factories and the like in Nazi occupied Poland in broad daylight. The US and the other Jew-hating nations of the former British Empire and Britain herself are culpable in the murder of hundreds of thousands of Jews during the Shoah, and if that offends the reader, too bad. Consult Arthur Morse’s book While Six Million Died for the facts about the Allies and in particular the US and its role in abandoning the Jews to the gas chambers and Nazi death squads. History is written by the victors and Jews don’t want to know. Nothing would change once Israel was founded in 1948. Israel has survived for the most part despite the West, not because of it (Nixon’s emergency ’73 arms resupply airlift being a notable exception). And despite self-loathing Jewry in Israel and out of Israel by the by.

But now the Jew-hater Obama, the Jew-hater Kerry, the Jew-hating US State Department, the Jew-hating American and Western Left (even as there certainly is conservative anti-Semitism, it is outmatched and far surpassed by the sheer malice and forcefulness of the Left’s Israel hatred) have pushed Armageddon ever closer; as the former endorse, give a free pass, a green light, an imprimatur, a big smiley face on Iran’s plans for genocide, one way or another, for the Jew among the nations. And it won’t end there. It never does.

And what do our POLITICALLY VOCAL never shut up genre Jewry have to say about this? Remember they include Obama voting American Jews…

What do you think?

Nothing. Rien. Zilch. A Big Fat Zero. Do I repeat myself? Yeah I know. Still it is what it is.

The very political (and dumb) SF writer David Brin has been tweeting on San Diego Comic Con, edible bar-codes that fight counterfeit drugs, the NFL shutdown and stadium funding and bravely blogging about how citizens with video cameras and what-have-you are now empowered to reduce police brutality and blah blah. His fellow liberal genre Jew Adam-Troy Castro (who I also mock in the previous article at this blog) blogs on a revealing anti-black racism in property sales in Florida way back when (it is relevant to his wife’s family). I don’t of course have a problem with that. But naturally there isn’t and never will be a blog post on Barack Obama’s multi-pronged strategy to bring Israel to its knees, deliberately or otherwise. Then again Castro clearly voted for this Jew hater. Then again he may not even know what I mean anyhow (all this most probably reads like Quantum Mechanics to Liberal-American-Jews, genre or not) and wouldn’t want to know. That’s for sure. Typical liberal-American-Jew.

Liberal American Jews (genre and not) hypnotized by American identity politics will just continue to run away and obscenely deny what is going on however they can. So they can remain ensconced in their smug self-righteous ways and manners. And sleep at night. Oblivious and stupid beyond words. Sleepwalkers. A disgrace perhaps unsurpassed in Jewish history. I don’t think they even have a clue of what is actually going down in Vienna and before that in other venues as Iran laughs and Kerry pats himself on the back for a job well done. And Obama beams. And Israel looks on, like a witness to a plot of mass murder (which is what it is), its own murder no less.

Genre liberal Jewish writer Michael Burstein to be fair does not embroil himself in genre politics (as Brin and Castro do) and neither does he blog on politics really, so I can’t be critical of him. Yet he’s a very political person. He once considered running as a Democrat contender in the Massachusetts 4th Congressional District back in 2012, but wisely decided against it in the end. I wouldn’t recommend running as any kind of candidate for the idiotic Republicans neither. The whole two party system is a farce.

Yet at the same time, he is a Democrat Party Supporter no matter what, no matter they hate him, no matter the abuse and contempt they hurl the way of Jews oh wait I mean Israel. Hey it’s not the same thing (Jew hatred and Israel hatred) say the disingenuous defenders and apologists for Jew-hating gentile liberals. And Israel hatred ain’t Israel hatred. It’s something else. It’s whatever they want it to be, or not to be. No matter the Democrat Party’s appeasement and capitulation to Iranian Muslim fascism, a modus operandi that would make Neville Chamberlain blush. And of course plenty Republicans could clearly care less. American Jews who care about Israel are left floundering. America is a lot more like Europe and Britain than it isn’t. Get a clue you dumb American Jews (no not all of you, just most of you).

And what of our self-hating genre Jewry? From Lavie Tidhar and Farah Mendlesohn to Charles Stross, Felix Gilman to Rose Fox? And so many others really (just check this blog and it is not comprehensive by any means). Well what do you think? Any u-turn on that front would entail nothing less than a Dark Night of the Soul, a nervous breakdown, possession by a dybbuk, a facing up to self-loathing and masochistic shame so deep and extreme that the psyche could not remain intact, unbroken. They would risk going mad. Then again since they are already mad, perhaps if the mad go mad, it would mean paradoxically clearing the path to sanity. Anyhow this is academic since they are not going to change. It’s not just they don’t want to offend their Jew nation hating liberal gentile colleagues and fans, they don’t want to threaten their own fragile ego identities, their own Jew nation hating or at best pro-Palestinian Chic Progressive Kumbaya beliefs (which amounts to the same thing anyhow). And people are their beliefs. Changing one’s religion, ideology is one thing, but who can face up to the terrible shame of having been a self-hating Jew? And thus playing one’s part in the war against the Jews redux. The plan for the Final Solution Part Two. The Joint Islamist-Leftist Plot for another Holocaust. And that’s what it is.

In fact genre writer and lawyer Felix Gilman (see this blog’s archives for the ugly facts on this ‘Jew’) has the chutzpah, the gall, to tweet contempt and mockery (July 13th/14th) the way of Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker because Republican. No tweeting contempt and mockery the way of Jew haters Obama and Kerry as they bumble and fawn and grovel before the Iranian mullahs (Gilman appears to have no idea at all or could care less, he’s not very bright naturally enough). Heck it’s only the Jew nation whose survival is threatened yaaaaaaaaaawn and Gilman lives in New York (and is very much pro-Palestinian anyhow), where he is safely ensconced in his Liberal Bubble. Although who knows how long that will last…

What does the now ex-President of the SFWA (Cat Rambo is the new President as of this month in fact), the  ‘Jewish’ Steven Gould have to say? What about his now ex Vice-President of the SFWA, Jew in Name Only Rachel Swirsky (the new Vice-President there is M.C.A. Hogarth), what does she have to say? These are of course rhetorical questions. Well they can only have held their positions by being Court Jews, that is safe, conventional and not ever stepping out of line. And Gould and Swirsky clearly couldn’t have been happier to be obedient Court Jews on their best behavior and following the narrative and script of left-wing moral and cultural relativism and bullying histrionics. The witch-hunting Ecclesiastical Court House of UnAmerican Activities Task Force being a nadir under their um reign. Of course like all the other Jews I mention in this post, I doubt they really know what is actually going on in Vienna and what it means. Never mind the nuclear issue, Hamas and Hezbollah are going to be flush with new arms from Iran – that’s just one reason why the Vienna Agreement is an unmitigated disaster.

 Hey liberal genre ‘Jews’ Don’t Care and They Don’t Know. There is science fiction to read, write, edit and comment on! Giddy Gee. In fact Gould’s tweets reveal him to be a caricature of the Idiot Liberal American Jew. Just in the last few days Gould has retweeted some pointless trivial crap from Jew hater and genre hack Saladin Ahmed. Plenty more lying hatred of Israel from Ahmed on Twitter, plenty more where that came from. But can’t find any tweets from Ahmed criticizing Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Boko Haram, Syrian and Iranian government death squads, jihadist terror groups and Islamist tyranny and brutality from Yemen to Eritrea, Thailand to Libya and Egypt etc. Yoohoo ISIS/ISIL hello? Talking about ISIS, how about Ahmed’s brain-dead obscene criticism and dismissal of those um criticizing ISIS, from the PoV of Muslim doctrine?! I could write a whole article on just that Tweet and how evil and dumb it is. Getting back to Gould, he’s also been blabbing on in know-nothing histrionic style about global warming/climate change (a subject of which he clearly knows nothing, like most everybody) the last few days. Yes it’s those rising sea levels (where exactly? And sea levels rise and fall over the millenia as the climate changes naturally duh) that threaten the people of Tel Aviv and Haifa. Rio and Cape Town. Miami to Goa and the coast of Nigeria. The better to ignore the real problems (the sixth extinction, Muslim fanaticism, Obama’s Chamberlain act etc.), but there you go. What a typical Liberal American Jewish Idiot.

Liberal Jews (mainstream and far Left) in and out of the genre community:

A Hard Rain ain’t just gonna fall on Israel.

There is something else I want to add, just in terms of a coincidence. The same day the deal with the Devil was signed – July 14th – the much anticipated companion novel of To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee’s Go Set A Watchman was published amidst some fanfare (it appears to be a sequel, although I have also heard it is just a first draft of the former novel). The buzz and publicity for this novel (a manuscript unknown about for decades) was and is considerable. As the Wiki entry for the new novel tells us:

‘The title comes from Isaiah 21:6: “For thus hath the Lord said unto me, Go, set a watchman, let him declare what he seeth.” It alludes to Jean Louise Finch’s view of her father, Atticus Finch, as the moral compass (“watchman”) of Maycomb, and has a theme of disillusionment, as she realizes her father’s bigotry.’


And what’ll you do now, my blue-eyed son?
And what’ll you do now my darling young one?
I’m a-goin’ back out ‘fore the rain starts a-fallin’
I’ll walk to the depths of the deepest black forest
Where the people are a many and their hands are all empty
Where the pellets of poison are flooding their waters
Where the home in the valley meets the damp dirty prison
And the executioner’s face is always well hidden
Where hunger is ugly, where souls are forgotten
Where black is the color, where none is the number
And I’ll tell and speak it and think it and breathe it
And reflect from the mountain so all souls can see it
And I’ll stand on the ocean until I start sinkin’
But I’ll know my song well before I start singing
And it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard, and it’s a hard
It’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall.

‘A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall’
Bob Dylan


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Liberal American Jewish genre writers Adam-Troy Castro, David Brin and gang: It’s 1965 It’s 1965! And if you’re going to San Francisco be sure to wear some flowers in your hair

Note: To the pedants, I am well aware that the song ‘San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Some Flowers in your Hair)’ was only released in 1967. Yeah okay.

Expect poison from the standing water.
William Blake
Proverbs of Hell                                                                  

Scroll down to the lowest part of the article for the update (14th June).

I have written one article centering on Adam-Troy Castro previously. Namely this one, and it is worth checking out (I was polite and gracious in that article) if you are interested in this follow-up I suppose. It also catalyzed this article, centering on dufus hack ‘Jewish’ genre writer Chuck Rothman (and Dave Truesdale, the Holocaust Revisionist he was defending). That’s very much worth reading because it’s pure black comedy, of the highest (or lowest depends how you look at it) um class. It’s in the latter article where you can read Dave Truesdale’s only public response to my series on him and others, re their Holocaust Denialism. All this went down at Adam-Troy Castro’s little nook on the web (the SFF web board). Check that Rothman and Truesdale focused article for how Castro and gang responded, or didn’t respond – to Truesdale the Holocaust Denier spewing his supposed innocence of being guilty of any and all anti-Semitism that is, and dismissing me as a nut job in the process, and Rothman’s obscene blundering (likewise in response to yours truly, the Red Wolf).

So when the Dave Truesdale PetitionGate affair happened along one year and four months later, given how these Jews just don’t want to know, then and now; it shouldn’t surprise anybody at how genre Jews just obliviously signed a petition drawn up by a Holocaust Revisionist. Castro and crew didn’t tell ’em, kept mum, all hush hush, cast it aside like a dirty nappy. Never spread the word. Anything but! Hey that’s how it looks from here. If you read up on the details in the Truesdale Petition article, it’s even more lame and pathetic than I let on here. That’s what happens when you – as in liberal genre Jews – don’t want to know. THEN and NOW. I comment on this in detail in that lengthy Petition article, am not going to repeat all that here. Except to say, notice the contrast between Castro and gang’s vocal and conspicuous calling out of the black beast Vox Day and his supporters and apologists (detailed in this very article, and sure Beale’s a bigot and reactionary as I make very clear over here) and how self-same Castro crew & allies respond to another genre right-wing reactionary Truesdale’s hardcore oblivious anti-Semitism (so much like, and yet so different, to the hardcore oblivious anti-Semitism of the Left, although the latter are not usually Holocaust Revisionists). That is both when Truesdale protested his innocence at Castro’s place on the web in late 2012, and near a year and a half later, during the Petition Affair. All Beale would have to do to get the self-righteous and smug genre Left – and genre Jewish Left at that – to leave him alone, is to hate on the Jews (especially if he just uses the Left’s disingenuous disguises of anti-Israelism and anti-Zionist sloganese) instead of hating on blacks, women and gays. Then I’m sure the genre Left and the Jewish genre liberals will leave him alone and everything will just be hunky dory.

Jewish liberals in the genre community, so desperate to throw stones at the bogey man, the stone devil, the big bad wolf on the Right Vox Day, because you know the KKK and the Nazis and Jewish liberals are liberals, true blue and the Western and American Left and genre Left are just morally pure, shiny and sparkling. Nothing to see there, untouchable. Hear no Evil See no Evil Speak no Evil. Yeah best for liberal genre Jewry to focus on Vox Day, the bête noire – what would they do without him? – than take a hard look at the mammoth in the closet that they are desperate to keep closed and shut, indeed deny its very existence; namely the Jew-hating genre Left and non-genre Left for that matter.

These genre Jews voted for or supported (twice over) the most hardcore anti-Semitic president and administration since that other Democrat Carter in the 1970s. Yet whilst Carter has since exposed himself as horribly anti-Semitic; in office Obama is doing the kind of damage to Israel that Carter could only have dreamed about when the latter was president. And so such liberal Jews (genre and not) are complicit in the Obama administration’s war against the Jew nation, of which they appear as oblivious as they are the rampant and deep-seated Jew hatred among the Left (on both sides of the Atlantic) as a whole. From the Western media to the Western universities and NGOs. And beyond. But Vox Day! The Jew hatred of Obama’s Chicago church, of those Obama surrounds himself with, and praises or commends as reasonable, respectable and having gravitas (the latter include the Holocaust Denying Mahmoud Abbas, a co-founder of the PLO that calls for Israel’s destruction on its charter, and Turkey’s frothing-at-the-mouth Jew-hating tyrant Recip Erdogan. Obama has called him a close confidant), hey it’s all just some Republican smear job. At least that appears to be the Jewish Left’s and the genre Jewish Left’s take. If they can even be bothered to glance in the direction of Obama’s ugly anti-Israelism in the first place, and that’s debatable. Obama’s obsessiveness with Israel, in such a negative way, whilst it’s all just a big yawn obliviousness or irritant at best response to mass killings, pillage and rape from Sudan to Eritrea, Egypt to Kenya, Uganda to Nigeria, and that’s just some parts of Africa… it’s all very telling. To those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

What about the Obama administration’s could care less obliviousness to mass killings, tyranny and brutality from Mexico to Pakistan? The world’s second most populous nation is mired in numerous conflicts and is one of the most brutal neo-feudal exploitative nations on earth. Obama and the Left can’t be bothered to even pretend to raise an eye at that, as with oppressive, brutal and civil rights denying Sharia Law from Nigeria (having nothing to do with Boko Haram!) to Kashmir, Saudi Arabia through to Hamas ruled Gaza and Sudan. Even as horrific civil wars initiated by jihadists wage through Syria and Iraq, as ISIS grows and the Iraqi army collapses, as Kurds and others fight tooth and nail for their survival, Obama is frothing about those stubborn Jooos… building homes I tell you… in Jerusalem! Of all places! The nerve of it. Hamas in Judenrein Gaza, whatever. Maybe Obama sees them the same way as he does ISIS jihadists, they’re the jayvee team. As the usual kleptocracies from Brazil and Argentina, South Africa to Malawi and Kenya, India and its arch-enemy Pakistan continue to loot billions annually from state coffers, corrupt and complicit ‘aid’ agencies, the UN and equally cynical Western governments, literally millions and millions starve and eke out some kind of marginal existence in growing slums, dangerous and miserable. Crickets from Obama and his crew. And what’s left of the forests and grasslands is going going near gone, from southern Africa to Latin America and Indonesia, from Asia to the  Siberian taiga, and what’s left of the indigenous wildlife dies off, or is hunted to extinction. Say what? Heard anything about it all from the Obama administration and the State Department? No not really. As in No, Nada, Rien.

The Jooos are building homes for crying out loud, it’s an obstacle to peace with the Muslim jihadists Fatah/PA who do not accept Israel’s right to exist, and never have, even when the West Bank was part of Jordan. Just ask Obama and the State Department, the fault lies with the Jooooos oh I mean Israel. Just ask Mahmoud Abbas, Obama’s moderate Muslim Jew-hating man of peace; you know the Holocaust Denier who calls Hamas “brothers in arms” and heads a jihadist mafia outfit that has carried out wave and wave of jihadist attacks, bombings, rocket strikes and the like, and continues to promote genocidal Jew hatred in its mosques, media, schools and other bureaucracies. I’m not even talking Hamas here. Obama being on the same page as Abbas, the jihadist-who-pretends-he-ain’t-when-it-suits-him, Abbas who has made the destruction of Israel his life goal (as with his predecessor Arafat); Obama being in agreement with Abbas the Jew hater, at least when it comes to the Joooo nation and its alleged ‘war crime’ of building apartments, is not a matter of concern to Obama, the State Department, The NY Times and the Western Left. And the genre Jewish Left to boot. Pay No Mind.

In fact as I was about to publish this online, Obama renewed his bullying of Israel, threatening to end US support for Israel at the UN, if Israel did not enter into negotiations with the jihadist-pretend-moderate PA. In other words, Obama unequivocally threatens to abandon Israel to the Jew-hate wolves at the UN, if Netanyahu does not capitulate, appease, make concessions and fawn before Jew-hating Muslim fanatics (the PA/Fatah), still openly (at least in Arabic) dedicated to Israel’s destruction and willing to concede nothing to Israel. As the record attests to (not that you will read about it in The NY Times). No such threats are made by Obama against any other government in the world for not capitulating to Muslim extremists or any other terror group or terrorist front group. During the Gaza war last year, the Obama administration cut off military aid to Israel about ten days into the war (yes all hushed up), claiming too many Palestinian civilians had died (even though civilians have died in Afghanistan and elsewhere in the Muslim world thanks to US drone strikes and US air-strikes under Obama’s presidency alone). Obama has not threatened fascist Saudi Arabia with any military aid cut-off even as its air strikes have killed plenty civilians in the Yemen civil war this year; no military aid cut-off  to the Iraqi army despite its alliance with Shi’ite death squads, and despite the fact that humvees and tanks for the Iraqi army means humvees and tanks for ISIS. No military aid cut-off for Pakistan, well one can go on and on…

The point of all this rambling of mine on Obama and the nightmares that are actually happening in the world that he could care less about, whilst putting the electron microscope on the Jew among the nations (and I’m just skating the surface of Obama’s Jew-hate gangsterism), is that our American Jewish liberal, and specifically (from the POV of this blog) Jewish genre liberal, not only has nothing to say about any of that, but on the contrary remains in the fold, loyal to, if no longer fawning before ObamiNation. And liberal genre Jewry have the gall, the chutzpah to go after Vox Day. Because that’s where the mortal threat is, to you know our way of life. It’s the supposed gulp uh art of science fiction or rather a science fiction award showcase, a showcase for a fiction genre of very low levels of artistic merit and relevance, that is being wrecked or at the least laid siege to by the big bad John Bircher Vox Day (and yes he is a John Bircher); that’s where the priorities of left-wing genre Jews lie. The better to ignore the anti-Semitism of their gag gag liberal allies (in and out of the genre community). As if it matters what Vox Day does re the Hugos, since the Hugos like the Nebulas have been a joke award show for ages. Let’s just ignore all that. The genre is a joke after all, and so are the awards circuses, SFF is the McDonalds junk food of literary fiction. All this long before Vox Day and his reactionary supporters came along to wreck the party celebrating the junk food awards. The more disgusting, obscene, odious, dishonest and transparent the genre Left’s Jew hatred as Israel hatred gets – well okay it’s been this way for years, see the archives of this blog – the more our brave and noble Jewish genre liberals shill and screech ‘Vox Day Vox Day Vox Day nasty nasty bigoted man!’. The more Obama screws the Jews – and not just the Jews – the more the Jews are imperilled (oh wait it’s just Israel yawn), the more our Jewish genre liberals self-righteously trump their wonderful liberal credentials, which includes their respect and support (no matter how lukewarm) or at best no comment for the anti-Semitic man in the White House. Because Vox Day and militia types in Tennessee and Wyoming and Idaho are where the Big Threat is. Ditto the Republicans. And the Jesus Freaks. To Life Liberty and the liberal American Jewish Way of Life. Apparently. Just ask Jewish Genre Liberals.

As Obama gives Iran the green light to breeze on by and get their nuclear bombs – their nuclear stockpile went up 20% during the bad joke negotiations alone – so they can finish off where the Iran regime’s fellow anti-Zionists the Nazis left off – Tel Aviv as the next Hiroshima – Jewish genre liberals bleat, ‘Vox Day Vox Day Vox Day John C Wright Larry Correia not nice nasty nasty bitch slap’.

When the children or nephews and nieces of these oh so liberal American Jews ask twenty years from now: ‘daddy/mommy/uncle/auntie, what did you do during the 2010s (or whatever we bloody decide on calling this decade) when Muslim jihadists threatened Israel with annihilation and Obama sold Israel down the river?’ [Since we don’t yet know the future as always, we can only speculate on what may happen. However we can be certain that whatever happens – even if Israel miraculously survives just this decade! – it will be perilously close and there will be much more blood spilled and the world will stick it to the Jews however it can]… how will our liberal Jews, and given what this blog is about, liberal genre Jews, answer? With the truth? Namely, ‘oh I supported the Jew-hater Obama, he wasn’t George W Bush after all, or some white man from privilege. Obama came from a traditionally oppressed ethnicity and he was a Democrat and I was loyal to the Israel hating Left, which has nothing to do with anti-Semitism, to the end; and oh yeah there was this real evil character Vox Day in SF circles, he was an anti-black and homophobic bigot, I made sure to pour my scorn on him and his supporters. Not  that I had anything to say at all on the numerous and vocal left-wing anti-Israel folk in the SFF genre community, who were not anti-Semitic anyhow, just anti-Israel. Actually I didn’t even really notice the latter. I didn’t want to. Vox Day was where the evil worm in the SFF apple was. Well that’s what I decided. Then again I did vote for/supported the Jew-hater Obama and never called him out on his increasingly obvious and transparent Jew hatred (as Israel hatred duh) – in fact I never acknowledged it at all – so there you go.’

Don’t count on it.

I think quite simply the question will not be asked, even by a sensitive and thoughtful kid, because not permitted to be asked.

Um well, the mind boggles at the cognitive dissonance. Now and increasingly in the future. How will they – liberal Jews I mean – cope mentally? As I have said here, I reckon the Left will just rewrite history. People, whole nations, religious institutions do it all the time. With ideologues (of the Left and Right), it’s the very nature of the beast.

So – getting back to Adam-Troy Castro, that lead-in diversion is relevant – it’s boringly predictable how Castro would respond to the whole Hugos farrago of 2015. This is a typical example, from his facebook page.

Adam-Troy Castro
May 26 at 1:28pm · Edited ·

(Sigh) No, I am not saying, nor am I ever going to say, that the organizers of the Sad Puppy nonsense need to be “boycotted” for what they have done and said, and I am most certainly not saying that the writers they advocated for need to be boycotted for the actions of those who supported them.
This is after all me, the guy who has made such a regular habit of arguing for separating the art from the artist, most of the time in more extreme circumstances. If I can distinguish between Bill Cosby and “Bill Cosby,” if I can praise the occasional film by Roman Polanski, if I can struggle in vain to discuss the filmic achievements of Woody Allen without being slammed by the same stuff that artistic discussions of Woody Allen are always slammed with, if I can further regularly wax enthusiastic about work by writers like Stephen Hunter and Dan Simmons who exist so far from me on the political spectrum that we are almost on separate rainbows, then why the hell would I tell anybody to boycott the work of {Gay-Basher McManly-Nuts}, to name one, just because I think it’s fun to summarize his persona as {Gay-Basher McManly-Nuts}? Ditto with {Hurt-Feelings Harry}, {Steely-Eyed McRage-Monster}, Beale The Galactic Zero, and the rest of that crew driven to extreme measures by the Heartbreak of Soreloserus. I mock them with abandon, as I just did, but want *none* of them subjected to organized boycott of any kind.
I have said nothing advocating otherwise, and anybody who represents me as having said anything of the kind is, in precise measurement, a goddamned liar.

Yeah stick it to the right-wing reactionaries (is ‘Gay-Basher McManly-Nuts’ John C Wright? Is ‘Hurt-Feelings Harry’ Larry Correia? I assume that’s it, right?), but you know the left-wing Jew haters that are rampant in genre circles on both sides of the Atlantic – Castro is willfully clueless and NOTHING BUT SILENCE from him. Always. (and others of course. Look at David Gerrold and Gary Farber on Castro’s facebook page in the comments – oooh let’s stick it to the genre Right, don’t risk offending any Jew-hating genre Leftists now, their fellow Leftists after all)

Castro and his crew do not want to know about that – the anti-Semitism on the Left, from the White House to The NY Times, from Oxfam to Amnesty International, from the BBC to Harvard and Cornell, Columbia U to Berkeley, from British Labour and African-American militants to Greenpeace, from Occupy Wall Street to Code Pink, from his own liberal genre peers – disrupts and upsets the self-righteous liberal Jewish narrative now, doesn’t it? This smug self-righteous stuck in 1965 American liberal Jewish obtuseness of Castro’s is so typical, not only of liberal American Jewish genre folk, but of liberal American Jews. Liberal Jews. Castro’s a caricature of a Jew stuck in a time-warp, from one of the genre’s time travel stories (maybe even one of his own. I think he’s written some, can’t be sure). Castro sticks it to Vox Day and his apologists. Oooh how brave, noble and standing up for truth and liberty and mother’s oat cereal. Like George Clooney sticking it to the long dead and discredited Senator Joe McCarthy in his film Good Luck and Good Night from 2005, and thinking he was so brave. Really he did. No that is Salman Rushdie, that is the now deceased film-maker Theo van Gogh, that is the now murdered Charlie Hebdo staffers. Those are the brave ones.

The sigh Jewish Castro gets pats on the back from all the right people. You know the Lefties. Even as the Western Left is riddled through with Jew hatred and engages by necessity in obscene apologetics for Muslim radicalism/Islam. And that would include the Western genre Left likewise. Hence this blog. Yeah I repeat myself. Hey Adam-Troy Castro: how about sticking it to Jew-hating left-wing fascist genre writers/editors such as China Mieville, Nick Mamatas, Iain Banks, Farah Mendlesohn, Kathryn Cramer, Michael Bishop, Ken MacLeod etc. (see this blog of which you are ‘aware’)? Well of course not. Not On The Radar. Would sooner see the Chicago Cubs win the World Series (yes I know that’s not fair on the Cubs) or Japan win the soccer World Cup, would sooner see Orson Scott Card and Rachel Swirsky edit a book of gay themed science fiction together.

Notice Troy-Castro’s remarks on Dan Simmons (and Stephen Hunter), who exist so far from me on the political spectrum that we are almost on separate rainbows, yeah yeah yeah. Dan Simmons is indeed so far from you and your ilk on the political spectrum, you certainly inhabit separate planets, never mind separate rainbows. After all Simmons doesn’t disguise his fears and contempt for um a far right-wing fascist and reactionary religious culture and tradition he happens to know a lot about (This has nothing to do with ‘nuke Mecca and the ragheads’ bigotry that at least some of Simmons’s critics love to pretend is the case. Simmons is a serious student of history, unlike Castro). Simmons likewise doesn’t shy away from his support for God Forbid, the only state in the Middle-East that is not fascist/quasi-fascist, the Jew among the nations, which really does face the threat of annihilation. From far right-wing jihadist fascists no less. Castro not so much. Guess that’s what makes Simmons’s politics so far removed from Castro’s. Indeed it does.

That’s why Dan Simmons authored Flashback, and not Castro. Castro would be constitutionally, psychologically incapable of even drawing up a synopsis for such a novel, not in a thousand years. Simmons’s anti-Islamist and God Forbid pro-Israel Flashback is one of the most important speculative fiction novels of the twenty-first century. One of the most important not only because Simmons *gets it*, but because he doesn’t pretend any false and naive hopes, that good will triumph over evil, that the Islamist threat will be defeated. Not At All. This is frequently the case with a lot of contemporary John Waynesque ‘right-wing’ fiction (Flashback is not a right-wing novel and it’s not a left-wing novel, but Leftists cannot comprehend this). And Simmons can write (unlike most SF writers who are just hacks). Simmons draws the conclusions, deduces from the current reality of appeasement and surrender to reactionary and jihadist Islam, and where it can lead. God forbid. And yet this is the bleak and terrible truth of things. Flashback can be compared in its terrible and stark Cassandra tropes, its importance as genre fiction, to Karel Čapek‘s War with the Newts and Olaf Stapeldon’s Last Men in London. Perhaps its true parallel is with Katharine Burdekin’s Swastika Night – a neglected and largely forgotten masterpiece – as much as any other genre novel of the 1930s. In fact almost definitely so. Of course Flashback is also a very different novel to these 1930s genre novels, in style and substance, but the times have changed. Then again, paradoxically, they haven’t changed at all… Simmons – especially when he got a lot of flack from the Left for Flashback – insisted the novel is a fiction that does not reflect his personal beliefs, he is not his fictive protagonists. Yet the novel is what it is, and there is Simmons’s public political persona… And it is what it is. Naturally Flashback was ignored and dismissed as bigoted and reactionary by the genre Left, and the genre Right didn’t care to trump it too much neither, too artistic, thoughtful and bleak for the genre Right. And it didn’t fit into the military SF genre, because it’s not that. If the SFF genre community was sane, Simmons’s Flashback would have swept the Hugos and the Nebulas. It would be talked about highly to this day. But the SFF genre community is neither sane, brave nor remotely intelligent. The SFF genre community is very much part of the problem. It’s why the bleak, broken and defeated future imagined in Flashback can be imagined in the first place. Liberal Jewish writers ignored it, certainly didn’t praise it, safer and easier just to praise anything else, no matter how bland, irrelevant, trivial or conventional. And having nothing to do with you know the very real threats Jews and other infidels face to life and liberty from Muslim fanatics, and their Western allies, an army of ‘progressive’ Quislings. Naturally it’s a non-Jew Simmons who tackles the subject. Liberal genre Jews will tackle any topic but that in their fiction! David Brin laughably thinks he’s writing relevant and forward thinking genre fiction, with really big political ramifications and associations no less! That is when Brin’s not paying tribute to a hardcore Jew hater and signing a petition drawn up by a Holocaust Denier.

Hey Brin given your reams and reams of political posts at your blog over the years, can you tell us where the one is calling Obama an anti-Semite, a bully, one whose policies threaten Israel by encouraging Israel’s enemies, from Hamas to Iran? No didn’t think you could. ‘Cause you can’t. It’s why you have no credibility. You and your ilk. As in most American ‘Jews’. As in liberal American ‘Jews’. As in liberal genre ‘Jews’. Are you waiting till after Israel is destroyed to knock Obama (even walking on eggshells, even hemming and hawing), David Brin? Could ask the same question of Castro and the rest of those liberal genre so-called Jews. I reckon even if it came down to that, liberal American Jews and liberal genre Jews would look away and point fingers elsewhere. Who knows? I gotta be straight here: I don’t think Brin and Castro even begin to recognize Obama as an anti-Semite, along with most all the rest of liberal genre Jewry – American or other. Don’t Want To Know. In fact as if to emphasize my point, Brin has been frothing about eeevil Republicans in his latest blog posting (see the end of his ‘More Space! Expanding the cosmos’ blog article from this very month. Pasted below):

If you are even remotely thinking of voting for the obscenity that has taken over the Republican Party, then you are at very best an utter fool.   This is not “left versus  right.”

It is normal (with bits of foolishness and corruption… versus stark jibbering insane.

Moreover, deep down, you know it.

You want to talk stark jibbering insane Brin? Heard of Marie Harf, heard of John Kerry, who blames ISIS on Israel. No kidding!? You want to talk who is the utter fool? Deep down, I wonder if Brin knows anything. About Anything that Matters. Doesn’t appear so. Not in the slightest. Never mind he dismisses half of America as insane and utterly foolish, NOT the half that indulges in the most conspicuous Jew nation bullying, intimidation, pathetic and obscene apologetics for Muslim terror and jihad (Republicans do it too, but the Democrats are not any one whit better on this front, and often worse); and as for the unconstitutional spying on its citizens, IRS gangsterism, lying about the Benghazi fiasco (blaming it on a youtube video!), all under Obama’s watch and administration – it’s all just a big puff of nothing from Brin (Why let the Obama administration off the hook when it comes to NSA spying on American citizens? At least in that article. The easier to knock Republicans I suppose, and portray them as the sole evil party, or the more evil party at the least). As with the scandals and dubious payments/fees/donations ‘earned’ by the Clintons, embodying what American politics is all about – moolah payola lucre (all big news that has been coming out during the same time period that Brin chooses to froth about Republicans) – big puff of further nothing from Brin. As with the Left’s Jew hatred (in and out of the genre community), just another puff of Empty from the know-it-all-know-nothing Brin. As Iran marches ever onward to having nuclear bombs, as Obama gives all  that the green light (as I write this up), it’s just a big fat Nothing from Brin.

More to the point, although entirely consistent with the genre Jewish Left’s cowardice at best when it comes to Obama’s in-your-face anti-Semitism: when are Castro and crew – the Jews Gerrold, Laura Resnick, David Brin among them – going to suggest you know having no interest in reading or promoting the fiction of China Mieville because the latter is a hardcore Jew-hating left-wing fascist, even though Castro would never support a boycott of his books blah blah? Ditto the now dead left-wing fascist Jew-hater Iain Banks? Well we already know Brin’s answer there. Even though he’s dead, they wouldn’t want to face up to well you know what…

Ditto the anti-Semitic ‘Jewish’ left-winger Charles Stross. Coming to think of it – as if to prove my point – here is a very recent post up at Brin’s blog (May 2015) in response to a Stross blog post (link within the Brin blog post) on international politics-technology-capitalism-the security state blah blah (as it pertains to a new book Stross is working on). Brin is nothing but polite and respectful to Stross, whom Brin calls his “esteemed colleague”. Yeah this esteemed colleague. Brin does disagree with Stross about a few things on these topics, but that misses the point I am stressing. Namely Brin would never take Stross to task over… hmm how can I put it, the latter’s vicious and hardcore ‘new’ anti-Semitism (assuming Brin could even begin to recognize it for what it is) and any other related odious left-wing fascist commentary of Stross’s. Not in a million years.

Years ago ‘Jewish’ genre editor and British academic Farah Mendlesohn came out in unambiguous, indisputable support for HAMAS in its jihadist war of 2008/9 against Israel. That’s what it means to actually sign a petition transparently and emphatically calling, hoping for Israel to lose a war against HAMAS (that the latter initiated of course. Check the link for the ugly details. I do not exaggerate in the slightest). Nothing but SILENCE in response from the genre community, complete desert silence. Total. This is more than half a decade back now. (How is this any different to signing a petition during WW2, calling for the Allies to lose the war to the Nazis?) When I finally publicized this at my blog, one witnessed a predictable response: Jew-hater Nick Mamatas alerted Farah M to the article and she thanks him for it (see the update in that self-same article), all the while oblivious to how that damns her (and him) even further. Geoff Ryman tweeted on it, in defense naturally of Farah M, who couldn’t possibly be anti-Semitic in his eyes, because she is Jewish and a friend of his. That was it! This is what I mean by the pervasive taboo against acknowledging the most deep-seated and horrific anti-Semitism from genre pros. And as I have pointed out elsewhere, it’s the Jews who are routinely the worst offenders in this regard.

I take it that the Jewish David Brin is not a reader, never mind a fan! of my blog. That’s for sure. Anti-Semitism among the genre Left? To David Brin, it’s like imagining llamas grazing in the woodlands of upstate New York. Simply Impossible or at best Irrelevant. At best. Maybe if he was even just an occasional reader of my blog, he might have stopped himself from signing a petition drawn up by Holocaust Denier/Revisionist Dave Truesdale. Well who knows?! I really can’t read David Brin’s mind. I don’t know how this guy thinks or reasons at all. Ditto the other genre Jews who signed that petition, from Harlan Ellison to Robert Silverberg, David Gerrold (one of Castro’s facebook crew) to Mike Resnick (daughter Laura has a berth on the Castro facebook canoe) and Barry Malzberg.

Brin has had no problems attacking comic book/graphic novel writer Frank Miller over the latter’s contempt for the Occupy Wall Street crowd, you know the anti-Semitic OWS, of which Brin naturally had nothing to say (not for nothing did Occupy Wall Street get a big cheer of support from the American neo-Nazi Party. Yes they did).

In fact Brin writes in that post of his:

Well, well. I’ve been fuming silently at Frank Miller for a years. The time’s come, so get ready for steam!  Because the screech that you just read – Miller’s attack on young citizens, clumsily feeling their way ahead toward saving their country – is only the latest example of Frank’s astonishing agenda. One that really needs exposure to light.

He’s been fuming silently at Miller for years, but what of Mieville, Stross, Mendlesohn, Kathryn Cramer, Nick Mamatas etc. and their extreme anti-Semitism? Among others. Well NADA on that front. No exposure to the light. Not at Brin’s blog. What else do you expect from a liberal American ‘Jew’? I can’t find any PUBLIC allusions by Brin to the late James P Hogan’s Holocaust Denialism (nothing on his blog, more than I can say for his firm rebuke of Miller), and of course Brin signed a petition drawn up by Holocaust Revisionist Dave Truesdale! As with Occupy Wall Street’s anti-Semitism, we have only silence on that front from David Brin. Worse, Brin comes to the defense of OWS, riddled as it is with so much anti-Semitic dross.

And Brin has the gall to complain about the Loony Left! Well only in the abstract. When it comes to the particulars, he is nothing but fawning to, and whitewashing of the Loony Left; from the anti-Semitic OWS to the now deceased Jew-hater Iain Banks and his fellow anti-Semitic Brit Charles Stross. David Brin whose opinions on Science and Society and Culture and Politics matter. So he thinks.

And Mieville, Banks, Stross and Mendlesohn are just conspicuous examples of anti-Semitic genre Leftists. Among So Many Others in the genre community. I mean these characters are just the rotten icing on the rotten cake. When can we expect some um facing reality here? From Brin and his ilk? When hell freezes over. That’s when. When Hapoel Tel Aviv Football Club wins the European Champions League – after knocking out Bayern Munich, Chelsea and Barcelona – that’s when.

Here is Adam-Troy Castro (again on facebook, entry pasted below. This is from last year) on Hollywood politics: sticking it to… conservative actors who allegedly complain that they’re not getting roles in liberal Hollywood because they are conservative. There may well be some validity to Castro’s points that he makes (if these actors are really saying that), if anything these actors are just elderly now, their time has past in youth obsessed Hollywood. Their politics are neither here nor there. I agree. Thing is there is a subtle point, a subtext beneath Castro’s pontificating that sticks in the craw, that I can’t let go of. I mean given the bigger picture…

What I mean is that Castro is choosing to stick it to the anti-Islamist and pro-Israel by the by gentile actor (of course he’s gentile and not Jewish) James Woods and the anti-Islamist and pro-Israel gentile (there we go again) Kelsey Grammer of Frasier fame, and the gentile (what you thought a Jew?!) anti-Islamist and pro-Israel actor Jon Voight. Voight has made no bones about the fact that Obama could care less for Israel and its struggle for survival (see a pattern here to which Castro is naturally oblivious? Castro knows whose politics he is definitely not on board with, or at least condescending of – the likes of Dan Simmons, Jon Voight, James Woods. You know Israel supporting Gentiles who don’t hide their contempt for the idiotic thug in the White House [even as Simmons admits to having blundered by voting for him in 2008!], and don’t feel the need to mollycoddle reactionary Islam). Castro’s crew joins in the fun in the comments to Castro’s facebook entry, includes Raymond Feist, (fantastic) artist Bob Eggleton, and liberal-American-Jewish (is that redundant?) writers David Brin, Janna Silverstein and NancyKay Shapiro. Among others. Some lame ad hominems directed especially the way of Jon Voight from one or two commentators. You know the pro-Israel gentile actors face this um snickering and smug dismissal from the Jewish writer and his facebook club. Never Jew-hating genre Leftists or Jew-hating Leftists period. So it appears. Just the ones who don’t hate the Jews, anything but, who face ad hominem scorn from Castro’s facebook crew, many of whom are noticeably Jewish.

Note how Castro (below) comes to the defense of Jew-hater Barack Obama, but what else to expect from the typical-American-Jewish-Democratic-Party-supporter no matter what. Yawn didn’t the Democrats get America into Vietnam and um weren’t the KKK rooted in the Democratic Party? Well yes. Guess it’s all changed now. They’re the party of love and non-racism. As Barack Obama proves. And they’re uh anti-war. Gaggffffwwwffrhahahaha Gag Gag.

Again from his facebook page.

Adam-Troy Castro
August 7, 2014 · Edited ·
Just found out that James Woods, an actor I love, tells his fans that the vast liberal Hollywood conspiracy keeps him from working.
Well, if this occurs now, it might have something to do with publicly declaring how fun it would be to watch Barack Obama die horribly, but in the meantime, he has in the last three years filmed four theatrical movies, a couple of TV movies, and been in three TV series.
Kelsey Grammer says the same thing. Same time frame, three TV series, one after another.
Jon Voight also claims that the Hollywood conspiracy keeps him from working. Four movies, multiple TV series appearances, all in the last few years.
These are not bad stats for actors as long in the tooth as these folks are.
When was the last time you busted your ass to get to a movie even in part because Jon Voight was in it? Was it, I don’t know, THE ODESSA FILE? When was the last time he was even an eminence for hire, really? MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE? TOMB RAIDER, of which it must be said, he had an “in?”
But he’s working. Steadily. In the ranks of actors, he has nothing to complain about.
Hatemongering birther maniac Victoria Jackson also claims that she is prevented from working. Since 2010, four movies. Incredibly. Victoria Jackson is working. Not just as a professional looney. As an actress.
Now, it DOES happen to be entirely true that much of their output, in movies at least, happens the be the kind of for-the-paycheck stuff that stars or near-stars might consider a come-down. If I told you the names of some of these movies, you would wince with immediate sympathy. But this happens to almost everybody, past their height of bankability. Robert DeNiro is still a star, more or less, and he hasn’t been great in a great movie for more than twenty years; Martin Scorsese has a new go-to guy, Leonardo DeCaprio, now. Burt Reynolds has been churning out dozens of pieces of crap since, you know, BOOGIE NIGHTS, because nobody has a great script for him and it is unclear that he would be up to it if it was provided. So?
The premise that the industry that continues to treat Clint Eastwood and Arnold Shwarzenegger as icons discriminates against conservative actors is beyond ludicrous, but the likes of Woods, Grammer, Voight and so on continue to play the persecution angle, hard, because it’s all they have. Voight in particular playing the pity-me card and blaming the current state of his career on Barack Obama is particularly insane when if you look at his filmography you can see that it was during the Reagan Administration that the great roles stopped coming for him. He was a star, a real star, from MIDNIGHT COWBOY to COMING HOME, and pretty much for only that long. After that, for better or worse, he was a character actor, and it’s *still* a career that ninety-nine percent of moonlighting waiters would kill for.

Now Castro and his crew stick it to Mel Gibson re the latter’s anti-Semitism in the comments (barely, I mean barely. Walking on eggshells there…), but he’s no liberal Jew hater! Gibson is just a redneck old fashioned Jew hater. So Safe to Skewer Him. Then again think Castro will ever publicly skewer Larry Correia for running to Mel Gibson’s defense as a matter of interest (by Correia running to actor Gary Oldman’s defense and rationalizations for Gibson’s unhinged bigotry)? I’m the only one who has done so. For the record.

Aside from Castro letting us know that he thinks Voight a little “insane” (to be fair to Castro, this has nothing to do with Voight’s politics on the Middle-East, Muslim radicalism, Israel, yet even so…), aside from the fact that he’s sticking it to actors who just happen to be going against the liberal grain of sticking it to the Joooos oh I mean the Joooo nation – and that means being courageous (by going public) and having a moral compass, kudos to them – aside from all that…

Why it sticks in my craw is this…

I mean when it comes to vocal and famous anti-Semitic actors and movie directors…

Here is Castro and his gang, who appear to get their news from the Daily Show or maybe just The NY Times and CNN (there’s a difference between them all?) blasting Oliver Stone over the latter outing himself as a Jew-hating Leftist, and the likes of Spanish actors Javier Bardem and his wife Penelope Cruz, letting us know just how they are typical left-wing anti-Semitic Eurotrash. Oh wait maybe not! [Click on the first link of this paragraph, it’s funny. And office safe. It’s a youtube video relax. A joke I repeat from here. I say relax because there are those who think I am an evil malicious fascist and my links are going to be ‘goatse’ or similar. John Scalzi among them. No kidding]

Have Castro, Brin, Gerrold and gang ever had one word to say publicly against Vanessa Redgrave, perhaps the most infamous anti-Semitic British thespian of them all (given the formers’ snide contemptuous dismissal of the politics of actors Woods, Voight, Grammer, all of whom dare support Israel by the by)? Actually David Brin’s late great father, Herb Brin did! Vocally. Yes against Vanessa Redgrave’s anti-Semitism. Herb Brin even dared to support Oh My God Jews living and building homes and orchards in places where they have had a presence on and off for centuries for over two and a half thousand years. Easily. (more than I can say for the conquest and settlement of America, Canada, Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina and the rest of Latin America, South-East Asia, India, Indonesia, the Polynesian islands by the British and Europeans but I digress) To most Lefties that would make Herb Brin a fascist. David Brin could learn a few things from his late father’s moral clarity and courage. We all could. I don’t except myself neither. David Brin I have a question for you: do you think your father, if he were still alive, would think much of your fawning all over a hardcore Jew-hating British genre writer – peas in a pod with his fellow Jew-hating Brit Leftist Vanessa Redgrave – upon said writer’s death? What do you think your late father would make of Obama and his fawning over numerous Jew haters foreign and domestic, and his treating Israel like dirt and making very clear threats against the Jew among the nations (as I write this up)? Well he’s not here to say…

And here is Adam-Troy Castro, again from his facebook page, an entry from April this year, making fun of the Puppies brigade with a satire/pastiche… It begins thus:

Captain Christian White, supreme commander of the LILY, put down his nutritious meal of American cheese on white bread, with extra mayo, and answered his buzzing intercom. He barked the standard protocol for answering every red alert on ship. “I’m not gay! Report!”

“I’m not gay, sir! We have a ship decloaking off the bow! Over!”

“I’m not gay,” he snapped back, buttoned his uniform, and marched in strictly regimented steps to the turbolift, where he stood resolute and firm-jawed while the cheerfully obsequious elevator boy used a lint brush on his manly shoulders, without being too gay about it.

His piece (I admit it’s kind of funny) gets the Pavlovian applause from his fellow Lefties on his facebook page naturally enough, Nora Jemisin and Laura Resnick among them. Castro like the good-liberal-American-Jew that he is, knows who to offend and who to flatter. Interestingly here is Israel-hater i.e. hardcore ‘new’ anti-Semite Charles Stross, giving Castro applause for that self-same satire. It’s not as if Castro would ever say anything that could offend the ‘new’ left-wing Jew haters (Jew nation haters that is) such as Stross; namely calling out all this left-wing anti-Semitism (anti-Israelism and anti-Zionism) that pretends it’s not anti-Semitism, for what it is. Castro would have to recognize the Jew-hating Obama administration for what it is, and given Castro and his ilk’s support for the Democrats, that is extremely implausible. If not impossible. This article of mine is the kind of satire that Castro is not capable of. This is exactly what I am getting at. I mock the Jew-hating and Islamophilic genre Left in that article, one could even see it as a companion piece to Castro’s satire. In fact Charles Stross himself even dismissed me as a bigot for that very satire of mine. Along with other genre anti-Semites such as Lavie Tidhar. Proving my point.

And to finish off, in line with the very title of this post: Adam-Troy and his facebook fan club of liberal-American-Jews-and-Righteous-Gentiles (David Brin included) are getting into Castro’s 1964 VW bus adorned with painted flowers and groovy mellow colours man, and they’re heading out to California, going to see some groovy bands you dig, maybe the Animals, the Temptations, Donovan and a young Mick Jagger. Going to smoke some reefer, get high, maybe hang out and party with some of the Hollywood set, Julie Christie, Elizabeth Taylor, Steve McQueen, Tony Curtis, Natalie Wood and Kirk Douglas fresh off his success from Seven Days in May. If they’re cool and make the right connections. And these genre Jewish hippies Castro, Brin and Laura R are cool man, you dig. They grok. Do you? Hear what the voice of the Who generation gotta say about what’s going down, there’s an escalation of US forces in Vietnam, that kid Bob Dylan and Joan Baez know where it’s at. Hey what about the marches in Selma? Castro and crew thinking ’bout going down Alabama way, heck in 1965 not an easy ride in a hippie VW bus! Get a lot of bad vibes. But Castro and gang feel maybe they should go, detour there on the way to Pat Brown’s California, even if it means getting their heads beaten in by the pigs in George Wallace’s Alabama. It’s not just about good times and Big Sur, acid and groovy chics. Walking the Walk, not just Talking the Talk.

They’re using the Time Machine, the one that works. To get back to 1965 I mean. They’ll buy the VW bus in ’65, it’s easier than getting it into the Time Machine from here. And finding one that still drives fine, especially one that’s half a century old! Coming to think of it, can I go too?! Back to 1965.

Can skip Alabama I must admit, I don’t have the stomach for it. San Francisco 1965, pre-AIDS, pre-poppers (nudge nudge wink wink joke, a little black comedy there), heck pre-Reagan (just), here Castro and gang come! Are you ready California, for the out-of-sight vibe of Castro and crew in their VW Merry Pranksters Bus.

California Dreamin’ 

For the record: The now elderly uh ‘Jewish’ Harlan Ellison never left 1965 or maybe 1970. His body may not be there anymore, but his mind certainly is. God I hope he doesn’t sue me now! Man the stuff that cat has gotten away with…

And Barry Malzberg: America got the far Left president you openly dreamed about and desired, decades back. Hope you are happy. And to the pedants: yes I agree that Obama has sold left-wing economic – that is fiscal and monetary – principles down the river in service to the corporations that run America. So what? Still a far Leftist, both in his attitudes, his make-up, his mentality, his background and his True Believer status. And those he has always and still surrounds himself with is the proof in the pudding.

Jewish Gen Xers have less excuse than the out-of-touch baby boomers, for ever voting for or supporting this Jew hater and narcissistic thug. Hey identity politics no matter what. Right? More in common with the likes of Brad Torgersen especially, than they can possibly know or begin to recognize.

Adam-Troy Castro, David Brin and the rest: I am not the enemy.

UPDATED (below)        14th June

No explicit or transparent responses from Brin, Castro and crew to this article. Not on Twitter or anywhere else. There was one cryptic Tweet from Castro a few days after this article went online (a Tweet from June 10th). It was only a few days after I published this article (June 8th – 10th) that interest in it peaked. Well relatively speaking. Here is the Tweet which may well be a cryptic reference to this article:

An argument should not be the occasion where you just keep repeating your opening premise, only louder.

If that Tweet is an allusion to this article (the Tweets from Castro immediately prior to and post that one can in no way be construed as an allusion to this article), all I can say is: is that the best you can do Castro? Well yes. Clearly. Yeah that really refutes the points I make in this article Castro. Then again – Don’t Think So. You wouldn’t even know what my article is about, going by that Tweet. Not even vaguely. If indeed that Tweet is alluding cryptically to this article.

From Brin there wasn’t even a cryptic Tweet.

If you could really show up or thought you could show up what I had written, Castro, Brin and crew, you would have replied in the comments. Nothing stopping you from doing so. Naturally Castro and Brin did not do so. Nor any of their like-minded gang. (well I didn’t get any comments so far) Then again, this is all so TABOO, so there you go. One assumes they are ‘aware’ of this article.

In fact Brin just keeps Recycling the Same Old Same Old, with this blog post dated June 12th. To be fair, he makes some good points about Republican Party corruption, but it’s the usual free ride/whitewash given to the Democrats. The Jew hatred endemic to the Obama White House, among many in the Democratic Party, its supporters, the American and Western Left…, to Brin this 6 ton mammoth appears to be just a tiny tiny ghost mouse. A phantom rodent invented by the neo-cons or some-such. And associated with this, to repeat myself, the whole ongoing Chamberlain act of Obama on Iran (and I don’t think that’s even fair on Chamberlain), the Jew hatred of the EU etc. – it’s just persistent deafening SILENCE from Brin. He’s at least consistent. Brin is a caricature of the willfully blind, willfully deaf and willfully dumb genius-in-his-own-mind-egghead American-liberal-Jew.

Castro himself would then show how he’s got the pulse on the SF politics zeitgeist – WHAT REALLY MATTERS – by blogging about SF’s 273rd nervous breakdown, itself the latest spillover from the Hugos 2015 farrago, namely Tor staffer Irene Gallo vs the Sad and Rabid Puppies. And how it spilled over, catalyzed Tor founder and president Tom Doherty giving Gallo a public dressing-down on the Tor publisher’s blog, and apologizing to the Puppies for “any confusion Ms. Gallo’s comments may have caused.” A review of this incident at gawker. Includes Irene Gallow’s facebook commentary, that sparked all the outrage.

Hey it’s what everybody in the genre community is talking about right now. Thanks for proving my point Adam-Troy. Also Troy blogs about it in his usual tangential style, never upfront and straight on.

All Irene Gallo would have to do to be left alone in facebook oblivion is to tell outrageous lies about the Jews, support BDS against the Jews and related  – oh wait I mean outrageous lies, demonization and BDS against the Jew among the nations – and then nobody would have made a fuss at all; and Tor boss Doherty would not have got involved and you wouldn’t even know her name (unless you had some business with Tor really or related). Rather than call a bunch of Rabid Puppies reactionaries “neo-nazi groups”, which is what she did. So it goes. And in that case, that is if Gallo had done the former rather than the latter, genre Jewry and genre folk as a whole would have nothing to say at all – unlike this latest Gallo vs the Puppies dust-up.

That’s just a facetious (obviously I’m not accusing Gallo of anti-Semitism here, I’m just saying IF she did rant about Israel in the Leftist Jew-hate fashion…) but very true hypothetical. As the facts in this article alone, and others on my blog, reveal easily enough.

“No reason to get excited,” the thief, he kindly spoke,
“There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke.
But you and I, we’ve been through that, and this is not our fate,
So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late.”

Bob Dylan
All Along the Watchtower (1967)

Comments Are Open (for a change)

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A Pox on both their Houses: Sad Puppies, Vox Day, Social Justice Warriors, the Hugos circus and the irrelevancy of a dying genre

Clowns to the left of me,
Jokers to the right, here I am,
Stuck in

the middle with you.

Yes I’m stuck in the middle with you,
And I’m wondering what it is I should do,
It’s so hard to keep this smile from my face,
Losing control, yeah, I’m all over the place,
Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right,
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

Stealers Wheel
‘Stuck in the middle with you’

This article is in some ways a follow up to this one of mine (published long before this whole Hugos farrago got going). It’s also a very lengthy article, and goes off on a number of deliberate tangents. Those tangents are relevant. And other genre bloggers have put up it would appear dozens of posts on this Hugos/Sad Puppies/Rabid Puppies circus, or several at any rate. Myself, just this one. And I haven’t blogged for over half a year. So forgive the length, but I wanted to cover quite a lot of bases. And in detail.

Yeah the Red Wolf is back, just to post up a very much belated article on the silly political nonsense of the Hugos 2015 circus, the whole ‘Puppies sabotage’ thing, from the increasingly irrelevant SF genre circus. I do so somewhat reluctantly and only because – as with the Dave Truesdale Petition affair – most people miss the bigger picture. And most everybody – the cultural relativist left-wing genre folk and their opponents, the conservative elements in American SF – engages in tu quoque argumentation, self-censorship, evasions, support for political gamesmanship and dubious ideology trumps all else, and the like.

As good a links round-up as any of this whole thing is from Mike Glyer, a noted SF fan in California at If you are really interested in what everybody across the political spectrum has to say about this absurd and pointless Hugo circus, just search and scroll through his blog during the relevant time period.

Glyer ought to be commended for trying to give as even and as fair and balanced an overview of this whole thing as anybody, by putting up links and overviews of what both genre liberals and conservatives were saying, as it all went down. As it goes down.

It even made news at the AV Club. And well everywhere else (the Guardian, New Republic, boingboing, the UK Telegraph among others).

Just some of the fall-out from all this is the withdrawal of two writers (Annie Bellet and Marko Kloos) of their respective nominated stories, because of the Vox Day and Rabid Puppies taint (can’t say I blame ’em) and the withdrawal of Black Gate magazine from the Hugos slate likewise. If one actually looks at the Sad Puppies nominees, for the most part, they appear to be non-political choices (I don’t mean all the nominees). I don’t see the nomination of BAEN editors and Larry Correia as necessarily political at all, although others naturally disagree. And they are just a small number of the total SP slate.

And the Red Wolf? What do I have to say? To get straight to the point, a pox on both their houses. The genre Left, always offended, shrill, and hypocritical, often enough putting far Left political folderol ahead of literary quality (never mind the Hugos, what of the Nebulas for that matter?) for years, and simultaneously deny doing so. Although this is certainly not always the case. No there is no conspiracy here, I’m not pretending there is one. It’s just that the Left have dominated the Hugo slates by their domination of the World Con memberships, ergo the Hugo voting dynamics. That’s just how it’s been or so it appears. And the ‘fight back’ folk led by conservative genre writers Brad Torgersen and Larry Corriea (that is Sad Puppies 3), allied with the likes of Vox Day and his Rabid Puppies (and Vox is simply beyond the pale, indisputably anti-black racist and misogynistic and homophobic), simultaneously and disingenuously pretending not to be allied with or associated with Vox Day and his Rabid Puppies slate when it suits them, and engage in the most pathetic apologetics for Vox Day’s bigotry by the by. Oh what webs we spin and weave…

Genre conservatives accuse the US genre Left of hypocrisy, saying the genre Left have had the Hugos in their park for years and loaded the nominations and awards accordingly. As such – so the accusations go –  it is galling and absurd for them to accuse their conservative opponents of cynical political gamesmanship.

The conservative and even arch-conservative push-back (Sad Puppies 3 and Rabid Puppies slates) against the genre Left, is perceived likewise as political and ideological axe-grinding, by the genre Left that is. Well this is debatable (given the Sad Puppies nominees taken as a whole), but who are the genre Left to complain? Neutrals such as myself may shrug our shoulders and say pot to kettle. Sauce for the goose and sauce for the gander. Genre conservatives argue – rightly or wrongly – that they cannot take the genre Left too seriously re their frothing and accusations about how the Hugos/WorldCon is being wrecked, sabotaged by the Sad Puppies and Rabid Puppies double team, when it has been wrecked by the not so innocent genre liberals for an age. Genre conservatives reason that, as with the Nebulas, the Hugos have been a joke for yonks, and for the same or similar reasons: arguably an ideological straight-jacket of the left-wing variety has been a prerequisite to ensure the Hugos have the right kind (as in the Left kind) of respectability, the liberal elite cultural stamp of approval.

I would argue that the SF genre is just an embarrassment, and awards shows only highlight the problem, they do not alleviate it, or necessarily sort the wheat from the chaff. It doesn’t matter one whit whether such award circuses are left-wing or right-wing oriented. But that’s by the by I suppose.

The real controversy here – that we mustn’t lose sight of – is the Vox Day thang, and indeed in this April blog post as much as any other, Larry Correia reveals his hand re Vox Day. That is as much as any other blog post at monsterhunternation re Vox Day/Theodore Beale, Larry C engages in the most mealy-mouthed apologetics and whitewashing of Vox Day’s bigotry. It is so unwittingly revealing, that I post up the pertinent commentary of Larry’s here (Correia’s commentary in pink text. My own commentary in reply is in standard black text and italicized):

Let’s back up. The reason Vox is so hated is that he is the only person ever kicked out of SFWA. He makes me look cuddly and diplomatic. He was expelled from SFWA because the powers that be decided he was a racist, in fact, it was so obvious that he was racist that it only took a thirty page thesis explaining how stuff he said was actually racist, including the leadership of SFWA searching through the vile cesspool that is Stormfront until they found some nazi skin head who used similar words, and then holding him accountable for things that posters said in his blog comments (us right wing bloggers don’t believe in censorship so we don’t “manage” or “massage” our comments like they do) then they kicked him out for misusing their Twitter account.

The reason Vox Day is so hated is not because he got kicked out of SFWA per se, but because he is a caricature of a John Bircher, a reactionary bigot. Correia puts the cart before the horse. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and ‘the powers that be’ happen to be right on Vox Day, even as they are routinely prejudiced in their own more (usually) sophisticated ways. Vox Day really is a racist, not because Social Justice Warriors and the mainstream genre Left say he is, but because his own words reveal him to be prejudiced against blacks, women and homosexuals. Given the reactionary bent among many conservatives, and genre conservatives at that, this doesn’t appear to be a problem to many of them. Chilling, but that’s the ugly face of much of political conservatism. Always has been.

Basically, he called Nora Jesmin an “ignorant half-savage” and that pissed everybody off. See, Nora, is a beloved libprog activist and Social Justice Warrior, and all the reports of her victimization at the hands of the villainous Vox usually leave out the parts where she’d been hurling personal insults at him for years. Myself? I thought that comment might be a bit over the line, but then again, Google search my name and see what the SJW’s have been calling me for the last few days. It is way worse that ignorant or savage, and I think I’m darker skinned than K. Tempest Bradford. I’ve yet to see any SJWs condemning those comments about me. Tolerance is a one way street with them.

Agreed Larry, the double standards with the SJW crowd and the genre Left reek to the skies. They are guilty of so many double standards that one cannot keep up. It’s far worse than Larry C even lets on. Let’s not talk about the Jew-hating mammoth in the genre Left’s room now. However this is an evasion from Vox Day’s bigotry. The expulsion from the SFWA, the Twitter account thing, what does this have to do with the fact that Vox Day is explicit on the point that he believes blacks to be inherently, intrinsically, genetically inferior to whites (just search Vox Day’s blog archives)? Oh nothing. That’s what I mean by transparent evasions and red herrings. Hey Larry is your wife (who you tell us you adore) up to speed on Vox Day’s misogyny? Are you? Or don’t you care?

I didn’t really know the guy that well before he started pissing so many people off, but having been character assassinated myself, I’ve learned never to take the internet’s word about somebody’s character. Having actually talked with, and then gotten into long arguments and debates with Vox, he is a contrarian, can be a jerk is extremely opinionated, but I honestly don’t think he’s a racist (He’s also not a white guy, but most of the people attacking him don’t know that). We’ve had some long, heated debates on different subjects now, but since I’m not a panty twisted liberal, I can handle differing beliefs.

It’s not about taking “the internet’s word about somebody’s character”. It’s about taking Vox Day at his own word, on blacks, gays, the female gender. One doesn’t need to talk with and debate Vox Day, not briefly and not at length. He is on record with what he has to say about blacks, gays, women. All at his blog. And none of it is pretty. And none of it Larry C ever *actually acknowledges*. Not in this post. And not anywhere else at his blog. Ever.

Larry C doesn’t think Vox is a racist, and plenty of my critics don’t think China Mieville, Iain Banks, Nick Mamatas, Lavie Tidhar, Charles Stross, Felix Gilman, Farah Mendlesohn, Kathryn Cramer, Paul Graham Raven, Hal Duncan, Richard K Morgan, Michael Cobley, Michael Bishop and many others are anti-Semitic in the slightest, despite of all the hefty evidence I give in this regard. And I’m just skating the surface of the genre Left’s ugly anti-Semitism. The surface. Well aware that Vox Day is Hispanic, so what? Since when is it impossible for Hispanics to hate blacks and vice versa for that matter? When has it been impossible for Hispanic men to have contempt for women? Is that something only white men can be guilty of? Well of course not. With anti-Semitism, even the Jews routinely are the worst offenders btw. See my first sentence in this paragraph. Larry C on Vox Day: “but I honestly don’t think he’s a racist”. That’s Vox Day whose opinions on black people is that they are indisputably and undeniably, INHERENTLY *BIOLOGICALLY* INFERIOR TO WHITES AND HISPANICS. I’m not a panty twisted liberal neither, as I am hated by the genre Left, the proof is in the archives of this blog. Yet that doesn’t mean there is no such thing as right-wing racism and prejudice! That doesn’t mean that only liberals are guilty of prejudice and bias. You would think it impossible for a right-winger or a right-wing genre writer to be racist, going by Larry C’s lame polemics quoted above.

We disagree about a lot. I disagree with him on some fundamental philosophy. His “rabid hateful” views on homosexuality match about a third of America, most staunch Catholics, and he’s far more moderate on the issue than any devout Muslim or average European villager. So I disagree with him, but he’s not the out there whackadoo his detractors make him out to be, but then again, these same people say I want to drag gays to death behind my truck, so take the hate with a grain of salt. He thinks I’m nuts on several topics, but the dude is smart, and he can write. As for the people saying he “bought” the awards… Holy moly, you’ve got no idea what his day job is. If the man wanted to simply buy votes, he’d be up for everything from Best Novel to Motor Trend Car of the Year.

Vox Day’s views on homosexuality may well be no worse than a third of America, and don’t compare to the rabid views on the subject by Muslim fanatics and even many ‘moderate’ Muslims. True enough but so what? That’s like saying the views on Jews in America are no worse and arguably not as bad as in Mexico and Brazil, never mind the views on Joooos in Egypt, Syria, Gaza and Saudi Arabia, where they are worse. They are still prejudicial views. Just because Vox Day’s views on gays are milder than the views of Muslim fanatics on homosexuals (Vox Day is not advocating hanging them after all), doesn’t change the fact that Vox Day is seriously homophobic (as are many conservatives of course, especially Christian conservatives). Degrees of bigotry and prejudice doesn’t mean there isn’t prejudice among those guilty of any said prejudice to a lesser degree. I don’t know if anybody is saying you, never mind Vox Day, wants to drag gays to death behind trucks, can you give us a quote? I’m not accusing you of homophobia, only Vox Day. And that doesn’t mean I misrepresent Vox Day’s views here, by saying falsely that Vox Day seeks to drag gays behind trucks, or in any way calls for their liquidation. Such lame and transparent straw man knock-downs by Larry C, from the fact that Vox Day is homophobic, and Vox Day has been called out on it by the (hypocritical) genre Left. Then again lame and transparent evasions and red herring argumentation are all Larry C has. I mean when you are defending bigots… Agreed that Vox Day, being super-rich, could do way more damage to the Hugos slates, in all likelihood if he really wanted to. Not relevant to the fact of Beale’s multiple prejudices.

So when I was putting together my slate and looking for ideas, I remembered his novelette that I read earlier that year. I was surprised by how good it was. I found it to be a really good story (it is actually about love and friendship, with a moral philosophy based on Thomas Aquinas, so not really what you’d expect from such a supposed hatemonger of hatey-hate). I plugged it to my fans earlier this year, which meant that a lot of them had read it as well. To be fair, it was only my second favorite work I read of that size this year, but that’s a tough one because I believe that Brad Torgersen is the best new sci-fi writer around. So I threw them both on the slate.

Vox Day is a hatemonger of hatey-hate. Liberal genre writer Michael Bishop is a hardcore Jew hater, yet he really has written some good science fiction, including fiction exposing anti-black racism. Dostoyevsky, T S Eliot, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Turgenev, Saramago, Louis Ferdinand Céline, Henry James, the young George Orwell and the young H G Wells (before he did a U-turn after the Holocaust) were all horribly anti-Semitic, but their writings are worthy and weighty, more than I can say for even the better science fiction. In other words, good art and personal prejudice can go hand in hand. Whether Beale’s story is any good or not, I wouldn’t know. Don’t read his fiction. I don’t actually have a problem with you throwing Vox on the slate, if you really believe his story is so good. And you are not playing politics here… That’s giving you the benefit of the doubt here, and I am being very very charitable on this front…

Yes, I will totally admit that I knew this would spur additional outrage. And oh, how I was proven right. His existence offends them. They aren’t going to read his work. They’re proud to admit it. In the spirit of the awards, a certain Tor editor—who has no problem marching with communists—is pushing for everyone to automatically vote No Award over Vox. Stay classy, noble Social Justice Warrior, but once again, there’s no bias.

Vox Day’s existence doesn’t offend anybody. His anti-black racism, homophobia and misogyny offends them. It offends me. Guess I’m a bleeding heart liberal now. I wouldn’t read his work, and not China Mieville’s neither. Then again most SF is dreck. Bias cuts across political divides. It’s not only Lefties who are guilty in this regard, as Larry C’s post amply demonstrates.

The thing is, even if what these people say about Vox is true,(and I personally think it is as grossly exaggerated as anything else these people decide to attack) what they’re declaring is that assholes can’t make good art… Well, the entire history of art would like to disagree with you.

Again and again and again, a red herring. It’s all Larry C has. Never mind the red flag of “I personally think it is as grossly exaggerated…” Assholes can and do make good art. The strange paradox of the human animal. Most usually they don’t. Gotta say I doubt Vox Day writes remotely good stories, but I may be wrong. I just don’t know since I haven’t and would never bother reading him. Actually most SF writers do not make good art, the ‘art’ of SF is woeful, woeful, woeful, whether the writers are conservative or liberal. Yet there are conservative and liberal genre writers who have written and write some good stuff, rare as it is. Very rare.

This blog posting from Correia (there is more at the link) typifies everything that is wrong with ‘mainstream conservatism’ just in genre circles alone. So if  the genre Left paint you pretty much all as bigots, can you blame them? Yes that’s the biased and routinely prejudicial genre Left and yes it’s hypocritical, but the genre Right (under the helm of the vocal and aggressive Correia) just put up that ‘kick me’ sign, all the while oblivious.

Brad T has a similar shall I say disingenuous post entitled ‘Sad Puppies: We are not Rabid Puppies’ from about the same time. Once again, nobody is saying you are Rapid Puppies. They are saying you are allied and associated with them, and have engaged in mealy-mouthed apologetics for Vox Day’s bigotry, in an attempt to make a KKK throwback more respectable and acceptable. Duh.

The genre Right though (and I’m not even going to bother too much directly with Vox Day and his crew, since they are beyond the pale, and unadorned bigots and I don’t write this blog for the diabolically deaf and dumb Vox Day fan club) as exemplified by Larry Correia and Brad Torgersen and their supporters, in running cover for Vox Day, have no more credibility than the far Left genre folk they have so much contempt for. The untenable denials and the most lame evasions from the fact that Sad Puppies – Brad T and Larry C and crew – have anything to do with Vox Day and his ‘white is right and might’ power type folk (yes I know that Vox Day is Hispanic, but he panders to ‘white power’ types) is undone by Larry C’s and to a large degree Brad T’s apologetics and whitewashing for even Vox Day’s worst prejudicial excesses.

Brad, Larry and defenders deny a common alliance or agenda. Even as their respective tactics and styles of operating are similar. Even as John C Wright and Tom Kratman were proffered on the Sad Puppies slate (yes amidst other writers, women included, who are not remotely conservative). Because nothing spells quality SF like Tom Kratman I suppose, right-wing ideology has nothing to do with it. Um right. And Holocaust Denier Dave Truesdale, for best fanzine. That’s Sad Puppies, not Rabid Puppies. Whilst Correia complains (link is to a very left-wing blogger) about the genre Left giving a Lifetime achievement award to a public supporter of NAMBLA, a highly regarded writer (easy to find out if you don’t know who it is. Reminds me I need to update a certain article with that info!), there is a Holocaust Denier on the Sad Puppies 3 slate. Naturally nobody else but myself points this out. Vox Day has even called Sad Puppies “allies”, and this some time after SF’s 74th nervous breakdown first made news. It was quite recent. Larry C and Brad T are nominees on the Rabid Puppies slate, although one could certainly argue that’s neither here nor there.

Fact is Brad Torgersen even put up this blog post (entitled ‘the Science Fiction Civil War’ from April 8th), that he later deleted (but the Internet, as Brad’s critics point out, does not forget so easily). Why delete it? What did he have to hide? What did he regret saying? However whether the Hugos discriminates against conservatives or not, the real thing (as far as the themes of this blog is concerned) is elsewhere. The Hugos allegedly favouring liberals over conservatives may or may not be a fair criticism, however it is a secondary factor. The real beef re the Sad Puppies and Rabid Puppies alliance is the need for Brad and Larry – at the forefront of Sad Puppies – and their crew to engage in apologetics, evasions, red herrings, irrelevant waffle, and ultimately whitewashing of Vox Day’s extreme bigotry. They wouldn’t even need to do so, if there wasn’t at least a loose and broad alliance, a common or shared agenda between the two Puppies camps. And there is. At least there certainly appears to be. It is however the apologetics for Vox Day’s indisputable bigotry that galls and offends, far more so than the alliance between the two Puppies camps re ‘taking back the Hugos’ in and of itself. And this is the real beef, the real ugliness.

As far as Truesdale is concerned, his fanzine may well deserve the nomination from the Sad Puppies slate. And thus I have no qualms with the nomination in and of itself. But it’s clear that his Holocaust Denialism just doesn’t bother anybody (not the Sad and Rabid Puppies crews), and not the SJ Warriors neither. And not the mainstream genre Left whatsoever. And not the shaking quaking cowardly genre Jews for that matter. Shaking and quaking, deliberately oblivious, even self-hating genre Jewry. The evidence I have for my assertions re genre Jewry and Truesdale alone is all here. That’s because anti-Semitism doesn’t bother anybody all that much, and genre Jewry – to repeat myself – are for the most part quaking cowards, have their heads so far up their asses, or are just self-loathing worms. Harsh assessment? Sure, but it is what it is. The archives of this blog provide all the evidence one could ever need for such an opinion. In spades. And spades. And more besides. And so much that remains unsaid…

Getting back to Beale/Vox Day and just how comfortable the Sad Puppies leadership and crew are to associate with him, here is Torgersen on the whole Vox Day issue, defending the indefensible politics/ideology of Vox Day, by not even vaguely acknowledging what the indefensible *actually is*. The article is entitled ‘Shunning and radioactivity’ and it is from more than a year ago now, April 2014. That is almost a year exactly before this whole Hugos 2015 circus got underway. And it is revealing of Torgersen’s persistent and consistently, infuriatingly miss-the-point red herring palaver that is his modus operandi and style. Always. As his posts a year later on Vox Day attest to, but will come to that.

Torgersen’s entire lengthy article linked to above (although it’s got nothing on this one!), is just a glaring evasion from all Vox Day’s ugly bigotry, which Torgersen can’t be bothered to even vaguely acknowledge in the article itself. It may well be wrong to shun Vox Day, as Torgersen reasons in his article, but not for the reasons Brad T gives us. The reason is simply because Vox Day is simply no worse than most, or at least very many of his liberal critics (see the archives of this blog for one and that’s just addressing the genre Left’s anti-Semitism, not the routine and rather ridiculous reverse racism identity politics and occasional misandry in the genre community, and especially among Social Justice Warriors). If we are going to shun Vox Day on account of his bigotry, then we will have to shun soooo many of the genre Leftists – Saladhin Ahmed, Charles Stross, Lavie Tidhar, John Scalzi, China Mieville, Nick Mamatas, Jim Hines, Farah Mendlesohn, Kathryn Cramer, K T Bradford etc. etc. – for theirs.  And that wouldn’t leave many standing! Well maybe some of the old school baby boomer liberals, but that’s about it.

The argument that Torgersen should have made re Vox Day, he doesn’t make at all. Namely the left-wing genre thought police are every bit as bigoted, or at least as delusional as Vox Day can be accused of being, but it’s NOT the argument made by Torgersen himself in his blog article. Torgersen came up with a false analogy, false in every way, in order to justify his stance re Vox Day. So Torgersen makes the wrong argument for what would, under the circumstances, arguably be the right thing to do. That is Vox Day should not be hounded out of US science fiction, because he is no worse, and no better, than his self-righteous ‘anti-racist’ racist critics on the genre Left. Best to do the reverse – and get out of the SF genre circus oneself, but let me not get too offtrack here…

Torgersen comes up with this analogy of the ‘Wandians’, a stand-in for the Mormons as he admits (Torgersen is a Mormon). Cutting to the chase of Torgersen’s analogy: the Mormons and the unfair prejudice/suspicion they face, historically and in the present day, something of course that Brad T has direct experience of, is equated with Vox Day’s plight in the vipers’ den that is the US SFF community. Hence we should not ostracize and demonize Vox Day, for the same reason we should not demonize and ostracize Mormons. The analogy is obviously false.


Well what does the very real prejudice, mistrust and the like that a group of people experience because of their religious belief (in this case the Mormons) or ethnicity or sexual preferences in other cases, have to do with  the very real bigotry (let us say the anti-black racism and misogyny) coming from a particular INDIVIDUAL? In this case of course Vox Day. Clearly nothing. It’s a false and frankly odious comparison/analogy. Vox Day is not facing ostracization, ‘shunning’, because he is Hispanic, or a male, because he belongs to a a minority group – religious, ethnic or other – that has experienced persistent and historical prejudice; it is because of his obvious anti-black racism for the most part, never mind his misogyny and homophobia, that he has been ostracized.

Yes it is hypocritical of the genre Left to ignore the prejudices in their own camp and point fingers at the conservative bigot, but that misses the point. Torgersen’s analogy (and a further one he prattles there re Star Trek) is plain wrong, in every way. It would be like saying because Native Americans face prejudice both in the past and in the present day (and they do), we shouldn’t shun or snub somebody because he considers black people inherently inferior to whites, and whose hostility to the female gender is pretty much in-your-face. In other words, Torgersen doesn’t even acknowledge in his blog article that Vox Day is being cold-shouldered and snubbed because and solely because of his unashamed and aggressive bigotry, not his belonging to some maligned creed/ethnicity/fringe religious group/sexual identity or some-such. Nowhere in Torgersen’s blog article does Torgersen even acknowledge what Vox Day has actually said – on the record – about black people or women for example. Never mind gays (yes I know Torgersen is a Mormom). Nowhere in Torgersen’s main blog article, does he even acknowledge any smoking gun quotes from Vox Day that utterly damn him in regards to his anti-black racism and misogyny alone.

Instead we get the book of Wanda/the book of Mormon, we get Klingons! vs the Federation.

Instead we get eggshell walking, evasions and less than frank admissions from Torgersen about what the whole Vox Day controversy is actually about.

Brad T’s blog posting (and further postings of his in the comments section to that blog entry) are just outright evasions at best, and worse, it’s apologetics and rationalizations for the indisputable prejudice coming from Vox Day. He doesn’t agree with Vox Day’s heated and over-the-top bigoted remarks, but refuses to call Vox Day bigoted. And he slyly does this by not bothering to acknowledge what Vox Day actually is on the record as saying re blacks, women and gays as a whole (yes I know the general Mormon attitudes here re homosexuality). It would be equivalent to a genre Leftist, defending the vicious anti-Semite China Mieville for example (never mind so many others) when confronted with the latter’s prejudice – and I have mountains of evidence for his anti-Semitism archived on this blog – by blabbering on about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, the historical mistreatment and demonization of Mormons, via a fictional stand-in of Wanda and the Wandian bible, and then to top it all off, the uh Klingons of the Star Trek Universe!

The glaring falsity of the analogy to any ethnic or religious or other minority group that serves as a scapegoat in American society, whether it be Mormons or Native Americans or whoever else, with the very real bigotry of Vox Day (and Mieville’s Jew hatred for that matter) is obvious.

Torgersen’s false analogy is why genre conservatives, who are effectively closing ranks here, and refusing to acknowledge Vox Day’s anti-black racism, homophobia and misogyny for what it is, do not have any moral high ground whatsoever. On the contrary, by defending the indefensible, in Torgersen’s case false Mormon and Star Trek analogies, that would be seen though by an intelligent seventh grader, one sinks to the same level as the odious and self-deceiving genre Left, always ready to defend and justify their left-wing genre colleagues’ reverse racism, misandry and in particular their anti-Semitism. As far as the latter is concerned, I am one of very very few pointing this out. And the only one blogging about it in detail.

And that Torgersen article was published a year before the current Hugos circus!

In the comments section to that blog article, it is worth reading the pertinent commentary from ‘Popguy’ and  ‘Harry’, for their forthright calling out Vox Day for the bigot that he is, and what Vox Day actually thinks about blacks and women, and how Torgersen’s posting is simply replete with wormy evasions of what the Vox Day controversy is actually about.

Putting Brad on the spot in other words, and not allowing Brad T’s whitewashing and evasions of Vox Day’s bigotry to stand. Brad responds in wincing ‘when in a hole, dig deeper’ fashion. Here is the relevant commentary:

  1. Harry: the way I look at it is, can the remarks be perceived as racist? Sure. But does this mean Vox himself is racist? I think Vox could have and probably should have used different words to criticise Jemison, but because Jemison herself likes to pick fights and use quasi-racist language (against caucasians) in the process, I look at Vox’s quarrel with Jemison as perhaps a wash: two people who have said (did say?) some unfortunate things, and neither of them seems entirely clean to me. If I seem like I am trying too hard to not label a spade a spade, it’s probably because racism to me is one of those fire alarms that should only be pulled when necessary. Right now cries of racism so perpetually flood our public communication, it’s like the little boy is crying wolf 900 times a second. Having witnessed actual racism against my spouse, I find Vox’s interactions with Jemison problematic. But then I find Jemison herselfproblematic too. If Vox had been picking a fight with someone I know does not herself go out of her way to pick fights, perhaps I’d have an easier time being critical of Vox? Since I was not party to the SFWA quarrel out of which Vox’s comments have been parsed (where Jemison is concerned) I try to resist the urge to condemn.

This was before it was common knowledge that Brad’s wife was African-American btw. It is frankly difficult for me to articulate the glaring cognitive dissonance revealed in that comment of Brad’s. He has one foot on a hot stove and another in a freezer and says, how the temperature averages out ok, I’m doing just fine. This is Brad’s style. Consistently. All of the time re Vox Day and related. Vox’s comment re Jemisin can be “perceived as racist” but doesn’t necessarily mean Vox is racist. ?? And because liberals are addled through and through with their own hypocrisies, moral and cultural relativist delusions etc. it’s not fair to condemn Vox Day. How pathetic and illogical (it’s a tu quoque argument), but that’s to be expected from Brad. I don’t care for the liberal zeitgeist neither. The genre liberals and in particular the far Left genre folk – Jewish and Gentile – positively despise me, the latter have attempted far worse (in the most pathetic fashion) and have accused me of far worse, than they did to say Resnick and Malzberg, and even Vox Day for that matter!

According to the world and ‘logic’ of Brad T, I shouldn’t dare condemn Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan, the KKK and the ‘fags burn in hell’ crowd because that would be pandering to the um liberal zeitgeist??! The only enemy is the Left. Always. And so anti-black and misogynist conservatives as allies. Just Fine No Matter What. Hey even if you have a black wife!

Actually Brad if somebody (Vox Day in this case) persistently spouts out prejudicial blather, doesn’t care for contrary evidence, just dismissing it out of hand, and does so year in and year out, then yes such a person is racist/prejudiced. If your enemies (real and/or imagined) have their own prejudices, and they certainly do; that doesn’t change the fact that their bête noire is actually prejudiced in this particular case. Did you mention this exact defense you made of Vox Day to your wife, Brad Torgersen?

What’s disturbing though about Torgersen’s false analogy re Wandians and Star Trek, although unsurprising, is how so many conservative genre fans have no problem with it and fail to see anything wrong with its transparent lack of logic so huge that you could steer an oil tanker through it, and a space shuttle besides. Witness all the thumbs ups at Torgersen’s blog and the fact that no genre pro or fan on the Right side of the fence, as far as I know, called Torgersen out on his fallacious Mormon analogy. This isn’t rocket science. This kind of thing would naturally repeat itself roughly a year later, but will come to that…

At least Brad Torgersen acknowledges (albeit very reluctantly and only when it is pushed into his face), that Vox Day has said bigoted things. Larry Correia likewise once acknowledged vaguely and indirectly, that Vox Day did use a racist slur, in the same context that was Vox Day’s tiff with N K Jemisin. Yet to Larry C, Vox Day’s bigotry is just “exaggerated”. And Correia repeats this mantra over and over, Beale’s bigotry isn’t there, it’s just “exaggerated”. This is akin to calling the anti-Semitism of Mieville, Charles Stross, Nick Mamatas, Ken McLeod, Lavie Tidhar, Kathryn Cramer, Paul Graham Raven, Michael Bishop, Anna Tambour, Farah Mendlesohn and the late Iain Banks… exaggerated. Notice how many of them are Jews… And these characters are just a very small sample from the genre Left alone.

As far as the spat with Jemisin is concerned, Vox Day used the term ‘savage’ in a knee-jerk fashion because and only because Jemisin is black. It’s not as if that is all one has, the only smoking gun re Vox Day’s racism. Hardly. That remark of Vox Day’s (‘savages’), has to be seen in context of everything else he has written about what he perceives as black people’s intrinsic inferiority. Torgersen ignores everything that Vox Day has written about blacks. It’s all negative, all of the time. In other words, Vox Day’s remarks on blacks are racist. Vox Day is adamant that black people are inferior to whites and Hispanics. He has never hidden how he feels here. Torgersen addresses none of this. He evades it altogether.

Here is a typical examplee from Beale

From the link (the genetic and racial allusions by Vox Day is to Nicholas Wade’s controversial book A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History), Beale writes:

Does this mean that all African-Americans are prone to violence? No, it proves the exact opposite. The vast majority are not. But it does mean that with regards to this single factor related to an individual’s ability to control his own aggression, an African-American male is 50 times more likely to have a genetic handicap in comparison with a white male. Therefore, social policies that blithely assume that African-American males have the same intrinsic ability to control their aggression as white males are not only unscientific, but can be reliably predicted to fail. That is just one significant genetic distinction that has been discovered. There will be more. There will be many more.

Ironic to see somebody such as Beale – who pretends to be critical of scientific reductionism and scientific materialism – engage in a highly dubious reductionist and sociobiological argument to justify his racism. I’m probably, possibly, the only one to point this out. People are easily bamboozled by the use and misuse of genetics to bolster their prejudices, because who understands this in nitty-gritty detail, even in vague outline? Very very few, and hardly any among the genre Left (and Right). And that’s why the likes of Beale employ it. The irony lost on him is that Wade’s ‘science’ (and others of his ilk) is just the latest incarnation of social Darwinism, the kind of social Darwinism that gave us eugenics and underlay Nazi ‘science’. Beale amusingly enough is a critic of orthodox evolutionary theory, never mind social Darwinism.

Here is a detailed review by Greg Laden at the American Scientist debunking Wade’s book and his racist ‘genetic science’, truly pseudo-scientific palaver (recommended).

There is actually way way way more wrong to Wade’s baloney than Laden and others point out, one could write up a massive encyclopedia on all that is wrong with Wade’s ‘reasoning’ and ‘science’. One can get on to the hard problem of consciousness, the fact that consciousness cannot be reduced to genetics and gene products, it is way way more than that. And consciousness and so-called intelligence go hand in hand of course. So much more. Wade’s (and Vox Day’s) reasoning here is ‘not even wrong’. It is so way beyond wrong.

As with Torgersen, Correia can’t be bothered with addressing what Vox Day actually writes about blacks (the problem there – in the linked blog entry – is not the silly and ridiculous debate itself that Vox Day quotes from, it’s Vox Day’s own commentary on African-Americans in response to that debate that is eyebrow raising) and women alone. Of course as soon as one does acknowledged what Vox Day actually writes about blacks and women (never mind gays), then the only way to defend those indefensible prejudices, is by sinking into prejudice itself. Correia, like Torgersen, thus avoids that trap (defending the actual indefensible remarks/comments of Vox Day’s) by not ever quoting Vox Day’s most egregious commentary in this regard, and getting to grips with what he actually says. Correia, as with Torgersen, just doesn’t go anywhere near what Vox Day actually writes about blacks, women and gays for that matter. The easier to whitewash why Vox Day is considered persona non grata, namely for very good reasons. Yes it’s all so hypocritical, given the genre Left’s multiple prejudices (including of course their anti-Semitism that doesn’t bother anybody really, least of all genre Jewry) but this also misses the point.

Yes I repeat myself. I plead guilty to that.

And Larry C and Brad T do not address Vox Day’s actual remarks on women. And if you don’t have problem with Vox Day’s remarks on women, you are a misogynist yourself or in serious denial at best.

So conservative SF writer Sarah Hoyt (SF’s very own Ann Coulter. I don’t mean that as an insult nor a compliment, just an observation) by engaging in apologetics for Vox Day – she whitewashes his odious commentary re blacks/African-Americans – defends the indefensible in the process, as much as Correia, and to a degee Torgersen. This was likewise last year, way before the latest dingaling. Never mind the fact that Hoyt is sticking up for a misogynist. The enemy of my enemy is my friend blah blah. So the thinking goes. On both sides of the ideological divide. The straw man that I expect to be bleated in protest here: ‘Vox Day just doesn’t care for militant feminists, that does not make him a misogynist’. Thing is that would be a straw man. I don’t care for militant feminists, my blog article/s gives all the evidence for that. Vox Day though does not think much of women as a whole. He has serious issues with the female gender.

This commentary that I quoted at Brad T’s blog was all some time of course before the latest Hugos circus and Sad Puppies 3. But so what? Here (from April 14th 2015) amidst the fever pitch of the Hugos & SP & RP brouhaha, Brad does so defend Vox Day once again, in a blog post entitled ‘Tribalism is as tribalism does’. Torgersen promises to actually address the Vox Day controversy and issue. And naturally it’s the same old Brad with the same evasive false analogy and metaphor bullshit and waffle, that has nothing to do with anything re the Vox Day multiple prejudice charges. So here Torgersen just repeats his lame MO. That is he addresses the Vox Day thang by not addressing it all. Not At All. Brad T’s blog post is replete with banter about Visigoths, the tribal brothers in arms camaraderie of the US Army, whatever the different ethnic and class backgrounds of its soldiers, tensions and hostilities among and between different black African tribes, ethnicities and nations, and whatever other irrelevant palaver. Nothing about Vox Day and the latter’s ACTUAL prejudicial remarks. Such transparent red herrings, such woeful evasions had his echo-chamber crew cheering. I did actually leave a comment there under the name ‘Lawrence’. Here it is again (in italics):

Lawrence says:

Your lengthy posting on Tribalism (in and out of the genre community) Brad is a red herring. You don’t bother to get to grips with what the controversy over Vox Day is all about, namely his anti-black racism, never mind his misogyny. You try slip out of it by saying in so many words, ‘well what some consider racism or prejudice is not always so, often just tribalism and simplistic stereotypes blabla. Depends on context, things are more nuanced and complex in the real world blabla.’
Straw man Brad, that’s what your whole post is. All of it. There are actual standards for prejudice that have nothing to do with SJW moral relativism, and their own brands of bigotry. If we pretend no standards, then we are left with the kind of cultural and moral relativism that so suffuses the SJW crowd.

There are standards and whilst some of the lines are certainly blurred, there are lines. There are absolutes when it comes to bigotry of all stripes and persuasions.

You think white people are superior to black people, or Asians superior to whites or vice versa, then that is plain bigotry. It’s not nuanced or complex or debatable. And Vox Day considers whites superior to blacks on the genetic and intelligence level, and justifies his racism by appealing to racist or prejudicial pseudo-scientific blather of the Nicholas Wade variety. Naturally to Vox Day and those like-minded, such pseudo-science is science. One can write a book on all that is wrong with Wade’s pseudo-scientific posturing, and the stupidity of IQ testing and its meaninglessness and absurdity (see the late S Jay Gould’s ‘The mismeasure of man’ for one). Torgersen mentions none of this. Namely what Vox Day’s racism is all about. You Mr. Torgersen don’t quote any of his remarks on blacks/African-Americans, when that is the beef, that is the heart of the matter. Beale does not hide his belief on the innate inferiority of people with black African genes and ancestry, he is open about it, and appeals to science. Well he has to, what else can he appeal to? The Nazis also appealed to science, when justifying their belief in the innate inferiority of Jews, Roma, and blacks for that matter. Many scientists and doctors especially, supported the Nazis and are complicit in their mass murder.

I’m not saying Torgersen is bigoted, I’m saying Vox Day is. And you continue to evade it, deflect it, ignore it Brad. That’s the thing. Going on about the bullying, lying and yes bigoted SJW crowd is just a transparent evasion. Fact that you are married to an African-American woman is not your get out of jail free card. Fact is it is neither here nor there. And frankly it can easily be used as a smokescreen. Smoke and mirrors distracting from Vox Day’s undeniable prejudice.

Nowhere do you Brad, and as far as I can see, nobody in the comments neither, actually bothers to quote Vox Day on the subject of blacks/African-Americans. It’s standard reactionary bilge from Beale. And yes bigoted bilge. Maybe that’s why you don’t bother acknowledging what Beale actually writes here? You haven’t addressed Martin at all (and I don’t share Martin’s politics, and Martin is full of it because he ignores the transparent bigotry of his fellow left-wing progressives. And just in the genre community alone. However that’s not the point) because you haven’t addressed the Beale/Vox Day issue at all.

Talking about tribalism, and army comradeship and camaraderie, no matter the background of its soldiers, and how all people all over the world stereotype others, does not address the fact that Vox Day believes that white people and Asians (and clearly Hispanics, since Beale is one, at least in part) are superior to black people, and he believes this inferiority of blacks is innate, genetic. Vox doesn’t hide that he believes it neither. He is proud and open about it. This is prejudices plain and simple. This is KKK logic, it is yes gasp the logic of Nazi ‘science’, the logic of social Darwinism. The lines are not blurred here, there is an indisputable line when it comes to prejudice and Beale crosses it as much as any Social Justice Warrior can or does.

The few responses to that comment of mine were predictable (just a pedantic correction: I should have written that Brad T’s entire post is a red herring, not really a straw man, even as a straw man argument is a kind of red herring). Check for yourselves. One from ‘Kent18’ saying that I was the one indulging in evasions and distractions that had no bearing on the matter to hand, that there’s no need for Brad to address the charges of prejudice against Vox Day. Even as Brad T claims he is doing just that – addressing the Vox Day controversy – in the very blog entry itself, whilst not doing that at all. Logic is not a strong suit with ideologues, on both the Left and Right.

One response from James May (whose writings on the hypocrisies and prejudices of the far Left genre twits I have commended at this blog), who continued to miss the point. Sure I’m sooner to be banned from the Social Justice Warriors blogs in short order than from Torgersen’s for a dissenting opinion, but that is not at all relevant to the point I was making.

James May’s very modus operandi – since the whole Puppies controversy re Vox Day began this year – is a persistent evasion (certainly for the most part) of Vox Day’s prejudice and Correia and Torgersen’s apologetics in this regard. Instead May – who says he is not a conservative and I take him at his word here – focuses solely and exclusively on the far Left genre community’s reverse racism identity and gender and sexual politics, and their ideological straitjackets. Nobody else is actually doing it. Yet May who is all over Correia’s and Torgersen’s blogs with this kind of stuff (and elsewhere), obsessively so, is guilty of pandering to a conservative and frankly reactionary audience. He doesn’t see it, it’s his blind spot, because he has decided to focus on the ‘enemy’ that is the genre’s far Left and even mainstream Left nitwits (the lines are blurred there, and overlap). Everybody else (on the Right side of the genre political circus) is either irrelevant or a potential/actual ally. That’s a mistake. But there you go. I just want to give a concrete example here: May has made a bigger fuss, and poured way more scorn and mockery on N K Jemisin over her commentary on white people, than he has on Vox Day re the latter’s prejudices. Yet Jemisin’s commentary on whites is not nearly as offensive and disgusting as Vox Day’s on blacks. It’s not even a contest. One may object that I pour way more scorn on the genre Left than I do on Vox Day. This is true, but the difference is that I do pour unequivocal scorn on Vox Day. I just don’t think there is a general need to focus on him, since his bigotry is well-recognized. He is notorious. Whereas the genre Left get away with their prejudices, they are swept under the carpet – and so I focus on just a small part of the heaped dust and dirt under the carpet. Their anti-Semitism is ignored in direct proportion to its pervasiveness and deep-seatedness from within the genre community alone. And for that matter the Western Left outside the genre community! Thing is James May is giving a free ride (by indulging in a heavy tu quoque argumentation: pasting up of genre SJW Tweets that are prejudicial or cultural relativist, and the like) to Correia and Torgersen, as the latter engage in the most mealy-mouthed and odious apologetics for Theodore Beale’s John Birch routine.

The other poster ‘keranih’ responding to my comment quoted above, inadvertently proved my point. It is one giving the thumbs up to Vox Day’s anti-black bigotry as legitimate and reasonable and grounded on scientific facts (and thus according to the logic of ‘enlightened and scientific’ bigotry – see eugenics, social Darwinism and Nazi so-called science – not bigotry at all). Note this is at Torgersen’s blog, not Vox Day’s blog. Nobody had any criticisms to make of that bigoted post by ‘keranih’. At Torgersen’s blog. Not Torgersen neither.

So with Brad T, we get an exact repeat of the evasive and the irrelevant at the time of the Hugos SP and RP circus, as we did a year ago re Vox Day (the ‘shunning and radioactivity’ blog post). Namely this time around, Brad T addresses the Vox Day issue, or rather does not address the Vox Day issue by blabbing on about Visigoths, the tribe that is the US Army, tensions between different African ethnicities; in the same way that he did not address the Vox Day issue, by blabbing on about Wandians/Mormons and the Star Trek Federation a year earlier. See a pattern here? A year from now, Brad Torgersen will address the Vox Day issue – as in not address the issue – by blabbing on about the English Civil War, the prejudice faced by Quakers in 19th century America, the divisions between different North American tribes in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the South African Mfecane (Zulu conquests of other Bantu tribes) from the early 19th Century, the tragic Hutu-Tutsi divisions in present day Central Africa, along with the Sinhalese-Tamil divisions that have paved the way for Sri Lanka’s civil wars. Maybe he may add Belgian waffles into the mix for good measure. And as a last resort, there is always the tu quoque argument.

One has to ask: is Brad Torgersen just disingenuous, or is he just not too bright, or has he just painted himself into a corner, out of a misguided and ridiculous political and/or ideological allegiance? Or is it all three factors? No I personally rule out Brad being stupid. He isn’t. Can he just not say one bad word about anybody? Ever? I have to remark that I don’t think Torgersen is bigoted at all against Africans/blacks for one. And the Social Justice Warriors painting all the Sad Puppies and their supporters with the same brush, isn’t fair nor accurate. It is way more nuanced and complex than that. I think Torgersen has just blundered by making a tactical, or rather perhaps strategic alliance with Vox Day, for what he considers ‘the greater good’. Tribalism is as tribalism does. Indeed. Torgersen goes on and on about tribalism because he is as caught up in it as anybody in the genre community, against what would otherwise be his better judgement. It’s a projection. This is an all too human error. We all make it. Yet Torgersen doesn’t appear to see it at all.

The always aggrieved Larry ‘don’t fuck with me’ Correia put up a post entitled ‘I’m not Vox Day’, also when things were flying most thick and fast re this whole Hugo thing. Although who knows what lies in store! I can’t keep up and I’m not really bothering…

The very title is predictably disingenuous. Nobody is saying that you are Vox Day, not any of the equally perpetually aggrieved and ridiculous Social Justice Warriors, and not the mainstream genre Left. They are saying that you associate/have associated with, and defend, excuse, whitewash and justify Vox Day’s most offensive beliefs and prejudicial opinions. And they believe you don’t appear to have too many qualms about his tactics and ploys re the Hugo slates and the Hugo ‘takeover’ itself. This latter point may or may not be a fair or accurate criticism (or partially so), given how what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. I don’t care one way or the other here. To me, that’s a distraction from the real beef. The real thing, the thing that concerns this Red Wolf blogger, is the criticism they direct your way, that ideologically and politically you are closer to the reactionary bigot Vox Day than you pretend. And ideologically closer because you whitewash and rationalize Vox Day’s bigotry.

So as with your brother in arms, Brad T, your whole post, its very title, is a distraction, an evasion, an obtuse red herring. Interestingly, in the comments to Larry’s ‘I am not Vox Day’ blog posting, there are a number of people who choose to stick up, defend as legitimate and cheer for Vox Day’s controversial and more to the point, prejudicial opinions. One cannot hold that against Larry C (one is not responsible for the comments people leave at one’s blog), and yet they do appear at Larry C’s blog sans criticism from Larry C. Why are these bigoted Vox Day fans so comfortable posting their thumbs up for Beale’s bigotry at Larry C’s blog, and why do they receive no criticism from Larry C himself? That’s of course a rhetorical question. The answer is that the Vox Day fan club (and I mean fans of Vox Day’s um ‘scientific’ bigotry, never mind his misogyny and homophobia) see Larry C rationalize, excuse and dismiss the charges of Vox Day’s racism as nothing of the kind. As unfair and “exaggerated”. Exaggerated Exaggerated Exaggerated. And so they know Larry Correia is giving them his stamp of approval. They are not beyond the pale, since Vox Day is not beyond the pale. Larry C has used that very word, ‘exaggerated’ re Vox Day’s prejudices, several times over. I have noticed. So have others. He consistently denies that Vox Day is a bigot.

The double standard here, re Larry C’s apologetics for Vox Day’s bigotry and his no-holds-barred and undisguised contempt for the genre Left, is glaring and obvious. Look at how Larry C launched himself – ‘Fisking the Guardian’s Village Idiot’ in two parts, from June 2014 – at the left-wing fascist The Guardian’s SF man Damien Walter (this argument had nothing to do with the latest Hugo Circus, it was long before then). Walter a standard reliable voice of the idiot British genre Left. And that’s just Walter (who once remarked on Twitter that I was a weird or strange dude, which if you come to think of it is one of the least insulting things I have heard directed my way, from the genre Leftists). Not that Walter didn’t deserve much of the contempt hurled his way from Correia. He certainly did, given some egregious misrepresentations that Walter had written on Correia. However, there is the revealing remarks – we see this time and time and time again – that Correia makes on Vox Day in his heated replies to Walter. Walter had rightly called him out on the Vox Day thang, even as Walter writes for a Jew-hating left-wing fascist rag, and is all buddy buddy with the Jew haters of the genre Left. That’s ok see?

Before I get on to the Vox Day thang… again, just a deviation: To give you an idea of Walter’s typically left-wing Guardian style oblivious hypocrisy, he sees himself as so tolerant of sexual diversity and proclivities, like a typical liberal (eg. his article ‘Science fiction needs to reflect that the future is queer‘), at the same time, as with all the Guardianistas, murderous, extreme homophobia in the Muslim world and among Muslim communities in the UK appears to be a big yawn. Hey that’s their own wonderful culture and their own business I guess. Walter is more critical of Larry Correia for Correia’s criticisms of Alex Dally Macfarlane’s vision of ‘post-binary gender in SF’ (check the Walter linked Guardian article directly above), than he is of the Jew hatred as Middle-East reporting and analysis from the rag he works for, and the Jew hatred rampant among the British genre Left alone (see the archives of this blog). I just thought I would give it that spin, because nobody else would…

One wonders if Damien Walter would ever lecture the mullahs, Muslim clerics, Muslim governments and the Arab street – the murderous homophobia in Muslim society and yes Palestinian society itself is neither here nor there to these ‘gay rights’ Leftists – never mind Hezbollah, HAMAS and Fatah, from the pages of the Islamophile the Guardian, on the need to “reflect that the future is queer” and the need to embrace a vision of ‘post-binary gender’? One wonders and wonders… One wonders if Damien Walter would ever lecture the newspaper he writes for, on the need to tone down its Jew hatred (as if he would even begin to recognize new anti-Semitism for what it is in the first place).

The thing is – getting back on track – Walter makes at least one valid point in his criticisms of Correia (so much else is ridiculous, bizarre and harebrained in Walter’s criticisms and commentary – as you would expect from a Guardian ‘journalist’): Correia is not doing himself any favours running cover for a bigot like Vox Day. Now Walter doesn’t mention Beale/Vox Day by name, it’s all implicit (at least it was way back when). One can object that supporting Vox Day for a Hugo nomination, or any award nomination, does not mean that translates to an endorsement of Vox Day’s politics or ideology; art is one thing, politics/ideology another entirely. One may recommend the writings of everybody from Louis-Ferdinand Céline to Nathaniel Hawthorne and Ezra Pound’s and T S Eliot’s poetry, it does not mean one is endorsing their considerable anti-Semitism (unless one does so of course!). The thing is Correia in his response to Walter, only muddies the waters… And there is the rub.

Just follow the links above to the two part ‘fisking’ by Correia of Walter for what I am getting at. I don’t want to repeat myself too much, and this is a lengthy article, so let me just say here that Correia just gives us the same evasive maneuvering, the same old whining about SJ Warriors, making excuses for Vox Day’s racist attack on N K Jemisin, and excusing his unambiguous prejudices as nothing of the kind. The exact and identical wormy and pathetic apologetics he would give the following year (this year, at the height of the Hugos Puppies circus) re Vox Day’s bigotry. Like Torgersen – whose style is very different and rhetorical sleight of hand also somewhat different (Torgersen isn’t in-your-face like Correia for one) – it is just a 100% Reload, Recycle and Repeat. Same Old Same Old. A Tune that never changes. Not a single note.

Although I gotta say, nobody else has exposed this twit Damien Walter as Correia has (having nothing to do with Vox Day). Over here Correia exposes Damien Walter for lying/libel regarding Baen editor and publisher Toni Weisskopf. Walter just made up out of whole cloth a Weisskopf ‘quote’ and pathetically tried to distract Correia’s attention and others from his lying by blabbing on about Star Wars and definitions of science fiction. It didn’t work. Shocka Guardian journalist caught making stuff up. And trying to wheedle his way out of it by the most vague and lame distractions. If you don’t know about it, check that link for how the lying genre Leftists like Walter operate. One almost feels sorry for Damien there, as he is humiliated. Repeatedly. Then again, that kind of left-wing modus operandi, demonize your enemies by making stuff up about them, whilst whitewashing everything and everybody else, is how you get a job at the Guardian as a ‘journalist’ in the first place. Or at least how you keep it.

Actually this Walter-Correia feud is  a good case study for universal standards and principles re genre politics. What I mean is one needs to call out Correia for his whitewashing of Beale’s bigotry, whilst simultaneously calling out Walter for his libel, his outrageous lying on Weisskopf (among plenty of other dubious claims and assertions from Walter, but the Weisskopf whopper is a big one). Now who would do that? Only somebody free of ridiculous ideological allegiances to Left and Right. So pretty much very very very few in the genre community!

Both liberals and conservatives ought to read or re-read Gulliver’s Travels. Not that it would make a difference I know. One has to have the eyes to see. There is a lesson there about the Lilliputians and breaking one’s breakfast egg from the bottom or top end, that applies to genre (and non-genre) ideologues today, as much as in any other age.

At least Larry C and George RR Martin (just Google it if you don’t know about it) had a long but civil disagreement in respective postings at their blogs (then again Martin was far more reasonable and measured and polite, and the topic was entirely different, the Hugos 2015 fandango) on the whole Hugos/SP/RP circus. Bottom line is Larry C engages in apologetics for Vox Day’s ugly bigotry, plain and simple, and then cries in the most pathetic disingenuous manner ‘I’m not Vox Day’. And George RR Martin wouldn’t know left-wing fascism if it sat on his lap and asked him for a smoke.

Hey take the scenario where any Joe Soap defends Barack Obama on his disgusting and fawning Iran policy (equivalent to if not surpassing Neville Chamberlain’s appeasement of Hitler), you know the one that’s happening RIGHT NOW – a policy that imperils the Jews with a nuclear holocaust, and makes it very clear that Israel is all on its own. And imagine if our hypothetical Joe Soap (of course there are real people who defend Obama’s Iran policy) were heavily criticized and mocked for it (and rightly so), Joe Soap then responded with the line ‘I am not Barack Obama’. That’s really equivalent to what Larry C is doing. He gets his rage on, runs to the defense of a far right bigot, and pretends his bigotry nothing of the sort (it’s just exaggerated); and then when he gets called out on it, acts the innocent, and puts on his pathetic hard-done-by-poor-me-why-pick-on-me act.

There is so much prejudice to go around, among both the Left and Right, in and out of the genre community.

Naturally Larry Correia doesn’t bring up all this justification, lame excuses and apologetics for Vox Day’s prejudices in his ‘I am not Vox Day’ blog posting. As if that isn’t what all this heated and shrill controversy is about, at least to a very large degree. Or what it should be about at any rate.

Larry C has never condemned or made it clear that he sees Vox Day as a bigot. Not ever. That is the thing. And bigoted Beale fans are very comfortable posting at Correia’s blog, they are not unwelcome there, as a rule.

Over at the conservative PJMedia Charlie Martin had a fairly balanced article on the Hugos Circus, albeit leaning in defense of Sad Puppies 3 and Corriea. Martin even commended the very liberal Mary Robinette Kowal’s ideas on how to resolve the political impasse of WorldCon and the Hugos voting. Martin makes it clear he considers Vox Day a “dolt”. And for that he earned the opprobrium of PJMedia commentators who rush to Vox Day’s defense. Vox Day, SF’s supreme John Bircher, is the truth teller to power to conservatives commentating at PJMedia (How do mainstream conservatives at a non-SF conservative political opinion news site even know about this or have an interest? So I assume a lot, most commenting there, were trolls). The posts defending Vox Day get the biggest thumbs up. Disgraceful but that’s the real and ugly face of conservatism. Martin is clearly horrified but I’m not surprised. This is not a sleight on PJMedia, but on the many who comment on the articles.

Here btw is Larry Correia back in June 2014 giving his thumbs up to actor Gary Oldman outing himself as a reactionary unvarnished anti-Semite (the latter sticking up for poor innocent Mel Gibson, the innocent Catholic crucified, cast into the wilderness, ostracized by those monied and powerful Hollywood Jews. And for what trumped up crime in the first place? Yes I’m being very facetious). It’s from an interview Oldman did with Playboy, that caused such a huge stir and blow-out.

So Correia runs cover for the bigoted Vox Day, and then gives the thumbs up, the big cheer to Gary Oldman outing himself as a bigot, as an anti-Semite, defending the psychopathic Holocaust Denying ‘the Jews killed Jesus’ Jew-hater Mel “F*****g Jews… The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world” Gibson. 

That ‘the Jews killed our saviour Jesus’ mantra that is The Passion of the Christ, is just a resell of that old hoary Christian blood libel that would pave the way for the ostracization, discrimination, oppression and demonization of Jewry, and  the inevitable European Christian pogroms, massacres, scapegoating and expulsions of self-same Jewry. For centuries. See for example the Christian James Carroll’s book Constantine’s Sword: The Church and the Jews (that has Jew-hating Christians up in arms, when not ignoring it).

This defense by Correia of the bigoted actor Gary Oldman’s reactionary and implicitly anti-Semitic rant, by Correia’s whitewashing of Oldman’s rant, and worse, giving it the grand cheer, is entirely consistent with Correia’s whitewashing of Beale’s bigotry. Oldman outed himself as anti-Semitic and reactionary in defending the Jew-hating (never mind homophobe and racist) actor and filmmaker Mel Gibson, by whitewashing and justifying Gibson’s out-and-out Jew-hate meltdowns (that’s in the plural), and Gibson’s black comedy psychosis, as ‘political incorrectness’. Oldman would offer an insincere apology for his rant, and even double down on his anti-Semitism. But will get to that…

Here is just one of the relevant remarks from what Oldman said in his Playboy interview:

I know [Mel] got drunk and said a few things, but we’ve all said those things.”  Oldman then goes on to attack former  L.A. County Sheriff’s Deputy James Mee, saying “We’re all f**king hypocrites. That’s what I think about it. The policeman who arrested him has never used the word n****r or that f**king Jew?”

Really Oldman? Actually his arresting cop was a Jew, so no a big fail there Oldman, you moron. Also we all say these things: ‘Jews cause all the wars in the world?’ Well I know vicious anti-Semites do. That’s what makes them rabid anti-Semites. Oldman is pretty much saying, ‘we’re all pretty much Jew haters and racists, especially when we let our guard down, and down a few tequilas or vodkas, so what’s the big deal?’

In fact Gibson’s arresting officer James Mee remarked to TMZ (see TMZ link above):

“I’m Jewish and why would I say that to discredit my own religious makeup?” Mee goes on, “The N-word is a scary word.  I would never even dream of using it.  It sickens me that anyone would use that word.” Mee says, “Jews have been persecuted and put down over the years. Why would I, as a Jew, do that to other races?” Mee doesn’t think kindly of Oldman, saying, “I feel sorry for people that need to say things about other people in order to justify themselves.” As for Mel, Mee says he absolutely does not think the actor has been rehabilitated.

In other words, Oldman’s take on Mel Gibson and his anti-Semitism, is that Gibson’s age old honest Christian anti-Semitism is just unfashionable and ‘politically incorrect’ (not actual bigotry at all), the John Birch Society and KKK definition of PC; in the same way that say Islamophilia and hating on America is actual PC. The former in reality is not political incorrectness, it’s just Jew hatred. The latter Islamophilia (as opposed to the ‘nuke Mecca and the ragheads’ bigots) really is inane political correctness.

Mel Gibson’s Jew hatred is just old-style Jew hatred of the most extreme sort, that’s all, the sort that paved the way for pogroms and yes the Holocaust itself. Gibson is a leper in the Jewish community because he is a hardcore Jew hater and a Holocaust Denier, just like his father Hutton Gibson (something Oldman doesn’t acknowledge at all in his mindless ranting. Not the fact that screenwriter Joe Eszterhas exposed Gibson as a Holocaust Denier, amidst other Jew-hate madness and psychosis, and that it got considerable publicity before Oldman’s defense of Gibson). PC has absolutely nothing to do with it. Mad Mel is a leper for the same reason David Duke is a leper in the Jewish and black communities. David Duke is not guilty of unfashionable political correctness, he is guilty of out-and-out Nazism. It is not politically correct to call David Duke a Jew hating Nazi, it’s just accurate labeling. The KKK are lepers in the black community not because the KKK are ‘politically incorrect’ but because they are hardcore racists. And people who say ‘God hates fags’ and HIV is God’s punishment against gays are lepers in the gay community, likewise not because such haters are ‘politically incorrect’, but because they are homophobic bigots.

Saying as Gibson did (see the Joe Eszterhas exposé), that he hoped his girlfriend would be raped by a “pack of niggers” is not ‘political incorrectness’. It is unhinged racism, bloodlust, out-and-out psychosis, violent hatred and insanity. Gibson is not all there, he is a psychopath. It’s not PC for me to remark that Gibson is stark raving nuts, riddled through with a burning rage and heady violence and a redneck Jew-hate and an anti-black bigot besides. It’s the diagnosis any competent psychologist would come to. South Park had his number ages ago. South Park was downright prophetic on the Mad Mel front. No it is not PC to consider black people and gays human beings, and neither is it ‘politically incorrect’ (in  a good way) to buy into age old medieval Christian claims on Jewish deicide. Nor is Holocaust Denialism ‘politically incorrect’ (and yes to repeat the point for the third time, Mel like his dad, like Sad Puppies nominee Tangent editor Dave Truesdale, is a Holocaust Denier). It is just hardcore bigotry. Nothing less.

And those running to Gibson’s defense re his arrest in LA for drunkenness and his Jew-hate rant to the cop, and there have been plenty of them, ‘oh he was drunk, so he didn’t really mean it blah blah’. Baloney. It’s the other way around. In vino veritas. It’s when we are drunk or angry that the truth outs, the polite veneer and mask is dropped. The fact that Mel Gibson has subsequently outed himself as a fucking Holocaust Denier (thanks to Joe Eszterhaz we now know this, yes for the fourth time), this is the nail in the coffin. Of course those of us who are not Christian zealots and anti-Semites were pointing out that The Passion of the Christ was all the proof you needed of Gibson’s anti-Semitism, selling the age old libel of the Jew as Christ killer. To those who have eyes to see. And conservative Christians wonder why Jews are so sensitive, skeptical and suspicious of their motives and real attitudes. Gee wonder what it could be now? Wonder why Jews don’t embrace conservatism, despite the Jew hatred rampant among the Left? This is a major factor why (and it’s not the only one). The anti-black racism rampant among the Right and the Right’s Christian homophobia are other major factors. And there are other factors I don’t even bother alluding to. Heck look at all the anti-back racism among the genre Right alone!

We should all be grateful to Gibson, he’s a litmus test. And so revealing of so much, that is swept under the carpet, even by Gibson’s Jewish and Gentile critics…

Oldman outing himself as a redneck bigot was simply ignored by the conservative media, and in fact he was cheered by a conservative media that didn’t bother to get into the nitty-gritty details of just what Oldman said exactly, and just what the likes of Gibson have actually said and done. One of the few exceptions (and kudos to her) was Susan Goldberg at PJ Media.

Oldman then – in a tacit admission of guilt or maybe just afraid that he might not get work again in Hollywood – offered a clearly insincere apology that only confirmed his anti-Semitism. Here is the so-called apology in small part (the smoking gun):

“…Jewish People, persecuted thorough the ages, are the first to hear God’s voice, and surely are the chosen people.”

Why is that anti-Semitic? The ‘Jews as the chosen people’ is totally uncalled for, in the context of a so-called apology, clearly expressed with such dripping sarcasm, along the lines of ‘you Jews think you are so much better than Gentiles. God’s chosen, guess that makes everybody else undermenschen and God’s outcasts’. This is what one hears from Jew haters. Neo-Nazis included. Just check the neo-Nazi Stormfront forum aka The Iain Banks fan club for that anti-Semitic trope. For the record, and as simply as possible, the talk about the Jews as ‘the chosen people’ just means chosen to record the Torah (the Pentateuch), and God’s choosing Abraham as a patriarch (his pact with God) and as God’s servant, as one whose tribe is to follow God’s laws, and the responsibilities that go with that, the responsibilities to God, to mankind as a whole. It is not as if Jews believe they are’ saved’ merely for being Jews (Jews who know their religion don’t believe as fundamentalist Christians do, in humanity ‘being saved’ or ‘damned’ depending on their religious beliefs and rituals, whether they be ‘true believers’ or not) and everybody else is damned. Jews who know something of their religion, know we don’t have a Heaven or Hell, as Christians and Muslims would have it. It’s not Jews who see Gentiles as devils and God killers, the cause thus of all the injustices and evil that befall humanity, and slaughtering them in consequence. That’s all Mel Gibson, medieval and not just medieval Christiandom (and these old attitudes persists in the present day unfortunately), all embodied to the letter in Gibson’s film The Passion of the Christ.

The ADL was right not to accept Oldman’s insincere apology (and the thing with the ADL is they give a free pass to so much anti-Semitism as extreme anti-Israelism, whether it’s coming from liberals, conservatives or Muslims. The ADL are stuck in 1965 and are largely clueless and cowardly. And you really have to be guilty of hardcore in-your face anti-Semitism before the ADL says boo. However compared to SFF genre ‘Jewry’, the ADL are lions. Admittedly that’s not saying much at all. In fact it’s saying nothing). However the ADL don’t appear to realise that Oldman’s apology is not so much “insufficient”, as it is a revelation and confirmation of Oldman’s bigotry.

Correia by sticking up for Oldman, repeats a similar modus operandi re his defense of the indefensible Vox Day. Oldman by decrying the poor poor outcast status of Mel Gibson, a clearly out-of-his-tree Jew hater, homophobe and anti-black racist, a caricature of a Catholic zealot with the sadistic tendencies of an Inquisitor, shows us his true ugly colours. And Correia sings Oldman’s praises.

What is oh so very revealing about Correia’s thumbs up to Gary Oldman outing himself as a ‘politically incorrect’ anti-Semite, is how no genre Jewish pro called Correia out on it. In fact no genre pro whatsoever. None that I could find. They run as fast as they can away from this kind of thing. Run, scamper and hide. One may object, well they – genre Jewry – don’t read Correia’s blog. Pulleeez, they don’t want to know. If you shove this in their faces, they would still run run run away and beg to be left alone. The evidence for my assertion here is in how they run away from the extreme anti-Semitism of the genre Left (when not giving it the thumbs up), and the likes of Dave Truesdale. As far as the latter Truesdale Holocaust Revisionism thing is concerned, and the fact that is is buried out of sight and mind (only on this blog), is simply and obscenely pathetic and a scandal in its own right. Even as nobody talks about it. I predicted as much when I was in the course of publishing it all. And genre Jewry (and the genre community) were largely mum even on James P Hogan and his Holocaust Denialism years ago. In other words, the evidence for my assertion is this very blog and its archives. It’s actually worse than I let on. Interestingly, if you do a Google search for ‘Larry Correia’ monsterhunter ‘Gary Oldman’ and ‘Mel Gibson’, well I got six results! That’s it. I suspected as much before I even did a Google.

None of that should surprise any of us, since genre Jewry – as the history of this blog reveals, see the previous article to this one, ‘the Zombie Chronicles’ – are such cowards, if not hardcore self-hating Jews, or morons. For the most part. I don’t mean all of them. Oh wait am I being too hard on them? No don’t think so. If anything I have been way too generous with them. They – liberal genre Jewry – would be too cowardly to call out Correia here, even as he is a conservative and frankly a reactionary, even as I’m sure many of them call him out on the Vox Day issue! That’s exactly what I mean by how pathetic genre Jews actually are. Those Jews who didn’t sign the SFWA related petition drawn up by Holocaust Denier Dave Truesdale, and berated him instead, have never called out Truesdale as a Holocaust Denier. They just run run run away to the hills and take cover.

Liberal genre Jewry don’t have the backbone of a gerbil between the lot of them. Who else has called out Larry Correia for cheering on Gary Oldman, as the latter outs himself as an anti-Semite of the right old-fashioned medieval brand (as opposed to the Left-wing anti-Zionist and anti-Israel Palestinian chic brand)? Nobody.

Now the thing is genre liberals have not and would not take Correia to task here, on the Oldman front, and for an obvious reason (albeit an unconscious one). Even as genre liberals take him to task, vocally and repeatedly, over Vox Day’s bigotry. They don’t want to draw attention to the rampant and rabid anti-Semitism in their own circles (that is of the genre Left and the Left as a whole). As I say, this is not something they are consciously aware of. There are associations, implications, ramifications that they are desperate to keep a lid on. At all costs. Leftists aren’t really conscious at all, and neither are right-wing reactionaries. As with Dave Truesdale, the real story there that nobody but myself mentions; the Left’s (genre Jewry especially) quashing of the anti-Semitism taboo remains steadfast. The genre Left call Truesdale a reactionary sexist cave-man, but not a Holocaust Denier! And the genre Left make sure to pour scorn on the Red Wolf blogger who outed Truesdale for what he was to begin with, and when talking about the Truesdale petition affair no less!

In fact the Truesdale affair reveals these genre Jews are so afraid of acknowledging even the most base and indisputable anti-Semitism, it’s such a big taboo to them; they are literally quaking in fright, scared of the shadows. Heads so far up their asses. Well most all of them did vote for or support the Jew-hater Barack Obama, so there you go. So Correia has no reason to fear any criticism from genre Jewry for his running to praise Oldman, as the latter obscenely mislabels the hardcore Jew hatred (never mind his other prejudices) of Mel Gibson an affront to stifling and suffocating political correctness.

The SF genre community does not live on the moon, they are on earth (well…), and they all too clearly reflect and echo the ugly and brain-dead, out-and-out delusional politics/ideologies in the Western world in this Day and Age. This insanity is so obviously reflected in the SFF ghetto, where if anything the madness, hypocrisy and bigotry are amplified to fever pitch levels. OK it couldn’t really be worse than general society I admit, but it’s clearly as bad as it is anywhere. And genre conservatives surrender to their worst and most reactionary instincts in their ideological battles against the genre Left, who themselves are prejudiced for the most part. The genre Left’s Jew hatred and tolerance for Jew hatred alone is appalling, it is also near universal. If the former prejudice is not universal among the genre Left (as anti-Israelism duh), then the easy tolerance of anti-Semitism (as delusional anti-Israelism duh) clearly is. As with Leftists as a whole. There is no refuge to be found in either camp for people who don’t care for silly punch ups and flame wars between ideologues, very selective in what prejudices get their gander (real or imagined) and cause them to spill their coffee. In and out of the genre community. There is no heart, no true mindfulness, in and out of the genre community, among ideologues of the Left and Right. No respect for sober and calm universal standards and principles, only soulless ideology and protecting one’s own. Identity politics no matter what. Notable exceptions I’m sure, but very few and far between. Yes I know there are exceptions.

Liberals and conservatives alike, both in and out of the SFF ghetto, ought to heed the words of the US general in Vietnam who remarked, “we have seen the enemy. He is us”.

Not that they will. That’s because they are ideologues.

I tell you, if I believed in psychiatry, and I don’t really, I would say the best thing to do at the next WorldCon or Nebulas award bash, is to seal the building, surround it with a SWAT team so nobody could get out, and sweep up the attendees, writers, editors, fans alike. Liberals, conservatives, anarchists, communists, Libertarians, etc. And send them to the nearest mental health hospital, and place them under observation, and daily psychiatric sessions; getting to grips with their damaged childhoods, their brutal miseducation, the lack of love in their lives. Clearly the lack of meaning in their lives. And if all else fails there is always Paxil and Zoloft. In all seriousness though, kidding aside, I don’t care for those anti-depressant and anti-psychotic drugs. Very much part of the problem while Big Pharma laughs all the way to the bank. Yeah I know further digression, but worth mentioning…

The real solution, and I have mentioned it here, is to run away from the genre community. It’s a madhouse on fire. You can still read science fiction, pick up copies of old masterpieces, there are neglected brilliant genre novels that still remain little known, in second-hand bookstores or Amazon, but get away from this madhouse. You know it does go with the territory though. Ever asked yourselves the question, and not come with a glib answer – why do you read science fiction so avidly to begin with? Running from something perhaps?

Getting back on  track…

Here in fact is Brad Torgersen having a bit of a meltdown at his blog (even more recently – from April 26th), allegedly getting to grips with his critics re Vox Day. A sample of the opening will do:

If I am insufficiently hateful of a hater who hates, I am therefore a secret hater? And in order to absolve myself of being a secret hater, I have to loudly and publicly hate the hater more than anyone else who presently hates the hater who hates, and this will prove that I am not a secret hater, because I will have hated the hater the way the haters of the hater say I need to hate the hater because he hates? Hating is now how you prove you’re not a hater. You just have to hate the people the anti-hate haters approve of hating!

More in that vein at the link.

Now here Brad T pushed into a corner that he painted himself in, gets to grips – uh wait then again no not exactly! – with the whole ‘Vox Day and his prejudices’ thing… No Wandians/Mormons, no Visigoths, no Star Trek Federation, no US Army camaraderie. Just Brad blabbering, if anything this is a degeneration from his usual waffle, but again no mention of anything Vox Day actually says about blacks alone, never mind women. Or gays. That’s showing up your critics Brad! No not really. No Brad you don’t have to hate Vox Day and get pats on the back from genre Leftists for doing so. You just ought to have nothing to do with him, and not engage in wormy red herring apologetics for Vox Day’s very real bigotry. That’s all.

Brad T’s irrelevant shrill ranting gets raves from his echo-chamber.

Getting back to the wrecking ball Vox Day, I find him to be a Trickster figure in this whole circus, a malevolent trickster for sure, even so one has to admit a fascination… The holier-than-thou pontificating of the genre Left here is laughable and  ridiculous though, and here I will say so for a reason nobody commenting on this whole affair (and how many returns does Google give to this whole Hugos circus affair?) has done and will do. The genre Left is not any better than their bête noire Vox Day and the latter’s allies Correia and Torgersen and their fan clubs and echo chambers; because the former have their own prejudices, prejudices that tend to be more subtle and sophisticated (albeit not always. In fact often enough not at all). Here is my original point – by prejudice, I mean the genre Left’s anti-Semitism (as anti-Israelism). Never mind whatever other prejudices they may (or may not) be guilty of. Such as their over-the-top reverse racism identity politics, misandry and other absurdly related far Left gender and sexual politics blather. I don’t mean all of these left-wing genre folk, I don’t mean every last one of them. I mean a large chunk of them. For sure. This blog demonstrates the genre Left’s horrific anti-Semitism, and breezy easy tolerance of said anti-Semitism. And I am just skating the surface. And that’s because, as I have pointed out at this blog elsewhere, the microcosm of the SF genre community is reflective of the macrocosm of Western political and ideological life and strife. And the Western mainstream and far Left is pathologically and pervasively anti-Semitic. So sorry if I just yawn and roll my eyes when genre Leftists shrill and shriek about the big bad wolf Vox Day, and the other wolf pack of Correia’s and Torgersen’s.

I could care less.

And however disgraceful Correia’s and Torgersen’s behaviour is, can it compare in pure cowardice, denialism, cover-ups and fawning before the Jew-hating genre Left (and not just the Left – hello Truesdale, and others) by genre ‘Jewry’ itself, so desperate to be liked by their Jew-hating genre colleagues, peers and buddies? Oh sorry I meant to say Israel hating, that’s not Jew hating apparently gag gag barf barf. Give me the old time Jew hatred any day, at least it’s honest.

Vox Day’s apologists arguably don’t come close to the latter ‘oh please like me Jew-hating Gentiles’ genre Jewry. Sure it’s debatable. I mean by that, given what is going on in the world and the very real risks Jews face of another Shoah. Not that the genre circus seems to know or care. Hardly. But that’s what SF and Fantasy is about, not so? ESCAPISM. Yeah yeah yeah.

Comments are open (after not working for an age)

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Holocaust Revisionism, Politics - General, Science Fiction | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The Zombie Chronicles: A comprehensive overview of this blog’s history

“In that direction,” the Cat said, waving its right paw round, “lives a Hatter: and in that direction,” waving the other paw, “lives a March Hare. Visit either you like: they’re both mad.”
“But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked.
“Oh, you can ’t help that,” said the Cat : “we ’re all mad here. I ’m mad. You ’re mad.”
“How do you know I ’m mad ?” said Alice.
“You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.”

Lewis Carroll
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

I have moved this article to near the top of this blog, making this blog’s archives easier to navigate, and give an overview of all that has gone down in the course of this blogging enterprise.

So without further ado – the necessarily lengthy essay overview of this blog enterprise.

A history of this blog from its beginnings in April 2011. It’s been such a bizarre, surreal set of twists and turns, that it beggars belief in certain parts.

However anybody who has experience dealing with liberal (and conservative) anti-Semites who pretend they are not, and their know-nothing defenders aka useful idiots, and allied to all this the ugly apologetics and whitewashing of Muslim extremism aka further useful idiocy (and liberal Jews in Name Only are often most guilty here), knows full well that the truth of the matter here is beyond the most surreal and absurdist fiction. This blog just applies this pervasive madness of our age to the SF genre community. And this blog exposing indisputable anti-Semitism and extreme Jew-hatred at that, has come in for heavy attacks, not only from genre fandom, but genre writers and editors (and some notable characters there).  A large number of them have been ‘Jewish’ genre pros. Make of that what you will.

So below is a run-through of each and every post (easily more than a hundred) that I have written up at this blog, with a brief description of each posted article and a clickable link to it, so as to make this blog’s history easy to navigate. To those of you compos mentis (i.e. not loony Left nor paleocon Right) who are not cognisant of this blog’s history and the altercations I have had with genre pro writers, editors and their sycophantic fandom, much of what I write below will beggar belief. You will think I am pulling your leg, you will have to read some of the post descriptions two or three times, so bizarre is so much of it. Stranger than science fiction. And that’s even taking into account the harsh recognition of just how loony, deranged, anti-Semitic, clueless and drowning in moral and cultural relativism, the cultural elitist Left actually are.

However to those of you compos mentis, such are the times we are living in, such is the zeitgeist. The zombies are out there, and they live and work among us and they are in control – of mainstream media, Western governments, NGOs, the universities, the ‘arts and culture’. And that includes the literati, the publishing industry, highbrow and schlock alike. The science fiction publishing industry included, on both sides of the Atlantic.

If you have the pulse on the zeitgeist, on the ‘thinking’ especially among the self-appointed cultural elite know-nothing guardians of all that is permitted to think (of which, to generalize, genre pros are slavishly bound as much as any other community), then you know that the neo-McCarthyism of our day and age is the moral and cultural relativism that holds sway everywhere. This moral and cultural relativism has sinister overtones, it goes hand in hand with fashionable new anti-Semitism; that is the order of the day, de rigueur, as long as it packaged under anti-Israel and anti-Zionist sloganese, sold under the banner of human rights, peace and justice. If you get this, then you know that allied to this is the cultural liberal elite’s love affair with reactionary Islam and associated with the latter bizarro alliance, the smearing of anybody pointing fingers at the naked emperor with the thought crime of ‘Islamophobia’, a fabricated non-existent bigotry that is intended to silence and cower all Islam’s knowledgeable critics. And fashionable new anti-Semitism and smearing critics of reactionary Islam as bigots (as opposed to the real bigotry of the ‘nuke Mecca’ crowd) are very much to the fore in the SF genre community. And I mean among both genre pros and fandom.

As the history of this blog reveals all too chillingly.

So without further ado…

My first article is duplicated on the ‘What this Blog is About’ page, entitled ‘Opening the lid on the ugly politics & anti-Semitism within the speculative fiction genre community’ and posted on April 3rd 2011. I give the reasons therein for why I started this blog, my centrist political stance, and what is meant by new anti-Semitism. It made no difference to my critics of course – to them I am a bigoted far right-wing loon off his meds. Seriously this is the exact ‘criticism’ I have received from genre pros. As head honcho of the SFWA John Scalzi was to call me later, I am just “a total asshole”. Apparently the most lame, pathetic name-calling is supposed to be a coherent, logical, refutation of all the points I raise in my articles.

Next article, On the hue & cry overreaction to the Elizabeth Moon non-scandal (and others) by the Thought Police of the genre & the deafening silence to late SF writer James Hogan’s Holocaust Denial by self-same genre Thought Police

In the above linked article, I allude to those genre pros who got their panties all twisted over the ridiculous Elizabeth Moon Islam ‘Citizenship blog post’ affair, (that generated such a huge public fall-out) self-same genre figures had pretty much nothing to say publicly about genre writer James P Hogan’s Holocaust Denialism. Liberal genre pros’ deafening public silence of extreme Jew-hatred coming from a best-selling genre writer, whilst frothing publicly over the dubious ‘Islamophobe’ thought crime of Elizabeth Moon, was sinister and pathetic in equal measure. The hypocrisy was transparent and reeked of something more baleful. And indeed what was to follow would only bear out my worst suspicions and then some.

For then the heated altercations began…

My next article is a reply to those genre writers criticizing the Moon/Hogan article. Entitled Reply to some tweets and Chesya Burke’s blog response to my previous article re Moon & Hogan

My article focuses on liberal genre writer Chesya Burke’s blog reply to my article (her blog article was entitled ‘If this is the Thought Police count me in‘), which was so easy to take down. Burke inadvertently proved my point for me, better than I did. I also allude to those criticizing my article via twitter but did not name them, nor paste up the tweets themselves (the twitterati were Jason Sanford, Lavie Tidhar, Charles Tan). I was also excessively polite in my brief reply to them. Given the rudeness and asininity of the tweets, such over-the-top politeness in reply to the likes of Sanford and Tidhar was entirely unwarranted and undeserved. That was in the early days, I didn’t make that mistake again.

I next published an extensive series on Holocaust Revisionism/Denialism in the genre community. Best-selling genre writer James P Hogan’s death acted as a catalyst for all the extreme Jew-hatred to come out of the woodwork, and by extreme Jew-hatred, I mean the presence of Holocaust Denialism and its tolerance among certain quarters, genre pros included. I detail what went down at the now defunct Asimov’s Magazine Discussion Forum in 2010, where I mentioned Hogan’s passing and Holocaust Denial. Whereupon  the likes of Tangent editor Dave Truesdale and short story writer and reviewer Marian Powell outed themselves as Holocaust Revisionists. Genre editor Sam Hidaka likewise gave very strong circumstantial evidence for Holocaust Revisionism. When I challenged them, and a bitter flame-war resulted, I was threatened with a banning from the Asimov’s Forum administrator. The regular Asimov’s Forum genre fans likewise ganged up against me. No kidding.

I saved the whole thread which can be read in its entirety (including comments that would later be deleted by Asimov’s Forum admin, my own likewise). The whole surreal David Duke in Wonderland thread is even worse than it sounds. It has to be read to be believed. In the introduction to that series of mine (link up above), I also put up all the clickable links to the thirteen articles that make up my Holocaust Revisionism series (the whole flame-war thread from the Asimov’s Forum is pasted up in PostScript Part A). I paste them up here again for convenience and so the reader can get an idea of how horrifying it all is.

Here are the chapter series headings:

Part 1 – Where Tangent editor Dave Truesdale outs himself at the Asimov’s Forum upon SF author James P Hogan’s passing

Part 2 – Tangent editor D Truesdale’s true colours on the Holocaust ‘debate’ come shining through at the Asimov’s Forum

Part 3 – Tangent editor D Truesdale’s incoherent ramblings at the Asimov’s Forum on the ‘legitimacy’ of Holocaust Revisionism ’debate’

Part 4 – Further commentary on Truesdale’s postings & the Asimov’s Forum

Part 5 – Then Asimov’s Admin threatens to ban me for calling a Holocaust Denier a… Nazi

Part 6 – Former Jim Baen’s Universe assistant ed Sam Hidaka’s snide, supercilious insults against me after I detail the evidence of the late James P Hogan’s Holocaust Denial

Part 7  – Truesdale nails the lid shut on his own coffin

Part 8 – Truesdale and gang Summing Up

Part 9 – On Asimov’s Forum admin’s disavowal of its own guidelines

Part 10 – Disturbing questions Final Updated Response to Mark Pontin’s ‘attack’

Postscript Part A:
The entire unedited ‘James Hogan has passed away’ thread at the Asimov’s Forum. Includes deleted comments. From late July 2010.

It is pasted up in its entirety, and unedited by me. It took up 3 pages at the Asimov’s Forum. It includes all the comments that would later be deleted, something I mention in the postscript itself (under my blog name ‘red wolf’ so as not to cause confusion with my name, ‘Lawrence A’ that I used at the Asimov’s Forum – and thus in the flame-war itself – and with ‘red wolf’ comments placed within square brackets and in red text so as to make things doubly clear).

Postscript Part B:
The ‘James Hogan Author’ thread (July 2010) from the now defunct Asimov’s Forum. Only the pertinent and very damning comments are posted. See Part 7 of this series as well. It covers the same ground in more detail.

The ‘Holocaust Deniers’ thread from the Asimov’s Forum is posted in its entirety (July 2010). It is a one page thread only. The reasons for the necessary inclusion of this whole bizarro thread are given in this second postscript. It will leave the intelligent reader shaking his head in disbelief and dismay. There is possibly no precedent for this particular case anywhere. This is clarified in this postscript and in part 7 of this series.

This postscript also includes the first and second posted comments by Tangent editor Dave Truesdale from the ‘James Hogan Interview’ thread from the now defunct Analog Forum (July and August 2010). [End of pasted excerpt]

It gets worse.

That series was attacked as crackpottery and huff and puff nonsense by liberal Jewish genre figures. No kidding. No really no kidding. Even as that series gives overwhelming evidence for the Holocaust Revisionism of Tangent editor Dave Truesdale; and the despicable and odious behaviour of others taking his side and defending him.

First that series was ridiculed by liberal anti-Israel ‘Jewish’ genre fan Mark Pontin (personally thanked by former Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine editor Gardner Dozois in the Acknowledgments to a Year’s Best SF annual). No Pontin had no idea what he was doing. He gets a large part of chapter 10 in that series all to himself, in which I respond to his obscene asininity. He realized his screw-up (when it was pointed out to him on the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Forum), but couldn’t publicly admit it. He would continue to attack me, in the mindless fashion of self-hating Jews (cheering on anti-Semite Nick Mamatas’s meltdown attack on my person), but that was a little later…

That series would also be ridiculed repeatedly by one of my most cretinous critics, liberal genre ‘Jewish’ hack editor and hack writer Tim Lieder (of Dybbuk Press and a convert to Judaism btw. And he calls himself pro-Israel!). Lieder did so in the most mindless knee-jerk fashion, and naturally in the most dishonest way, when he came to the knee-jerk defense of one of his idols, the Far Left communist pro-Palestinian anti-Israel genre writer and editor Nick Mamatas (who I had criticized heavily at my blog in a series of articles that I will get to in a moment). Lieder cannot admit his obscene blunders, to this day and he proudly boasts of them. To this day. He is one for the psychiatrist’s couch but almost certainly beyond help.

Charles Stross, far Left ‘Jewish’ genre writer, would likewise tweet his dismissal of that Holocaust Revisionism series (without reading a single article therein), in a knee-jerk mindless cheering response to SF critic and academic, another far Leftist Brit, Paul Graham Raven’s tweeted dismissal of that Holocaust Revisionism series of mine (Raven likewise didn’t bother to check a single article therein. Check same link directly above). When I publicly pointed out Graham Raven’s and Stross’s obscene blunder on my blog, well naturally silence from them. I have exposed Stross as a hardcore ‘new’ anti-Semite at this blog, in several articles, so his foul-up here is at least consistent.

Far Left anti-Israel ‘Jewish’ genre writer Felix Gilman would tweet yuck yuck style when he stumbled on that series on Holocaust Revisionism (not realizing what it was about even as the articles spell it all out in plain English in the very titles. Remember these guys are uh writers), amidst an idiotic TWITtering rant from him, directing pathetic evidence-free scorn on this blog.

It didn’t end there with the ‘Jewish’ critics of my series on uh Holocaust Denialism!!

As late as 2012, liberal Jewish genre hack writer Chuck Rothman defended Truesdale, as totally innocent of all charges (well Rothman has a gig at Tangent, even so it is pathetic in extremis). Truesdale would then give his only public response to my series that revolved around his Holocaust Revisionism in the main (same link above), although hardly exclusive to Truesdale. All this went down at Jewish genre writer Adam Troy-Castro’s place on the web. I bring all this up again, further down with all the relevant links, as I try and stick to the linear time frame.

Getting back to chronological order…

Unlike the Elizabeth Moon ‘Islamophobe’ affair, the prior Will Sanders affair (also mentioned at this blog) and later uh kerfluffles, such as the René Walling alleged sexual harrassment incident; this series on Holocaust Revisionism got ZERO PUBLIC SUPPORTIVE RESPONSE/S from genre pros, liberal Jewish and Gentiles alike. To this day. I predicted as much in chapter 10 of that self-same series. Vague allusions to it do not count. That is no genre pros – liberal or conservative Jewish genre writers, editors, publishers – have made a single EXPLICIT condemnation of CONSERVATIVE  genre editor Dave Truesdale’s Holocaust Denialism (never mind the others).

However liberal JEWISH genre pros have had no problem launching the most pathetic name-calling my way, even as they have ZILCH to say about Truesdale’s (and others’) Holocaust Revisionism; except to obtusely and obscenely ridicule that series to differing degrees! – in the cases of Mark Pontin, Tim Lieder, Felix Gilman, Chuck Rothman and let’s not forget Charles Stross’s idiotic tweet in that respect. It’s like a perverse Alice (or is that David Duke?) through the Looking Glass.

If the reader is shocked that liberal Jewish genre pros (detailed further down) would launch the most pathetic ad hominems the way of a blogger whose blog’s raison-d’etre is in the main the exposé of anti-Semitism in the genre community (and remember it includes Holocaust Denialism!), then the reader doesn’t get the zombie cultural zeitgiest of our times. And liberal Jewry’s contemporary disgrace and know-nothingness.

My next article from May 18th 2011 is entitled Asimov’s Discussion Forum is back online – The case for self-respecting Jewry to boycott the forum

I give the reason for supporting  a boycott of the forum (which would shortly go offline again, this time permanently) as self-evident. I was ganged up on for speaking out against Holocaust Denial/Revisionism from Asimov’s Forum fans and the Holocaust Denialism evinced there by Tangent editor Truesdale, short story writer and reviewer Marian Powell, and in all likelihood genre editor Sam Hidaka. I was threatened with a banning from Asimov’s Forum admin for speaking out against all this, yet the Holocaust Revisionists and their supporters received no such threats from self-same admin.

Next comes my Nick Mamatas series. This was all very revealing. Mamatas, a far Left pro-Palestinian communist genre writer and editor (well-known) had dismissed this blog as ‘not intentionally very funny’ the day I published the last article in my Holocaust Revisionism series; a series that had been running uninterrupted for near three weeks prior, and up to that point in time roughly 80% of my articles that I had published at this blog pertained directly or indirectly to Holocaust Revisionism. Mamatas naturally was clueless at the time. He just has one of his Mamatasbot fans point to this blog, he sees it is pro-Israel and so naturally it is ‘unintentionally very funny’ in his eyes.

My second article on Mamatas, entitled SF writer Nick Mamatas and his ilk’s obliviousness to the obvious: The unintentional comedic irony of Mamatas’s ‘Fascists for Che’ article.

My third article, a reply to Mamatas’s meltdown at his blog, his laughably shrill ad hominems and transparently dishonest fact-free response at his blog to the above two articles. Mamatas would dishonestly rewrite the titles of my two articles above to mean something else, having no bearing on anything I actually wrote. And more in that vein. His Mamatasbot fan club would then indulge in their requisite two minute hate, shoring up Mamata’s ego and mistaking pathetic name-calling my way for some kind of coherent reply to my points. Well when you have to defend the indefensible…

My next article: Nick Mamatas, the Apex SF crew, gay rights and the Middle-East Part 4.

And then the final article in the Mamatas series, although there would be one more stand-alone article on this character; who is all buddy buddy with the hardcore anti-Semitic communist China Mieville and the far Left Israeli genre editor and writer Lavie “the Palestinians have become the true Jews” Tidhar. I have plenty to say on both of these characters at this blog, detailed further down. And yes I consider Mamatas to be harshly anti-Semitic, even though I only hint heavily at this in the series on him, and don’t spell it out in black and white. Naturally like all Jew-hating communists, he considers such a charge outrageous and unfair.

My next posting – Bits & Pieces: David Duke, blaming Jews for America’s wars, SF genre folk and other ruminations. Actually that article also features Mamatas in a big way, and other genre characters. My next article, my only article from July 2011 was the last Tim Lieder one that I have already alluded to (with the link) further up above.

My blog was then on hiatus for a couple of months and I then resumed blogging in December 2011, with the start of an extensive and detailed series (ultimately 11 chapters to it) on the hardcore anti-Semite and communist, popular and award-winning genre writer, editor and prof, China Mieville. Mieville is a caricature of the Far Left anti-Semitic communist.

My second article on Mieville entitled China Mieville and his campaigning for the harshly anti-Semitic Respect Party, the Tom Paulin Affair & more All The Gory Details Part 2 Therein as with my first Mieville article, I provide more evidence for the horrible anti-Semitism of this left-wing fascist political entity (Respect) co-founded by George Galloway, a noted Hamas fundraiser and proud supporter of the Muslim jihad; Mieville’s high-profile involvement with Respect, and more in that regard.

My third article China Mieville’s gross slander on the Turkish Mavi Marmara incident & his support for BDS against Israel Part 3 In many respects this above article is the definitive one detailing beyond doubt Mieville’s mendacity and delusional mindset in the service of Jew-hatred and explicit sympathy for Muslim fundamentalists who he mislabels ‘peace activists’. Sickening, but to be expected from a campaigner for the extremely anti-Semitic UK Respect Party. If you don’t get that Mieville is a Jew-hater after reading this article, you are either one yourself or you are simply very dimwitted.

The next article reinforces the point, On China Mieville’s support for the vile anti-Semitic BDS campaign against Israel Part 4. If you don’t get that BDS against Israel is extremely anti-Semitic in principle, then you are anti-Semitic yourself or once again, very very stupid. I actually detail in this article just why and how BDS against Israel is viciously anti-Semitic and how its antecedent chillingly lies with the Nazis themselves.

My fifth article in my Mieville series: On China Mieville’s blogging for the Hamas and Hezbollah supporting Lenin’s Tomb blog Part 5. Note that this is the same blog that Nick Mamatas, Mieville’s political comrade across the Atlantic, recommends with effusive praise, ahead of any other on the whole World Wide Web. When it comes to cookie-cutter Jew-hating communist propagandists (who naturally pretend they ain’t, Jew-haters that is) and apologists and worse for the Jihad, well Richard Seymour of Lenin’s Tomb fits the bill as much as any.

Then a few articles which took a break from my Mieville series (which would resume later). First my final article on Nick Mamatas, one that sums up his odious politics, hypocrisy and deep associations with extreme anti-Semitic groups and personalities. Interlude – When anti-Israel genre Marxists turn on one another. The Will Shetterly vs Nick Mamatas Deathmatch & Mamatas’s NAMBLA analogy

The NAMBLA analogy refers to Mamatas’s flame-war with fellow anti-Israel Marxist genre writer Will Shetterly (at Mamatas’s blog). Mamatas couldn’t get into an argument without indulging in the most perverse statements, in this case “Butt-fucking is just mentorship between a man and a child”. Really he actually wrote that. And then lied to worm his way out of it. Details in the article. Nobody, except Shetterly and myself, have called him out on it. Nobody else. Being a liberal, more truly a communist, means you can get away with anything. Certainly in our genre community.

Next article of mine summed up the horrible moral and cultural relativism, the in-your-face hypocrisy of the genre’s liberal Thought Police, their blindness and worse to the most vicious Jew-hatred whilst shrieking at full volume against any genre critics of reactionary Islam. Interlude – What does ex-editor at Apex Magazine Catherynne M. Valente’s queer status have to do with the genre Thought Police? Everything …

It pivoted around then Apex Magazine editor Catherynne Valente, who is gay. If you don’t get why that is relevant and revealing of the most pathetic and surreal hypocrisy, well then don’t even bother reading that article. This article actually got the exact response from the liberal genre Thought Police (via Twitter) that only proved my point – the persistent blindness and perverse, sinister denial of extreme anti-Semitism from genre pros (a case of ‘what anti-Semitism?’), whilst calling anybody critical of reactionary Islam and its murderous homophobia a bigot and reactionary themselves. The genre Thought Police Twitterati (among others) were Lavie Tidhar, Catherine Valente herself, Charles Stross and Tobias Buckell.

My next article – posted on New Year’s Day 2012 – is a reply to Lavie “the Palestinians have become the true Jews” Tidhar’s dishonest tweeting on my ‘Thought Police Cathy Valente’ article. Well what to expect from Tidhar? I then updated that article to include a further reply to Tidhar’s lame tweeting on this very article. UPDATE A further reply to Tidhar’s tweeting on this article & A reply to Lavie Tidhar’s knee-jerk idiotic tweet on my Catherynne M. Valente article

Tidhar is one of the Thought Police after all, who refuses to acknowledge in the slightest the most extreme Jew-hatred (for what it is) from his genre peers and MATES whilst playing a foremost role in defending right-wing Islam/ism from its genre critics (he was one of those who made a big song and dance about the Elizabeth Moon Islam ‘Citizenship’ affair).

Then I resumed my China Mieville series. It was very interesting and revealing that all those TWITtering airheaded contempt and lame derision my way in response to my Cathy Valente and the Thought Police article and the subsequent Lavie Tidhar one, didn’t pay any attention or focus whatsoever on my FIVE Mieville articles that had been published in succession right before then. And the Mamatas article with its NAMBLA uh connotations, well nothing from the Twitterati Thought Police likewise. Hence why there are the PC Thought Police. The Twitterati included Tidhar, Stross, Buckell, Valente, Apex Mag head honcho Jason Sizemore (and others). It’s like – ‘what Mieville series, what’s that about, wot?’ OK so the resumption of my Mieville series with an exposé of another one of his repetitions of a big lie revolving around the Jew nation, back in 2006. Like Pavlov’s dogs,  these Jew-hating communists. China Mieville’s knee-jerk slur on Israel. The Gaza Beach Incident of 2006 Part 6

Then this one: an odious, delusional, lying Jew-hating screed published in the UK media,  from the Jew-hating British Writers in Support of Palestine, of which Mieville is a member. Naturally enough. China Mieville adds his name to the rabidly anti-Semitic BWISP letters harshly censuring Ian McEwan for his acceptance of the Jerusalem Prize Part 7

You know the thing about this next article, is that as I write in the update, Mieville’s refusal to have his books translated into Hebrew for the Israeli market (Iain Banks held the same stance) is bantered about in Israeli genre publishing circles. It’s an open secret. Yet Jewish genre writers, editors in the US and UK can’t say boo. Oooooh they are so scared stiff of offending the Jew-haters, or as is clearly the case a number of them don’t see such a disgusting anti-Semitic act as remotely anti-Semitic. Tidhar would later call my series on Mieville “rabid, if increasingly incoherent” (details further down), even as he probably has never read a single article in this series. Updated 2013 On the *alleged* refusal of China Mieville to have his books translated into Hebrew Part 8

This next article is one of my all-time favs, even if it is somewhat presumptuous to say so myself. It’s just the style it’s written in, openly inspired as it were by William Burroughs’s Western Lands. Nir Yaniv is a big cheese in Israeli SF, a writer and editor of an Israeli SF mag, big mates with Tidhar. Laura Anne Gilman, a caricature of the NY liberal Jew in Name Only (they had tweeted in support of Lavie Tidhar in the latter’s clash with myself). The lame tweeting of Israeli SF editor Nir Yaniv on this blog. Laura Anne Gilman adds her asinine slur. Yaniv slips up: acknowledges the Mieville series. Oops can’t unscramble that egg  

The next chapter – chapter 9 – in my China Mieville series (February 2012) followed. It shouldn’t surprise us that China Mieville had something disgustingly dishonest and obscene to say on the high-profile release of IDF Hamas captive Gilad Shalit in October 2011.   China Mieville’s obscene & cowardly slurs upon the release of Gilad Shalit. Genre fans & liberal media condemn…Frank Miller for his anti-OWS comments instead Part 9.

Then in a further interlude from the Mieville series, this article came next: UPDATED SF writer Charles Stross – Your Wish is my Command. You enter the Hall of Shame. Tobias Buckell waddles in to join you…Far Leftist Jew in Name Only Brit genre writer Charles Stross, had tweeted his autonomic support to Lavie “the Palestinians have become the true Jews” Tidhar’s asinine tweeting and Valente’s retweeting of my ‘Cathy Valente and the genre thought police article’. I have already mentioned this Stross/Buckell focused article,  where Stross tweeted in support of far Leftist pro-Palestinian academic Paul Graham Raven’s zombie dismissal of my Holocaust Revisionism series (neither of whom could be bothered to read a word about it). The gist of the article though is Stross’s know-nothing dhimmitude and his painting me a bigot for not going along with the moral and cultural relativism of our times re the whitewashing and apologetics for reactionary Islam. Stross also didn’t care for the semi-subtle digs I make against the Left’s new anti-Semitism likewise. Stross only proved the point I made about the genre Thought Police but naturally he and his supporters such as Graham Raven and genre writer Tobias Buckell don’t get it. Pathetic ad hominems launched my way by this lot, which they mistake for coherent logical argument.

My next posting, A reply to genre critic & editor Rose Fox’s tweeting on the previous article. So as a result of the publication of ‘the Stross and Buckell Hall of Shame’ article above, liberal ‘Jewish’ Publishers Weekly genre editor Rose Fox (daughter of Charles Platt) tweeted her snide dismissal of myself, you know the Jew exposing anti-Semitism in the genre community and speaking out against PC gibberish re right-wing Islam/ism.

Fox would then tweet her response to the above article (informing me she was Jewish for one, which I wasn’t sure of at the time). So this published piece followed… A reply to genre editor Rose Fox’s further tweeting. Why am I not surprised that you are Jewish and queer? The absurdism of the genre thought police knows no end

Note how sooo many of these pro-Palestinian ‘Jews’ are women and gay/bisexual, even as Arab Muslim society (Palestinian included) is extremely misogynistic, anti-Jewish and murderously homophobic. Unlike Israel which is the only country in the Middle-East a Jew, a woman and a gay woman at that could live in with any comfort and freedom whatsoever. And those of a strong secular bent likewise. It’s utterly insane. No exaggeration there.

Then in the beginning of March 2012, I published this: Jewish SF writer & editor Scott Edelman struggles vainly to comprehend my first article on Rose Fox’s tweeting. His ‘brain hurts’. Decides it’s best to run away It was the dismissive tweeting of Rose Fox on this blog that catalyzed Scott Edelman’s obtuse tweeting my way. Edelman doesn’t understand what I’m blogging about, but takes Rose Fox’s word that it’s best to run away as fast as he can. I mean the Jew exposing extreme anti-Semitism in the pro genre community is best ignored and dismissed by you know genre pro Jewry. Well of course. Make of that what you will.

Then this one – The galling obliviousness of it all: The Jewish genre critic Rose Fox cheers on anti-Semite China Mieville’s exposé of the racist apologetics for the racist ‘Tintin in the Congo’ comic book Yeah another article on Rose Fox, it was begging to be mentioned. The title says it all really. The article gives all the ugly bizarro details. At least Fox is consistent, I mean she scorns the blogger exposing Jew-hatred in the genre community as some kind of reactionary crackpot and then she swoons over the Jew-hater Mieville and his stance against uh anti-black racism. And remember amidst my clash with Fox (see articles above), I had been publishing my series exposing Mieville’s Jew-hatred, in heavy detail. So no excuses, unless being a know-nothing bury-your-head-in-the-sand airhead liberal, can be said to be an excuse.

So I then published a piece in response to Scott ‘the brain’ Edelman’s Pavlovian tweeting on my first article on him. The sound & the fury of SF writer Scott Edelman as he sinks deeper into the bog. Goes where no SF Court Jew has gone before – so far – in defense of the anti-Semite China Mieville. Truly Scotty would really sink into the mire here, letting us know that he would take the side of China Mieville, the hardcore Jew-hater (who campaigned for a political party in alliance with Muslim extremists and who supports BDS against Israel and plenty other Jew-hate nonsense over the years) over myself, the Jew exposing Jew-hatred in the genre community (Mieville’s included), any day of the year. Then he let us know I’m some kind of a FoxNewscheeering reactionarybigot gunsandbibleredneck type. That’s Edelman for you. Scarily Edelman is not that unusual among liberal genre Jewry (as my blog more then evidences!) and liberal American Jewry as a whole. These people need all the help they can get, but as it is written, ‘Against stupidity, the gods themselves rail in vain’.

Then it got even more interesting. John Scalzi, then president of the SFWA came to Court Jew Scott ‘the brain’ Edelman’s uh ‘rescue’. John Scalzi, writer and president of the SFWA comes to Court Jew Scott Edelman’s ‘rescue’ – pours scorn on this blog Yes Scalzi himself poured dismissive scorn and contempt on the blogger exposing Jew-hatred in the genre community, and he couldn’t have done it without Court Jewry like Edelman and Fox, and before them Stross and Tidhar leading the way.

So Scalzi would sink deeper into the bog, when he tweeted in knee-jerk mindless reply to the above article. In fact as I detail at the end of the article, Scalzi uncannily revealed his *literally sucking up* to China Mieville (it really is uncanny). Yes literally. Just read the article. The symbolism! John Scalzi & S Edelman puff their predictable tweets my way. A gaggle of faithful followers mindlessly tweet their support, writers Mike Allen & outgoing VP of the SFWA Mary Robinette Kowal among them

Scalzi’s ad hominems were as pathetic and lame as I have gotten (which is saying a lot!), pure emotionally inspired drivel, devoid of any logical or coherent content whatsoever. As the title of my article reveals, he would get the uh support from his VP at the time, Edelman and writer and editor Mike Allen. Robinette Kowal’s failure in basic English reading comprehension almost beggars belief, on a par with Edelman. Pathetic name-calling against the blogger exposing Jew-hatred. Well check for yourselves. It occurs to none of them of course that their lame personal attacks devoid of any pretense of meaningful rhetoric would get the high cheer from honest anti-Semites across the political spectrum. Or if it does occur to them – which it doesn’t – it wouldn’t matter to them anyhow. Clearly not.

So then on April Fools Day 2012 I published an April Fools article, that – even if I say so myself, well nobody else is! – I thought kinda funny. No really it is. In a dark comedy kind of way. You have to understand that Apex Magazine (under then editor Cathy Valente) has been at the forefront of pushing the thoughtcrime of ‘Islamophobia’. There was a special Apex Magazine Islam/Arab themed issue that came out in response to the Elizabeth Moon affair; and then this special Jewish issue came out (ahem) in response to things like the late Hogan’s and Dave Truesdale’s Holocaust Revisionism, China Mieville’s, Iain Banks’s and Kathryn Cramer’s extreme and indisputable anti-Semitism (and that’s just a few notable examples). Apex Magazine announces forthcoming publication of special all Jewish issue in response to the anti-Semitism in the professional genre community

Then followed this one, Publishers Weekly’s Jewish editor Rose Fox blogs on the April Fools’ Jokes posted up in the SF blogosphere. Asks if there are any others to add to the list… I sent her a link to my April Fools’ posting, but shocka, she didn’t put it up at her blog. Wonder why?

The next article (a lengthy one), covered something that should have been posted quite a bit earlier, namely Lavie Tidhar’s response to my Mieville series – “…seems to be on a China Mieville bender at the moment”. Tidhar’s further tweeting on my blog, makes sure to praise Mieville to the skies as a writer at the same time Very inadvertently revealing commentary from Tidhar (on my Mieville series and on Mieville in general) and how obscenely ingratiating he is to one of the most notorious Jew-haters in the genre community. And what it tells us about Tidhar and his fellow far Left genre Jews.

And then I published this: An extensive reply to writers Felix Gilman, Laura Anne Gilman & outgoing VP of the SFWA Mary Robinette Kowal’s tweeting on the first John Scalzi article My further detailed come-back to Court Jewry, Felix Gilman and Laura Ann Gilman (no relation), who tweeted derision and mockery my way, you know the blogger exposing extreme Jew-hatred in the genre community. Pay No Mind, Felix and Laura Ann. Robinette Kowal naturally goes along with the herd (and in support of her boss Scalzi). How do you think she got to be VP of the SFWA itself? Far Leftists the lot of them. Of course.

I have already alluded to this next article way up above, namely Felix Gilman’s obscene know-nothing tweet re my Holocaust Revisionism series (no he had no idea what he was doing. Hardly atypical with Leftist genre Jewry and of course not the only genre ‘Jew’ to dismiss that series with a ho hum smirk, and not the last neither!). He shut up after this article went up (the likes of Pontin, and especially Lieder and Rothman would do a lot worse, they doubled down!) along with his gang. Jewish writer Felix Gilman scrolls down through my blog, hits the series on Holocaust Revisionism and tweets … oblivious

I then resumed my China Mieville series. This next article gives a scandalous summing up of the snide contempt hurled my way via twitter by genre liberals (Jewish and Gentile) in derisive scorn of this series (you know the one exposing in all its ugly details the frothing-at-the-mouth Judenhass of a genre ‘rock star’). I give the links to the already published articles in this respect (the ones above re Tidhar, Gilman and Gilman, Yaniv, Robinette Kowal, Rose Fox, Stross, Buckell, Graham Raven, Allen, Edelman, Scalzi himself). They simply couldn’t help themselves. It’s the uh intellectual zeigeist man. On the deafening silence – and worse – from liberal Jewish & Gentile genre folk in response to China Mieville’s rabid anti-Semitism Part 10

Then the final article in my Mieville series. Repeats much of what is in part 10, just adds a few interesting final touches. Further commentary on the deafening silence – and worse – from the liberal professional genre community to China Mieville’s rabid anti-Semitism Part 11 

Then a published piece on one of more notable critics, the uh ‘Jewish’ Israeli writer and editor Lavie Tidhar. This article covers some of Lavie “the Palestinians have become the true Jews” Tidhar’s outrageous, disgusting over-the-top anti-Israelism, revolving in the main around an article he published at his blog (and the accompanying whitewash of Muslim extremism). Cookie-cutter far Left rubbish. Well it is the kind of polemical nonsense that would ensure his political credentials as a team player, and a vocal one at that, with the anti-Israel genre (and non-genre) Leftists, horribly and extremely anti-Semitic of course. For example Banks, MacLeod, Mieville to name just three. The more urgent danger the Jews are in, the more Israeli ‘Jewish’ SF writer and editor Lavie Tidhar sinks into delusional, odious and obscene anti-Israelism 

Then a four part series on influential US genre editor Kathryn Cramer (wife of the better-known genre editor David Hartwell). Cramer is a hardcore Jew-hater, yet another know-nothing genre anti-Semitic far Leftist. And I provide all the evidence for that charge in these first two articles. Notable SF editor Kathryn Cramer – wife of editor David Hartwell – disdainful of accepting Israel’s right to exist Part 1

This next article details just how harebrained, sinister and extreme Cramer’s anti-Semitism actually is. Given who she lauds and acclaims as a speaker of truth to power when it comes to the Jew among the nations. SF editor Kathryn Cramer shills for and lauds vicious anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist Dennis ‘Justin’ Raimondo Part 2 

This next piece is a doozy that naturally the SF genre community ignored, then and now. It really damns Cramer very badly, and far Left genre writer, the ‘Jewish’ Cory Doctorow who came to her aid the only way he could, defended the indefensible, with distortions and gross misrepresentations. Note how Doctorow runs to the rescue of a hardcore Jew-hater. What Jew-hatred hey Cory? SF editor Kathryn Cramer’s obscene & mendacious slander on the 2004 Michael Teague murder in Fallujah that she sends down the memory hole. Cory Doctorow runs cover for Cramer and digs his own grave beside her Part 3 

My final article in my Kathryn Cramer series: The chutzpah: Rabidly anti-Semitic SF editor Kathryn Cramer sits on a panel ‘The Moral Distance between the Author and the Work’ at the 2010 World Fantasy Con Part 4

It’s even more pathetic, delusionsal and hypocritical than it sounds. Also on the panel, sitting with the Jew-hater Cramer is Scott Edelman, the ‘Jew’ who would later remark that he would take the side of the hardcore Jew-hater China Mieville (what anti-Semitism hey Edelman?) any day over the Red Wolf blogger exposing Jew-hatred in the genre community (see further up). This whole panel had a packed audience. You have got to be kidding me, but no it’s all for real. There has been *zero condemnation* from genre folk (Jews notably) of Cramer for her extreme anti-Semitism. Compare that to the attention she got over ‘racefail’.

Then comes my series on Night Shade Books editor Jeremy Lassen. This series was catalyzed by a tweet or two of his directed my way. The titles of the articles are self-explanatory. Night Shade Books editor-in-chief Jeremy Lassen tweets snickering condescension my way in response to my first John Scalzi article and my allusion to anti-Semitism in the genre community Part 1  

The next published piece on Lassen, well the title of the article says it all. Lasssen had retweeted more of Glenn Greenwald’s political blather than anybody else, up to that time. And I give all the evidence for Greenwald’s extreme Jew-hatred therein, his blather about ‘dual loyalty’, his talk of the ‘excessive control’ by Jewry of the US political machine and way more, way worse in that regard. In fact Greenwald is very extreme in his Jew-hatred, that he naturally pretends is nothing of the kind. Night Shade Books publisher Jeremy Lassen’s admiration and commendation for the vicious anti-Semitic political journalist Glenn Greenwald Part 2

As if to prove the point I make in the above article, what does Lassen do? This… Jeremy Lassen publisher and editor-in-chief of Night Shade Books retweets anti-Semite Glenn Greenwald’s sympathy for indicted Muslim extremist and Palestine Islamic Jihad supporter Sami Al-Arian Part 3 And yes I give all the evidence for Sami Al-Arian’s Muslim extremism. Remember Greenwald sympathizes with the man’s uh ‘plight’, and Lassen retweets mindlessly Greenwald’s sympathy in this respect, Greenwald’s sympathy and support for a… jihadist. Yes it really is as bad as it sounds. Well for those who have eyes to see.

Then began my Anna Tambour series. Man oh man.

Tambour is a far Left Aussie ‘Jewish’ genre writer (very pro-Palestinian), and it’s appropriate that it followed my Lassen series. That’s because on the old Night Shade Books Forum, well… Liberal SF writer Anna Tambour posts a link approvingly to a ‘greedy Jews’ article from a Muslim extremist website at the Night Shade Books Forum. Tells us it’s ‘milder than it might have been’. Notable genre folk look away, condemn a conservative SF fan instead Part 1 Yes you read that all correctly. Yes the worst anti-Semites are the Jews, ain’t they? No genre pro had a single word of condemnation for Tambour re her extreme Judenhass, then and now. As in not a single word. And if you think I have erred here, well check the article for yourself. Tambour would reply to this article!! But I will get to that…

Next one: Liberal Aussie SF writer Anna Tambour has Gilad Atzmon, a Holocaust Revisionist Jew in her recommended reading blogroll Part 2 This article – as I wrote therein – is very much a case of kicking a dead horse (but what the hell).

Then came this published piece, that would inadvertently catalyze the calling for my uh figurative (well…) beheading from the genre Thought Police, Tidhar included. Will Charles Tan, co-editor of the Apex World SF blog with Israeli Jew Lavie Tidhar, continue to guest feature at Anna Tambour’s website in light of the revelations of her rabid Jew-hatred at this blog? More questions to make the Thought Police squirm Part 3 Of course the Thought Police have no shame. Squirm? Of course not, they shoot the messenger. They can’t help it, it’s the nature of the beast. I really rip Tidhar to shreds in this article, and sent him an e-mail pointing that out. So what happens? This…

Israeli SF writer Lavie Tidhar brazenly lies at his blog – falsely accuses me of making death threats against him & tries to get WordPress to shut me down The genre Thought Police living  down to their name. And then some. No I never e-mailed Tidhar any death threat! He just grossly misrepresented and obscenely distorted the contents of my e-mail to him and he simply lied (he never bothered to publish the actual e-mail at his blog of course); so I published the unedited e-mail I sent to Tidhar (and others) here and in the process exposed his libel. After this article went online, all the genre pros and fandom baying for my blood shut up all of a sudden. Except for one – the anti-Israel UK genre hack writer Michael Cobley – who continued to defend the indefensible libel of Tidhar’s (and an odious defense of the indefensible Jew-hatred from Mieville and Tambour by the by). And Cobley did so by lying and misrepresenting what I wrote, as he only could do. I really recommend that Cobley article as it gets to the nitty-gritty of exposing disingenous new anti-Semitism for what it is (where I take apart Cobley, Mievielle and Tambour in this respect).

Would you believe that Tambour had the gall to reply to my article (at her blog) exposing her extreme self-loathing? Really she did. And she did it the only way she could, in the most absurdist fashion, that it is actually black comedy gold. Basically what she wrote has to be seen in ‘CONTEXT’ (her exact word choice), you know seen in the context of her vicious, delusional anti-Israel screeds! Here for the details: Aussie writer Anna Tambour’s ‘devastating’ reply at her blog to my series exposing her anti-Semitism. Read it and weep

Then followed the Michael Cobley article already mentioned.

And then in August 2012 I published this: Jewish SF writer and former president of the SFWA, prof Paul Levinson shills for and swoons over the rabidly anti-Semitic crackpot Republican Ron Paul It’s really very revealing that Ford University prof, and a former president of the SFWA and a uh Jew, Paul Levinson, would praise and revere so highly a political crackpot conspiracy theorist and extreme Jew-hater, so beyond the pale of mainstream sensibility (if such sensibility even exists any more). And I give all the overwhelming evidence for Ron Paul’s horrible anti-Semitism in this article. Maybe it was entirely appropriate that a Jewish writer and prof, who reveres a lying Jew-hating politician as a speaker of truth to power, served as president of the SFWA.

Then my first Iain Banks article (when he was still alive): Best-selling and award-winning liberal writer Iain Banks gives his support to the anti-Semitic boycott of Israel & prefers that his books not be translated into Hebrew for the Israeli market. Genre folk’s response – predictable deafening silence

Banks was so typical of the Jew-hating far Leftist, and Jew-hating British Leftist at that. Extreme Jew-hatred, in the mold of Mieville. Naturally the notable progressive genre pro writers, editors and fandom don’t have a single bad word to say about Banks in this respect. Well Duh. It’s left to non-genre folk and genre people not enamoured of fashionable new anti-Semitism to call out Banks for who and what he is/was. As with Mieville. Well of course. What does anybody expect? I mean if Banks was called out for who he was, who goes down with him? A whole army of Jew-hating genre Leftists…

To get just what liberal asininity one is up against, here is tech guru (well apparently), SF writer, Boing Boing guy and far Left ‘progressive’ Cory Doctorow sinking so deep in the swamp of sinister liberal mindlessness, that well, read for yourselves. (Doctorow is all buddy buddy with the far Left anti-Israel genre crowd btw ie the Jew-haters) The unbearable cluelessness of ‘Jewish’ SF writer Cory Doctorow. The Islamist and pretend moderate CAIR’s useful idiot in the SF genre community

Doctorow indulged in an act of projection, calling US politician Allan West “dumb”, for uh standing up to the  Muslim extremist CAIR in the United States (CAIR is founded by Muslim Brotherhood members in the US, all the evidence for CAIRS’s Muslim fundamentalism and support for the jihad, including against the Jews is detailed in this article) and West employing the same language as US general McAuliffe did at the Battle of the Bulge when refusing to surrender to the Nazis. Doctorow, in running defense for a Muslim extremist front group in the US, was both clueless to CAIR’s Muslim extremism (clearly falling for their lying ‘we are moderates’ propaganda) and the McAuliffe allusion by West. Dumb and dumberer. This wouldn’t be the only example of Doctorow’s obscene asininity as a useful idiot for Jew-haters of course (see part 3 in my Kathryn Cramer series above).

Then a two part series on UK far Left genre writer, Richard K Morgan. Best-selling British liberal genre writer Richard K. Morgan’s hero worship of jihad supporting journalist John Pilger Part 1 Morgan recommends the hardcore left-wing fascist Jew-hater Aussie journalist John Pilger as the most important Truth Teller to Power there is in the world today, no exaggeration. Morgan dedicated a best-seller to him, recommends more of Pilger’s books than any other ‘non-fiction’ (chuckle) writer, living or dead, effusively praises Pilger when interviewed, calls Pilger a true moral “hero”. I document all the evidence for Pilger’s proud love affair for fascist Muslim jihadists. Which brings us to part 2 in my Morgan series…

Liberal genre writer Richard K. Morgan’s “hero”, the rabidly anti-Semitic journalist John Pilger praises Hezbollah as heroes in its jihad against the Jews Part 2 Yup you read that right. During the war in 2006, initiated by Hezbollah (well they do call for the liquidation of all Jewry, not just the destruction of Israel!), Pilger called them “heroes”. Seriously. And more in that vein. Given Pilger’s long history of Jew-hatred (his endless and blatant lying about Israel and the whitewashing of the Muslim jihad), which I likewise document in this article, well Pilger’s out-and-out support for the jihad against the Jews (going beyond his usual whitewashing and lying) is really something. Even by the standards of the Jew-hating Left. Naturally Morgan had nothing to say about this article (and the first one) at his blog or anywhere else. No comment.

Then an article that sums up the pathetic and out-and-out delusional zeitgeist of our times, in and out of the genre community. Depressingly ominous… As Iran gets ever closer to the nuclear bomb, as the Democratic Party lets the mask slip on its Jew-hatred at the DNC, genre Court Jewry’s ire and contempt remains with the usual eeevil suspects… Republicans and co

Then a featured article on an oh so typical Jew-hating far Leftist Brit, the genre writer Ken MacLeod. Yes these far Left communist atheists are an army of Jew-hating zombies with a big soft spot for reactionary right-wing Islam. And nowhere is it worse than in the UK. The boiler-plate liberal anti-Semitism of British genre writer Ken MacLeod

Then a two part series on another anti-Semitic far Left atheist Brit genre writer – like I write above they are an army – the Scottish Hal Duncan. Liberal Scottish SF writer Hal Duncan equates Zionism with fascism and Muslim extremism in harebrained ‘progressive’ style on self-same 2005 NSB forum thread wherein Anna Tambour ‘outed’ herself Part 1 Yes it really is as bad as it sounds. The airheaded, clueless know-nothing Left – bigotry and brain dead ignorance, two sides of the same coin.

Part 2 is black comedy gold, the title of this article says it all. The brain-dead Left I tell ya. Liberal Brit genre writer Hal Duncan who equates Zionism with fascism and Muslim extremism, reveres the staunch Zionist Jew, the late Lawrence Kohlberg as a leading light on moral philosophy Part 2 

Not unrelated to the previous Hal Duncan series, this followed: Sir Victor Gollancz, famous socialist and Zionist Jewish publisher, the name behind the most prestigious British Science Fiction Imprint. What would he make of the pervasiveness of liberal anti-Zionism and its psychopathology today?

Duncan, who comes across as a rather dull-minded, excessively emotional and pretentious know-it-all-know-nothing fourteen year old had nothing to say about the above three articles. Gee wonder why?

You know there is so much attention and focus, Sturm und Drang given to relatively minor affairs/gossip/kerfluffles in the genre community, including by the genre uh Jewish Left. However hardcore Jew-hatred from prominent genre writers and editors (just check the articles listed and described in this comprehensive overview, and remember we are talking hardcore anti-Semitism) – Holocaust Revisionism, support for BDS against Israel, refusal to accept Israel’s right to exist and more in that vein – not so much as a murmur of protest from the genre Jewish professionals. And that’s what this article is all about: The huge and heated fall-out to the Genevieve Valentine/René Walling Readercon alleged sexual harrasment incident in contrast to the deafening silence, denials and worse in response to vicious anti-Semitism from genre pros There would be a reply to this article from Jewish genre writer Adam-Troy Castro, but will get to that later…

Then an article in reply to two know-nothing moral relativist genre Left writers, who don’t see anything wrong with launching the most pathetic name-calling the way of a blogger exposing extreme anti-Semitism in the genre community. Jim Hines was one of those who got all worked up about the Elizabeth Moon ‘Islamophobia’ affair (and subsequently the Mike Resnick/Barry Malzberg kerfluffle over less than nothing, I get to that later…), but just like the ‘Jewish’ Laura Anne Gilman, has nothing at all to say about extreme Jew-hatred from his genre peers; except that is to indulge in fact-free ad hominems my way. As in shoot the messenger. Sinister. Liberal genre writer Jim C Hines says calling me an idiot is an understatement, in twitter conversation with Laura Anne Gilman. A reply to Hines and Gilman

And then an article on another know-nothing dhimmi Jew, Michael Levy (a fan of the odious Noam Chomsky, whose Jew-hatred I have documented and evidenced in detail at this blog and in this very article) and his review of the pro-Palestinian Lavie Tidhar’s Osama at SF Signal. Osama would go on to win the 2012 World Fantasy Award for best novel. Levy’s book review reveals more about reviewer and author, than either could ever know or appreciate. On Michael Levy’s inadvertently revealing Strange Horizons book review of Israeli SF writer Lavie Tidhar’s alternative history novel Osama

Then this blog post, addresses practically the only serious and sincere response I have gotten from any Jewish genre pro anywhere to my articles. Seriously. A reply to Adam-Troy Castro’s sincere commentary on my article: The huge and heated fall-out to the Genevieve Valentine/René Walling Readercon alleged sexual harrasment incident in contrast to the deafening silence, denials and worse in response to vicious anti-Semitism from genre pros Note that this article has been updated in 2015. The reason pertains to the Dave Truesdale petition from early 2014 (below), that is certain implications of that petition that do genre Jewry no favours. Consult the 2015 update for the details.

That article led to this, as we descended ever further down the rabbit hole… UPDATED Liberal Jewish genre writer Chuck Rothman disputes the fact that Tangent editor Dave Truesdale is a Holocaust Revisionist, inspite of my extensive series evidencing all this. A reply to Rothman’s & Truesdale’s responses to this article So Rothman who mocked my blog in the language of new anti-Semites everywhere (at Adam-Troy Castro’s place on the web), only showed up all the problems with liberal Jewish brain-deadness, defending the indefensible, denying Truesdale is a Holocaust Revisionist! Just like Tim Lieder before him, worse than a Mark Pontin fail. When I pointed out what he had done, he doubled down and continued to defend his blunder (just like Lieder, who at the very least tripled down). Truesdale the Holocaust Revisionist then comes along to attack me, in the same mindless language that all my left-wing critics have used. It is his first and only public response to my series outing him as a Holocaust Revisionist. Note that that article has been further updated in 2015. The reason relates to the Truesdale petition from early 2014 (detailed below and itself updated in 2015). 

The response from Castro and his gang to Rothman’s and Truesdale’s sinister baloney (remember this was all at Castro’s SF bulletin board) – SILENCE. More specifically, the topic of conversation – at Castro’s SF bulletin board – was desperately changed by Steven H Silver of Argentus fanzine ‘fame’ to… mockery of a Republican politician over some stupid comment the latter made over something or other. Castro and his fellow liberal American Jews don’t hesitate to pounce on the bandwagon that Silver steers their way, you can almost hear the sighs of relief. This is all after Castro lets us know that he will speak out against anti-Semitism among his genre peers and colleagues, he just wants the smoking guns (as if I don’t give plenty in this department). Yeah ok – still waiting Castro… Then again, what to expect from liberal Jews? Their allegiance is to the increasingly unhinged Jew-hating Democratic Party, what with Jew-hater Obama at the helm, no matter what. To be clear, at least such liberal Jews are consistent. And a further point, easily missed: Silver, Castro and gang’s desperation to run away from all this, at all costs, to sweep this Holocaust Denialism horror under the carpet and change the subject and never ever ever talk about it, is what later allowed this absurdist Alice in David Dukeville land horror show to come to its rotten fruition (detailed further down in this blog overview). And people still don’t talk about it. No liberal genre Jew, like liberal Jews in general, has any credibility. Shameful, craven, pathetic.

Then also in October 2012, this piece that was a complete change of pace and tone, but I think really worth a read; especially if like me, you are interested in odd and uncanny coincidences. It doesn’t matter if you believe in synchronicities or not, it’s an article worth perusing as I get into the symbolism of the red wolf and its relevance to my blog, and additional related themes and patterns. Bits and Pieces: On coincidences pertaining to this blog, its themes and controversies and the wolf motif in the SF blogosphere

Then I  wrote an article on well-known liberal genre writer and editor Jeff VanderMeer. As the title of this article makes clear, it was a total rewrite of an earlier article that I was forced to trash, that I had published the day before. The bottom line on Jeff VanderMeer however remained unchanged. As the article details, VanderMeer fawns all over Jew-haters like China Mieville, had no problem with Anna Tambour’s odious Judenhass, is buddy buddy with the likes of Richard Morgan who hero worships a genocidally anti-Semitic journalist (see further up); whilst at the same time VanderMeer froths publicly about Elizabeth Moon’s ‘Islamophobia’. This is on top of the horribly anti-Semitic piece published by a guest contributor at VanderMeer’s own blog in 2006, that VanderMeer had nothing to say about neither. VanderMeer has a Jewish wife, Ann VanderMeer, a fellow genre editor. VanderMeer had responded to my first article that I was compelled to dump, because I had mistakenly assumed an anti-Semitic article posted up at his blog during the Israel-Hezbollah war was authored by VanderMeer himself, and not a guest contributor (just read the article). However Jeffy V didn’t respond to the follow-up that remains. Gee I wonder why not? Updated Apologies to Jeff VanderMeer: I had assumed wrongly that you were the author of that anti-Semitic ‘Peace is Heresy’ drivel, featured at your own blog back in 2006, that never got any public criticism or rebuke from you whatsoever. Article is now trashed

Then a two part series on liberal US genre author Michael Bishop, an award-winning writer who has been around for decades. Michael Bishop is a Jew-hater, Alas. Very revealing how the liberal writer runs off to one of American’s most notoriously bigoted far right-wing Jew-hating politicians, Pat Buchanan, to get the ‘facts’ on the Joooos, oh I mean Israel. And Bishop naturally sees nothing wrong in doing that. Bishop is well-known for using his fiction to speak out against anti-black racism. Yet so deep does Bishop’s Jew-hatred run, that he has no problem praising the anti-black racist (and Jew-hater) Buchanan’s take on Israel, and using the pathetic pretext of the Abu Ghraib US military scandal in Iraq to do it. And then Bishop indulged in his Jew-baiting again some time later, and again swooned over his favourite right-wing Holocaust Revisionist Pat Buchanan. All this on the now defunct Night Shade Books Forum where Jew-baiting by genre Leftist writers was hardly uncommon (see further up re Tambour, Duncan).

Liberal genre writer Michael Bishop swoons over rabid anti-Semitic Holocaust Revisionist Pat Buchanan’s take on Israel. Bishop uses the lame pretext of the Iraqi Abu Ghraib prison scandal to commend Buchanan’s Jew nation baiting Part 1

Genre writer Michael Bishop praises rabid anti-Semite Pat Buchanan, quoting the Holocaust Revisionist with approval, even as Buchanan hints the US led intervention in Iraq is a sinister Jewish plot Part 2

Then in November 2012, I announce that I’m slowing down here and pretty much winding down the blog: Winding down…

Then an essay that follows the same theme as the René Walling one a little earlier, but coming at things from a different angle entirely. The blanket taboo of refusing to acknowledge in-your-face anti-Semitism among genre pros. It’s simply not permitted, and this applies to both ‘new’ anti-Semitism and even the more old-fashioned kind. A commentary on the deafening silence in response to anti-Semitism in the genre community in comparison to the unabashed banter in response to Samuel Delany’s 1998 NYRSF essay ‘Racism and Science Fiction’. Contrasts & disturbing impressions No response from Adam Troy Castro to this article, unlike the René Walling one. No response from anybody, and I expected as much. Only proves the point I make in the article. You can almost smell the fear. Frankly it is pathetic in extremis.

And then an essay that was very much a change of pace, lighthearted but I think an interesting piece, even if I say so myself: Bits & Pieces: Acclaimed baby boomer genre Jewish writers, erotic fiction and science fiction

Then another essay. This is the essay that expresses or gives voice to what this blog has been about: the horrible anti-Semitism that pretends it is nothing of the sort, that pervades the overwhelmingly liberal genre community and our wider society, the cowardice and worse of genre Jewry (and liberal Jewry in general) in even daring to acknowledge the ugly reality. I also give voice to the genre Left’s useful idiot propagandizing for the PC thought crime of ‘Islamophobia’, associated as it often enough is with the former fashionable bigotry. Along with this previous article, this essay is the most literary one published at this blog up to that time, even as it is all so depressing: Of dybbuks, starships and dhimmitude

And then in February 2013 this article: Updated The Red Wolf is back to savour a few choice leftovers or why the Anna Tambour ‘thing’ that everybody ignores is still relevant Basically the article revolves around my prediction mentioned in my e-mail to Tidhar that Lavie Tidhar himself, Tambour’s buddy, wouldn’t have a problem with my outing of the ‘Jewish’ Tambour as horribly anti-Semitic (her putting up a link with a thumbs-up, to a ‘greedy Jews’ article from a Muslim extremist website that is “milder than it might have been”). And as the February 2013 article points out, my safe prediction turned out to be entirely correct. Never mind that Tidhar lied and misrepresented that prediction of mine re Tambour as integral to my non-existent ‘death threat’ to him!

Then in March, this one, UPDATED Bits & Pieces: China Mieville and Charles Stross related. This posting starts with a brief mention of Mieville’s persistent and relentless Judenhass. However in the main it is about the ‘house Jew’ Charles Stross (Tidhar’s buddy) and the positive recommendations that Stross makes for the political oeuvre of numerous vociferously anti-Semitic soapbox “intellectual” preachers in our day and age. Namely Noam Chomsky, Noami Klein and Juan Cole. And yes I give considerable evidence for all their extreme anti-Semitism respectively in this very article. At the same time I point out that Stross has the gall to call people stupid. Yeah look in the mirror wise guy.

Then in April: On Iain Banks being diagnosed with incurable cancer, letting the world know he still hates the Jew nation. Some revealing commentary by the genre Left, Court Jewry included. I had already written my article on Banks and given indisputable evidence for his hardcore anti-Semitism, yet here I point out that even as Banks lets the world know about his fatal cancer status, he still went on with his obscene ‘new’ Jew-baiting. Even as non-genre Jewry such as scholar David Hirsh take Banks to task for his Jew-hatred (see link); genre Court Jewry such as Stross and Tidhar and genre Gentiles swoon all over this Jew-hater, making it clear they don’t see him as having an anti-Semitic bone in his body.

In May 2013: Charles Stross on the day of the Boston marathon bombings, warns against empty speculation as to the identity of the terrorists. Proceeds immediately to speculate that the perpetrators are most likely the “provisional wing of the Tea Party”

Yup Stross, an odious moral relativist delusional Leftist if there was one. This screw-up makes him the David Sirota (of of the genre community (see the article above if you don’t get the reference). Stross went all mum when the Tsarnaev brothers – oh my God Muslim extremists shocka –  turned out to be the terrorists. Who would have dared even imagine it? Only us nasty right-wing biblethumping hickredneck ‘Islamophobes’ of course. And he was all quiet on this article of mine as well. Sounds of silence. Gee wonder why now?

And then also in May I posted this (my 100th article): Iain Banks’s anti-Semitism and support for a boycott against Israel cheered by the prominent neo-Nazi internet hate forum Stormfront

Maybe Banks, his Court ‘Jews’ such as Stross and Tidhar and Banks’s genre peers and fandom swooning all over him, will tell us that these proudly open neo-Nazis have just misunderstood Banks’s intent and meaning; misusing Banks’s uh non-existent anti-Jewish prejudice to further their own genocidal anti-Jewish worldview. Gag gag. My God I would hate to see the justifications and rationalizations from Court Jewry on this front. Of course they just ignore this kind of thing altogether. What else can genre Court Jewry do? And non-Jewry for that matter. Move along, nothing to see here.

One wonders what Lavie Tidhar’s fellow Court Jews and for that matter genre non-Court Jewry (they do exist…) have to say about this: The Far Left ‘Jewish’ writer Lavie Tidhar tweets in sympathy for Stephen Hawking’s boycott of Israel. What to expect from Lavie “the Palestinians have become the true Jews” Tidhar? Yeah it’s as bad as it sounds, if possible even worse than it sounds. Well to those who are not anti-Semitic. Tidhar (who had family relatives perish in the Holocaust) continues to set new lows in his harsh, dishonest anti-Israelism, the more existential threats Israel faces in its very real struggle to survive. There is a lot of meat here for those interested in abnormal psychology.

It may seem as if I was belabouring the whole Iain Banks thing, by publishing this article upon Banks’s passing in June. However there were nothing but paeans by Jewish genre heavyweight writers Neil Gaiman and David Brin upon the anti-Semite Banks’s death, that were definitely worth mentioning.

Then an article on the genre Thought Police descending into self-parody (well nothing new there), the huge ballyhoo that is their mindless witch-hunt against liberal writers Mike Resnick and Barry Malzberg. Whilst a lot has been written on this kerfluffle (and perhaps a nadir for the SFWA), I give it a slant that is surely original. I dare to point out the elephant in the room: the fact that Malzberg and Resnick are both Jewish, and yet pervasive and malevolent anti-Semitism in the genre community is not only given a free pass from these self-same genre witch hunters fussing over these two writers’ non-existent sexism, but the self-same genre Thought Police actively fortify and embolden the oldest hatred. The sheer surreal absurdity of it all surpasses the usual tropes of McCarthyite witch-hunting. Naturally none of this appears to occur to anybody else. Or if it does, they are staying mum or walking on eggshells.

And then an essay which was guaranteed, even designed, to offend most everybody across the political spectrum: Why Conservatism cannot save Science Fiction from the depths of idiot moral relativist PC Leftism in which it is ensnared. I make some fairly harsh criticisms of conservative writer Theodore Beale aka Vox Day in this article (could have been far harsher coming to think of it), along with a no-holds-barred withering contempt for the liberal brain-dead gangsters that run science fiction on both sides of the Atlantic. I also make it clear that science fiction cannot be considered an authentic literature, so weak, vapid and horrible is most of it, worse than it’s ever been. And that there is no realistic hope for any renaissance, and ideological axe-grinding, all ideological axe-grinding, is part of the problem here.

Theodore Beale replied to the above article at his blog. An entirely predictable response from him and his ilk, his reactionary followers. If anything I was too soft on Beale in the relevant article. I didn’t really even begin to get to grips with his horrible anti-black racism (focusing on his misogyny and anti-gay prejudice instead), of the kind not unusual among reactionary conservatives.

That is his bigoted delusion that blacks are inherently inferior, their average intelligence does not match those of the superior white race blabla. Anybody so interested can just make a cursory search of Beale’s blog, it’s all there. In spades. I didn’t even notice this deep-seated anti-black racism that much initially (even though it is a big part of Beale’s odious political output), when I first wrote up on Beale, simply because I had hardly bothered to check out Beale’s blog and output in any detail. I mean what for? It’s just odious reactionary garbage for the most part, I couldn’t be and I can’t be bothered really.

Oh yeah it’s worth adding that Beale is – surprise, surprise – also something of a Jew-hater. Misogyny, homophobia, anti-black and anti-Jewish prejudice – this Beale character and the strong support he has among a certain section of the conservative genre community is nothing less than frightening. But really the leopard does not change its spots. Beale is the flip side of all these liberal progressive genre (and non-genre) folk, who think they are so much better than him, but they are all horribly bigoted or apologists for bigotry at best. And note how what unites them – across the political divide – is their anti-Jewish prejudice and racist identity politics.

Since the relevant article of mine was published, Beale has been expelled from the SFWA. I got to be honest, I don’t care what the exact details are there, and I can’t be bothered. The thing is – whilst I agree with liberal genre folk that Beale is simply beyond the pale – liberal genre folk ARE EVERY BIT AS BAD AS BEALE IS. The only differences are the dynamics and characteristics of their respective bigotries. I mean what really is the difference between say Beale and Mieville, Beale and Mamatas even, Beale and Tidhar? And their respective sycophantic fandom?

Yet how many see this? Surely very few, and that is what gives me the chills.

And then this last article entitled The Jew at the end of his tether. This essay had nothing to do with the SF genre community per se. It could have been published at a general Jewish affairs/Israel news orientated blog. It’s about the latest capitulation of the Israeli government to the coercion of the anti-Semitic White House and the latter’s alliance and sinister cooperation with the pretend moderate but in reality Muslim extremist Palestinian Authority, in pushing an agenda whose ultimate end goal is nothing less than the destruction of Israel. All this while the elephant in the room that is Iran is all but wished away by the Left. Bad omens are all around, and Jews in and out of Israel largely have their heads buried in the sand. Disturbing, frightening and ominous are words that don’t begin to express the real state of affairs… Liberals and liberal Jews – like the White House itself – appear more preoccupied about where the Jews are building houses and apartment blocks than the fact that Jewry is at very real risk of another Holocaust. In a sane world such liberal people would easily be recognized as both mad and – well why walk on eggshells? – Jew-haters themselves.

This one article that came next (published in February 2014, and a further update in March, and then one again in February 2015; published 6 months after my original Zombie Chronicles overview went online), more than any other blog article that came before, sums up the insanity, the thoughtlessness, the DENIAL and worse, yes the very ZOMBIFICATION of the pro genre community. This is most obviously so when it comes to the ugly prevalence of extreme anti-Semitism that pretends it’s no such thing… Continuing the madness, in fact not only giving it a new twist, but ascending or descending – depending on how you look at it – to new heights or depths of absurdity, unsurpassed in the course of this entire enterprise. No kidding. And that is saying such a lot.

UPDATED 2015 David Duke in Wonderland: The Dave Truesdale Petition re the SFWA Thought Police and the hatred that dares not to be acknowledged. Least of all by genre Jewry

In overview, Dave Truesdale would draw up a petition – and get lots of big shakers and movers in SF circles to sign it – to express opposition to PC censorship and over-the-top militant feminism at the SFWA and its official Bulletin, in the latter’s censure of Mike Resnick and Barry Malzberg. The SFWA under head honcho Steve Gould, not only went along with what was nothing but a far Left fascist witch-hunt, and capitulated to a tarring and feathering of these two heavyweight Jewish writers (I will get to why in a moment); but moved to establish a McCarthy-like Task Force/committee to oversee what could and could not be published under the auspice of the SFWA’s Bulletin. Malzberg and Resnick were condemned over some commentary they made in the Bulletin on women in SF that was considered sexist, even misogynist (it wasn’t – just read my article) by the far Left SJW crowd of humourless demagogues and bigots that have run American SF into the ground. There was so much sound and shrill dither over nothing, yet all this would culminate in the resignation of editor Jean Rabe from the SFWA Bulletin itself.

In the aftermath of all this, Truesdale being Truesdale and not even a member of the SFWA, organizes a petition, drafts it up, to express his disappointment and concern over the SFWA’s very real bullying and intimidation in service to far Left militant feminist demagoguery. Heavyweight writers proceeded to sign it, including many heavyweight Jewish writers. Remember Resnick and Malzberg, who inadvertently catalyzed this whole ridiculous affair, are Jewish. So naturally my response to this is – WHAT THE FUCK????!!!!!! What else could I do, but point out not only the absurd hypocrisy of Truesdale, but also how the signatories had blundered. Notably the Jewish signatories. This is where the denial, the burying one’s head in the sand, the ZOMBIFICATION, the hear-no-evil-see-no-evil approach to even the most base and extreme anti-Semitism had gotten the ‘Jews’ of the genre community. This is where ignoring the elephant in the room – what this blog is all about – has gotten us. Yes the SFWA sanctioned witch-hunt against Resnick and Malzberg is just that, but talk about missing the point!

Now the updated article (same article), details some of the Twitter responses I got from genre folk to that self-same article. All left-wing genre Thought Police, and all poking fun at me… Yes all this in response to an article detailing how all  these signatories had blundered, by signing a petition drawn up by a fucking Holocaust Denier; that all these ‘liberal’ genre Thought Police hate so much, and consider a quasi-fascist anyhow!! Cannot make this up in a million years. Beyond the wubbiest wub. I get into the absurd and ironic details in the article, and naturally why these PC ‘liberals’ condemn with moronic ad hominems a blogger exposing their own bête noire as a…. HOLOCAUST DENIER!! I swear this article sums up the Zombie Chronicles more than any other, it is where it was all leading to… One sees this now in hindsight. 

Naturally the sounds of silence from all the signatories in response to this article of mine. Well it’s the deafening silence and the not wanting to know about the most in-your-face anti-Semitism of any and all varieties, in and out of the genre community, that led to this darkly comical blunder in the first place. Heck this entire blog and its contents sums up all the DENIAL and worse. And I’m just scratching the surface. To this day, the sounds of silence. Of course. The awkward, embarrassed ‘keep a lid on the real story of the Truesdale petition affair’ remains locked in place. It has to, I mean otherwise… In fact, it is even more appalling than this summary can reveal, as my February 2015 update makes clear. That is pertinent commentary re Mike Resnick and Gregory Benford. Basically the zombie madness of this genre community goes on and on re Truesdale and by association, denialism of hardcore anti-Semitism. It is unending.  

The elephant in the room that nobody talks about has become a mammoth in the closet that nobody talks about. Everybody just quietly chose to forget about the petition, it’s not something that is discussed. Certainly not publicly and I doubt even in sotto voce. And so the Season of the Red Wolf that exposed the real scandal and hardcore bigotry in the SF genre community – that the Truesdale petition’s signatories inadvertently and ironically revealed more than anything – remains a name that is not to be brought up. In any meaningful sense. Predictably Pathetic. It’s even worse than that, even worse.

This is a bomb that has gone off, leaving figurative limbs blown to bits, and nobody talks about it. A scandal in the genre community that is huge and nobody, and I do mean nobody, talks about it. In fact many genre Jews don’t even know about it, most perhaps. They don’t want to know. At all costs. A disgrace beyond words.

OK moving on, and then this article published in April 2014: Charles Stross in friendly anti-Israel Twitter banter with anti-Semite Max Blumenthal, the pseudo-scholar whose Israel hatred inspired the neo-Nazi killer Frazier Glenn Cross, Jr. of the Kansas Jewish Community Center murders

Yup Stross continued to descend to new lows in his base Jewish self-hatred. This really takes the cake, although he had already utterly damned himself long before – as my previous articles on Stross reveal. The title is self-explanatory. It’s as bad as it sounds, worse even.

And talking about self-hating British Jews, this came next…

UPDATED The horrible anti-Semitism of the ‘Jewish’ prof and doyenne of the liberal SF Literati, Farah Mendlesohn. This article posted on June 5th 2014 detailed somewhat belatedly the extreme hardcore Jew-hatred of genre editor and critic Farah Mendlesohn (yes the far Left Jews are the very worst anti-Semites, in and out of the genre community), a bigotry she revealed indisputably during the Hamas-Israel war of 2008/2009. Among other places. She signed a petition that ACTUALLY and UNEQUIVOCALLY –sans cover terminology – called for Israel to lose the war against the jihadists HAMAS, that HAMAS had started, with its wave of rocket terror attacks against the Jews. No kidding. Just check that article out. This petition – signed by a number of Jew-hating left-wing British academics – also called for support for BDS against Israel. Mendlesohn would tweet in response to this article of mine (see the Update). Her Tweets and her hat-tip to Jew-hater Nick Mamatas would only damn her further of course.

That article led to this one, Geoff Ryman tweets in reply to my exposé of Farah Mendlesohn’s anti-Semitism, and so denies the undeniable and defends the indefensible, posted on June 12th 2014.

Geoff Ryman, the gay Canadian-Brit genre writer would indeed come to the defense of the caricature of extreme Jewish ‘intellectual’ self-loathing that is Farah Mendlesohn. He really put his foot in it. Farah Mendlesohn cannot be anti-Semitic because she’s a friend of mine and Jewish, well to paraphrase the idiot Ryman in so many words. And he screws up further by tweeting all this to Nick Mamatas, a hardcore Jew-hater of course. At some subliminal level, Ryman appeared to realize he screwed up. Maybe. The reason I write that is he would subsequently tweet – otherwise apropos of nothing – some stuff on anti-Semitism in the world today. Almost as if to appease me, or throw me off… Just check this Ryman article for the details, for what I am getting at.

And then another Truesdale focused article, from June – and yes in all honesty I am as tired of him as the readers of this blog, but Truesdale, his Holocaust Revisionism, and the refusal of everybody in the genre community across the political spectrum to even hint at its existence, is just the bloody point. It’s a minor article, and yet it still packs the same old points that bear repeating. Tangent editor Dave Truesdale gets taken to task by the genre Thought Police for alleged sexism. Black Gate founder, the now contrite and repentant John O’Neill leads the charge. Truesdale’s Holocaust Revisionism is naturally not worth even a passing mention

And then of course came the latest war in the Middle-East, in which the latest round of Muslim fanatical ‘let’s kill the Jews and blame it on the Jews when they fight back, and we can count on the West’s support for our jihad because they hate the Joooos too’ and right they are, got underway. This would be the third Hamas-Israel war from Gaza since Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, but by far the most severe. I gotta say that the Jew-hatred of the Left, the left-wing media, Western governments, NGOs and the UN would really reach new lows of derangement, hypocrisy and delusion this time around, and that is saying soooo much. What little cover slogans and pretense of ‘anti-Israelism is not anti-Semitism’ by the Western Left and far Left were all but discarded this time around. Open Jew-hatred from Muslim extremists around the world; backed up notably and conspicuously by European, British, North and South American, Australian left-wing ideologues. Barack Obama and his administration would take the gloves off here, and not even hide their contempt for the Jewish nation, fighting back against… HAMAS firing rockets onto her cities, towns, kibbutzes and plotting mass murder of Jewry via underground terror tunnels. There has been plenty written about the Left’s Jew-hatred as revealed in their Hamas propagandizing during this near seven week war. ALONE. And the interested reader can look up the lies, hypocrisies and associated of the BBC, CNN, the Guardian, the US State Department and the other usual suspects, if not familiar with them. I don’t really focus too much on that in my relevant article:

UPDATED July 25th As Israel is under siege from HAMAS rockets, otherwise politically vocal anti-Israel ‘Jewish’ genre folk see no evil from HAMAS. Then again they are anti-Israel… 

It’s just how the usual anti-Semitic suspects in the genre community respond – or don’t respond – to the latest round of ‘kill the Jews for Allah and get the support of Western liberal progressives in the process’. I actually didn’t even bother with getting into nitty-gritty details of all the Jew-hate lies from the Jew-hate genre Left this time around, because this blogging enterprise had long since wound down, and I just didn’t have the time nor the inclination. So I mention a few of the usual predictable suspects and their predictable anti-Semitic blather re this Gaza War started by HAMAS, openly dedicated to another Holocaust of Jewry; but didn’t update that article past July 25th (I posted the original piece online on July 12th), a full month before the war officially ended. I may some time in the future actually update that article to include any further Jew-hate commentary I can find from genre liberals (‘Jewish’ or Gentile) on that war. I will see. If I can ever be bothered.

Beware that his shadow does not engulf you like a daemonic nightmare.

Nosferatu (1922)

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UPDATED July 25th As Israel is under siege from HAMAS rockets, otherwise politically vocal anti-Israel ‘Jewish’ genre folk see no evil from HAMAS. Then again they are anti-Israel…

This article may be updated (multiple times) when and if I feel like addressing Jew-hate Tweets and the like from Jew-hate genre liberals, on this latest war/jihad against the Jew nation. Latest updates 24th July and 25th July. Scroll to the bottom for the Felix Gilman Tweets (July 25th update).

So the latest jihad against the Jews gets underway, initiated by the Left’s fellow anti-Zionists, the HAMAS jihadist terrorist group whose charter calls for the liquidation of all Jews everywhere. Ably supported by Israel’s “peace partner”, the Holocaust Denier who heads Fatah, Mahmoud Abbas, who has recently welcomed Hamas itself into a unity Palestinian Authority government (what makes him Israel’s peace partner I guess). A joint Fatah-Hamas unity government that is thus jointly responsible for daily waves of rocket attacks on Jewish towns, cities, farms and the like, targeting Jewish men, women, children and babes for death and maiming, rocket attacks that now reach Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. In fact Fatah rocket crews have been operating in Gaza, not just Hamas and other jihadist groups. This is the Fatah-Hamas unity government that Obama and Kerry continue to insist is a peace partner for Israel and that US taxpayers and the EU continue to fund. That’s what makes Obama, Kerry and the entire US administration utterly delusional, it’s also definitive confirmation that they are Jew-haters. Thanks US Jews for overwhelmingly voting for a horribly anti-Semitic US administration, and that includes liberal US genre Jewry. If I hadn’t told you before: fuck you and keep your children safe.

In fact as I predicted here, the farcical peace talks with Jew-hating Muslim fanatics (Fatah) pushed on Israel by the Jew-hating Kerry and his boss, could only lead to a new round of jihadist initiated violence. Journalist Ruthie Blum points out all this over here.

So as liberal TA Jews run for the bomb shelters as rockets explode overhead (so far intercepted by Iron Dome but watch for that shrapnel), as Jerusalem comes under fire, and especially southern cities like Sderot, Ashkelon, Ashdod, even Beersheba come under sustained rocket fire; the world, the UN, many Muslim nations (thankfully not all), the Western media, the NY Times, and the Israel hating Western Left (so-called human rights groups included), inclusive of the Israel-hating ‘Jewish’ far Left, respond in their knee-jerk Pavlovian manner, the only way Jew-haters can respond, with Jew-hatred that is. Evil Israel, how dare you do anything to fight back against jihadist rocket fire, how dare you. Palestinian civilians are getting killed, sure they are used as human shields by Hamas, which openly boasts about doing such a thing, a war crime according to international humanitarian law. A war crime that Hamas proudly and cynically commits, a war crime that we will blame on Israel; and ignore the other war crime of Hamas, the one that started this war in the first place. That is the targeting of Jews for death with rockets (3.5 million Israelis, Arabs among them, are in direct line of fire of Hamas rockets, many obtained from Syria and Iran, especially the new long-range ones). That’s different of course. War crimes committed by Hamas and Fatah are not war crimes, since their targets are Jews. Jews are expendable, unlike the lives of precious Hamas rocket crews.

Hamas have even targeted the Dimona nuclear reactor! Responses from Obama, the UN and the usual suspects is as you would expect…. crickets. Yawn, it’s all interrupting Obama’s game of golf one supposes. As far as our anti-Israel genre folk are concerned, the silence is deafening. When not worse than silence… These guys couldn’t spell HAMAS if their lives depended on it, then again HAMAS and Fatah are their fellow anti-Zionists… Crickets on the Twitter feeds from the anti-Israel genre folk is to be expected, they are anti-Israel after all. So duh I guess. Thing is it would be no problem if they say/Tweet nothing at all, if they were never political to begin with; but they are always political, all of the time pretty much, on pretty much everything. Except Hamas rocket attacks on Jews and for that matter Muslim jihad attacks, bombings, massacres on their fellow Arabs, Muslims and the infidels, from Syria, Iraq to Afghanistan, Libya and Mali, from Somalia to Lebanon and Nigeria, Yemen to Kashmir.

Truth is our harshly anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian genre Jews such as Charles Stross, Lavie Tidhar, Felix Gilman, Nir Yaniv, Laura Anne Gilman, Rose Fox, Farah Mendlesohn (check the archives of this blog) and other Court Jews such as Scott Edelman, and the king and queen of genre Court Jews, given that they are the President and VP of the SFWA itself, Steve Gould and Rachel Swirsky, have painted themselves into a corner. If they are going to Tweet on this, it has to be from a pro-Palestinian angle, along the lines of ‘the poor Palestinians, suffering at the hands of the Israelis’, obscenely ignoring the fact that Hamas started this war in the first place, with wave after wave of jihadist rocket attacks. It can never ever ever ever be from an anti-Hamas angle, because these anti-Israel Jews have thrown in their lot with the Hamas and Fatah supporting, Jew-hating Palestinians. The best they can do is prattle the odious moral equivalence baloney between Hamas, dedicated openly and proudly and for Allah’s sake, to another holocaust of millions of Jews, and the IDF itself, which is all  that stands between the Jews and another Holocaust (the kind of moral equivalence that moronic mantras such as ‘cycle of violence’ translate to. The kind of moral equivalence employed by Amnesty International). And yes such odious moral equivalence is likewise anti-Jewish agitprop. And if you don’t know why, well that’s your problem.

In fact Israel’s Israel hating Tel Aviv based liberal Ha’Aretz newspaper (the Israeli equivalent of the anti-Semitic NY Times) has been carrying pro-Palestinian propaganda, even as Tel Aviv is under rocket fire. Even as the Ha’Aretz building itself is now in the line of rocket fire, even as ‘the bubble’ of Tel Aviv is burst, these self-loathing morons remain mired in their self-loathing. NO MATTER WHAT. They are still frothing about West Bank settlements, still, as if that’s what is causing rocket fire from Judenrein Gaza. Yes these liberal ‘Jews’ are insane. What else is new? I wonder whether Tel Avivian pro-Palestinian Nir Yaniv (a big cheese in Israeli SF, well it’s a small small pond. Yaniv is a big mate and co-author of Lavie “the Palestinians have become the true Jews” Tidhar) is giving thanks to Iron Dome, which is literally saving lives in the Tel Aviv environs as I write this; and the soldiers, technicians and engineers employed by the Israeli government and IDF (I assume his mate Tidhar’s ‘fake Jews’ by corollary) to operate that system and ensure its efficient functioning, or maybe he thinks it’s the fairies operating it. Maybe he’s cursing the eeeeeeeeevil settlers as he runs for a bomb shelter (assuming he does run to a shelter, I mean I don’t know or give a fig really), doubt he curses Hamas (supported by his mate Tidhar’s “true Jews” aka the Palestinians). Even now.

And then there’s that other Tel Avivian Abigail Nussbaum, genre critic and reviewer, who has plenty to say on Elizabeth Moon’s ‘Islamophobia’, but gushes over Jew-haters, such as the late Iain Banks and China Mieville (check the archives of this blog for the details). I know what I’m dealing with here, far Left and even some mainstream liberal Israeli Jews are sick, mentally ill. Literally and I don’t exaggerate at all. Imagine even The NY Times running pro Al-Qaeda propaganda the week of 9-11, or pro-Nazi propaganda in 1944. Ha’Aretz and liberal Jews are under no such qualms, it’s anti-Israel propaganda all of the time. If Dimona were hit, would Ha’Aretz blame the settlements, even as their anti-Israel ‘journalists’ were dying from radiation fallout? Don’t bet against it.

The thing is by not Tweeting at all on the latest conflict, the likes of the ‘Jewish’ Stross and the ‘Jewish’ Tidhar are… well it’s kind of deafening in its silence SO FAR, not just that, but there’s a kind of awkwardness there, an embarrassment. What to Tweet? I mean they couldn’t Tweet support for Israel and the Jews under siege, because they are anti-Israel, so that’s out of the question. It’s not just that they would offend their anti-Semitic fan club and their anti-Semitic colleagues (Paul Graham Raven, China Mieville, Ken MacLeod, Michael Cobley, Hal Duncan, Nick Mamatas, Saladin Ahmed etc. Well pretty much the ANTI-ISRAEL genre Left as a whole on both sides of the Atlantic), they would offend their own self-loathing and self-flagellating sensibilities. The smartest thing to do here would be just to continue Tweeting the usual trivial garbage that they always Tweet. And that’s what they are doing. Predictably enough. Now that may not seem offensive at all, I mean if they are not Tweeting anti-Israel propaganda… . And yet it still is offensive. That’s because they have never had any problem Tweeting and pontificating (in blogs and other avenues) outrageous anti-Israel garbage before (as the archives of this blog reveal). So it’s their disgusting, albeit fashionable, modern day record of new anti-Semitism as anti-Israelism that damns them now. No matter what they do. Short of a U-Turn in their ideology, and that ain’t gonna happen.

So the least offensive thing they can do is shut up. And yet it’s still insulting. Because they have never shut up before, when it comes to their love affair with Palestinians and their contempt for the Jewish homeland. So now their silence in the face of the latest round of ‘let’s kill the Jews in the name of Allah and blame the Jews when it all goes wrong’ is like staying silent as the Nazis came to power in Europe in the 1930s and were passing anti-Jewish legislation and the rest. It’s just cowardly, the silence on the elephant in the room that is Hamas’s and Fatah’s i.e. the Palestinians’ war against the Jews; when at the same time these liberal genre Jews have had no problem tweeting/blogging and spouting anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian agitprop before. Year in and year out.

Of course, they can do even worse than that, they can Tweet/blog anti-Israel propaganda as Israel is under siege, under rocket attacks across the south and center of that tiny nation. The thing is whatever they do (short of a religious like conversion, that is an abrupt and radical departure from their entire previously held political Weltanschauung. And that would be a miracle), they are damned by their record of anti-Israelism i.e. anti-Semitism.

Here though is a curious recent Tweet (July 11th/12th) from the anti-Semitic Israeli writer and editor Lavie Tidhar:

“One day, this war will be over. And we’ll have the merchandising rights.”

Note the non-condemnatory nature of the Tweet, it’s ‘war’, as if it just happens, one of those things, it’s not HAMAS, it’s not Muslim extremism, and it’s all so hahaha, let’s make a joke of it. Is anybody going to object, that Tidhar’s Tweet is not made taking into consideration the latest war in the Middle-East? That would be disingenuous. Tidhar’s ‘fake Jews’ aka Israeli Jews (implicit in Tidhar’s calling Palestinians “the true Jews”. Check link above for the details) take cover in bomb shelters, or get called up to serve in the IDF (an oppressive institution to Tidhar), as his “true Jews” aka the Palestinians launch wave after wave of rockets targeting ‘the fake Jews’ in their homes, factories, malls, offices, kindergartens, schools, highways, streets, restaurants, farms, parks etc.

Tidhar would predictably do worse, with this inevitable Jew-hate Tweet of his from July 22nd (I updated this article on July 24th, some time after my initial comments on Tidhar above. Sooooo predictable. Jew-haters gonna Jew hate):

Sayed Kashua’s “Why I Have To Leave Israel”, now in the Guardian

If you can stomach that Jew-hate selective moral outrage and lying hypocritical article of Arab-Israeli Sayed Kashua’s, go ahead and read it. Naturally it comes from the Jew-hating Guardian of which the anti-Semitic ‘Jew’ Tidhar is a fan. Of course. It also featured at the traitorous Ha’Aretz. Thanks for leaving Israel Sayed, the less Jew-haters (Arab and ‘Jewish’ Jew-haters such as Tidhar, alike) in Israel the better. Murderous and serious ‘Death to Arabs’ hate from Jews is thankfully rare in Israel (and these morons spouting out that garbage don’t know the difference between Arabs and Muslim extremism, not all Arabs are Muslims, never mind Muslim extremists), and not promulgated by the government, armed forces, media, synagogues, schools and Israeli institutions. ‘Death to Jews’ is however endemic in Palestinian society and Arab Muslim Middle-Eastern society. It’s on the Hamas charter, endemic to Fatah and its Holocaust Denying president Abbas who praises suicide bombers as martyrs for Allah; it’s in the Arab and Palestinian media, the mosques, schools where Jews are explicitly labeled as subhuman. And it’s the mentality that engendered the current Hamas terrorist war to begin with, that motivated Hamas to fire rockets at Israeli towns, cities, farms, schools, kindergartens, parks, boulevards, buildings, malls (and our international airport) every day during the war and dig tunnels into Israel in its attempt to infiltrate and kill as many Israeli civilians as they could. Palestinians have celebrated suicide bombings, 9-11, terrorist attacks on Jews, kidnappings of Jews. Hamas have planned to plant bombs underneath kindergartens in the tunnels they dug into Israel (this is discovered at the same time Kashua pens his article, but you know that don’t fit his narrative. And Tidhar’s neither), they have hid behind women and children when fighting the IDF, threaten journalists for reporting the fact that Hamas is firing rockets from next to a hospital and other civilian buildings, homes, and storing rockets at mosques and UNWRA schools (that’s plural) and as I write this up, they were firing mortar rounds at an Israeli field hospital at the Erez border crossing into Gaza treating Palestinian civilian wounded (wounded from use as Hamas human shields, and from Hamas rockets and even mortar rounds that have fallen short and landed in Gaza, on their own Arab population).

You won’t hear any of this (and way more atrocities of Hamas’s that I don’t even bother to mention) from Kashua any more than you will hear it from Tidhar, deafening silence, and for one reason only. Jew-hatred pure and simple. So Kashua is emigrating to America it would appear, well given the growing Jew-hatred there, I’m sure he’ll feel at home. A win for Israel, a loss for America. Tidhar is comfortable among the Jew-hating liberal pseudo-intellectual elite in London. Stay there. Please.

At the time of Tidhar’s latest Jew-hate Tweet that I paste above (22nd July), about thirty IDF soldiers have been killed in Gaza fighting Hamas terrorists hiding behind civilians. Tidhar would never Tweet in sympathy for the fallen Israeli soldiers (hardly!) and their grieving families, and the Israeli nation and world Jewry that grieves for them. After all the best of the best (IDF’s elite combat units) are all that stand between the Jews and another Holocaust, and just general mass murder of Israeli civilians. It’s why Jew-hating liberals hate the IDF so much, the same reason Muslim extremists and neo-Nazis do, the IDF gets in the way of mass murder of Israeli civilians. Tidhar’s Jew-hatred it is clear is every bit as bad as anybody’s I have criticized at this blog, including China Mieville, Anna Tambour, Charles Stross, Kathryn Cramer, Farah Mendlesohn, Michael Bishop, Ken MacLeod and Nick Mamatas. That is saying a lot. Tidhar’s self-loathing is as extreme and as hardcore as it gets. Let me be clear: there are lots of Jews like this, including in Tidhar’s native Israel. Yes it is very distressing and to Israel supporting Gentiles (and many Jews coming to think of it), even incomprehensible. It isn’t incomprehensible though, but I don’t bother going into the complex roots of such psychopathology at this blog. Scholars on anti-Semitism have written and continue to write about it, some with more insight than others of course.

Tidhar has gotten the support of the genre far Left as a whole in his clashes with myself (well duh) including the ‘Jews’ Rose Fox, Laura Anne Gilman, Scott Edelman, Felix Gilman, Charles Stross and Nir Yaniv (all in the archives). Does this mean they are all anti-Semitic? Yeah pretty much.

Here is Jew-hater, genre communist writer and editor Nick “Butt-fucking is just mentorship between a man and a child” Mamatas (not Jewish), a big mate of Tidhar’s, with a predictable Jew-hate tweet (that he retweeted):

‘…the 12,000 missiles fired from Gaza over twelve years resulted in twenty-two fatalities—a kill rate of 0.175%.’

Gee are you disappointed that not more Jews have been killed by your fellow anti-Zionists HAMAS, Fatah and Islamic Jihad terrorists firing rockets, Mamatas and crew? Hey what about property damage? If more Jews were killed, would you sympathize with them then, Nick Mamatas? Of course not. Your stats ignore Jews maimed and wounded btw. Those deaths would be far higher if Jews weren’t taking cover in bomb shelters, if rockets weren’t destroyed by Iron Dome and other missile defenses. There would be far more rockets penetrating Israeli airspace if not for the Israeli air force (that you despise so much Nick Mamatas), targeting and destroying rocket launchers, missile storage depots and related terrorist infrastructure. Are you upset that Hamas and their jihadist allies fire rockets blind? The fact that the Palestinians are at war with the Jews is why you sympathize with them so much to begin with, Mamatas and gang, however you may vehemently deny and lie about it. It’s why we have this war, this jihad to begin with. And you expect and demand, still, that the Jews/Israel abandon the West Bank to the self-same Fatah-Hamas entity that is firing rockets from Gaza! That doesn’t just make you and your ilk naive, it is way worse than that. It means that you support a policy that would see way way more rockets come in from the West Bank onto Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem etc. That’s the reality. What Jew-haters these communists and Leftists are. If only they were honest about it, like their fellow anti-Zionists (Mamatas is a self-admitted anti-Zionist) the neo-Nazis, and Hamas itself, Fatah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the anti-Zionist Al-Qaeda, ISIS, the Iranian regime, the Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood (who founded Hamas), Boko Haram and all Muslim extremists everywhere.

Anti-Semite, the ‘Jewish’ Charles Stross  has been Tweeting harmless stuff the last few days, jokey stuff on dentures, the penalties for gun trafficking in the US, some tweets on UK and Scottish politics (Cameron, and Scottish National Party related) and genre related stuff. No anti-Semitic Tweets from him that I picked up. So far. [I wrote this on July 12th. It does not refer to his Tweeting after that date. I have too little time to read up on this moron’s Twitter feed all the time (and others). And naturally I can’t be bothered most often enough] The thing is, as I write and allude to above, Stross is so very political (he always tweets political stuff, he can’t help it); so it’s telling when the’ human rights’ obsessed ‘Jew’ is silent on rocket attacks every day, every hour pretty much, targeting Jews in the Jewish homeland for death and maiming, rockets that now reach deeper and further into Israel than ever before. In other words, he ain’t no Jew at all. Not in any meaningful sense. As if one didn’t know that already!

I mean if he wasn’t so political to start with, it would be fine. No problem. Thing is he is so political, so his silence is embarrassing, it says more about him than he could ever know. One senses a kind of awkwardness, a stifled sense of something… Of course Stross could do way worse, he could Tweet anti-Semitic gibberish (as a matter of interest here is Stross’s viciously anti-Semitic comrade Max Blumenthal – as this blog article of mine reveals, Stross is on board with Blumenthal’s Israel hatred – at a hardcore Jew-hate rally in New York city the other day. One can hear ‘death to Israel’ chants among the crowd, the same crowd dear Max B was addressing. More sickening details at the linked JPost article. Here as a matter of further interest, is Stross in friendly political Twitter banter with Mira Bar-Hillel, an odious and in-your-face anti-Semitic Jewess). He could put himself out there and do that, and that is what his fellow Jew-hating ‘Jewish’ Brit genre colleague does… Like Pavlov’s dogs, this one is so super predictable. Ring the bell (HAMAS starts a war with Israel. Again), and this one comes running with her Jew-hatred (Twitter response).

It’s from a twit supreme, a caricature of a hardcore Jew-hating ‘Jewish’ left-wing academic…

Here is the horribly anti-Semitic Tweet, entirely predictable, from the extremely anti-Semitic ‘Jewess’, genre editor and critic Farah Mendlesohn (that she retweeted) from July 11th:

As usual, people are getting more upset about verbal attacks on than actual physical attacks against Palestinians. Shameful.

I think the mental derangement of Farah M is hard to beat, even by the standards of self-hating Jewdom. What physical attacks on Palestinians? Does she mean the air force strikes on Hamas rocket launchers, and infrastructure; or does she mean the abuse of a single border policeman beating up an Arab teen? Does she mean the murder of an Arab youngster from Jerusalem, by a handful of Jewish extremists acting on their own? You know amidst the horror of mass murder and maiming from Syria to Nigeria, Iraq to Somalia, Libya to Uganda. And Farah M can’t be bothered with any of that, that’s what makes her such a transparent anti-Semite. She can’t be bothered to even mention HAMAS. What a non-surprise. That’s what makes her such a self-hating Jew. Of course she can’t even be bothered to mention that civilians are openly and proudly used by Hamas as human shields, something many of the civilians support given their fanaticism. “Verbal attacks on Israel”!! How obscene. What else to expect? Didn’t know that hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of rocket attacks on Israeli civilians – men,women, children and babies – translate to “verbal attacks”!!

Homes have been hit, a gas station was hit in Ashdod the other day, and a disabled man was severely burned. Farah M may tell him not to feel so bad, it’s just a “verbal attack” one supposes. One that burns your body. So Iron Dome is taking out Palestinian “verbal attacks” over Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Sderot, Ashkelon, Eshkol, Rishon LeZion, Beersheba, Rehovot, even as far north as Herzliya, and other towns and communities across southern and central Israel. Israelis, millions of them, have been taking cover from “verbal attacks” I guess; “verbal attacks” targeting Joooos in apartment buildings, malls, parks, streets, boulevards, gas stations, houses, schools, kindergartens, kibbutzim, community halls, colleges etc. And “verbal attacks” targeting Israel’s nuclear reactor in Dimona! Also which people is Farah M talking about, “getting upset”? Who would that be? Certainly not the Jew-hating British elite, with which she is firmly ensconced. Not the Jew-hating UK media. Does she mean British Jews? What a twit.

In the approx. 48 hour period or so preceding and postdating Mendlesohn’s Tweet from July 11th, this is what Israel has suffered (my own comments interspersed therein are in red text): 

Saturday, July 12 1:10 p.m.  Rocket sirens were heard moments ago in Kerem Shalom, near the border with Gaza.

12:56 p.m.  Rocket sirens were activated moments ago in Ashkelon and the smaller towns and communities near the Gaza border.

12:52 p.m.  Rocket sirens sound in Ashkelon and Gaza frontier towns. 12:13 p.m.  Rocket sirens heard in Sdot Negev and Sha’ar Hanegev. 12:00 p.m.  Rocket intercepted by Iron Dome over Rehovot, while at least two rockets fell in open areas near the city. 11:42 a.m.  Palestinians fired a barrage of rockets at the western Negev, Ashdod, Ashkelon, and the Shfela region.

11:30 a.m.  Rocket sirens were heard in Ashkelon as well as nearly a dozen other smaller communities near the Gaza frontier. 11:13 a.m.  Rocket sirens sound in the Gaza frontier kibbutz of Nir Oz.

9:55 a.m.  Residents of the Gaza border towns in the western Negev heard rocket sirens moments ago.

9:48 a.m.  An operations center housed in the Al-Faruk mosque in central Gaza, which was used to store rockets and other weapons, was struck by the IDF early on Saturday. The Israel Air Force struck 60 terror targets across Gaza overnight between Friday and Saturday, bringing the total number of targets hit to 1,160. Ten terrorist operatives were killed in air strikes, including six involved in rocket fire on Israel, the IDF said. A launcher in south Gaza used to fire on Beersheba overnight was also destroyed.

This of course the reality of Israel’s shameful “physical attacks on Palestinians”.

Navy ships struck several targets, including a Hamas observation post and a location used as a meeting point by Hamas and Popular Resistance Committees. Since Monday night, dozens of operational infrastructure sites used by senior Hamas and Islamic Jihad members have been destroyed, the IDF said. 9:30 a.m.  Palestinian officials in the Gaza Strip said at least 16 people were killed overnight Friday during Israeli airstrikes as Operation Protective Edge entered its fifth day. 3:55 a.m. 2 rockets landed in open fields outside of Beersheva while a third was intercepted by Iron Dome after Code Red sirens sounded in Beersheba and several other southern communities.

2:08 a.m. In the IDF’s fourth day of Operation Protective Edge 140 rockets were fired from Gaza and 27 of those were intercepted by Iron Dome batteries. 107 rockets hit Israeli soil. In response, 235 terror targets were struck in Gaza.

1:34 a.m. The IDF Spokesman’s office reported targeting several terrorists conspiring to launch rockets from Gaza.

12:17 a.m. Code Red sirens went off in the Eshkol Regional Council.

Friday, July 11 10:51 p.m.  Israel Radio reporting that Iron Dome intercepted two rockets fired toward greater Tel Aviv.

10:34 p.m.  Three rockets land in uninhabited areas in the western Negev. No injuries or damage reported.

10:15 p.m.  IAF aircraft kills Palestinian terrorist responsible for Gaza rocket fire on Tel Aviv.

9:39 p.m.  Two Israelis were injured when a Palestinian rocket struck a home in Beersheba. One of the injured, an 80-year-old woman, sustained injuries in the attack. She was rushed to Soroka Medical Center.

Part of the verbal assault on Israel, one assumes. I mean ask Farah M for a clarification if you so desire. On the other hand, don’t bother – red wolf.

9:17 p.m.  The Iron Dome system intercepted Palestinian rockets launched toward the coastal town of Herzliya. The interception occurred shortly after sirens were also activated in the town of Ness Ziona, near Rehovot.

9:13 p.m.  Palestinians in Gaza launched rockets toward central Israel moments ago. Residents of the Tel Aviv suburbs and greater Rehovot are strongly urged to seek shelter. 9:08 p.m.  Rocket sirens sounded in Beersheba, neighboring communities

9:07 p.m.  Amnesty International is demanding that the United Nations commission an independent panel to investigate possible war crimes by both Israel and Hamas. The organization released a statement urging the UN to investigate “violations committed on all sides amidst ongoing Israeli air strikes across the Gaza Strip and continuing volleys of indiscriminate rocket fire from Palestinian armed groups into Israel.”

Ah the Jew-hating Amnesty International with its moral equivalence between HAMAS and Israel. Amazed that they could even be bothered to mention HAMAS, they do one better than Farah Mendlesohn – red wolf.

8:55 p.m. The Iron Dome intercepted two rockets in the skies over Tel Aviv just moments after sirens wailed all across the city and in neighboring Holon. Residents of Tel Aviv reported hearing two loud explosions shortly after the sirens were activated. 8:39 p.m. Rocket sirens sound in the Hof Ashkelon regional council.

8:08 p.m.  An anti-tank missile was fired at an IDF unit on the border with northern Gaza, injuring two soldiers lightly. They have been evacuated to hospital.

8:01 p.m.  Rocket sirens sound in Ashdod, Ashkelon, and the Israeli towns surrounding the Gaza frontier.

7:56 p.m.  Rocket sirens sound in Ashdod.

7:55 p.m.  Gaza residents told Channel 2 that they are fearful of the prospect of an Israeli ground invasion in the Hamas-ruled territory. Gazans told Channel 2 that the operations in 2008 and 2012 were “child’s play” compared to the amount of Israeli firepower unleashed these past four days.

Well then they shouldn’t start a war, by targeting Jews for death and maiming, you think? What comes first, the moronism and hypocrisy from Jew-haters, or their Jew-hatred per se? Hard to say.

7:45 p.m. Rocket sirens sound in towns near the Gaza border. 7:42 p.m.  Rocket sirens sound in Negev frontier towns. 7:34 p.m.  Rocket sirens sound in Beersheba, Ashkelon, and western Negev towns near Gaza border. 7:22 p.m. Rocket sirens sound in Sderot. Iron Dome intercepts rocket. 6:59 p.m. Rocket sirens sound in the Hof Ashkelon regional council. 6:42 p.m. Iron Dome intercepts Gaza rockets over the southern suburbs of Tel Aviv. No damage or injuries was reported. 6:37 p.m. Palestinians in Gaza launched a barrage of rockets at central Israel. No sirens were sounded, suggesting that the rockets were in no danger of landing in inhabited areas. 6:33 p.m. Rockets fired at central Israel and the Shfela area.

5:57 p.m.  Rocket sirens heard in Beersheba, Ashkelon, and Gaza frontier towns.

5:48 p.m.  A fire that erupted in the old Jerusalem train station in the southern part of the capital was believed to have been caused by an arsonist who hurled a firebomb into the structure, Channel 10 reported on Friday. Investigators believe the arson was motivated by nationalist sentiments, according to Channel 10.

5:43 p.m.  Many residents of Israeli towns adjacent to the Gaza security fence have left their homes in the face of massive barrages of rockets and mortars, Channel 10 reported on Friday.

5:20 p.m.  Officers in the IDF high command told Channel 10 that Israel must shift strategy and launch a ground offensive in Gaza to remove the threat of Palestinian rocket fire on the country’s towns and cities.

5:05 p.m.  Rocket sirens sound in Ashkelon.

5:03 p.m.  Egyptian authorities operating on the Sinai-Gaza border thwarted an attempt to smuggle advanced GRAD missiles into the peninsula, Israel Radio reported on Friday. According to Al-Ahram newspaper, Palestinians tried to smuggle 20 GRAD missiles into Sinai, from where it would then seek to launch them into Israel.

4:57 p.m.  Rocket sirens sound in frontier communities adjacent to Gaza border.

4:23 p.m.  The IDF killed a terrorist in Gaza it said was responsible for rocket fire on Israel in recent minutes. Since the morning, the IDF has killed seven Hamas terrorists and others involved in rocket fire, including two who belong to long-range rocket fire squads who were spotted en route to carrying out additional launches.

Such terrible physical assaults. Simply shameful. Ask Farah Mendlesohn.

4:05 p.m.  The army said that two of the rockets fired at Beersheba minutes ago landed in an uninhabited area.

3:44 p.m. Rocket sirens were heard in the Bnei Shimon regional council seconds ago.

3:42 p.m. Rocket sirens sounded in Beersheba moments ago.

3:28 p.m. The Code Red siren sounded in Beersheba and surrounding communities in the Negev on Friday afternoon.

3:00 p.m. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani urged heads of Muslim states to help the Palestinian people and lift the siege on Gaza, according to the Fars News Agency. He warned that the Gaza blockade and shortage of medical aid could lead lead to human catastrophe, adding that helping “the oppressed people of Palestine and preventing the Zionist regime from committing its atrocities are the common responsibility of all international organizations and freedom-loving countries.”

The fact that self-hating Jews such as Farah M are on the same side as the Muslim extremist Iranian president Rouhani is what makes them self-hating Jews. Pay no mind. 

2:48 p.m. IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz said terrorists in Gaza made a grave mistake by attacking the people of Israel. He warned that they were bringing disaster upon themselves by continuing to launch rocket attacks into civilian areas.

2:43 p.m. Code Red sirens sounded in southern Israeli communities in the Gaza vicinity. As threats of rocket attack continued throughout the day, sirens were activated in the Sdot Negev Regional Council, Bnei Shimon Regional Council and Netivot.

1:56 p.m. The Code Red siren sounded in Ofakim, near the major Negev city of Beersheba.

1:35 p.m. IDF update: Since midnight, Hamas has fired 44 rockets at Israel, the Iron Dome intercepted 11. The IDF has targeted 159 terror sites in the Gaza Strip.

1:20 pm. Code Red siren sounds in Ashdod and surrounding areas. Two interceptions by Iron Dome. Four more rockets land in Negev, outside a community in Eshkol Regional Council.

12:57 p.m. Code Red sirens continue in communities adjacent to Gaza frontier. 12:50 p.m. Two rockets intercepted in Ashkelon by Iron Dome as sirens sound in city; one explodes in open area outside of a kibbutz.

12:47 p.m. Code Red siren sounded in communities across southern Israeli, including the Eshkol Regional Council, the Sdot Negev Regional Council and the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council. Rockets fall in open areas, but no injuries reported.

12:31 p.m. Police report that a rocket fired from Gaza directly hit a house in the Eshkol Regional Council. The inhabitants of the home had already reached the bomb shelter before impact. No injuries were reported.

12:11 p.m. The Code Red siren sounded in the Eshkol Regional Council a little after noon on Friday as rockets from Gaza continued to pummel Israel, particularly in the South.

11:43 a.m. Sirens sound in the Hof Ashkelon regional council, followed by alerts in Ashdod.

11:00 a.m. Code Red rocket siren sounds in Sha’ar Hanegev, Sdot Negev Regional Councils as two rockets explode in open areas.

10:45 a.m. Iron Dome intercepts three rockets over the greater Tel Aviv area. Air traffic halts at Ben-Gurion Airport as sirens go off at in the area.

10:43 a.m. Code Red sirens sounded in Tel Aviv on Friday morning.

10: 27 a.m. A rocket fired from Gaza landed in open area in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage. Code Red sirens also sounded in the Sdot Negev Regional Council and the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council.

10:10 a.m. Code Red siren sounds in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council, warning of a possible rocket attack from the Gaza Strip.

9:29 a.m. IAF hits launching pad that fired rockets towards Ashdod. 9:00 a.m. Rocket sirens wail in Eshkol Regional Council as Iron Dome intercepts two rockets, one explodes in open area.

8:20 a.m. A volley of rockets was launched from the Gaza Strip at southern and central Israel. One rocket struck a fuel tank next to a gas station in Ashdod, causing serious damage and a fire. Eight people were evacuated to a nearby hospital, one critically injured.

8:00 a.m. Code Red siren sounds in Ness Ziona, Ashdod, Rishon, Lezion, Netivot, Ashkelon and Gedera Friday morning.

6:45 a.m. One rocket was fired on Friday on a village in the Upper Galilee. There were no injuries in the attack. Artillery fire was directed at the area from which the rocket was fired, a senior army source said.

6:31 a.m. Blasts heard in Metulla.

6:30 a.m. Code Red rocket alert siren sounds in Ofakim, Netivot, and in Sderot.

6:15 a.m. Code Red rocket siren sounds in Sderot.

4:00 a.m. Rockets were fired from Gaza on Haifa, Hadera, and Zichron Yaakov. It was not yet clear how many rockets were fired or where they landed. Hamas’s military wing claimed responsibility for the barrage, Israel Radio reported.

3:32 a.m. Code Red rocket alert siren sounds in Haifa.

1:25 a.m. Iron Dome rocket defense system intercepts rocket over Ashkelon.

1:23 a.m.  A Code Red rocket alert siren sounded in Ashkelon and in the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council.

There you have it – Red Wolf.

So we have these Jews running to and sheltering in bomb shelters, or whatever cover they can find, from rockets packed not with explosive warheads and ball bearings, but “verbal attacks” or some such. Just ask Farah Mendlesohn.

Amazing how verbal attacks can set a gas station on fire, and destroy homes and cars, kill cows and rain shrapnel down on a Tel Aviv synagogue. These Palestinians (Tidhar’s “true Jews” let’s not forget) have real magical powers. Like shamans or something. I mean the things that Palestinian verbal attacks can do. Shameful indeed Farah Mendlesohn. You have no idea. What’s Farah going to say in protest, that she didn’t mean the rocket attacks when she said “verbal attacks”? No she has nothing to say on the Palestinian jihadist rocket attacks at all. Every fucking hour of every day during this war so far. That’s the thing. What Palestinian rocket attacks? What jihad? What’s a jihad? Of course the real physical attacks i.e. terrorism and mass murder, torture and the like that Muslims visit on one another (women and children included) from Syria to Iraq, Libya to Somalia, Pakistan to Afghanistan, and Iran to Nigeria and the Sudan pass without comment from the likes of Farah Mendlesohn. And Tidhar and Stross and gang. Never mind HAMAS’s reign and rain of terror. Yes well in other news, scientists announce the sun is a giant ball of fire that gives light and creates and sustains life itself.

Here are 2 predictable Jew-hate Tweets from self-hating ‘Jewish’ genre writer Felix Gilman. (check that article for how he knocked my blog in the most oblivious and obscene way, such a reveal) Gilman tweets about a Palestinian ‘human rights leader’ without any sense of irony. Does he mean the human rights of jihadists to have protection and immunity from the IDF daring to strike at the jihadists, in a war the jihadists initiated with their waves and waves of rocket terror onto Israeli civilians (of which Gilman has nothing to say, that’s what among other things makes him such a self-hating Jew, since it is such transparent bias), or does he mean the rights of jihadists to protect themselves from the IDF, hiding behind women and children, as a consequence of the war they started? Or both?

The second Tweet I comment on below….

Palestinian human rights activist: “Cast Lead was a joke compared to this”

is this supposed to make the IDF look better

If you go to the Gilman linked official IDF Tweet on their official IDF Twitter Feed – PLEASE DO – it actually counts in the IDF’s favour! It’s why it’s a Tweet that has been mentioned quite a bit on the pro-Israel blogosphere! How does Gilman thinks it counts against the IDF and he clearly does, being such a hardcore Israel hater?! It’s simply bizarre, so warped and delusional and EXTREME is Gilman’s Israel-hatred, with all of the implications therein. I mean it’s an IDF Tweet pointing out, spelling out in plain English, that when they fired a warning shot at a building they were targeting in Gaza (clearly containing either HAMAS missiles or rockets, munitions or used for command and control purposes by HAMAS or being used by HAMAS terrorists), letting civilians know they need to get out, before an airstrike hits the building. The Palestinian civilians then storm to the roof of the building and bring their children (see the IDF Tweet, they have the picture). In other words a cynical and fanatical tactic to put the IDF off from firing at the building or face having to kill all of those people and the children, and in the process they all get martyrdom and a PR victory for HAMAS (evil Israel killed all those civilians, children included). So obviously the IDF aircraft puts off firing at the building and aborts its mission.

Does Gilman think they didn’t? Or does he think the IDF just love to target buildings packed with civilians, for no good reason other than some kind of bloodlust  for killing Palestinian civilians? Because it couldn’t naturally have been used by HAMAS in some way?

I mean does he think the IDF naturally bloodthirsty, primed for killing children? And then boasting about it on their official Twitter Feed!! For the whole world to see, because that would really be a propaganda victory for Israel, right!!?? WHAAAAT THE FUUUUUUUUCK. Who knows with Gilman, he appears to think that the IDF goes out of its way to fire on civilian dense infrastructure! Hopefully – but I can’t be sure here – Gilman realizes that the IDF really didn’t fire on the building anyway! He doesn’t realize whatsoever – clearly not – that it tells us that HAMAS goes out of its way to cynically employ very eager human shields. He clearly thinks, look at Israel, targeting a building packed and swarming with civilians and children! I mean what else to think here? Remember Gilman is hardcore anti-Israel. In that case: what a moron, what a Jew-hater.

To those of you compos mentis and not given to believing the kind of propaganda about the IDF one reads about on Muslim extremist, neo-Nazi and far Left Jew-hate ‘news’ sources, the whole point the IDF is making with THAT OFFICIAL TWEET is that the aircraft is  forced to abandon that specific bombing mission, abort it, because Palestinian civilians, in their frenzied fanaticism are eager – without a second thought – to die for HAMAS, and prepared for their children to die FOR Hamas! To go out of their way to die for HAMAS! And Gilman thinks this Tweet counts against the IDF! not the Palestinians!

It counts against the irrational death cult of HAMAS and its widespread support among Palestinian civilians in Gaza and their desire for their children to get martyrdom in the service of a genocidal Jew-hate jihadist terrorist organization. Another thing: which other modern air force anywhere in the world does such a thing, fire warning shots at legitimate terrorist targets from aircraft (what legitimate terrorist target thinks Gilman!) to avoid civilian casualties. And the only reason that there is a risk of civilian casualties is because HAMAS commits the war crime of stocking missiles, munitions, firing rockets etc. within and surrounding civilian infrastructure, deliberately and cynically. No other Air Force does such a thing, not the USAF, not the Royal Air Force, not the French Air Force, certainly not the Russian Air Force! None. Just the Israeli Air Force. That counts heavily in the IDF’s favour. That’s why that Tweet has been promoted on pro-Israel blogs and websites! Felix Gilman would then probably ‘think’ something along the lines of: well yes, goes to show just how bloodthirsty those Zionist warmongers are, boasting about targeting for death Palestinian civilians and their children!

There is a further Tweet of Gilman’s not long after, in which he retweets the self-same IDF Tweet, ’cause he can’t get over just how horrendous it is!! Yeah indeed, but not in the way Gilman remotely realizes. Sheeeeeeeeeesh. This is why it is a waste of time debating these liberal Jew-haters, it’s like they speak a language only schizophrenic peyote snorting Martians understand. You can only expose them for those who have eyes to see.

To Gilman that IDF Tweet however proves the evil of Israel and the goodness and innocence of the Palestinians. That’s what makes Gilman mentally deranged, delusional and as extreme in his modern-day Judenhass as Tidhar, Mieville, Tambour, Mendlesohn etc. (yes so many of them are Jewish!) So deep does Gilman’s Jewish self-loathing run, his deep seated and inflexible contempt for the Jew among the nations, that he commits some kind of self-lobotomization. Why would the IDF be targeting those civilians and their children he appears to ‘reason’!! They’re not you fucking moron, they are targeting HAMAS infrastructure and terrorists, that’s the whole point of the IDF Tweet which sails through the giant holes in Gilman’s head. And if he were to read this article of mine, I GUARANTEE you, he still won’t get it. He never ever ever ever will.

Of course it won’t surprise the *intelligent reader* that I couldn’t find in A SINGLE TWEET from Gilman (perusing his Twitter Feed) during the course of this current war, any actual condemnation of HAMAS for its firing of hundreds and hundreds of rockets onto Israeli civilian population centers, targeting residential buildings, airport, parks, offices, kindergartens, kibbutzes, factories, farms, schools, houses etc and the civilians in them (CHILDREN and BABIES included) for death and maiming. No mention of HAMAS’S terror tunnels and the rigged bombs discovered under kindergartens (he probably, in all likelihood doesn’t know nor would he want to. Doesn’t fit the narrative), and the tactical plans to kill hundreds and hundreds of kibbutzniks and other Jewish civilians neighbouring Gaza via massive Hamas terrorist assaults via the self-same tunnels (jihadist massacres of the kind seen in the luxury Kenyan mall massacre and the Beslan school massacre).

Jihadist terror attacks only prevented by the IDF that Gilman doesn’t even pretend to hide his contempt and disgust for. You know not a single Tweet on the Hamas terror attacks (the rockets) that initiated this war in the first place, the Hamas-Israel Gaza war that Gilman Tweets on, with such disdain and even darkly comical misunderstanding, against…. the Jooooo nation. That first Tweet of Gilman’s I don’t even bother to fisk, usual dishonest ‘why is Israel attacking us innocent Palestinians’ Jew-hate nonsense I can read about on the Jew-hate Guardian, Independent and the BBC, and their ilk around the world. It’s from a horribly anti-Semitic news source. Hardcore.

Here btw are Felix Gilman’s Tweets criticizing Boko Haram in Nigeria, the Muslim extremists who have killed over ten thousand in Nigeria over the last two decades. In the past year, on a more terrible scale than ever before, and they have murdered and maimed hundreds in the last month or so. (click on the link, it’s funny. Not that there’s anything funny about Boko Haram) Ditto the non-existent condemnatory Tweets from Gilman on whichever other jihadist group you can mention or think of, anywhere in the world. Not in the last few months (and that’s what counts). Probably or possibly never. Not from the jihadist hot zones from Yemen to Kashmir, from Algeria to Pakistan, Sudan to Thailand, Syria and Iraq (ongoing mass murder by jihadists). If you don’t get that his deafening silence on worldwide jihadist terror and mass murder alone in the last few months (including Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Fatah terror against Israel that initiated this war he Tweets on so harshly, against… Israel), whilst his relentless persistent never-wavering-no-matter-what Israel bashing, is so obviously a reveal of Gilman’s anti-Semitism, then you are either an anti-Semite yourself or very very dimwitted. Or both. Like Gilman himself.

Thing is his anti-Semitic Tweeting mentioned above is pretty much one of the most moronic, warped, delusional and What the Fuck!! kind one can encounter among the hardcore anti-Israel far Left (which is saying a hell of a lot for sure).

Gilman is really pretty much as bad as it gets among the Israel hating  (i.e. Jew-hating) Left. Simply horrendous. It’s interesting that Gilman’s bigotry also shows up his mental retardation, his utter cretinism. Gilman can only experience a complete failure to appreciate that the IDF Tweet shows up the insane fanaticism and support for HAMAS among the Gaza civilian population and their willingness to sacrifice their children for HAMAS, and so their insane Jew-hatred; whilst showing the IDF’s humanity and concern for civilian casualties – the warning shot and the implicit and unequivocal abort of the mission. Gilman doesn’t appear to comprehend the real meaning of the IDF Tweet whatsoever. He possibly thinks along the lines of: the IAF pilots are all ‘yeeeehaaayipeekayemotherfucker, now we can kill all those sand niggers and their sand nigger kids in one foul swoop, go Zion’. When the warning shot by the IAF is given to force the exact OPPOSITE reaction, encouraging SANE civilians to leave the building in a hurry! Not to storm it and assemble on the rooftop! With their children! What a fucking moron. The point is bigotry and extreme stupidity go hand in hand, and I don’t know what comes first, I admit. They are just two sides of the same coin.

Nothing new from Gilman, just check out my two articles on him (then again as my blog articles on him reveal, this guy Gilman is a fan of Richard Seymour of the Lenin’s Tomb blog, a HAMAS and Hezbollah supporting blogger). Consistent in his obscene stupidity and prejudice. Then again if you think about it, as with his mate Tidhar, and Mendlesohn and Stross, extreme anti-Semitic Jews, none of them stop to think and reflect for ONE FUCKING MOMENT: ‘Gee I wonder if I can trust the anti-Israel i.e. the anti-Jew nation liberal media, and left-wing institutions and the like on Israel itself and the conflicts in the Middle-East, given the long culture of anti-Semitism in the West, culminating in the Holocaust? And given that pervasive Muslim extremism in the region which doesn’t count in the favour of Israel’s enemies…’ Nor does the thought, ‘Gee wonder what neo-Nazis and Muslim extremists think about Israel, and if their opinions coincide with the anti-Israel (because anti-Israel) Left? Gee wonder if that is a meaningful coincidence or not?’ Not for one moment do any of these simple and obvious points cross their ‘minds’. It’s simply not possible that the liberal media could ever be anti-Semitic. Ever. Because liberals could never be anti-Semitic. Ever. If you think about it, that in itself is a kind of mental blind spot so huge that you could drive the Starship Enterprise, the US Seventh Fleet and the entire cavalry of Genghis Kahn and Hannibal’s elephants through it and leave plenty of room over for an orbiting moon or three of Jupiter to whizz on by.

In other words, an extreme stupidity beyond words. And a very deadly stupidity at that, its consequences are very serious. And they make grown men cry.

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Tangent editor Dave Truesdale gets taken to task by the genre Thought Police for alleged sexism. Black Gate founder, the now contrite and repentant John O’Neill leads the charge. Truesdale’s Holocaust Revisionism is naturally not worth even a passing mention

Just thought I would add this latest twist to the Dave Truesdale in Wonderland narrative…

So less than three months or so after the last March update (3 updates in March alone) to my Dave Truesdale petition article and ergo a Holocaust Revisionism centered article; Dave Truesdale gets raked over the coals by the genre Thought Police, for uh… alleged sexism.

Truesdale gets taken to task – just a little – in a blog article entitled ‘An Open Letter to Dave Truesdale’ posted on June 5th by a former co-editor and colleague John O’Neill at the Black Gate website/blog (O’Neill and Truesdale edited the Black Gate magazine together, years ago). The charge here is Truesdale’s (and O’Neill’s for that matter, yup truly) …. alleged sexism. Not Truesdale’s Holocaust Denialism/Revisionism. What’s that? Holocaust Denialism? So last century I guess. Who cares? Clearly nobody. O’Neill (an engineer by profession) is the founder and publisher of Black Gate and also co-founded the SF Site.

No it’s just Truesdale’s alleged sexism (and O’Neill says O’Neill himself was also guilty of sexism too in the past, when he first put together stories for publication at Black Gate with Truesdale. Now O’Neill has reformed and he won’t revert. A public confession of past sins I suppose) that O’Neil berates his former colleague for, and himself too.

Basically the catalyst for this latest round of genre Stockholm Syndrome is a recent Truesdale review of Lightspeed #49 at Tangent, the special ‘Women Destroy SF’ issue (yes it’s ironic), which one supposes is all about how female authors have triumphed in SF against all the odds and obstacles in their way, because they are living in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan apparently or it’s the year 1895. Or something like that.

Truesdale in his review and in the Truesdale fashion, goes a little overboard and REACTS, and swings to the other extreme (the one extreme being hyped up PC militant feminism) and remarked snidely – at least according to O’Neill’s summation – that “science-fiction hasn’t a racist or sexist bone in its body… Not once have I personally seen a smidgeon of racism or sexism.” Uh not once? In decades? Truesdale ain’t a youngster, he’s been around the SF scene for probably close to forty years or thereabouts. I don’t think it’s for a Holocaust Fucking Revisionist to get to decide what is sexist or racist, but you know nobody but myself would dare point that out.

A harsh interpretation here: Truesdale is either deliberately lying or wouldn’t know what sexism is (never mind racism), if it hit him in the face and asked him for a light. It’s frankly a pathetic denialism. Denialism as a whole seems to be Truesdale’s perverse modus operandi.

To be fair to Truesdale, he says in reply to O’Neill that O’Neill took that remark out of context. Truesdale writes there:

You took the next lines out of context: “science-fiction hasn’t a racist or sexist bone in its body… Not once have I personally seen a smidgeon of racism or sexism.” You left off the first two words, words making all the difference in the world. The sentence reads, “The _field_ of science fiction hasn’t a racist or sexist bone in its body.” I purposely emphasized the word “field” to draw a distinction between the greater body of SF and _individuals_ who commit sexist acts and should then be dealt with accordingly. Because SF as a field is one of the most open, diverse, welcoming genres of fiction there is. All groups have problems with a few individuals, but I don’t think it’s fair to tar the entire organization with a sexist or racist label as _some_ are more than wiling to do. That’s all I was getting at. Wasn’t trying to say there was no sexism, racism, or homophobia in the field, but that it centered on a few individuals; the genre of SF by great majority has a fewer number of bad apples than does the “outer” world. This is all I was trying to say. Agree or disagree, but this has been my personal experience. Yet you chose to clip two lines, place them together (…) to present another visual of what I said. That’s not fair.

Anyhow this is debatable. Perhaps O’Neill is right to call “bullshit” here (in the pasted excerpt below). Truesdale, one could reason, appears to be splitting hairs here. However O’Neill doesn’t stop there, he swings to the outer reaches of PC imbecility. There is no balance with these folk, it’s polar opposite extremes. Steaming equatorial jungle or freezing trundra, never temperate Mediterranean or Californian climes.

O’Neill responds to Truesdale’s review, by likewise reacting, and once again going to the other extreme swing of the idiot ideological pendulum, by engaging in the most pathetic and extreme PC feminist folderol. Here is the inimitable O’Neill:

I have to call bullshit on you, buddy. In those 18 months you were working for me as Managing Editor of Black Gate, from early 2001 to 2002, and while we were buying fiction together, we were blatantly, nakedly sexist — and I think you know it.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. How could I possibly have been sexist? You passed along numerous stories written by women to me for consideration — and in fact, you strongly championed several, urging me to publish them. Established writers like Nancy Varian Berberick, newcomers like Devon Monk, and many, many others. You’ve stated elsewhere that the sex of the writer doesn’t concern you when buying a story, and after working closely with you, I know that to be a fact. No one is challenging your credentials in this regard.

But here’s the thing: you can buy fiction from women — and even champion them — and still be sexist.

How is that possible? It’s simple. We welcomed women who submitted… as long as they played by our rules. We launched a heroic fantasy magazine — heavy on the sword & sorcery, thank you very much — and crafted guidelines for what we perceived as a masculine, male-dominated sub-genre, and clapped ourselves on the back every time we bought a story from a woman who managed to jump over the bars we set.

But there wasn’t a single woman writer on the table of contents of the fiction section for our very first issue, launched in November 2000.


So O’Neill who sound like a proud reformed alcoholic or reformed wife beater, who makes a public confession of his previous sins, ‘I used to be bad but now am good’; is now in the good graces of those who he says he previously offended or aggrieved (however inadvertently and unintentionally) i.e. women, or rather and more accurately far Left feminists. This is tiresome, so as briefly as possible: Truesdale may well be sexist, after all he is so reactionary all around, he wears his reactionary stance as a badge, he’s a caricature. However as far as at least some of O’Neill’s specific charges go, they appear more than a little off base, more than a little reflective of cardboard caricature militant feminist speak. A lot of standard overhyped PC ‘gender fail’ militant feminist gibberish from O’Neill, suffering from whatever the Stockholm Syndrome term is for this kind of thing. Oh my God there wasn’t a single woman featured in the first issue way back when, OH MY GAAAAAAWD. Well was it intentional? Did you deliberately leave out women, because they were women, or did you leave out women simply because there weren’t that many submissions from them, and/or you felt none of their stories were suitable for the issue or good enough? Motive is everything. Breathe deeply John. Calm down.

Relax John. I think if you were to tell genitally mutilated women from East and North Africa, and Hindu girls preyed on in hellish slums across India, and prepubescent girls in the Persian Gulf sold into marriage to middle-aged and elderly men, and Eastern European teenage girls in the brothels of Europe, Brazil, North America and Australia, about the terrible ‘crime’ you have committed in your evil past against the female gender, at best they would look at you like you had escaped from an asylum, at worst they might just slap you. Or wish to. And if you don’t know why, well what can I say?

Were there no African-Americans in that first issue neither, or *any* of the subsequent issues, John O’Neill? If not, you are a racist, a Jim Crow apologist, a KKK wizard. I mean according to your own ‘logic’ O’Neill. I mean by this: what is the percentage of African-Americans to the American population and how many contributors to that premier issue of Black Gate and all subsequent issues were/are African-Americans? And if it doesn’t match John (and according to some stats I found, as of 2012 African-Americans were 13-14% of the U.S. population), if it don’t measure up, if African-American contributors to Black Gate come in at less than 13% of total contributions, let’s say less than 10% because I’m being generous, well it’s the chop for you. You’re racist. And were there no Hispanics in that first issue? What about homosexuals, O’Neill? If none of those male writers you published were gay, if they were all of the straight persuasion, what can I say, by your own rules: you are also a homophobe. Or once were. Whatever. I mean since approx 10% of men are gay (or whatever it is, that may be a bit of a generous stat, or it may not be. Oh My God what to do?!!), that means if your issue had a minimum of ten contributors, one of them had better be gay. Or else you are a homophobic bigot. We can go on and on like this. According to O’Neill’s Papier Mâché house of cards ‘logic’, he’s bigoted in multiple ways. The lack of logical follow through here is not my blunder, it’s all O’Neill. O’Neill is prejudiced – even if inadvertently – against any such group or demographic that he didn’t publish in the premier issue of Black Gate. Or any subsequent issue. No not really.

And  there was a wailing and a gnashing of teeth.

If you think this an uncharacteristic slip on O’Neill’s part, he goes on in this vein. In fact if anything he sinks ever deeper into the mire, into full bore militant feminist gobbledegook. There’s these ‘gems’ from him in the same apologia (emphasis in sea-green text is mine):

we published a huge percentage of male writers, and that in turn told women they weren’t welcome…

You know who else has my gratitude? Those men and women who started compiling and reporting statistics on the percentage of women writers in genre magazines. They included Black Gate in one of the first of those reports, scoring us at an abysmal 29%. 


Yeah really. Can you feel the burn O’Neill? Of the whip as you strike it deeper into your naked flesh, you medieval flagellant you. Now I could understand O’Neill’s contrition if he was say a reformed and thus genuinely contrite ex-Muslim extremist, who no longer thinks honour killings, wife beatings and cliterectomies are just fine, and Allah’s way of keeping women and girls in line, along with the belief that women are there to be baby factories and better show appropriate modesty by covering up their uh ankles and forearms and faces, lest they inspire men who naturally can’t otherwise control themselves to rape. And no longer believing that any rape that resulted excused the pious Muslim extremist rapist/s who got a glimpse of  the woman’s or girl’s hair or clavicle. In other words, no longer believing it’s all the fault of the girl and she ought to be lashed as punishment. It’s not as if that is the case here with O’Neill. Although you could be forgiven for thinking so, you could be forgiven for thinking the guy ran a brothel and beat up his girls if they didn’t give him his share, given his guilt and shame and remorse at not publishing exactly 50% or at least 48.25% or even 51.15% female authors in any genre magazine issue, or all magazine issues in toto. The science fiction community is literally a mad house. Its personnel are interchangeable with the White House I suppose.

If only 30% of the writers were male in said magazine issues, would that be proof of misandry? Don’t ask the gender Thought Police that question now. They don’t think to ask it themselves. Whatever happened to… all that matters is the quality of the stories? I mean if you are sane and reasonable. But naturally we are dealing with crazy folk here. I don’t – and neither do other sane or semi-sane people – go through the contents list of any anthology (genre or otherwise) or academic journal or book to check the ratio of men to women contributors. Who does? Only crazy gender obsessive Thought Police that’s who. Imagine if  readers of science and engineering journals (specialist and lay person friendly alike) went through the lists of the professional contributors to each issue, to tally the contributions by gender, and then complain: but this issue of Nature has only 24% female contributors and this issue of Cell only 22% female, this issue of The Journal of Immunology only 25% female and this issue of The Journal of Neuroscience horror of horrors only 22% female, and this issue of Popular Mechanics only 14% female contributors and this issue of The New England Journal of Medicine only 32% and blabla. Well surely most of their regular readership would rightly think: off to the nut farm with such absurd gender obsessives. What matters is the quality of the articles (peer reviewed especially), their relevance, their importance, their transparency, replicability etc.; not whether or what percentage of the authors are male, female, gay, transgender, bisexual, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Wiccan, neo-Shamanic, Unitarian, Methodist, Mormon, atheist, Catholic, Shinto, Sikh, Polynesian, Tibetan, physically handicapped or able-bodied and whathaveyou. But we are talking about the SFF community, and insanity is the new normal here.

Actually given how the sciences are becoming increasingly the domain of more and more female professionals, I wouldn’t be surprised if in fact Cell and The New England Journal of Medicine had more contributors who were female to male on occasion, and increasingly so. So should we complain about misandry now to the editors? Well if we are crazy, then yes. If we ‘think’ like the far Left SFF community and their hotbed of militant feminists, then yes. I mean it’s the same ‘logic’ in operation here.

Imagine tallying the contributors to any fiction or non-fiction periodical/anthology (say Western or crime fiction) and professional journal of any type you can think of, all by skin colour and sexual preference (if it were plausible); and then complain it was all so racist and homophobic, if it didn’t tally with the percentages of people of colour and homosexuals and bisexuals in the general populace? And would that be the general population in America or Canada or the UK or Australia or Spain? For fuck’s sake enough already. Yet this kind of insanity is the norm with these Thought Police knuckleheads.

Getting back to Tangent editor Dave Truesdale, who may well be sexist, he gives every indication of being at least a little sexist…

Yet with 100% predictably, nobody can be bothered to mention that Truesdale is a Holocaust Fucking Revisionist, because that would open up a whole can of worms, and nobody but the Jews would care or give a damn anyhow. And even they don’t give a hoot. After all look at how many Jewish genre folk signed the Truesdale petition earlier this year, including genre heavyweights such as Resnick, Silverberg, Malzberg, Brin, Dann, Turtledove, Gerrold and Ellison. (And no their excuses for signing that petition are flimsy. Albeit not all the same excuses. Depends on the individual. I explain briefly why that is the case in that very lengthy article itself) This taboo re acknowledging the most base and extreme anti-Semitism in the genre community is all off the radar (well that’s the nature of taboos I guess!), even as a Google search re the Truesdale petition shows up the Red Wolf blog on page one (and has done so for an age). Even as Truesdale’s Holocaust Revisionism was brought up at Adam-Troy Castro’s place on the web yonks ago (and the subject desperately changed by genre Jewry there, to attack… Republicans. Truesdale even defended himself there. The only laughable public defense he has ever uttered since I published my Holocaust Revisionism series way back in 2011), even as genre Thought Police commented dumb dumb style on my relevant article re the Truesdale petition just a few months ago, without once mentioning Truesdale’s Holocaust Denialism, but that’s just the thing… I mean it’s just the Red Wolf constantly bringing this up, genre Jewry are scared to death of going anywhere near this. Sitting on that keg of dynamite, and keeping it firmly shut down.

Now militant genre feminist Ann Somerville is one of those commenting at Black Gate, (check the link) in response to O’Neill’s ‘open letter’, shilling about Truesdale’s sexism and what a caveman he is, along with other feminists of course, and John O’Neill is all cheering from the sidelines and basks in her forgiveness; and Truesdale himself comments extensively there, with a number of posts… Thing is Somerville did read and Tweet on my Truesdale article from a few months ago (it’s how I know she read it), the article in which Truesdale’s Holocaust Revisionism is the centerpiece. Naturally Somerville along with fellow Thought Police Tweeters, can’t be bothered to mention that mammoth in the room, in their brain-dead responses to my article. Here is what I wrote in reply to her (one of my March updates) and fellow militant feminist Natalie Luhrs and gang:

So their response to the red wolf blogger, the one who  gives them the revelation that Truesdale – who they hate – is a Holocaust Fucking Revisionist, (and all the evidence they could ever need in that department, not that they want to know!) can be summed up as…

Luhrs: I’m a non-denominational Christian deist, so I’m a terrible Jew 

Somerville: Unclean Unclean!

It’s just so pathetic. Such extreme cognitive dissonance. Boggles the mind.

End of excerpt.

Naturally Somerville continues with her modus operandi at the Black Gate website. That is she would never (well in all likelihood) in a million years make mention of Truesdale’s Holocaust Revisionism, even as she along with plenty of other genre Leftists, is well ‘aware’ of this blog and my easy-to-verify charges against Truesdale. Even as she considers him a sexist cave-man.

Then again Natalie Luhrs over at her Radish Reviews blog, likewise takes Truesdale to task for his alleged sexism and his insensitivity to the female gender and its struggle in SF, in a blog entry from June 3rd, likewise responding to his Lightspeed review, sans any mention of the dinosaur skeleton in the Truesdale cupboard, of which she is well ‘aware’ (as with Somerville). See that recent March update to the Truesdale petition article of mine for Luhrs’s Tweets on that very self-same article; as with Somerville and gang, no mention of Truesdale’s Holocaust Revisionism is made by her, even as it’s always central to any article I write on Truesdale. That’s the fucking point. Even as Luhrs points out – and I admit she is arguably right in this respect – how ridiculous it is for Truesdale to remark that he never witnessed any racism or sexism in the SF community. (although to be fair to Truesdale, he says that’s not quite what he meant. Still I would argue he is guilty of whitewashing here) But then Luhrs messes it all up, as she only can, by writing this (bold emphasis is hers):

 Do I even need to go into the ridiculousness that is Truesdale’s claim that he’s never witnessed even a single incident of racism or sexism? As a white man, would he have even noticed?

The problem with Truesdale’s lack of sensitivity here re racism and sexism has nothing to do with skin colour, but everything to do with Truesdale’s reactionary nature, his character, his lack of insight, his sweeping complex issues under the carpet. The fact that Luhrs pathetically brings up Truesdale’s skin colour, shows she is no better than the racists and misogynists (real and/or imagined) that she’s so ready to pounce on, and point fingers at, from on high. How do you spell HYPOCRISY Natalie? Do you even know? In the 58 comments to Luhrs’s blog posting, nobody in that echo chamber bothers to mention the very real anti-Semitic bigotry of Truesdale’s, that makes his roughness and insensitivity, his sexism even, pale in comparison. Commentators include Mary Robinette Kowal, and Ann Somerville gushing over John O’Neill’s posting.

Same selective blindness to Truesdale’s REAL BIGOTRY (that’s his Holocaust Revisionism see?) applies naturally to all the Thought Police, no exceptions. That’s what makes them Thought Police. And utterly ridiculous. For example one of my biggest critics, Paul Weimer of SF Signal, (who also Tweeted obtusely and snidely on my Truesdale petition article without mentioning sigh Truesdale’s Holocaust Revisionism. WELL NONE OF THEM DO – see the March updates to that article for the relevant Weimer Tweets) a real dumb dumb, Tweets on Truesdale’s latest offense against genre far Left feminists and cites O’Neill’s apologia in the process, but as with Luhrs and Somerville, would never dare make mention of Truesdale’s Holocaust Revisionism. As I wrote in that Truesdale petition focused article:

So the PC Thought Police of the genre community…  have tied their hands, they have painted themselves into a corner. They can’t point out the fact that Truesdale is a Holocaust Revisionist without pointing to this blog with a thumbs up, since I and I alone have revealed the ugly facts in all their gory details re Truesdale, I alone have the smoking gun; but that would mean acknowledging that I have exposed very real anti-Semitism in the pro genre community. It would mean giving me even grudging and lukewarm praise. Now the same genre figures – writers, editors, fans… who have dismissed me as a loon and worse (as has Truesdale) are cognitively incapable of that. It is not only that they would have to swallow a bitter pill and have their egos take a bit of a battering. It is something more sinister. They would have to pay even passing recognition to anti-Semitism in the here and now, in our wider society and notably in the genre community itself and this bigotry’s pathetic and flimsy disguises. Because after all, there is a domino effect. What psychoanalysts call free-ranging associations. If they acknowledge the work I have done exposing Truesdale as a Holocaust Revisionist, then well what about the other anti-Semites I have exposed at this blog (even though not guilty of Holocaust Revisionism)? The latter new anti-Semitism the more acceptable, respectable and fashionable kind for sure, but anti-Semitism and extreme and vicious anti-Semitism at that. Many (I’m not saying all of them) of these genre Leftists critical of the Truesdale Petition and the signatories, are left-wing anti-Semites or apologists for liberal anti-Semites or scared to death of acknowledging any of this… 


I mean what of China Mieville’s, Kathryn Cramer’s and Nick Mamatas’s anti-Semitism, Michael Bishop, Ken MacLeod, Paul Graham Raven and Hal Duncan likewise, Charles Stross’s, Lavie Tidhar’s, Farah Mendlesohn’s self-abasement in this respect? All exposed at this blog, always with the smoking guns, and in some detail. Soooo many others I don’t even bother with (and some that I do). This blog just skates the surface. I mean if they come crashing down… Who else? Who among these genre Leftists and especially far Leftists is left standing?

Anyhow I repeat myself. And repeat myself. There is the rub as they say.

As for John O’Neill, what’s his excuse? Does he likewise think Truesdale’s Holocaust Revisionism just not worth bringing up, can of worms and all that? Or such a trivial matter… Or is he just clueless about this blog? Truth is I don’t know. Thing is it would never make any difference anyhow. Even if he does know about this blog, and my easy peasy to get smoking gun charges against Truesdale, O’Neill would *in all likelihood* never ever ever mention it, just like Somerville, Luhrs, Weimer and gang who of course cannot claim ignorance of my blog and my Truesdale accusations re Holocaust Denialism. And O’Neill would never bring it up for the same reasons as Somerville, Luhrs and gang. That is, we wouldn’t want anything upsetting the genre Thought Police warped worldview and narrative gush and flow now. Don’t want to throw a spanner in the works. Can’t Have That. I mean publishing only 29% (almost a third) of women writers in your magazine O’Neill is certainly a crime, a shameful horror, a terrible travesty and wrongdoing, an abomination and transgression, an atrocity beyond my ability to articulate, far more egregious than you know Holocaust Revisionism (your silence on Truesdale’s bigotry here) and extreme and vicious anti-Semitism as a whole (your and the rest of the genre Thought Police’s deafening silence, if not endorsement by more than a few, on Mieville’s, Cramer’s, Mendlesohn’s, Mamatas’s, Stross’s and gang’s modern-day new anti-Semitism). Forgive the sarcasm, but what else can I say here?

Others who have commentated on the latest Dave Truesdale brouhaha include James Nicoll and Amal El-Mohtar, and well if you are interested just do a Google I guess. No none of them can mention the… well you know already. As if anybody would expect otherwise. It’s just so pathetic and laughable though. In a very disturbing way I mean. Sure my blog is out in the wilderness, but word gets around.

And my criticisms of the Thought Police re Truesdale and the elephant in the room that is Truesdale’s Holocaust Revisonism, would apply equally to those who defend Truesdale, and can’t be bothered to go near his Holocaust Revisionism. Naturally. Well that would really disrupt the smooth self-righteous aggrieved Galileo narrative of Truesdale and his defenders. So pathetic. Hard to believe the Truesdale defenders (thankfully don’t appear to be many of them at all, but I must admit I haven’t done an extensive search here) don’t know about my blog after all, and my well-evidenced charges against Truesdale re Holocaust Revisionism. Obviously the anti-Semites among Truesdale’s defenders (who tend to be the Vox Day fan club) could care less, but not all of them are anti-Semites. In fact, on average I would say probably less anti-Semitic (maybe) than the genre Left and especially the genre hard Left, where anti-Semitism (as anti-Israelism) is very much de rigueur. Hard to believe certain ‘anti-PC’ folk are not cognizant of this blog, especially former Asimov’s Forum contributors… Clearly nobody gives a fuck. On all sides of the political or ideological divide. I mean when genre Jews don’t give a fuck, and they don’t, why should Gentiles? I mean it’s a fair question…

The sinister subtext to all this: Just don’t offend the SF Thought Police with gender crime (and associated), real or imagined. Holocaust Fucking Denialism is not a problem to them. THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT THAT. That’s for sure. That’s only extreme anti-Semitism after all. And the Jews are fair game once again. Especially among the far Left, where the Thought Police are snugly camped, like warm puppies. Look at Ann Somerville and Natalie Luhrs notably, re their tip-toeing around Dave Truesdale’s Holocaust Revisionism like it’s not even there, whilst ranting about what a sexist Neanderthal he is. It’s actually darkly humorous. And Somerville and Luhrs are fairly representative of these Thought Police far Left twits, and very vocal here.

And naturally at least some of the anti-Thought Police folk don’t give a flying fig neither, at least not those who publicly run to Truesdale’s defense in this respect, because they are running to Truesdale’s defense and ignoring – as their Thought Police antagonists do – Truesdale’s Holocaust Revisionism/Denial. I mean the only excuse they all have is that they don’t know about my blog, and it doesn’t always apply…

So to any anti-PC folk who rush to Truesdale’s defense: let’s ignore Truesdale’s Holocaust Revisionism, because that’s just a minor minor minor thing, trivial trivial trivial. Nobody’s perfect and the Thought Police’s harping on about gender thought crimes are a far bigger issue and heinous absurdity, than HOLOCAUST DENIALISM. That’s just an eccentricity, especially if held by a conservative genre dude who clashes publicly and loudly with Thought Police airheads. And as far as genre Jewry are concerned, reflecting Jewish cowardice in society as a whole, well they wouldn’t want to upset BOTH SIDES HERE BY ACTUALLY MENTIONING TRUESDALE’S HOLOCAUST REVISIONISM, if they can even fathom it. Which a fair number of them, from Charles Stross to Chuck Rothman (and several others), cannot. Let’s not forget Felix Gilman and anti-Semitic Gentiles Paul Graham Raven (in the update) and Nick Mamatas’s screw-ups here, so very revealing, for those who have eyes to see.

I repeat myself I know. I know.

It’s also worth remarking on something that is otherwise easily missed. Or escapes one’s attention. Namely the fact that nobody (Jew or Gentile) as far as I know, has given up writing/reviewing for Tangent in light of the revelations that Truesdale is a Holocaust Denier. I mean it’s just Tangent, niche SF criticism, obscure, small readership and I assume it doesn’t pay much at all, if at all. It’s not The New Yorker or The Spectator. Not even close! Truth is nobody (Jewry included) wants to know, nor do they care. What a disgrace.


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Geoff Ryman tweets in reply to my exposé of Farah Mendlesohn’s anti-Semitism, and so denies the undeniable and defends the indefensible

I was going to add the content of this blog article to the previous one re my exposé of ‘Jewish’ genre editor and professor Farah Mendlesohn’s horrible anti-Semitism (as rabid anti-Israelism), just to make a further update there. However I decided best to make it a stand-alone article. Ryman deserves his own article, given that he is a well-known and highly acclaimed and award-winning genre writer, and the other article is long enough.

There has been one further Tweet from Farah on the previous article, since I published the updated reply (a reply to her initial Tweets on my exposé of her vicious anti-Semitism), and a few of her followers, and Ryman is notable here. Initially I thought I missed these Tweets but they were only tweeted on June 9th and thereabouts.

So the previous article is necessary background reading before tackling this one. Briefly I show how in 2009, Farah Mendlesohn, like the cookie-cutter caricature of the anti-Semitic left-wing academic that she is, signed her name (along with other anti-Semitic left-wing British academics) to a dishonest, brazenly one-sided and rabidly anti-Israel petition during the Gaza War of that year i.e. the war initiated by HAMAS in its firing barrage after barrage of rockets and missiles, indiscriminately targeting Jewish civilians in Israel for death and maiming. I had quite a bit to say on it in the relevant blog article of mine and provide scholarly links as to why that petition and the subsequent UN sponsored Goldstone Report on that war (that Goldstone has even attempted to run away from and now shuts up about) are horribly anti-Semitic. I also point out the deafening silence – the non-existent petitions that is – from Mendlesohn and her fellow bleeding heart liberal academics then and now, on relentless jihadist terror and mass murder, tyranny and oppressive Sharia law, from around the Muslim world. And what that tells us about Farah M and her ilk. Details in the article.

So Farah Mendlesohn tweeted some rather lame replies to my article, thanking the Jew hater and communist Nick Mamatas for alerting her in this respect (which as I wrote in the updated reply to her Tweets, only adds weight to my charge). Anyhow consult the previous article for my reply to her initial tweeting.

Yet a few days later (June 9th) she would tweet again my way (I must have really hit a nerve, the wound festered over a few days…), so here it is (further down), along with the Tweets from a few others. Yet is is Ryman who is the focus here naturally enough.

Farah Mendlesohn @effjayem
Apparently I am an anti Semite. …. (No, I’ve not read it all. I’m not daft.). Thank you @NMamatas for alerting me.

I have of course already addressed this Tweet above in my previous article.

Geoff Ryman ‏@geoffryman Jun 9
@effjayem @NMamatas Could we all agree not to retweet this article? It just spreads the idea

Now we wouldn’t want that idea spreading now, would we Ryman? People might get the wrong idea. People may even think it might be true. Well you don’t need to worry about that. They would no more comprehend the article you are tweeting on, than you do. At least not the liberal genre anti-Semites and their apologists you clearly associate with. Ryman appears to sense deep down, that Farah doesn’t have a leg to stand on, the desperation from Ryman comes through…

Farah Mendlesohn ‏@effjayem Jun 9
@geoffryman @NMamatas I prefer to laugh loudly right in the face of these creeps.

That’s showing me up Farah. Just keep telling yourself that. Yeah Farah that’s really sticking it to me! Oooooh I’m a creep and you laugh in my face. That’s cutting me down to size and totally refutes the points I allude to, about that 2009 anti-Semitic (because dishonestly anti-Israel) petition you signed during the Gaza war, and all those other anti-Islamist petitions you didn’t sign (along with your fellow liberal academics) ever.

Uh then again maybe not.

Simon B
@effjayem well that was fascinating. I have learnt that if you have no cogent argument, random words in bold are an acceptable alternative.

Nothing random about the sentences I choose to emphasize in bold. They are emphasized because they are the most important points I make in my article. And thus the ones I want to stress the most. That’s the whole point of putting text in bold. DUUUUUUUUUUH. As for no cogent argument, yes I can see you don’t have one.

Kevin J. Maroney ‏@womzilla 18h
@effjayem @S0B Do not DOUBT the power OF RANDOMLY emPHAsizing WORDs or even SYLLABLES AND letterS

UH I don’t do that. Oh wait, you are clearly disturbed by the contents of my article and thus respond in a way that is neither logical nor factual, nor relevant. What else is new?

This stand-alone Tweet from Ryman is worth highlighting (June 10th)

Geoff Ryman @geoffryman
Rabid attacks on Jews for BEING antisemitic (unpack later) sound like antisemitic attacks ON Jews. I feel sad.

So we have the well-known, highly regarded and award-winning genre writer Geoff Ryman (who as a matter of interest is gay and now teaches English or Creative Writing or some-such at the University of Manchester) tweeting in defense of Farah Mendlesohn’s indefensible anti-Semitism. In so doing Ryman shows he is the scarecrow without a brain, on the yellow brick road to Nowhere, with Farah M in the Judy Garland/Dorothy role I suppose…  No happy ending here though. This is real life. (Yes a reference to Ryman’s novel Was to those of you who don’t know it. As a digression let me say it’s a very good novel, I recommend it)

You would of course never know what my article was about going by Ryman’s Tweets, then again it’s Twitter. Medium is the message and all that.

So by pretending nothing anti-Semitic to Mendlesohn signing a hardcore anti-Semitic and viciously anti-Israel petition in 2009, Ryman either outs himself as an anti-Semite; or else he’s just plain stupid and mistakes some misguided, unthinking knee-jerk rallying defense of his fellow liberal genre colleague, as some kind of vindication of her. One or the other. Either way it’s very stupid of Ryman. Ryman’s obtuseness and ignorance is compounded by his tweeting in this respect to Nick Mamatas, as does Mendlesohn of course. I have written several articles on Mamatas at this blog. Each and every one of them shows up Mamatas as a hardcore Jew hater and hypocrite (although I only heavily imply his anti-Semitism, I didn’t come out and state it explicitly). Ryman doesn’t appear to have a clue and it clearly wouldn’t make a difference if he did. Tweeting in self-satisfied agreement as Ryman and Mendlesohn do, that I’m basically a kook, to one of the genre’s most notorious anti-Semites (Nick Mamatas) is not doing Ryman and Mendlesohn any favours. It’s just plain sinister really.

I wonder if Ryman even bothered to read the previous article properly. Mendlesohn proudly states that she didn’t! And she thinks that counts in her favour. I can’t blame Mendlesohn for not wanting to read my article in its entirety, even in small part; if I were a self-hating Jew like her, I wouldn’t want the indisputable evidence for my self-loathing thrown up in my face. Too humiliating and distressing. She’s never had to face this before it would appear, surrounded and cocooned as she is in the Gentile British academic establishment, with its toleration of Court Jews like her, so long as they play along with the new anti-Semitism.

Ryman reveals just how plain stupid and ignorant he is. Oooh I’m the anti-Semite now for exposing anti-Semitism. Ryman pretends Jews can’t be anti-Semitic. Heck several of the Jews in the genre community ALONE, show that to be a lie. As the archives of this blog reveal! But only to those who are not anti-Semitic nor brain-dead or both. Anybody not living on Mars and who is not an anti-Semite (liberal or conservative), and who observes closely the political scene, and has the pulse on the contemporary zeitgeist, knows that the Jews are among the worst anti-Semites. Nothing new there. In fact a perusal or search of this blog’s archives show up some of the most notorious propagandists for the Jihad against the Jews to be Jewish themselves (such as Hezbollah supporters Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein). A perusal of the contemporary academic literature on anti-Semitism in the world today, and among specialist political bloggers, shows up sooooooooooo many of the most conspicuous Israel haters (but NOT haters of Muslim extremists) around the world, including notably Israel itself, America, Britain, Canada, France, Australia… are Jews.

Ryman would possibly tell me that Jew nation hatred isn’t anti-Semitic, only Jew hatred is. Heck the previous article to the one Ryman’s tweeting on details ‘Jewish’ genre writer Charles Stross’s anti-Semitism, and non-genre ‘Jewish’ political writer Max Blumenthal’s Jew hatred is relevant there. Maybe Ryman will tell me Blumenthal can’t be anti-Semitic because he’s Jewish. Ditto Stross. It would at least be consistent of Ryman. Maybe Ryman will tell me that liberal Jewish genre writer Anna Tambour is not anti-Semitic and neither is Gilad Atzmon, of whom she is an admirer. And how can one leave out Lavie Tidhar? Maybe Ryman will tell me there’s no such thing as liberal or left-wing anti-Semitism. His Jew-hate genre communist buddy Nick Mamatas (that Ryman Tweets to, and on the Season of the Red Wolf blog no less) denies there is an anti-Semitism problem among communists!! In one of his snarking replies to me. Yeah the anti-Semite Mamatas would know. Hey Ryman Mr. Clueless, this is how Mamatas screwed up on the Season of the Red Wolf, and showed himself up for what he is…  And then engaged in a lying meltdown at his blog when I exposed it (incompetently defended at his blog by his fellow anti-Semitic far Left lapdogs). I’ll tell you this much: if Farah Mendlessohn isn’t a caricature of the liberal anti-Semitic academic, then liberal academic anti-Semitism doesn’t exist. Then The Guardian isn’t anti-Semitic. And neither is the BBC. And Michael Bay and Roland Emmerich are the best film directors in Hollywood. In the whole world. And L. Ron Hubbard was the greatest science fiction writer who ever lived and Scientology is the one True Faith.

Weirdly Ryman tweets a lot on general anti-Semitism (in Europe) around about the dates June 8th, 9th, even 10th. (Tweets pasted below) Maybe a coincidence… Is he trying to show us (and myself the Red Wolf and himself for that matter) that he could never be considered an anti-Semite? I mean I just mention this in passing.

I paste up the Tweet of his re N K Jemisin, since Jemisin is every bit the far Left mirror image of Vox Day (who she got involved in a ding-dong battle with – SF’s 46th nervous breakdown. The late James P Hogan’s, Tangent editor Dave Truesdale’s and editor Sam Hidaka’s Holocaust Revisionism aren’t even rated. Only this blog for the actual facts therein). Hard to say who is more bigoted, Jemisin or Beale/Vox Day? Personally I declare a draw. The thing with Ryman… he is clearly not bothered by her reverse racism identity politics (which is well-known to genre insiders who are not left-wing morons), something she shares with plenty of the other far Left genre nitwits (i.e. the genre Thought Police). Ryman is buddy buddy with many of the far Left genre twits, that much is clear from his Twitterfeed alone. And from a few days in June. In other words, his politics are far Left. And so we have his idiotic Tweets directed my way, all emotion no brain, in defense of the indefensible, in defense of left-wing Jew-hate bigotry. Inadvertently or not.

Here are the Tweets of Ryman’s from June 8th, 9th and 10th.

Retweeted by Geoff Ryman
The Economist @TheEconomist · Jun 8
Jews in Europe are unnerved, but the continent is not sinking into violent anti-Semitism

Retweeted by Geoff Ryman
Peter Hale @petervhale · Jun 9
BBC – France National Front in new ‘anti-Semitism’ row- French National Front (FN) leader Marine Le Pen & her father

Geoff Ryman @geoffryman · Jun 10
Search Youtube for antisemitic propoganda, interviews with people who quote the Protocols… I won’t link to them, but the hatred lives on

Geoff Ryman @geoffryman
Rabid attacks on Jews for BEING antisemitic (unpack later) sound like antisemitic attacks ON Jews. I feel sad.

Retweeted by Geoff Ryman

Lightspeed Magazine @LightspeedMag

Author Spotlight: NK Jemisin:

And these Tweets below from Ryman, all from June 9th.

Retweeted by Geoff Ryman
US News @USNewsInt · Jun 9
French Far Right’s Marine Le Pen Rebukes Dad in Anti-Semitism Row ..NBCNews

Geoff Ryman @geoffryman · Jun 9
Le Pen pere’s joke about putting a Jewish singer in an oven no accident -he’s reassuring the Front that the party knows its roots

Geoff Ryman @geoffryman · Jun 9
Finishing The Plot Against America. No! Roth lets USA and Lindbergh off the hook with speedy tell-not-show. Still wonderful. I want be Roth

My God but how bad things look for the Jews. The Economist’s  lies and denials to the contrary.

What else is new?

Ryman wants to be Roth! Well for starters, you would have to recognize the most extreme left-wing anti-Semitism for what it is, and not deny and pretend it isn’t what it so clearly is. Even if it’s coming from ‘Jews’. Roth has been upfront for example on The Guardian’s anti-Semitism (he lived in England for a while with the mesmerizing Claire Bloom, before their bitter break-up. I’m sure you know this Ryman, but for my readers’ benefit). The only people who call Jewish self-hatred a myth are Jew haters themselves. Or ignoramuses. Or Tibetan herdsmen and Thai farmers and the like, who wouldn’t be expected to know any better. You don’t have that excuse. You live in merry Olde England Ryman. Since you are such a literati type and teaching literature/creative writing in an English university, did you really not know that liberal writer Howard Jacobson won the Booker Prize (Britain’s most prestigious literary award) a few years ago for The Finkler Question, a book whose central theme was the conundrum and tragedy of Jewish self-loathing? Naturally the Jew hater China Mieville didn’t care for the book.

Why don’t you rather take some baby steps Ryman? How about you just be a gay liberal who is not a hypocrite. Tomorrow (June 13th) is the annual Gay Pride Parade day in Tel Aviv. Safe to say there is no annual Gay Pride Parade in Ramallah, Gaza City, Cairo, Damascus, Riyadh, Algiers, Kuwait City, Lahore, Karachi, Khartoum, Dubai, Tunis, Baghdad, Tehran, Manama, Sana’a and Doha. Not even Casablanca. (Funny story – I remember reading about a gay man from Casablanca at Tel Aviv’s Gay Pride Parade a year or two ago, waving a Moroccan flag. That’s just the thing…) Can you imagine if gays, lesbians, bisexuals living in those cities even suggested such a thing, a Gay Pride parade/day? I mean if they wanted to commit suicide… And the results would resemble images from Jonestown Guyana. Ryman’s fellow gay genre liberal writer, and a very outspoken homosexual at that, British anti-Semite Hal Duncan, would prefer it if Israel – the only country anywhere in the Middle-East a gay man would want to live in – didn’t exist, unlike every other country in the Middle-East. Of course Duncan would deny that he meant that, but then he doesn’t know what Zionism actually is or what it actually means naturally enough. So Duncan’s an idiot, what else is new with the British pseudo-intellectual Left? Btw the response to these obvious revelations, by Israel-hating gays (and a fair number of them are Jewish! Even Israeli Jewish I kid you not) is the bizarro fangled Jew-hate delusional deception known as Pinkwashing (at the link btw, the point that Palestinian gay parties are held in… Tel Aviv).

And no I am not gay myself, although I know I may have given that impression easily enough in the course of this blogging enterprise (since I am not so insecure in my masculinity, I don’t care if people think I’m gay or straight or bi or whatever. Like it matters). Ryman, if you have to ask – what hypocrisy? Well really. I don’t expect you to get it. Your Tweets tell me you don’t. And the Jew-hating company you keep. Oh wait it’s only the Jew nation hating company you keep. The difference of course is that the former type are more honest about what they are. To themselves and the wider world.

To quote the immortal Geoff Ryman, “I feel sad.”


DOROTHY: How can you talk if you haven’t got a… brain?

SCARECROW: I don’t know. But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking, don’t they?

DOROTHY: Yes, I guess you’re right.

Screenplay from The Wizard of Oz (1939) 



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